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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 587 KB, 925x690, MasterQuest_Start_Screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8678954 No.8678954 [Reply] [Original]

Ruins the original game experience

>> No.8679000

The original didn’t cease to exist when this released.

>> No.8679136

>play oot
>have fun
>want more of it
>master quest exists
>play more oot
>have fun
>want even more of it
>play majora
>have fun

thank you mq

>> No.8679138

Not even trying anymore

>> No.8679152

they never were which is honestly worse

>> No.8679158

It's pretty explicitly a gimmick for people who played the game already.

>> No.8679162

it's not like it replaces the original game on your cart or rom

>> No.8679171

Are people actually so stupid they think this is a later revision of the game instead of an extra challenge mode?

>> No.8679228

>no enemy hp x3
>no enemy damage x3
>no 9999 sized wallet
>enemies still dropping hearts

>> No.8679234

It doesn't change enough

>> No.8679316

It's the 2nd quest like Zelda 1.

>> No.8679581

master quest is literally the best version of OoT

brainlets need not apply

>> No.8679609

>blue logo
I'll allow it.

>> No.8680484

take your low effort baiting back to /v/ please

>> No.8680491

master quest's puzzles aren't harder than oot's

>> No.8680597

you think this ruins oot you should see the shit speedrunners and the like are doing to the game. like zootr

>> No.8681001

it has a few head scratchers, actually
and you face tougher enemies sooner

>> No.8681410

Playing through this now, it’s a good time. I haven’t played the original in about 15 years so I can’t remember what’s different, but the dungeons feel fresh and new and I’m enjoying it

>> No.8681476

They are in terms of layout and enemy placement is much harder. Navigation also is more complex in MQ. You need to time travel in the Spirit Temple five times to beat it.

That said, OoT's base dungeons are all better than MQ's. Not that Master Quest is bad.

>> No.8681615

I was always okay with the wrong-warp to the Ganon fight, because it was cool and funny watching Child Link fight him, but since then the advance of stale reference manipulation has ruined it for me. That shit's kinda cool to think about and a miracle in some ways that people can actually do it but holy hell it's dry and really boring to watch.

>> No.8681880

the mq dungeons are better since they actually make you use practically everything in your inventory...except ice arrows, because they're still optional and they can't really change game progression and logic like that

every temple in oot is a joke compared to the mq version

>> No.8681916

totally unrelated but people in this thread would probably know the answer:

CAN you get garo's mask and romani mask in the same cycle or does winning the horse race fuck with the cremia story on the second night?

i failed the race like five times in a row and now im questioning if this is even worth it after doing the alien target practice

>> No.8681943

It's literally just dungeons that are different.

>> No.8681947

I'll never understand why people on this board get so upset about speedrunning, which hurts absolutely nothing and is typically done by people who already played the game regularly and loved it.

>> No.8681958

Because 4chan is full of sheep that get off on hating everything they can. Also they link it to trans stuff in their mind and for some reason people here are obsessed with trans stuff.
Throw in the hipsters and the boomers mad about people playing the games 'wrong' as well and the fact that speedrunning is a semi-popular online hobby.

>> No.8681968

speedrunning a game like zelda is degenerate

>> No.8681974

I don't even get how you're trying to use degenerate here, that's how stupid the point you're trying to make is.
You know that different categories for speedruns exist just to avoid having to do autistic shit like the RNG manipulation things you guys are bitching about, right? And that pretty much every semi-popular speedrun has differing categories for this reason.

You're bitching about something that speedrunners already solved two decades ago.

>> No.8681985

Ah well you'll get over it

>> No.8681996 [DELETED] 

Speedrunning troons should 51%.

I wish they would do that because they literally won't stop virtue signalling their fetishism in the name of actual women for the sakes of being 'hecking cyoot and vawwid'.

>> No.8682001

What's degenerate is constantly getting upset about how people choose to challenge themselves in a single player game. Meanwhile they don't give a single shit about you lol.

