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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 614 KB, 2048x2048, 3A6ACD7E-4401-4BAD-A9F9-C56395DA8A33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8679267 No.8679267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A Japanese game room.

>> No.8679269


>> No.8679276

Peak comfy

>> No.8679281

Soul. Coomlectors take note.

>> No.8679282
File: 95 KB, 1024x576, kacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how all games were meant to be enjoyed

>> No.8679284

Unspeakable acts are committed here

>> No.8679305

>no kotatsu
>no tangerines
0/10 not like my cambodian cartoons

>> No.8679348

too far away from the tele but otherwise nice

>> No.8679349

>implying you need your collection in the same room you play in

>> No.8679397
File: 141 KB, 1456x1080, IMG_20220303_110957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sitting close to your tv is bad for your eyes.
also don't forget that games should be played 1 hour a day

>> No.8679408

In the classic corner tv layout, the physical media and devices will usually be on an opposing wall or close to the sitting area. There's not much reason to keep it within view

>> No.8679412

Where did the power cord go?
Every time I try to set up a console like this the power cord keeps it from looking tidy.

>> No.8679415

I won't fall for your workaholic sayings. I'll play until my balls become raisins.

>> No.8679419

Probably alongside the AV cable.

>> No.8679434

Pathetic. US collectors win again

>> No.8679470

How about instead of admiring someone else's room you clean your own you filthy fucks.

>> No.8679474
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>It says "games should be played for 1 hour a day!"
>in Korean

>> No.8679616

my room is clean
game rooms with giant shelves full of games and every console hooked up ate sad

>> No.8679657

do japs really not have couches and prefer to sit on pillows instead?

>> No.8679668
File: 215 KB, 797x1024, YAMAUCHI-2-obit-jumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up bitch the controller cords dont reach that far.

>> No.8679672
File: 82 KB, 600x461, 500004169-03-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill play as long as I want bitch fight me

>> No.8679674

remove this you dilweed, true soul is playing from the floor

>> No.8679681
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>> No.8679683

>Loki tricks Hoder into corrupting Baldr's save

>> No.8679686

Just because its japanese does not mean its good. For every comfy scene of vintage japanese gaming, there is desolate wastelands of heartless gaming doledrum such as these pictured.

>> No.8679692
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>he doesn't game at a desk

>> No.8679694
File: 36 KB, 550x365, game_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes simple is better

>> No.8679697

I need that jacket the guy on the bottom has

>> No.8679702
File: 158 KB, 500x330, 4Zaw08Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also its not just a "japanese: thing. Americans sit on the floor too. Just with their dirty ass shoes on.

>> No.8679704

See, that's comfy. Theres games and decorations visible. Some other pictures look vacant and sterile - which is probably the best a kid's burned out, yakuza-debted salaryman father can do for him.

>> No.8679706

They need to transition the room into a bed. So no. Furniture takes up too much space. They all live in boxes.

>> No.8679718

Soul and way better then all the tranny setups /vr/ posts

>> No.8679753

>this meme again
the only reason i've seen for someone to do that is if their cat or dog shits or throws up or pisses in the house.

>> No.8679758

So that’s who buys sports games.

>> No.8679762

>tfw no 1980s Japanese CRT
Shipping one of those fucks overseas wod be expensive and probably result in receiving a dead TV.

>> No.8679767

It cost approximately $300 to ship a 21" CRT to the east coast US 2 years ago.

>> No.8679774

Yeah, hardly worth it to ship a $20 TV that would be lucky to survive shipment.

>> No.8679784

I'll take this over an entire wall filled with a huge flat screen TV, multiple consoles hooked up to a switcher, and then another wall that has more games than a videogame store in it.

>> No.8679825

Muh glorious nippon

>> No.8679850

>sitting on the cold, dirty floor
and where are you supposed to put your feet?

>> No.8679932

0/troll. Japanese game rooms are covered with animu posters and every surface is covered with figurines.

>> No.8679948

ow, my back

>> No.8679968

>he doesn't game standing up

>> No.8679981
File: 18 KB, 316x375, colibri_67980_2536079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of playing video games as a child. The TV with a stand was in the corner of the living room and the sofa was so far away that the most natural way to play was sitting on the floor

>> No.8679983

>2 years ago
Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.8680135
File: 319 KB, 1200x1545, 1200px-Kotatsu-tastefulTN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dirty floor
Clean your room, you filthy pig.
When it gets cold I use pic related. Are burger babies really this retarded?

>> No.8680162

Rooks very simperu. I rike simperu.

