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File: 27 KB, 512x448, dragon_warrior_1_NES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8678916 No.8678916 [Reply] [Original]

I just started a new playthrough today.

>beating up endless waves of Ghosts and Magicians to get money for a Copper Sword

It begins...

>> No.8678919

Just buy nothing, beat up 10 slimes with your fists, and then you can start with a copper sword iirc.

Enjoy, Anon

>> No.8678950

my Everdrive has the Revision 1 ROM on it and i noticed it has a couple odd graphics glitches like when fighting Slimes at the beginning of the game. i have a DW1 cartridge but i haven't used it in a while. didn't have those glitches that i recall. maybe mine was the Revision 0 ROM, I'd have to dig it out and check.

>> No.8678959

>official strategy guide
Level 20 is totally enough to beat the game kids.

>> No.8678969

Usually you'd expect a v2 of something to have less bugs in it.

>> No.8678970

is this sarcasm? 19 is enough

>> No.8678982

If you don't like grinding you absolutely should not play DQ1.

Shit advice. Buy new weapons as soon as you can. Don't die, or you lose half of your money.

>> No.8678985

Can you explain the bug?

>> No.8679020

Some of the Slimes have a glitched lower right segment. I haven't noticed this with other enemies and occasionally scrolling text messes up the color palette of the terrain to the right of it a little (that is one of the colors turns white). As I said, my Everdrive has a Revision 1 ROM on it but I didn't notice this on my real DW1 cartridge, but that may be a Revision 0 ROM. I'll have to dig it out and check.

>> No.8679032


>> No.8679068


If you don't reach level 25 WHILE carrying Gwaelin before finally setting her down and cleaning up the loose ends of your quest, then you are no true dragon warrior at all and are not fit to be the suitor of Tantegel

>> No.8679079

30 is the level cap

>> No.8679218

I remember definitely getting almost one hit KOd constantly fighting the last boss. I had to like hit once. Heal heal, hit once. Would run out of MP before I vault kill him. Didn't even seem close.

I decided to go grinding but then realized grinding wasn't very fun

>> No.8679232
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I don't have a Famicom Everdrive, but I do have the FX PakPro and want to try our the Dragon Quest games at some point. Are there any issues with the SNES ports that make them inferior to the NES versions?

>> No.8679246

I assume the SNES ports are better, at least DQ1 lets you go up stairs automatically unlike the NES.

>> No.8679630

If you play Dragon Quest I+II SNES, make sure you play this particular English patch, as the rest are either incomplete or glitchy: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6127/

>> No.8679820
File: 6 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior (U) (PRG1) [!]_025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played DQ1 for the first time not long ago and I had a blast, though it could have used at least one extra real dungeon. I was lvl21 when I beat the final boss. BTW does anything happen if you go see this guy's ancestors after beating the final boss in DQ2? I forgot to check back on him

Also you're looking for a Cooper Sword and can beat Ghosts and Magicians, aren't you strong enough to go back&forth into the cave in the west to get the money from the chest?

What happens if you die while carrying her? How far can you get while carrying her?

>> No.8679828


>> No.8679845

Pros&cons of the SFC versions compared to NES? what's this about bugs, are they things the translation introduced or bugs that were in the original game?

I played the Dragon Warrior NES games and the only thing I thought was terrible was the translation of some of the spells such as "Inferno" line. Considering that this means "Hell" I spent the entirety of DQ2 and half of DQ3 thinking this was a fire based attack until I checked the strategy wiki for some other spell's description

>> No.8679874

The "bugs" were just things that were fucky in the fan translations before the most recent patch. They didn't exist in the original Japanese release.

>> No.8680102
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior III (U) [!]_048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing DQ3 on NES for the first time.
I went with the recommended Soldier / Pilgrim / Wizard line-up, and then when everyone was lvl20 I turned the Soldier into a Pilgrim, the Pilgrim into a Soldier and the Wizard into a sage.
Now that I'm reaching the late game this is starting to really pay off as everyone has healmore at least (and the Sage has robmagic on top of it), meaning I don't have to backtrack from dungeons that much because I'm out of ressources, and everyone can hit at least decently. The Soldier is also surpringsly not that slow since he had a Pilgrim root, and I fed him the Agility Seeds I found.

>get to Orochi when the 3 are around lvl 15
>hold my own but eventually get my ass kicked
>come back after a few lvls
>come back a third time
>Sage learns BiKill only a few steps before getting to Orochi
>Orochi dies in 2 hits thanks to that
Damn, I must have been real close to killing him earlier.

