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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 170 KB, 1024x741, Everquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
867559 No.867559 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vr/!

Let talk about one of the oldest MMO out of the box?

How long did it take you to travel to Freeport or Guk?

>> No.868041
File: 811 KB, 2484x1579, Norrath_Mapmaster255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people use this anymore?

>> No.868089

being excited for the release of Star Wars Galaxies I decided to buy everquest so I was familiar with massively multiplayer systems etc.

I have fond memories of the game but could never play it again.

>> No.868381
File: 120 KB, 960x529, Firiona Vie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice house elf!

I fondly recall killing Iksar's in the lake of ill omen!

>> No.868460

I fell off a boat once and had to swim in the ocean for three hours before finding land. I was killed by the first mob that saw me. I think I ended up somewhere in Kunark.

>> No.868718
File: 770 KB, 1024x790, poor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when Everquest hooked you for months all because of week long respawn time!?

>> No.869014
File: 204 KB, 1280x1024, nise desu nea!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.869125

that run from end to end of the Karanas

>> No.869353

If you didn't play Ogre shaman you didn't play the game.

Even ogre beastlord was good, got big ass bear and a grow spell to force everyone in your party to stare at bear anus all day.

>> No.869386

Played a half elf warrior, was one of the tanks of my guild. We started doing planes of power raids before I just couldnt take it anymore.

Plus, friends were starting to play ffxi, and I made the switch.

I miss it so much. P1999 just wasnt good enough, the community was shit.

>> No.869502

but anon I played a human shadow knight!

was so cash & profitable!

>> No.869543

Humans are shit, Ogres were where it was at. No stun from front, high strength, high HP, shocking people with pair cha+ cups that boosts your charisma to over 150, and those sweet low res models before they ruined the game with POP.

>> No.869597

I tried playing it recently now that it's free. It forces you to go through a shitty tutorial and grind in a cave for fucking hours before you can go anywhere. Absolute dick. the game was already 90% grinding and they kick you off to that at the start now.

UO is better in my opinion. But it's also a lot of grinding, It just doesn't feel like it to me because I'm free to come and go as I please.

>> No.869616


you mean EQ? I hated when it forced the high res models, I hated when it started the tutorial, I thought POP made getting between towns too easy. Tried p1999, good nostalgia, but I have a job and wife now, didn't have those 13 years ago, so no time to really get back into it.

>> No.869620

What is it like to have a wife?

>> No.869618

I do not like playing as unnatractive or aesthetically unpleasing characters.

>> No.869632

you can switch back to the older model's you know!?

But yeah I agree about Crescent Reach as well it's not soo bad once you reach the older zone's though.

>> No.869650

it like having a dad who's electronics.

>> No.871137

>That first time you tried to run through Kithcor Forest at night time.

Man that place was a suicide run.

My first character was a high elf wizard, started with Kunark. Man I dunno how many times I got ganked when you had to med with your spellbook open and it covered the entire screen.

>> No.872562

Oh man.

My aunt used to play this back when girl gamer meant unappealing middle aged spinster. I first picked Shaman because it sounded so cool and I liked the Vah Shir race, but at 10 in my first MMO I couldn't CC or heal worth a damn, so she said Magician fit me better.