>> No.8680165

>>sitting on the cold, dirty floor
Wh*toids should learn to never wear their shoes inside. It's barbaric.

>> No.8680205

>cables go in the front
Why didn't all tvs do this? All the time I've spent moving tvs just to get the cables inserted in the back, people are so impractical sometimes

>> No.8680209

Majority of tv’s absolutely did this, it’s just ugly having cables out the front, also Japanese controller cables were a lot shorter than the ones in the west

>> No.8680232

if my cat throws up i just clean it wtf.

>> No.8680243

that Japanese guy had good taste

>> No.8680248

Now that looks comfy.

>> No.8680269

>12” PowerBook
God I miss that form factor

>> No.8680273

>playing dqv

>> No.8680281
File: 213 KB, 1025x683, E6967B6F-8B87-40A7-B55E-6105736B768C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An American game room.

>> No.8680287
File: 56 KB, 749x742, 20220121_063734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cold, maybe, but dirty? I'm not saying I would eat off my floor but too dirty to sit on? gross.

>> No.8680303

>mother shrine
>barefoot like an ape
>3 monitors and a laptop all on
and the white light switches bother me the most

>> No.8680321

You're gonna have to explain to me what's wrong with white light switches.
I've never seen light switches that weren't white.

>> No.8680343

They should be a greasy smokey yellow. Just like the floor should be gross and unkempt after wading through it with the outside dirt of your shoes over them. The American way.

>> No.8680357

Only you retards wear your shoes inside

>> No.8680413

That word get's thrown around a lot but kotatsu are legit comfy. And incredibly efficent. I usually don't even need to run the heater. The cats like to hang out under there and keep it warm. My kids used to call it a kitatsu because it was kitten powered.

>> No.8680423

is that a 12" Powerbook? I know Japanese web is pretty light compared to the dogshit bloat we get, but you can still use the best laptop ever made? Maybe that's why they're still so expensive in Japan
great room btw

>> No.8680432

The tendie fills his bower, or nest, with so many objects collected from the outside world that he can barely move about inside it.

>> No.8680448

>get ragged on for wearing shoes
>get ragged on for having bare feeties
can an american boy just catch a break!!

>> No.8680452

>This nigga does not own socks
When you get a pair, you'll understand.

>> No.8680459
File: 42 KB, 90x90, ready-prepared.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even light switches catching some heat, nobody's safe!

>> No.8680501

this is comfy as hell
everything from potted plants to furniture filled with random junk, and the giant CRT.
reminds me of my aunt's old home.

>> No.8680514

>"game" room
>there aren't any games

>> No.8680542

Hidden by the table in the camera angle. You can see the reflection in the glass on the TV stand.

>> No.8680556

Why are his shelves so shallow

>> No.8680571

That's an analog HDTV used for MUSE Hi-Vision.

>> No.8680587

>live in japan
>go to onsen ryokan with gf
>room has a famicom in it
>trying to get it to work
>gf wont let me play

>> No.8680601
File: 12 KB, 183x275, images (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kills you.

>> No.8680614

That was exactly what I was thinking. My cat would lap up my tears after she pulled everything I own off those shelves every day of the rest of my life if I owned those shelves

>> No.8680842

iwn be a teenager in Japan playing my Dreamcast in my Japanese qt gf's bedroom again

>> No.8680880

Raise a child and enable someone very similar to you to have a similar experience

>> No.8681000

If ure q teen in japan u prolly dont have a gf just sayin

>> No.8681012

well duh but the germs are still there.

>> No.8681046

imagine how often he knocks the games off the shelf with his chair

>> No.8681062
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, show more for us of your room, where do you store your video games or everything you have is under the TV?

>> No.8681073

it's a picture from wikipedia

>> No.8681141

It's from Hi-Score Girl, I didn't found picture of where he show his room, but I remember when he was show his room for her, everything was CIB and he was excited about it.

>> No.8681453
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1510594351178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming home after a long couple days at the black company
>eat some instant noodles
>boot up DQV

>> No.8681478


>> No.8681479

Not my room. Just a random pic of a room with a kotatsu.

>> No.8681521

Any US CRTs with this aesthetic? Most of the 80s ones I've seen are those ones with little dials on the front, which while nostalgic, are not aesthetic

>> No.8681548

has to be some dumb aussie or kiwi setup. a kotatsu on top of an area rug on top of tatami.. oh no no no this guy has no idea

>> No.8681552

Sounds miserable

>> No.8681651

>dials on the front
>not aesthetic

>> No.8681725


>> No.8681792

Built for big Mexican cock

>> No.8681951

Extremely comfy. What game are they playing, and on what console? Looks early 2000s, which isn't /vr/ but is still comfy.

