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8671694 No.8671694 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Shenmue 1 and 2?

>> No.8671703

Never played the game but judging by the anime it's boring as shit

>> No.8671739

They are very good in my opinion. Sega classics but just like RE4 they inspired some trash games

>> No.8671775

For the time they were incredibly immersive life sims/mini game collections. IMO the Yakuza series took it's blueprint and actually made a modern, more fun version of it.

>> No.8671779

I see

>> No.8671860

Shitmue games are boring dull walking simulator
just play Yakuza an actual good franchise

>> No.8671902

yakuza is less fun than shenmue 1 and 2. and i like yakuza. shenmue is more true to life in its atmosphere despite some of the unreal shit happening. yakuza is like shenmue on too much sugar.

>> No.8671912

>yakuza is less fun than shenmue 1 and 2
>walking simulator is more fun than the phenomenal gaming experience Yakuza provides
just go outside and walk to the park or something that would be more fun than playing Shitmue lol
>shenmue is more true to life
maybe if you're an autist

>> No.8671982
File: 492 KB, 2000x1000, shenmue-the-animation-featured-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you guys know there's an adult swim shenmue cartoon airing?
seems bizarrely game accurate except for nozomi's appearance for some reason.

>> No.8671984

Is it any good? And are they just going to tell the whole story instead of waiting 20 more years for another half-chapter?

>> No.8671989

Looks soulless.

>> No.8672003

>Thoughts on Shenmue 1 and 2?
godo games

>> No.8672007

it starts at the end of 2 and then restarts. scenes were added to make it flow smoother, but it seems like they sent the studio every game scene.
the dub is kinda nice and ryu is only slightly less robotic.
i can't imagine what the show is like if you haven't played the games though.

>> No.8672038

i love 2 and have replayed it a few times, been wanting to play 1, lol, never have

>> No.8672331

This comes up all the bloody time. Yakuza really is nothing like Shenmue at all. Combat is the primary focus in Yakuza, the locations are infinitely less detailed and story takes precedence whenever combat's not in play. Outside of the main story the majority of game time is made up of random minigames and zero budget side quests.
Shenmue is far more consistent, it's about immersing yourself in the atmosphere, they're almost travel sims. You spend your time finding places (not just running to the massive pink blob on the mini map as in Yakuza) and being in the right place at the right time to talk to people. You're supposed to get to know everyone in the town (Shenmue 1) or feel genuinely lost and bewildered (Shenmue 2). Combat in Shenmue is minimal, it's not an action game. The locations are extremely detailed at the granular level
But they're both very Japanese and both have Sega arcade games so pretty much the same.

>> No.8672359

I've thought of the perfect example. Let's compare how the following situation would play out in both series'.
Scenario: You've been told that Big Dave has information you need. He regularly drinks in Bar Sarajevo.
Shenmue: Right, where the fuck is this pub? You ask around, people point you in the right direction. You find the right street and walk up and down scanning the buildings, no such luck. So you start asking the people on this street if they know. Barry san chews your ear off about his card sharking skills but he's never heard of Bar Sarajevo. A couple of schoolgirls threaten to beat the shit out of you so you back off in fear. Eventually you go into a nearby noodle restaurant and ask Granny Chan who tells you it's down an alley directly across from the karaoke bar. Finally you find the pub but it doesn't open until 19:00! It's only 10:00 so what do? You go back and train with Fuku San, that wasted a couple of hours. Go down to the shop and buy some milk to feed the cat and buy shitloads of gacha. Ok, now it's 16:00! Now we go and do a bit of training in the park and play some Space Harrier. Finally it's time, we go to the pub but Big Dave doesn't want to talk! Cue a thrilling QTE sequence where we twist his arm with a weird twisting leather sound (listen out for that, it happens every time Ryu grabs someone) and he finally giives us the information we need. Move on to the next part of the game.

Yakuza: Run to the massive pink dot on the map. "Oi teme!" about four times on the way over so you need to beat these guys up. Get to massive mission marker, watch forty minute cutscene where they repeat Big Dave's information about eight times and mumble things about honour. Time to find the next giant pink blob.

>> No.8672365
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I can appreciate the raw craftsmanship and attention to detail but...just wtf is this shit? no seriously wtf is this trying to be? Shenmue. pick a fucking lane.

