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/vr/ - Retro Games

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868741 No.868741 [Reply] [Original]

I can't do it /vr/.

It's 3.20 here. I've spent the last 3 hours on act VI, with the same drill. Go through all 3 stages, get to Jaquio, he kicks my shit in so hard without even trying, and repeat.

I can get to him pretty quickly now. It took me a while to realize that the reason he killed me so fast was that you don't get a life refill before fighting him.

And here I am, the game on pause wondering if it's worth the effort.

So I'd like you to share your frustation with me guys. Tell me how you tried to beat this game (or any in the trilogy and failed miserably). Or if you beat it, come and laugh at me.

>> No.868749

Use savestates for training. One you can beat him reliably, replay the whole game again from the start without savestates so you've completed it legitimately.

>> No.868745

You get a life refill the first time you get to him.
Start the game again from scratch.

>> No.868751


>> No.868754

I'm playing the VC version, I'm afraid that's not an option.
Care to elaborate?

>> No.868767

Kill it with fire (seriously, the thrown-flame attack helps). After him is the third form, which stands still as you cut it to pieces.

>> No.868778

FIrst phase is simple. Stay on the ground and dodge his fire without jumping. They'll go off the screen and won't come back. Jump up and get a couple hits in before he shoots the next one. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.868783

>you don't get a life refill before fighting him.

It's been over two years since I beat it, but don't you get a life refill?

>> No.868784

savestates dont train you how to play through legitimately. They train you how to rely on savestates.

>> No.868793

Try a PC emulator if you can. The game emulates well.

>> No.868801

Are you using save states, OP? That's probably your problem. Play without them like you're supposed to, it'll force you to actually not suck at the game.

>> No.868808

After you beat the masked devil, you get a life refill. If you die, the next time you get to him you don't get one.

So for a while I thought he just dealt insane damage.

>> No.868816

You must be using them wrong. The point of savestate training is to repeatedly play the most difficult parts of the game. It's making the game harder so when you play without them it's relatively easy.

>> No.868835

>you must be using them wrong

As if there was a right way to cheat at video games.

You "train" in games by playing them legitimately. Not by restarting every time you get hit or do something wrong.

>> No.868837

If he was using states, don't you think he would use them not to restart the whole area?

>> No.868851

I don't know. With that mentality, you would train boxing only by fighting other people, rather than the whole routine. I'm sure a lot of speedrunners use save states to train. That's why it's called training, because you try to get better without actually doing the real thing.

>> No.868850

You use save states so every time you take damage you can reload from 2 seconds ago until you play a perfect game.

>> No.868854

>As if there was a right way to cheat at playing music.
>You "train" in music by playing the whole piece from the start. Not by replaying the difficult parts every time you miss a note or do something wrong.

>> No.868862

That's like saying "If I cheat on the test enough, I'll eventually become educated." All you're doing is being taught to rely on cheating. Playing a part of a game without consequences is not even the same thing.

>> No.868865

Every professional musician trains in this way. It's common sense to spend the most time on the difficult parts. Why waste time on parts you've already mastered?

>> No.868874

yeah that second form is a bitch, but atleast its the hardest. You can get a pattern down where you can be inbetween his homing shots on the ground i think. Just keep trying, its so worth it, the third form isnt that hard, just mash as fast as you can.

Anyone here beat ninja gaiden 3 the american version where its a lot harder? Holy shit.

Also the guy talking about the spin slash, it does like a million hits in a second and annhilates most bosses. its pretty OP. I think theres one after you kill the lightning bolt boss dude

>> No.868875

Don't forget professionnal athletes.

>"What? You're 'training' your hoops? That's worthless cheating if no one is here against you."

>> No.868876

You learn to play music by playing the music. Not mashing every note over and over again until you can safely say you've played them all.

>> No.868880

The problem with the spinslash though is it's hard to keep all the way to the boss.

>> No.868881

>Why waste time on parts you've already mastered?
For the same reason you are wasting your time arguing with people on 4chan.

>> No.868883

You seem to be confusing save-state training with TASing.

>> No.868889

>All I did was shoot hoops on the court alone until I got a whole bunch of random baskets by luck. Now I'm going to be great on a basketball team and win games!

>> No.868891
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>bought 2 in cart form without ever having played it or any game in the series
>try it and fail to pass Act III for a few weeks
>a week passes of me not playing it at all
>decide to sit down and play the game to completion
>6 hours later
>pic related
Honestly wasn't all that hard once I got the basics of it and memorized certain parts. I ordered the first game a week after that but never got to completing it before my NES shitted out on me with its connectors. I'll end up cleaning it out one of these days.

>> No.868895

You seem to be confusing training with cheating.

>> No.868898

>implying practicing your aim is the ONLY part of a basketball player's training

>> No.868907

Once I've finished my training, I play the game all the way through with no cheats. This proves the training was effective. I gain skill much faster than if I'd trained by playing all the way through. This means I have more fun, because I've not wasting my time on easy (and therefore boring) parts.

>> No.868909

Are you implying he was implying what you're implying? Because I don't think you know.

>> No.868916

Well, the ">All I did" part in his post implies that, yes.

>> No.868932

>I spent all my time cheating through games. This way I have more fun.

I love savestatefags. Always give a good chuckle.

btw you'd still suck at the game compared to someone who trained at the game legit. You spent too much relying on training wheels.

>> No.868942

Training wheels make riding more difficult because you can't lean into curves. They actually don't help you train at all because they force you to ride in a different way than how you ride for real.