Overall I felt a little more engaged in the story of DQ2, I do enjoy the small stories of each region in 3 but there is a lack of grandeur in that aspect and having literal disposable nobodies as characters doesn't help

>> No.8680369

that's generally how it goes
you attack, heal once, you attack and so on, if you get lucky with dmg ranges (and want to play it a little risky) you light get to attack twice before healing
the important part is to not use MP at all before fighting him, run away from enemies or if you fight them, simply let Edrick's armor heal you instead of using spells
with that in mind I had barely enough MP to beat him at lvl 19

>> No.8680378
File: 7 KB, 256x240, 1622215589358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>What happens if you die while carrying her? How far can you get while carrying her?
you can't die during the ending, if you mean before that, she just goes away and you have to rescue her again

>> No.8680386

>nes dq1
but why?
apply for a data entry job or something
type in traffic tickets for society

>> No.8680392

>but why?
why would anyone play the remakes? no matter what you do to this game it will always be primitive and boring by today's standards. might as well play the version that japs actually have nostalgia for.

>> No.8680396

because nostalgia is through rose tinted glasses
they remember playing the game every day after school
killing the same 10 enemies for 20 hours for exp is utter misery unless you have those grind circumstances
the games were made for kids until those kids grew up and demanded better
which is why the later versions have reasonable exp gain

>> No.8680402

NES=soul, you wouldn't understand

I did the grinding while watching movies at the same time at night and anything else I'd focus on the game. Each small step you make in that game, each equipment you buy, is a small victory

>> No.8680405

the game boy version also has nes style soul

>> No.8680427
File: 1.11 MB, 600x880, toriyamaworks_23-scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8680435

I haven't played 4 yet but so far 2 is my favourite and 3 would be second. Why so low on your list? DQ2 was such a step up in every department, in terms of mechanics, story and progression/pacing it seems to me it was even more influencial for the genre than 1. Every 8-16bit jRPG I can think has at least one thing owed back to DQ2

>> No.8680472
File: 157 KB, 800x610, ECNLPGNX4AAY_c-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can't say it was more influential because DQ1 was still the first to utilize the turn-based system but yeah, the whole multiple party members and ship thing was crucial for the development of the genre. You could say it was the first 'big' console JRPG
>Why so low on your list?
It's a good game but for some reason I enjoyed it less than 1. Probably has to do with it being pretty hard, I got my ass kicked a lot, especially during the final stretch of the game. And that fucking final boss, I hate him. Also way more grinding than the first game
>I haven't played 4
You absolutely should. Yeah, 3 was like the perfect DQ/JRPG in general at the time, still influential and a favorite of many game developers but in reality 4 is just like 3 but better. I could go on forever about how DQ4 is one of the greatest RPGs ever made but you should really see for yourself

>> No.8680483

do you recommend the AI version of 4 over the remakes?
if so, why?
not him, just a tangent i'm curious about

>> No.8680506

like, I don't mean to sound like a guy who hates remakes cuz I don't. I just see this game as having the tropes that formed the genre in many ways (same with Wizardry) so making this game easier kinda defeats the history lesson this game really provides for you about jrpgs.

>> No.8680509

Somehow I've never played the remake (there's only 1 remake I believe, the PS1 and DS versions are identical to my knowledge). As for the original version, AI is definitely part of the charm. It makes the boss battles all the more thrilling. But if it's not your thing and you want to have full control over your party then go for the remake. As far as I remember it also adds a satisfying epilogue chapter. There isn't much grinding to do compared to the first three games so I doubt they altered anything regarding this in the remake

>> No.8680526

the thing with dq1 is that the alterations don't make the game easier, just shorter
the game is so simple that there's no low-level strategies at all unless you exploit bugs maybe
you don't really lose game mechanic historical significance by doing the remakes
the stuff like interacting with stairs to go down them can be experienced in a few minutes if you really want to

>> No.8680543

I'm "him" and the AI does worry me, we'll see. It all depends on how much control you have over them and how random they are

>> No.8680576

a certain not-russian might be casting thwack a lot

>> No.8680604
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior III (U) [!]_080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baramos kills my hero before I even have time to setup
>okay fine, the Soldier will have to do
>proceeds to send the Soldier into limbo


