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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8684489 No.8684489 [Reply] [Original]

Name /vr/ that are not difficult in any way but are still fun.
Hard mode: for NES, Genesis, or PCE.

>> No.8684496

The sequel to OP

>> No.8684504

The sequel to that sequel. And almost every game in the franchise.

>> No.8684514

I don't know if I was dumb as a kid or not for trading away Kirby's Dream Land 2 for Mega Man V

>> No.8684582
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The sequel to Milon's Secret Castle

>> No.8684583

Pretty much any scootformer, they are made with children in mind and tend to not being challenging. Sonic is extremely forgiving because of the ring system. Mario is easy some people just try to rush. Bonk pretty much let's you float over the hard parts of levels.

>> No.8684585

Funny, when the original was so unforgiving.

>> No.8684592

>he didn't 2-ALL Kirby's Dream Land
that second loop is no joke

>> No.8684645 [DELETED] 

>I can't play games because I suckass, pls give me easier games

>> No.8684650

sonic md

>> No.8684652 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.8684665
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>> No.8684721 [DELETED] 

>zoomer is mad

>> No.8684731

Man I thought this game sucked and then I played the sequel lol. Such absolute shit games.

>> No.8684734 [DELETED] 

Why do you have to come into a nice thread just to take a steaming shit on the floor? Literally kill yourself.

>> No.8684738

Best NES game

I can 1cc arcade Splatterhouse but this is just as good

>> No.8684742
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>> No.8684758

Trying too hard

>> No.8684761 [DELETED] 

You're thinking of Kirby's Adventure, not the game in the original post. You're right, though.

>> No.8684778

Nah they are both really bad and aged very poorly. Just play Kirby's Adventure then move onto the SNES games.

>> No.8684783 [DELETED] 

why do you have to ignore good games just because theyr too hard faggot?

>> No.8684791 [DELETED] 


>> No.8684839 [DELETED] 


>> No.8684846
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>> No.8684928
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>> No.8684932
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Like OP, this could be beaten in about 20 minutes, and I did that on a lot of school mornings before the bus came.

>> No.8685015
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have a game, but i still think ur a massive faggot
(tmnt fall of the foot clan)

>> No.8685027 [DELETED] 

And yet you still played Kirby and Sonic, faggot

>> No.8685052 [DELETED] 

I think they're interesting. It's neat to see how far you can push older platforms. The reduced button count in particular seems to be the biggest challenge for adapting some games to older hardware. From a game design perspective, it's surprisingly hard to create an engaging experience for adult players with only two action buttons available. Often the solution is a menu screen like in Zelda or finding clever ways to use the buttons, like making them do different actions when held down than when pressed quickly.

>> No.8685056 [DELETED] 

when did i say i played kirby you massive tron

>> No.8685057
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Snow Bros

>> No.8685065
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I find myself replaying Mario Land 2 on my 3DS all the goddamn time.

>> No.8685074

It gets bullshit past the second boss if you're trying to 1cc it, but still my favourite arcade game.

>> No.8685156 [DELETED] 

>making a thread about fun easy games is "ignoring" hard games
Are you literally retarded? Go make a Ninja Gaiden thread or whatever if you want to talk about hard games, why do you have to come into someone else's thread just to shit it up

>> No.8685162 [DELETED] 

what i actually said
>why do you have to ignore good games just because theyr too hard faggot?
stay mad zoomer

>> No.8685185

Going back now I can't believe I would ever die in this game as a kid.

>> No.8685210 [DELETED] 

again, how is he ignoring good games just because they're hard? who dropped you on the head as a baby
only a zoomer would shitpost like you and then project his zoomerness onto someone else

>> No.8685246 [DELETED] 

>again, how is he ignoring good games just because they're hard?
because most if good games are "hard" you patheti zoom

>> No.8685254 [DELETED] 

you're clearly either ESL, mentally handicapped, or both, so I'm not going to let you embarrass yourself any further by responding to your dogshit posts

>> No.8685274
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I used to lose at this when I was very young but its actually really easy.

>> No.8685338 [DELETED] 

u mad?

>> No.8685362
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The memories... also enjoy

>> No.8685589

Contra NES.
Not even kidding. Get the spread shot and don't stop moving.

>> No.8685668
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>> No.8685813
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>> No.8685830
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I recommend Jurassic Park for the Game Gear and Mickey's Castle of Illusion on the Genesis.

>> No.8685843

>Hard Mode: for NES

How is that hard mode? You have games like The Little Mermaid and in Japan there are a handful of cutesy platformers

I didn't know this bundle existed. We got TMNT-NES bundle over here

>> No.8685949

I wouldn’t say so anon. They’re both very good platformers for the system. Just depends on whether you’re more of a fan of Kirby or Mega Man (I love both series, and V is easily the best Mega Man game on GB, same with DL2 being the best Kirby game on GB). Plus V is much more rare, I think American copies of the game go for at least $80-$100 (at least as of 2014 when I bought a Japanese copy instead for $25).

>> No.8686073

Ecco is quite challenging and nerve-wracking, for me anyway. Never really got into it

>> No.8686269

thx for projecting

>> No.8686664

Fun game, yeah. Feels like a good one for little kids. They really had the system figured out at that point. Never heard of the developer, Shimada Kikaku before… I guess they did a few things here and there.

>> No.8686670

This is far from easy

>> No.8686682

Well, I guess not everything Capcom did with Disney was a winner.

>> No.8687175

Assuming JP for SMS is the same game, it’s not easy at all.

>> No.8687213

Not a bad game. Nice sound. Definitely has some challenging jumps.
This is exactly what I was looking for. The difficulty is babby but it’s very well-made and the music has such a chill ambient vibe.

>> No.8687225

This game is cool but it glitches bad on my Everdrive :(