Save states make playing more difficult because you spend more time on the difficult parts. You play in exactly the same way as you would during the real run.

Training wheels hold you back, save states make you improve faster.

>> No.868949

Use the spinning slash. Get it early onward and keep it. That's how I did it. Next boss is a piece of cake, so don't worry too much.

>> No.868951

I just wanted a Ninja Gaiden thread.

>> No.868961

It's not that hard to keep. If you're trudging through act 6 all the time, you should already know what's in every lantern. Plan your route around it, at least for now.

>> No.868970

OP here. Main problem is those fuckers that fall from the ceiling in the room before Jaquio. This would be so much easier if Ryu didn't get stuck to the wall with every hit.

>> No.868981

Nevermind. He went down so fast it isn't even funny. The last boss killed me, but I'm not worried.

Hopefully this will be the last time I see the act VI. Wish me luck.

>> No.868993

Well, of course you don't get a refill. This might take a while.

>> No.869004

I think he has to restart to get another spinning slash anways.

>> No.869010

bring lots of ninja power and spam fire to break his skull off, then slash his tail away to create a pocket where you will only have to move from side to side slightly to avoid the odd single projectile. Jump and double slash to bring him down quick and it's over.

>> No.869043

Listen to this man >>868751. There is a spinslash hidden in the stage. Make sure you get it. You will take the boss down in literally 3 seconds. You will lose it when you get to the next form I believe, but just repeat the stage and pick up the spinslash again and use it again. It is so ridiculously overpowered it's not even funny. Also when you have it equipped I think you hold down+attack and you can swing the sword normally without using up your MP. Use that to conserve it for the boss, though you should only have to use it like twice to kill him.

>> No.869130

Well, done. Man, what a load of bullshit. Almost 5 hours to finish the game. Thank god for the spin slash. Thanks for the help, guys.

Are the other 2 games like this one? Should I play the NES version or the Trilogy SNES version?

>> No.869143

Suck it up soldier. Dry your eyes and get it done.

You'll be a better man for it.

>> No.869147

NES Version all day. SNES has a horrible soundtrack.

>> No.869167

Congratulations. You're one of us now.

I highly recommend the second game, I like it as much if not more than the first. The third one I never cared for, but maybe some people could help you make your mind about it.

>> No.869176

Well, really all I know from them is from that AVGN episode. The second one with the stage hazards sounds interesting. But the third one with limited continues sounds like "Start back at 6-1" times a million. If someone has played it I would appreciate your opinions.

>> No.869182

>the third one with limited continues sounds like "Start back at 6-1" times a million.

I think the third one is significantly easier to balance that, but I wouldn't bet on it. I haven't played it nearly enough. The stage hazards are really neat in the second one, and to that wall-climbing and after image and you're in for loads of fun.

>> No.869459

In the US version of NG3 you take double the damage and are limited to 5 continues. Japanese version has neither. However near the end there's a way to get nearly unlimited lives, or at least enough to see you through the final stage. Give NG3 a try, it only takes a few minutes to see if it's your thing. The controls always felt a little weird to me, like I'd jump and mean to turn direction but Ryu would just a small leap back without turning. That always bugged me, but you adapt.

>> No.872551
File: 103 KB, 640x916, tmnt_nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've beaten Ninja Gaiden, but TMNT has been kicking my butt all week long.

I made it to the final stretch of the Technodrome the other night, but didn't have the magic scrolls to fight off the robots with.

I went back tonight to grind the scrolls in the third stage, but then fell into a fiery pit in the fourth stage and guaranteed my defeat.

>> No.874235

Here is my strategy op:

make sure to enter the boss room with near full health and the fire wheel. If you have low health, intentionally die before the boss room. You start close to it and the fire wheel is right before the boss.

Some things to keep in mind during the fight:

You take three points of damage when getting hit by Jakiro and only one point by fire. This is why you should attack him while he is moving away from you. Your fire wheel will also destroy the homing flames. Save your fire wheel for when you can't avoid being hit. Also, patience is a virtue. Keep all this in mind and stay determined!

>> No.874252

this games isn't fun challenging like ninja gaiden, it's frustrating challenging.

the one specific example I can point out is the enemies spawning. Sure, in NG the enemies also infinitely respawn, but in turtles a different enemy can spawn each time, making the pattern impossible to learn.

And farming for items isn't fun either, what a chore.

>> No.874279

If you are talking about the final, skinny corridor with the flying guys and before shredder, there is a trick. If you inch forward and duck, the space man will come on screen, shoot over you, and disappear on the right side. Also, make sure you have Donny or throwing weapons to cheese shredder.

>> No.874346

It's like no one knows the last form is instantly crippled by windmill shurikens.

>> No.874419

I will never forget how I beat this game for the first time when I was a kid.
IAfter a fuckton of errors and trials, I finally managed to get to the absolute last boss, only to die at once because I was shocked by that thing's appearance and had no idea what to do, so I ragequit.
That night I had a dream where I was fighting that very boss like a fucking pro. I cut off it's head and tail and killed it, then I woke up. That dream fueled me, and as soon as I had breakfast I darted off to the NES and started it up.
I slashed my way through the game and made it to the last boss again, round two started...
I did exactly as I did in my dream - attacked the head and cut it off, then cut off the tail and slashed away at that orb thingy - and I fucking did it! I won! I killed that bastard thanks to that dream I had!
I will never forget that day...