>> No.8680673

Stop saying fucky, faggot

>> No.8680774

>Well, you can't say it was more influential because DQ1 was still the first to utilize the turn-based system but yeah, the whole multiple party members and ship thing was crucial for the development of the genre. You could say it was the first 'big' console JRPG

There is so much DQ2 did that can be found almost as is in so many other RPGs though, so much I couldn't list it all. The gated progression until you get the ship and get a lot of freedom, having to collect key items scattered throughout the world, the way the party is balanced, the spells and especially the buffs de-buffs, the battles taking place in an entirely different game-world, etc

>Also way more grinding than the first game

I don't think that's true, I only had to grind a couple of times and only because I needed money, and it was pretty fast since I found a spot where enemies drop comfortable amount of gold once I got the ship. DQ1 is 75% of the game time spent grinding.
DQ2 can be quite difficult though but once I got a Shield of Strength for everyone to heal for free during battle, things were a lot more smooth

>> No.8680848

DW2 USA on NES is bugged to fuck and makes the game infamously difficult

>> No.8680854

the Famicom version has the same issues, it's not bugs it's poor gameplay balance because they literally did not have the time to playtest it

>> No.8680859

what bugs?

>> No.8680870

iirc the healer girl's stats are bugged in the US release (it may be the same on the Famicom) and she only gains half the stats she's supposed to on each level up, making her twice as weak as the rest of the cast.
I don't doubt genuinely bad balance is also part of the issue, but I've heard of the bugged party member from various sources as one of the major problems with the NES version.

>> No.8681198

My DW1 cart is a Revision 1 ROM. It appears the graphics glitches I was seeing were a bug with the Everdrive. Oh well, I'd rather just play it on my real cart and not see those unsightly glitches.

>> No.8682627

There's something about the inherent simplicity of DQ1 that I can't help but love. I'm not even that big into RPGs but the NES DQ games are an exception for me.

>> No.8682637

It took me like 2 months of grinding to beat this back in the day. I'd just put on some music and sit there for 2 hours a night grinding for gold and exp and praying I didn't die and lose half.

>> No.8683051

It's just so "pure" and distilled what an RPG is at its most basic. Feels like something I would want and come up with when I was 10.

>> No.8683386

I see no mention of this bug anywhere, if stat growth is different in the remakes it's probably rebalancing to make it easier

>> No.8684640

Yeah I can't find this "bug" anywhere online.

>> No.8685305

I’d suggest playing something like the PS1 version, the NES version is infamously buggy, deep enough that some spells are just completely broken and a waste of money

>> No.8685347

There is no PS1 version of Dragon Quest 1. You might be thinking of Dragon Quest 4.

>> No.8685365

>charming battle window
>no other DQ does this

I love this about DQ1 and wish it didn't get abandoned.

>> No.8685694

he's thinking of Final Fantasy 1

>> No.8685710

DW1 is the most boring game in gen iii

>> No.8686910

DQ5 brought it back.

>> No.8687020
File: 809 KB, 938x817, lufia-and-the-fortress-of-doom-battle[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more games used the map as a battle background

>> No.8688837
File: 5 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior IV (U) [!]_038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing DQ4, should I go for Mara or Brey? I'm more inclined towards Mara for now

>> No.8689015

I don't like grinding and high random encounter rate.

Will I enjoy DQ1?

>> No.8689038

Mara. She can wield the stiletto earrings and wear all of the metal babble armour. Basically a weaker alena but with healing magic
My team always ends up being hero, Ragnar, Mara and elena.

>> No.8689051

How useful is it to keep Taloon? I assume he falls behind in the end; does he steal useful things?

>> No.8689160


>> No.8689684

also I hate myself because I realized you could make money easily in chapter 3 when you have to buy and sell items for a higher price with Talooon. I believe this would be the fastest way to get the Metal Babble Shield, if my math is correct you'd "only" have to go back&forth between Endor and the place that sells Broad Swords 72 times to get 7 of them at a time and sell them, thus earning 500k and being able to just buy the Metal Babble Shield.
Sounds like trouble yes but it's probably still faster than winning the coins at poker

>> No.8689703

although doing it with items available inside Endor would probably be faster, avoid the trip back&forth to another town; even though it yields a bit less money per trip...

Anyway, Poker it is.

>> No.8689775

Replayed it recently on Switch and it's still kind of a brilliant game with it's progression

>> No.8691059

Dragon Quest sucks...

