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File: 44 KB, 500x274, D_NQ_NP_892508-MLB31057047542_062019-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8680486 No.8680486 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here use these clone network adapters for PS2? My GameStar has stopped working and I wonder which one I should try now. Is this Kaiko brand good?

>> No.8680786

Why use clones at all when OEM is still affordable?

>> No.8680796
File: 367 KB, 1280x958, DF5F3770-70C0-4077-BE08-B273A5D84F3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy an OEM adapter for less than $15 and mod it yourself. The OEM method is actually the cheaper way but people are always trying to cut corners with chink shit and they lose in the end. Here’s the inside, see those two connectors? If you can remove those, you can do this mod yourself.

>> No.8680831

Yeahhhh too much work. Fuck doing all that

>> No.8680837

The clones support sata drives

>> No.8680838

Tying your shoes is even harder, guess that’s why you wear Velcro.

>> No.8681119
File: 307 KB, 1600x1200, 00100trPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20200523163634045_COVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I found the problem. It was just misplaced. Now I can go back to pricel.

>> No.8681239

What the hell is this?

>> No.8681714

originals too, when you add the ide2sata-adapter, plus you get working network and flawless opl-support

>> No.8683942

Gamestars are shit, use official adapter + bitfunx sata board.

>> No.8683949

Anybody here use HDDOSD? The gimmick of being able to load PS2 games from the HDD in the original OSD is appealing.

>> No.8683990

Gamestar uses bitfunx hardware retard.

>> No.8684042

It says it right there anon. It's ヤンヤ カバジス featuring Gawoo.

>> No.8684067

Cool game but it gets real hard after the first stage.

>> No.8684394

it's shit.

>> No.8686345

>people always recommend the shitty bitfunx board
It’s a hive mind, I swear. You hear one thing in YT and it gets repeated by everyone. ABT makes a much higher quality adapter for this than the bitfunx boards.

>> No.8687256

they all fall off the same assembly line

>> No.8687312

wat lol

>> No.8687346

They’re actually different products. They don’t use the same design, pcb is different etc.. just look at the shitty solder joints on most of the bitfunx boards and compare them to actually decent ones on the abt board. Does it cost a couple dollars more? Yes, and it’s worth it. I’d be surprised if any bitfunx adapters work in a decade.

>> No.8687390

Who sells the ABT adapter? I'm in the market for an upgrade kit. Is it know if the ABT kit fits into the much thinner PAL adapter?

>> No.8687428

Nevermind. Found it. Maybe spell out the actual name of the company next time though.

>> No.8687651

Is it my job to spoon feed you when that name is quite literally printed on the pcb itself and also is the first result in Google searches? How much more exact could I have been? Don’t tell me that you think the brand name is Alopex like the erroneous Amazon listing states it as?

>> No.8687941

By the way, I’m glad that you found it and I hope the mod goes smoothly for you. I’ve had good experience with these adapters and I think that they’ll work well with the PAL adapter since they normally require the risers to install in the NA model.

>> No.8689146

>just believe me bro

>> No.8689183
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, 61AUmf8tq1L._SL1000_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses the same ide2sata-chip (jmicron jm20330)
>is totally different

>> No.8689187
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 41FlElfAK0L[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8689338

>when that name is quite literally printed on the pcb itself
ABT is an abbreviation. The company name is ABitTop and...

>and also is the first result in Google searches?
that is not the case for me. I couldn't find it at all. Only by chance through a Reddit post. Google search results aren't the same for everyone. Region and such things are a factor.

>> No.8689423

>they roll off the same assembly line
>ok they don’t but they use the same micro controller
Nice goalpost move, also never said they were totally different, just that they were different products with different designs and pcb, which is all true my language-challenged friend.
No problem man, you’re welcome.

>> No.8690429

bitfunx is the successor of that abittop-product.

>> No.8690509

I doubt that considering that the ABT board came out several years later.

>> No.8691297

Eurofag here. I can't get an OEM adapter for under 40€ here. Some are sold at 90+, where the fuck do you get them ?

Meanwhile, my clone adapted costed me around 30, ans i bought it back when i didn't know about the sata mod. Sucks...