>> No.8682012 [DELETED] 

Great opinion. Clearly you care more about what other people do than actually playing video games. Why do you even bother posting?

>> No.8682028

and i don't give a single shit about you
speedrunning something like ocarina of time is retarded because it uses 20 years worth of glitches to exploit a game that was never meant to be speedran? is that a term?

speedrunning super mario bros is admirable and was always intended as there were arcade versions and competition cartridges released. making your entire twitch channel based on speedrunning zelda for N64 is pathetic and people who do such things deserve to hear from their haters

>> No.8682040

Imagine caring that much. People speedrun games that aren't meant to be speedrun all the time. It's just people challenging themselves to beat a game they like in a faster time. Not to mention all the information it digs out of the game when people discover glitches and bugs to abuse. Shit is honestly interesting if you're not a stuck up purist, and speedrun img a game that's not designed for speedrunning is actually even more interesting imo (unless it's a jrpg because those games are completely boring to watch).

>> No.8682070

>same old 10 minutes of story set up
>clip through some barriers
>go from gohma to the end credits

>> No.8682089

Whether or not YOU find it interesting is no concern to me, but I can't fathom being so upset by it that you have to bring it up unprompted every single day.

>> No.8682091

>because it uses 20 years worth of glitches to exploit a game
I literally addressed that in my post, you fucking tard.

>> No.8682092 [DELETED] 

Because troons ruined speedrunning and have put me off a lot of shit.

>> No.8682093

>smb1 speedrun
>same old 10 minutes of levels
>jump in a warp pipe
>run under bowser for the nth time

The amount of mental hoops you jump through to justify one game's speedrun while dismissing another's is startling.

>> No.8682096

There are different categories of speedrun for the exact reason you're bitching about. That anon was right when he said you're whining about an issue that speedrunners always solved 2 decades ago.

>> No.8682102 [DELETED] 

Trannies play video games. Better drop the hobby now while you can.

>> No.8682107 [DELETED] 

Not every speedrunner is a "troon" and you don't have to watch them play.

>> No.8682109

no you see the difference is that we have TAS runs of SMB we know exactly how fast the game can be completed down to the frame. so a human playing it is essentially going up against a frame perfect run and testing his reflexes.

you can argue that's what OOT speedrunners are doing as well but it's hardly even playing the same game. SMB is pure, they are literally playing the game as it was designed in the most efficient way that is humanly possible. OOT speedrunners are playing an entirely different game and just trying to exploit the glitches faster.

>> No.8682114

>OOT speedrunners are playing an entirely different game and just trying to exploit the glitches faster.
And this is a problem because....?

>> No.8682119

Glitchless category exists btw

>> No.8682120 [DELETED] 

quit watching agdq lol

>> No.8682125

So, in one game, speedrunners are trying to run as fast as a TAS run, but in the other game, speedrunners are trying to run as fast as a TAS run. Now I truly see the distinction.

You do realise that speedrunners for SMB1 are also using glitches, right? That puts them in the exact same category as OoT which you despise so much for a completely arbitrary non-qualitative reason.

>> No.8682126

Why do you keep ignoring that different categories of speedrunning OOT exist? Is it because you know you have no arguments.

>> No.8682129

Did you know that the reason the sprite runs backwards in the TAS run of SMB is because it's using a frame perfect glitch that is impossible to do for a human?
Totally seems fair.

>> No.8682138 [DELETED] 

I don't even watch anything like this anymore. Haven't for a few years now.

It's just constantly rammed in my face due to the things around me online forcing me to take in what's going on and what's popular in reddit tier circles.

Wish I could get off discord but convincing people not to use it in favour of something that does the same thing is like expecting normal people to know what a MIL-CD is lol

>> No.8682145

>glitch that is impossible to do for a human?

>> No.8682152 [DELETED] 

If you're triggered by trannies existing at all you honestly shouldn't be posting on here since this 4chan brings it up WAY WAY more often than the rest of the internet combined.
Like this isn't even a meme. Get off this site if you don't want to hear anything about them. It's nowhere near as common as places like this would have you think.
I'm sure you can watch a vid that explains it.