>> No.8691248

I like to keep him around. He lands some strong critical hits and is funny. I don't remember him ever stealing anything very useful

>> No.8691257

Got it when I was a kid. Game was a great starter rpg and got you used to the norms. I think at the time, I was trying to figure out gold box ssi games and this came along and was so much easier to get into. I was like 9 at the time so that could of been a lot of the issues.

>> No.8691832
File: 70 KB, 480x640, Dragon Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not playing the gooder version...

>> No.8691848

>Wii gets the original versions of all three games + their Super Famicom remakes, all in one package
>Switch gets this

>> No.8692125

Cuz Japan I would guess. We should have got this also.

>> No.8692150

you get the copper sword faster, idiot

>> No.8693078
File: 5 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior IV (U) [!]_059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This only took.. absolutely forever

>> No.8693142

He can steal the silence orb from Saroknight, which can be really nice since if you kill him before his summons you're cucked out of it forever. Personally I value his funny attacks more, though.

>> No.8693160
File: 4 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior IV (U) [!]_052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That damn Saroknight, my first attempt against him I got the Sphere of Silence as a drop but I he had killed my 2 weakest members so I decided to reset to get the exp gain (which is huge) to everyone.... next attempt everyone is alive but no item drop, next attempt I got the drop but my weakest was still dead... oh well this had to do

I've decided to replace Taloon by Ragnar as main, I do miss the funny (and useful!) moves but Ragnar's defense and attack power largely makes up for it. Not to mention you're pretty much guaranteed to know what Ragnar will do and not fuck up attempting useless shit when you need an attack the most.

The monsters design has quite a different style in DQ4, they look great but I do not often recognize Akira Toriyama's style.. I wonder if someone else join on that part?

>> No.8693167

Lol i just grinded out a million gold. I’m fucking shit at poker.

>> No.8693168

Jesus, what was your gold grinding spot?

>> No.8695107

Aren't those just direct ports from the mobile releases?

>> No.8696776
File: 233 KB, 692x847, kingdragon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spews fire intensely twice in a row
>spews fire intensely again
>Crit hits

I'm switching to the original; fuck this artificial difficultly bullshit.

>> No.8697374
File: 986 KB, 1022x919, Yup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw luck out on making the green dragon going to sleep for multiple turns and killing it at level 7 with the axe and chainmail

NGL pretty epic moment.

>> No.8697437

Yes. Worthless port

>> No.8697590

DQ1 on SFC requires very little grinding beyond the initial grind to get the Copper Sword, and maybe some grinding later if you really want the Magic Armor. Was the money drop rate changed significantly in that version?
Also why did nobody tell me DQ2 is based as fuck?

>> No.8697956

I'll always be impressed by this sperg beating the first Dragon Quest in half an hour by exploiting RNGs to make a TAS in real-time.


>> No.8698049
File: 9 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior IV (U) [!]_056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm done with my DQ1-4 marathon on NES. What a great fucking series and I really regret not diving into them sooner, there is so much I'd like to say.... maybe one day I will, just a few words for now

2 was my favourite, probably because I like to suffer; but 3 and I'll say in a way even 4 have undeniable better battle systems.

I actually enjoyed 4's AI system, sure there are times when the AI does stupid moves, sure there are times I wished I could tell Mara to use offensive spells while at the same time not having Nara waste MP I'd rather keep for healing; and it's easy to get frustrated if you focus on the bad side, but at the same time the AI often pulls moves you would never have done if you were controlling them and more often than not it leads into a positive outcome.
The reason is because the AI decides what to do at the start of their move rather than at the start of the turn, which means
>they don't hit air
>they heal as soon as someone's in the red
Rather than waiting for the next turn, which often saves a life
>they know how much HP enemies have left
so they won't waste MP with a strong spell when a mid spell is enough to finish the enemy

I wasn't very fond of the chapter system however. The stories were good (except for Alena's), but it's quite depressing to start from lvl1 again, battling the same low lvl enemies every time and being expected to grind at least 1h at the start of each chapter for exp and money. In the grand scheme it's even more depressing when you eventually bench half of those chars in chapter

Another great thing about 4 was that unlike in 2 and 3, you can't rely on Shield of Strength spam to heal in the late game and have to rely on several other methods, one of which includes using characters in your wagon.

4 also had great looking and varied dungeons. In comparison with the end of 3 and its return to known territory and grey bricks is night&day

>> No.8698109
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior III (U) [!]_082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and the AI also prioritizes targets well

One thing that amazed me about the series, especially from 2 onwards; is how great presentation was. 2 came out in January 87 but I feel like it could have come out in 94 and, outside of overworld graphics which gradually got better in the series, the game would have been identical.