>> No.8691306

Sorry Eurofag, they’re all over eBay for under $20 in the states. I got mine last year there for $14. I guess shipping from the US would cancel out any price savings. There’s got to be an equivalent in your country.

>> No.8691326

I searched far and wide for a not overpriced official adapter, the only one i found at a normal price, was sold the day i asked the seller about it.

Aaaaa i just wanna play online already

>> No.8691426

just emulate instead of consooming if you're that much of a fag

>> No.8691456
File: 97 KB, 574x708, tails fag patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes because pcsx2 is known for accuracy and speed.
It's not like half the games i play have graphical issues or is downright unplayable like stuntman/driv3r or anything.

>> No.8691461

it costs like $8 and you just plug some shit in lmfao

>> No.8691482

Retard alert

>> No.8691483

I just use the original with an IDE drive. Use whatever is most convenient, like if u got an extra sata drive that's compatible u might as well go for a sata adatper.

>> No.8691498

how can something like the gamestar adapter stop working? it's just 2 connections lol. my be huffing copium because i just bought one about a month ago, but it's been fine although i will admit the sata connection is like not great it's bent up a little

>> No.8691518

isn't the old duckstation dev working on pcsx2 now? There should be some interesting shit coming out of that soon I'm sure.

>> No.8691524

Simply an issue of poor quality control. You could get lucky and get one that works for years, or you can get a dud that craps out in a year or two. How it goes with chink clones in general.
>IDE drive
There’s nothing wrong with this, you’re of course limited by the ps2’s IDE bus speed anyways. My only issue is sourcing reliable IDE drives both today and in the future.

>> No.8691527

All of these are rebranded gamestar adapters.

>> No.8691552

dang I hope not, but I guess I'll just buy another one if it goes the delivery takes for fuarkin ever though

>> No.8691604

Man, fuck Sony. If you don't plug in your network adaptor "correctly" you will blow two surface mount fuses on the motherboard. I spent the whole weekend reformatting my hard drive until I realised it's fucked. FUCK YOU SONY!!!!

>> No.8691781

correctly means don't do it while it's on
and don't fucking move consoles around while they're on either! you try that with x360 and you'll get what you truly deserve

>> No.8691928

Stuntman is garbage, driv3r is garbage that has a PC port.
Where in Europe are you? CEX have stores in a few European countries and sell network adapters for ~£22 or the Euro equivalent. Downside is there's a 99% chance it'll be untested, upside is it's easy to return if faulty.

>> No.8691937

>adaptor "correctly"
More like adapter incorrectly.

>> No.8691942

That's also called poor design when a slight jostle makes components fall right off a pcb.

>> No.8691949

It’s not a poor design, it’s designed to protect your hard drive and motherboard, which are a lot harder to replace than a couple of fuses. It’s never even an issue unless you’re stupid enough to remove the hard drive while it’s powered on. You even have to unscrew the adapter before you can remove it. How could you possibly fuck it up?

>> No.8692646

Stuntman is awsome. Driv3 is kinda crap though.

France, and CEX doesn't exist here, so unless they do shipping to the whole E.U, i'm screwed

Interesting stuff is already in progress but it takes time, plus some games might never get fixed, the issues with stuntman / driv3r for example are due to rounding errors which cannot be fixed, since pcsx2 has to convert calculus from the ps2's rounding method to a pc and both don't do it the same way.

>> No.8692767


>> No.8692801

I said fuck it to SATA adapters. It's not that hard to unplug the thing when you want to put in a new game. I've played alot of PS2 already, so it's not like there's dozens of PS2 games I need to play, there's maybe a couple I would still like to try, particularly Onimusha which I have never gotten around to

>> No.8692891

>I don’t have anything to contribute to this thread so I’ll post irrelevant nonsense.
Who fucking cares?

>> No.8692909

Except I did contribute, you fucking schizo. I said don't bother with OEM mods or chinese shit.

>> No.8692915

>entire thread about advice relating to OEM mods and Chinese shit
>doesn’t have any experience with either
>posts blog about his favorite games
Entirely useless.

>> No.8692925

Who said I didn't have experience? Take your fucking meds

>> No.8692926

You did lol

>> No.8692932


Just use OPL for the added, necessary features. I don't think HDDOSD is region free, but I could be wrong

>> No.8695392

100% grade a chinesium.