>> No.8682164

basically what i'm saying is:

speedrunning a game is based

speedrunning metagame is gay and degenerate

>> No.8682165 [DELETED] 

>If you're triggered by trannies existing at all you honestly shouldn't be posting on here since this 4chan brings it up WAY WAY more often than the rest of the internet combined.
What's ironic is that HE'S the one who brought up trannies unprompted.

>> No.8682175

So your complaint is with metagaming, and not speedrunning, then.

>> No.8682180

Can someone give the downlow on this game and how it compares to the original?

>> No.8682184

The only difference besides a few cosmetic stuff to fit the gamecube control over the n64 (like the A button being a different color) are the dungeons which are remixed in a romhack-like way to be harder. It's not SUPER harder but you do have to think a bit more and you get some funny stuff like Jabu having cows sticking out of his body everywhere that act as switches that were clearly the devs fucking around.

Basically it's just normal OOT with different slightly tougher dungeons.

>> No.8682189

>Basically it's just normal OOT with different slightly tougher dungeons.
So, completely better, then? Also, thanks.

>> No.8682197

Yeah, it's a nice experience if you've already played normal OOT to death. Personally I wish it was even harder and did stuff with the overworld but alas.

>> No.8682201 [DELETED] 

I suffered trauma because of troons grooming me, and their existence and prominence within anything to do with the things I just so happen to be interested in just makes me want to stab them all to fucking death.

Every last fucking one that keeps coming out, of course with the usual anime profile picture accompanied with it. I'm genuinely fucking scared for the future, all the retarded faggot kids of today eventually being upstreamed into these shitty cult via their Nintendo Switches and videos they are recommended on YouTube about modding their consoles perhaps or some sort of comments that they see, for instance, and then once they hit 12-13 and find out and start using Discord, seeing all the trans flags and misogynistic flamboyancy and UwU shit, and then developing fucked up curiosity and told they are a "cute and valid trans girl" because they supposedly made up memories in their head that are hypothetical about why they were socially rejected all the way through their childhood, seeing it as "gender mismatch signs", eventually they either keep going with the trans culture, deluding themselves to the point that they develop autogynephilia, rebel against their parents' and others' wishes... or they grow a brain and regret it, which is much rarer. Ever noticed that most trans people are speedrunners, communists, fascists, just plain weirdos? They're NEVER generally functioning people, they're synonymous with pedophilia and pedo-adjacent interests and fetishes.

I'm fucking had enough.

>> No.8682204

3ds version was better for mirroring the world and hitting you with double damage

>> No.8682218 [DELETED] 

>synonymous with pedophilia and pedo-adjacent interests and fetishes.
Sounds like the anons on this board have a lot in common with trans people

>> No.8682245

not completely. in shooters or RPGs the meta can become more interesting than the main gameplay (see: rocket jumping and min/maxing stats). my complaint is that bombjumping through walls in zelda is a waste of your fucking time and nobody should dedicate their time to getting good at such a thing

>> No.8682249

Rocket Jumping and bomb jumping through walls are literally the same thing. Using explosions to skip areas and get you places they shouldn't be.
Just admit that you're an inconsistent crybaby already.

>> No.8682256

You don't seem to understand that your stated criteria for why things are bad also apply to things that you think are good.

>> No.8682258

a rocket jump in a quake match and and bomb jumping in zelda are completely different things and you know it, nerd

>> No.8682262

We're talking about single player speedrunning, you fucking liar. Fuck off already.

>> No.8682309
File: 97 KB, 400x400, mom-i-won-an-argument-over-the-internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OOT runners are scum

>> No.8682332
File: 63 KB, 1156x1417, Patcher64+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this, you can do all of that and much more:

>> No.8682489
File: 790 KB, 1435x1383, 1636081847723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He plays Zelda games for challenge.