Because they nailed it with 2 and it just never got better than that on Famicom.
The best example would be how smooth overworld-battle transitions are, most notably with the musics. The dungeon/overworld themes really fade into the battle music and vice versa, it never feels like an abrupt change like in so many RPGs, and I have to say that looking at videos of the remakes of DQ2/3/4 on YT, that's one thing they fucked up in the remakes.

Also menus and text are fast and snappy while so many Famicom RPGs struggle with that.

Compare this for example with Final Fantasy which came out almost a year after DQ2, and the text and menus are sluggish in comparison (though far from the worst I've seen), the musics constently get abruptly interrupted and restarted; and it has much longer loading times (not to mention that puke inducing rainbow effect)

>> No.8698134

impressive to get through the nes games
you should play snes 3 someday, since it's fucking god tier
i understand if you dont want to replay 3 now tho

>> No.8698250

CONGRATURATION! Now play 5. As someone who likes the original versions of the first 4 games I recommend the DS version of 5

>> No.8698843

>As someone who likes the original versions of the first 4 games I recommend the DS version of 5


>> No.8699285

>If you don't like grinding you absolutely should not play DQ1.
DQ1 is super streamlined like a hentai game. DQ2 is when it turned into a grindfest

>> No.8699475

>Gold and Exp were boosted by 25% in the North American version

Can anyone confirm this, is it for all enemies?
I don't know if I should be insulted or thankful.

>> No.8699879

>read guide to hex editing the save file to skip grinding
>was more entertaining than playing the game
>end up not playing the game anyways

>> No.8700806
File: 135 KB, 600x848, 1638075698056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for DQ3, I always liked Pilgrim/Wizard/Goof-off
>suffer for the first 21 or 22 levels
>Then get a Fighter with utility healing spells plus two Sages
>lay waste to every monster that looks at me funny

>> No.8701949

I can't even fathom how off-putting the tonal shift would be for someone to jump from nes1-4 to ds5 and be greeted with retard russian Ladja and place names like Uptaten Towers.

There's an interview with the developers where they call attention to how they were able to include more unique dungeon designs in 4, probably can find it on shmupulations.

>> No.8704078

>Can anyone confirm this, is it for all enemies?
It's easy to check that there is indeed some level of boost active right from the start. If you solo some slimes, you'll see each one is worth 2 exp instead of the classic 1. That hardly proves that everything gives more, but it lends credibility to the idea does it not?

>> No.8704091

you can use a Game Genie code on the NES version to remove the AI

>> No.8704479

>it works

Damn now I want to replay chapter 5 thanks, but I don't have a save at the start fo the chapter

>> No.8705821

I fucking love Dragon Quest you guys

>> No.8707446

Don't we all?

>> No.8707608
File: 38 KB, 399x359, final-fantasy-adventure-444715bc-7e85-4522-b7fc-1eaa6918bcd-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to remake this game (and some FF/DQ games) in a zelda-like fashion. My only problem is the sprites, with a bit of help I could pull it off tho.

>> No.8707834

Man I've thought about this too. I had a week where I played a lot of DQ games and a lot of Ys games and I think I kinda combined their styles in my head. I'm imagining basically a DQ1 style game with a more expansive overworld, diagonal movement, and basic Zelda-like combat. Sounds pretty doable honestly, as far as I know the mechanics of the NES DQ games are pretty well documented and it wouldn't be too hard to build a small game using its maps and go from there.

I love how DQ1 of all games (literally *the* retro JRPG) has an auto-kill feature for enemies you're significantly stronger than. Despite every future JRPG basically dedicating themselves to ripping off DQ in every way possible, somehow that mechanic remains weirdly rare (I know Earthbound and I think the Persona games do it?)

>> No.8708078

In terms of difficulty and engaging gameplay, is there any DQ after IV that comes as close as the NES games, or did they become braindead like most other jRPGs did ?

>> No.8708145

What's the point of a Zelda-like DQ though? You can just play Ys, Seiken Densetsu or virtually any other ARPG

>> No.8709095

DQV is proto-Pokémon, and DQVI is DQIII on steroids.

>> No.8710836

We could be heroes
The world, the monsters, the quests, the dungeons, that’s the point.

>> No.8710884

>The world, the monsters, the quests, the dungeons, that’s the point.
Isn't DQXII going to have Kingdom Hearts/FFXV combat?