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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8676952 No.8676952 [Reply] [Original]

So /vr/ do you just have that one genre you can't enjoy and if so what is it. Personally I can't get into turn based RPGs. The stories are always subpar in comparison to other forms of media, their gameplay is the most repetitive I've seen. I have tried multiple series but always within a few hours I'm already ready to drop them. Does anyone else have a genre they just can't get into?

>> No.8677064

I can't get behind sports games. Not even if they are futuristic or sugar-coated with other IPs.
The only remote thing I can think as a "sport" that I can enjoy are arena shooters like Q3 or UT99. Otherwise, I will never touch a soccer, basketball or any other sports game with a 10ft pole.
Minigames are an exception, I guess, like fishing in BoF4

>> No.8677080

Sports games and racing.
I can play both for half an hour and then I get bored and never wanna touch the games ever again
To me those 2 type of games are designed for brainlets
Also any sandbox game like fallout or gta

>> No.8677137

I hate golf, baseball & pinball the most.
I don't think "sports" should be a genre.
Those Japan-only Genesis dodgeball games are pretty cool.

>> No.8677139
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>I can't get behind sports games. Not even if they are futuristic or sugar-coated with other IPs.
>The only remote thing I can think as a "sport" that I can enjoy are arena shooters like Q3 or UT99. Otherwise, I will never touch a soccer, basketball or any other sports game with a 10ft pole.
What about fake sports games? Wrestling games can be a lot of fun, this one got a reputation specifically for being fun for casuals to play even if they don't even know what wrestling is, the rules and controls are simple and the gameplay is paced well

>> No.8677141

Fighting games.
If I lived in a dorm room with a bunch of friends or had grown up with older brothers, I could definitely see the appeal. But as someone who doesn't really enjoy online multiplayer and only has normie friends and a girlfriend as my roommate, I've just never really gotten into them. I don't like the memorization of combos and mastering all those inputs. I realise it adds a lot of mechanical depth and skill to those games, but I already play a few instruments and I'd rather not have to "practice" at a video game. I can only sort of get into that kind of button combo stuff in something like Bayonetta or DMC, because I find the single player experience to be enjoyable, unlike playing a fighting game solo.

Dunno man, I really have nothing against em and I'd like to be able to enjoy them. Some of the art, music and characters of those old Capcom fighters look so awesome to me. Oh well.

>> No.8677151

Roguelikes, survival horror, and rhythm games

>> No.8677153

You absolutely need to have at least one buddy actively interested in the game, plus have them be roughly around your skill level, before you can really get fighting games

>> No.8677163

JRPGs. I don't understand how grown men can play these games.

>> No.8677171

I've never been a wrestling fan, but I think I could play them if I got into the personalities and their acts.
My problem with sports games is that I would rather be playing them at a field or court with some friends than on a console, where the experience will be very restricted: they are overblown simulators just because they have characters named after famous athletes and companies like EA sports have made quite a lot of money out of gullible people with that.
At least in your case, wrestling games are all about these unique characters, so you can make dream matches, play against some friends or the computer and even make custom characters with their own entrance, moves and apparel and I think those can work well in videogames.

>> No.8677173
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RTS games.
I have tried and tried to enjoy them, I’m the exact kind of sperg who should in fact love them… but I just can’t. They bore me to fucking death and I can’t get enjoyment out of that gameplay loop.
I’m not knocking the genre, I get why people love them, but they simply are not for me.

>> No.8677176
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>At least in your case, wrestling games are all about these unique characters, so you can make dream matches, play against some friends or the computer and even make custom characters with their own entrance, moves and apparel and I think those can work well in videogames.
Right. The reason I got into wrestling games (and wrestling in general really) was just making tons of custom wrestlers, they had great character creators well before it was mainstream in vidya

>> No.8677459

Not really VR, but building/survival/crafting. I can enjoy Minecraft and Terraria with friends, but all the derivatives just seem like a total grind-fest waste of time.

>> No.8677559

>Fighting games.
I can enjoy once in a while, but I really don't like to spend more than 20 minutes in a fightan. You played one, you've pretty much played them all.
It's weird because I do like tabletop RPGs, but vidya RPG... not so much. There are plenty of good ones of course, but both the japanese and westerns frequently have problems on their own that make me not the biggest fan of the genre. Specifically I find the japanese RPGs way too long and repetitive, not to mention the grindfest in some of them. The stories are hit or miss, some of them are great and hold up while others are your average 90's/early 2000's dramashit.

>> No.8677604

Fighting, sports, rhythm
Don't play multiplayer, single player is always half baked. I love fighting character designs though, would kill for a Darkstalkers beat em up.
Just play outside
99% of my gaming is sound off, can't get into rhythm

>> No.8677614

This. Best friend and I used to pop Addy and play Tekken for 12 hours at a time. Good times.

>> No.8677848

turn based ar pee gees are not up my alley too, the only one i almost managed to beat was pokemon red but once the grinding becomes unevitable i always end up dropping it, other types of games that have rpg elements are fine i.e sidescrollers, hack n slashy, etc.