>> No.8681953

Look at all of those beautiful Trinitrons.

>> No.8682048

You keep using that word

As I said, not my pic, but there's nothing wrong with it. Your pretentious weeb headcanon means nothing to anyone but you. In fact it's pretty embarrassing that a weeb like you wouldn't know that you should put something between any heavy furniture and a tatami to avoid damaging it.

>> No.8682565

Dump her

>> No.8682731
File: 26 KB, 460x419, seems legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8682813

>widescreen crt

>> No.8682834

dripping with soul

>> No.8682840

MUSE comparable widescreen crt. I would die for that tv.

>> No.8682860
File: 224 KB, 1099x618, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never once known anyone in the states who keeps their shoes on in the house. I still wonder where this myth comes from.

Maybe sitcoms, where the actors would wear their shoes in the house, probably because they didnt want to go without shoes on set?

>> No.8682937

In the trailer park I grew up in everyone who could afford shoes wore them inside.

>> No.8683185

There were people who couldn't afford shoes? What did they wear?

>> No.8683197

We'd put our foot in a cow pie and come back in a few days when it was hard.

>> No.8683202

sometimes i wish i didn't love being in a relationship so much, so i could actually enjoy long-term solitude of having an underground gym dungeon, with a separate game room, with no women allowed

>> No.8683297


>> No.8683513
File: 21 KB, 254x300, Riddler-Batman-TV-Classic-254x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this, Batman. What group of people wears their shoes at all times and commits the most crimes?

>> No.8683641

my american penpal told me his family wear shoes in the house

>> No.8683685

People who annoy me?

>> No.8683694

Everyone hates being nagged.

>> No.8683730

stupid fuck

>> No.8683741

This is misunderstood on both sides. Everyone all over the world takes their shoes off in their own home, for comfort if nothing else. The difference is that the Japanese also take their shoes off at school, at work, at restaurants, pretty much anywhere that's not outdoors, and they make anyone who comes into their house take their shoes off too, no matter how short their stay is.

>> No.8683824

Disgusting amerisharts even wear their shoes in bed. They all need to be flogged or gassed or something

>> No.8683835

You will never be Japanese.

>> No.8683883

Sucks because not Sega

>> No.8683910

My wife's family put their shoes on when they roll out of bed in the morning and never take them off until they get into bed at night.

They piss and moan when we make them take off their muddy shoes when they come over.

I hate them.

>> No.8683950
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>> No.8683952

console on the coffee table is a comfy aesthetic that's too annoying to actually set up that way.

>> No.8683973
File: 240 KB, 657x486, E4Zz0V-XoAE_pJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold the ultimate setup. Just need to move the bitch over and get a sofa boom perfect.

>> No.8683982

>Grew up in Yugoslavia
>Playing Megadrive on the TV my dad stole from a hotel in Macedonia
Gaming under socialism was an underrated experience

>> No.8684027
File: 142 KB, 1024x673, FMlv3v7aAAE_uUn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No boys allowed

>> No.8684031

>be yugo
>brag about stealing
why are slavshits such absolute trash

>> No.8684036

The Famicom looks so high tech with that sleek decor.

>> No.8684095

in america you step on needles and shit doing that

>> No.8684098

Why do you leave needles on the floor at home?

>> No.8684106

i mean public places mostly
at home i’ll probably step into cat piss

>> No.8684108

That's not a game room. That's a professional graphics workstation / editing bay. I see equipment for roughly $100k.

t. broadcast oldfag

>> No.8684126

disgusting amerishart in action

>> No.8684150
File: 214 KB, 474x474, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American bro,
background is not Asian or Japanese.
Always take my shoes off when entering my house. Problem with taking them off in public places mostly comes down to culture. No one else takes off their shoes in stores, in the workplace, anywhere else so the floor is just nasty. Ameribro's mop and sweep retail store locations, but since literally everyone wears shoes inside, it feels really weird to take your shoes off in front of others. I ask my house guests to take of their shoes, again some feel uncomfy because traditionally its not something their used too. Most of the time doormats (items meant to line doorways) are meant to catch most material however bruching stations are also available. While not a social nessesity, most people can clean their shoes thoroughly before entering a home (by stomping on the doormat and cleaming with a brush).

>> No.8684187

What's with her forehead anyway?

>> No.8684374

>someone has a girlfriend?
>i dont, so it must be impossible