>> No.8682493

good shit. also liked the remixed majoras mask dungeons

>> No.8682562

the 2d games sans minish cap are hard and fun
peak zelda is dungeon crawling and solving puzzles

>> No.8682567

I thought shit was gonna be REAL when the puzzle in the deku tree had you utilizing roll iframes to get under the spike barge for a puzzle, was disappointed that thar didnt come up again

>> No.8682574

>CAN you get garo's mask and romani mask in the same cycle or does winning the horse race fuck with the cremia story on the second night?
You can get both. There's very few ways to lock yourself out of a quest in a cycle. Oboy example I can really think of is killing sakon or just failing an objective like giving the letter to the hand in the toilet.

>> No.8682769

>the 2d games sans minish cap are hard and fun
What? No, not at all. Minish Cap isn't even that much easier than the likes of LOTP or the various GB and GBC games.
nostalgia has fucked your brain real hard

>> No.8683267 [DELETED] 

Oh no time to sell all your games and material possessions as troons probably own things you own too. Best stop watching TV and films too as they watch them as well. How dare they

>> No.8683287

> having fun
> with shit
lol nice fetish you have there

>> No.8683292 [DELETED] 

Ah so you are butthurt because your butt got hurt

>> No.8683318

Nah, item use along isn't enough to push MQ over. MQ also has worse designed puzzles that break dungeon cohesion. OoT is easier (obviously since it isn't a MASTER quest), but the Temples are better put-together and puzzles build off each other more naturally. Plus, MQ makes sequence breaking a bit harder in the second half.

>> No.8683321 [DELETED] 

Poor baby can't play video games fast anymore because people he'll never need to interact with also like the hobby :(

>> No.8683325

The only difficult 2D Zelda games are LoZ, AoL, and OoA.

>> No.8683683

Having more song of time puzzles automatically makes it a worse version of the game.

>> No.8683687

Because people who do it are autistic trannies. We dont want to encourage that.

>> No.8683709 [DELETED] 

We dont care at all, stop projecting. The only reason youre being called out is because youre insisting on a subject about which /vr/ already has a settled stance: speedrunning is for autistic trannies.

Not to mention your argumentation is dishonest. Most "famous" speedrunners dont know anything about the game, its code, the reasoning behind the glitches, or any technical details. They all sit on their asses waiting for the optimal routes to be discovered so they can grind it autistically for 1000000 hours while they dilate.

Now get the fuck out.

>> No.8684117


>> No.8684149

The original Zelda and ages aren't hard.
AoL is just poorly made.

>> No.8684158

Being on this board is autistic enough as is

>> No.8684160
File: 485 KB, 435x396, 1641896740685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you have to agree with ME or else you don't belong!
>get out of my safe space!!!

>> No.8684165

>We dont care at all
>Anons keep seething about speedrunners before anyone ever brings it up every single day
Real fucking convincing. I'm discarding the rest of your post for that sentence alone.

>> No.8684240

Better than the 3DS version that forced you to take extra damage to play the remixed dungeons.

An excellent version to play a year or two after you first play OoT.

>> No.8684284

Extra damage is only a problem if you suck at one of the easiest Zeldas. I welcomed the 2x damage, I always tick that setting in randomizer because vanilla OOT, while I love it to death, is way too easy

>> No.8684290

>le tranny boogie man

>> No.8684297

>AoL is just poorly made.

>> No.8684302

The double damage in Master Quest 3D makes the game so much better.

>> No.8684462

One day you'll learn that harder / tedium =/= quality or fun. I have faith you'll be a better person.

>> No.8684784 [DELETED] 

Thats why they obsess over them

>> No.8684875

i'd say tloz 1 is hard
ooa is just tedious...the midgame at least

>> No.8686116

but not tranny

>> No.8686289

>tfw had and still own the WW edition that gave you OoT and MQ on a seperate disc with it for no extra cost from when I was a kid
I miss when Nintendo cared more about their games/playerbase than money

>> No.8686932

Wait for OoT DD.