>> No.8677852

guaranteed you've only played shitty rpg's
name the games you've played and i'll tell you if they are shit or actually good

>> No.8677865

I want games that require skill to complete, not memorizers

>> No.8677876

Any game with stealth mechanics.

>> No.8677881

All rpgs are shitty. You have to be a certain type to enjoy them. I guarantee you i've played more than you but go ahead and reply with whatever you will. Don't defend rpgs.

>> No.8677889

nah you didn't play more than me, iv played entire franchises from start to finish. I've played and finished over 30-40 rpgs

>> No.8677905

>can't get into turn based RPGs
Turns-based RPGs are best when you can sit back and relax. The stories are always shit, just look at the pretty colors and make up your own story, way more enjoyable that way. The repetition is negated by the core gameplay mechanic (typically), customization. You're either changing enough to keep the gameplay fresh or working toward a goal of change. If you're plowing through enemies then you're probably OP and can quickly move on, or vice versa.

SO MANY of the games are poorly developed, either over or under. Clunky controls with boring gameplay or hyper autism activity boxes. Not even fun unless played with friends of similar skill levels.
Runner up. Some of the same problems as fighting. More leeway with development issues but absolutely not fun with randos. I know people are lonely, but god damn, people need to stop pretending online shooters are fun.

>> No.8677915

>people need to stop pretending online shooters are fun.
this is very true. I don't know whats so fun about getting 360scope killed headshot and then screaming "FUCK" every 30 secs since you're getting killed or backstabbed in cowadooty

>> No.8677919

A lot of genres I only enjoy one game from, but that's enough. In fact, I can't think of a single genre for which there isn't at least one game I liked
If that counts as a genre, and I don't see why not, this might be it. Very boring, it feels tame even when you're getting good and everything is going nuts. Weird that it can be so flashy and dynamic and yet less compelling than Tetris.
I'm not going to mass-reply, but some exceptions I had were:
I remember liking the Madden football series when I was younger. I am not into any real-world sports at all, but it was fun enough as a game.
I liked Gran Turismo 1 and 2, it had sort of a car enthusiast simulation layer attached, so it wasn't pure racing. That kept me immersed enough that the racing itself became enjoyable.
>fighting games
I do enjoy Smash Brothers; the addition of the random items and layers beyond just face-to-face combos and blocking added depth where I needed it.
I like this series, but people can try "roguelikelikes"; FTL and Slay the Spire are a lot of fun.
>survival horror
Silent Hill is an excellent game.
I have had a lot of bad experiences here, but I finished Chrono Trigger with more enjoyment than anguish.
Warcraft III is I think one of the most tightly-crafted games I've experienced (writing being a low point, but not bad for gaming standards) and I enjoy it a lot despite being shitty at most RTSs. I don't play it multiplayer though, the AI is plenty of challenge for me if I wanted to do that.
Dwarf Fortress is incredible, although I haven't had a desire to play it once since I "beat" it the first few times. I don't get a lot of enjoyment from in-game creativity expression, so things like Minecraft don't really do anything for me either.

>> No.8677926

>/vr/ is filled with a bunch of faggots who hate actual gameplay focused games and would rather play anime menu sims
wow I'm shocked

>> No.8677982

Have you tried Sonic Spinball? The platforming and boss battle elements really spice it up in my opinion. I'm still holding out hope for a sequel someday.

>> No.8678765
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Never got into card games of any type.
Which is a shame, because they look really fun to play.
Same here anon, always wanted to get into strategy games and its sub genres.
Whoever i did manage to enjoy a few SRPGs, like Tactics Ogre and Banner Saga.

>> No.8678831

It's not a matter if I played shitty RPGs. I've played some games, the genre doesn't appeal to me, with a few exceptions. Simple as. If I can point out, my dislike is mainly towards Square, they are praised a lot for their games but personally none of them did it for me. The most entertaining retro RPG that I've played was Phantasy Star. Even though it was a grindfest, that shit was dope.

>> No.8678838

I don't know how to deal with RTS and I don't know a good entry point.

>> No.8679517

I have tried to get into final fantasy but never could. Tactics was fun but I tried 6, 7, and 10 and couldn't see the appeal after a few hours

>> No.8679574

I cant get into fps games

>> No.8679626

Shmups. They tend to be way too hard unless they're non-auto scrollers like Jackal or Pocky & Rocky.
Gradius in particular is a nightmare.

>> No.8679637

I think I have enjoyed every genre at some type, but I have never been able to get into the mainline FF. I played tactics and the ff7 Crisis Core and enjoyed them a lot, but I couldn't get into the other ones for some reason even though I like turn based RPGs.

>> No.8679742
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Anon, if you're posting on /vr you're not exactly conforming to masculine stereotypes yourself. If you really wanted to be a grown-ass man you'd stop playing vidya entirely and take up woodcutting or hunting or some traditional-type macho hobby. but here you are.

The only real difference between you and JRPG fags is they're less self-conscious about their choices in recreational activities. Unclench your butthole, embrace the autsim and you might enjoy new things

>> No.8679781

>You played one, you've pretty much played them all.
lol, you can just say you don't like them instead of sounding stupid.