>> No.8672367

They're quite different. 2's got more forward momentum so it feels like it's more exciting and always moving. 1's got more charm and it's far more personal. In 2 you don't really know HK or Guillin so everything's supposed to be strange to Ryu. In 1 Ryu knows everyone. Every single NPC is unique, voiced and with their own written back story. It's very intimate, but it's also very slow.

>> No.8672373

It's supposed to be an epic martial arts journey where they include everything. ESPECIALLY the boring bits.

>> No.8672376

that's what i figured, 1 has a small town vibe, i really enjoy the adventure of 2 with the cozy aspects interwoven in

>> No.8672385

You should love 1 I reckon then. It's ridiculously comfy and still has the adventure feel. It's on a smaller scale to 2 but that's to it's credit rather than detriment. I far prefer 1 out of the whole series and there are no parts where you need to slavishly grind money like in 2 or 3.

>> No.8672398

First one's an autistic forklift driver simulator. Loved it. Second one's more action oriented and picks up pace, but you still get to fuck around.

>> No.8672407
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i like the money "grind" if you can call it that, it's a non-linear section that requires you immerse in the world, find out where the games are, play the job mini-game, ect
it's akin to the triforce shard charts in wind waker, where all the rupees from treasures, breaking pots, finding great fairies, hopping barrels, plundering submarines, ect, ect, comes to be of importance

>> No.8672409

It's the only slow part of Shenmue I can't stand. Usually because it always come at a point where the story's started to pick up speed and feels like a fucking brick wall just as you're getting going. Shenmue 3's by far the worst for it Don't care what anyone says though, I fucking love Shenmue 3.

>> No.8672415

I think you got btfo in your last thread, you're going to samefag this one to death, and that you're a massive faggot.
Stop having the same conversation over and over. At least give it a few months so you can come up with something interesting to say

>> No.8672440

First game concentrates more on story and character development. Whereas the second one is more action and qte based.

>> No.8672519


>> No.8672614

>perfect example
>wall of bullshit vs disingenuous paragraph that ignores how Yakuza's movement, combat, and stories are all superior, you have choice to do what you want when you want, you're playing as cool dudes instead of some insufferable faggot, has the Japanese dub out of the box without having to download some amateur hackjob, and features Club SEGA.

>> No.8672625

Do you or do you not spend the majority of every Yakuza game running from pink dot to pink dot while getting into fights along the way? And Shenmue combat is fucking Virtua Fighter combat. Yakuza combat is just mashing buttons and repeating the same three combos for seventy hours.

>> No.8672636

yakuza is just shenmue for 9fag zoomers
shenmue is too serious and "boring" for them, so they need the 24/7 action for their minuscule attention span, memes, the wacky lol so randumb humour xD and the japanese girl videos cause they're sad lonely weebs as usual

>> No.8672660 [DELETED] 

I really like Shenmue 1 & 2 but I can't get into Yakuza at all. Yakuza 0, Yakuza 1, Yakuza LAD.
It couldn't keep my interest at all. it was just so fantastical and felt like it was trying way too hard. and I get really bored by that style of combat too nothing really felt impactful for me. It felt very monotonal to me and I couldn't really give a shit about any of the characters.
I don't care if people think Shenmue is a boring game, I like boring games.

>> No.8672667
File: 364 KB, 661x319, yqyq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Shenmue 1 & 2 but I can't get into Yakuza at all. Yakuza 0, Yakuza 1, Yakuza LAD.
It couldn't keep my interest at all. it was just so fantastical and felt like it was trying way too hard. and I get really bored by that style of combat too nothing really felt impactful for me. It felt very monotonal to me and I couldn't really give a shit about any of the characters.
I don't care if people think Shenmue is a boring game, I like boring games.
I like the English dub. I like the very slow pacing and life sim elements. I like how vague it can be on where to go. Maybe Yakuza has a better realize city, but I wouldn't know. I didn't notice it because most of my attention most of the time is focused on the map.

>> No.8672682

actually anon, I'm the OP of last thread. this guy is just some poor sod trying to make a Shenmue thread. also may I ask how I got btfo? seems like most of the arguments consisted of people saying "SOUL" over and over and calling me a zoomer rather than trying to argue how Shenmue is actually compelling in any way

>> No.8672687

because when you grow up you'll realize
> i dont think this is good, change my opinion, bet you can't
is a pretty dull conversation starter

>> No.8672692

remaining steadfast while someone puts forth thoughtful considerations is arguably THE most dull

>> No.8672695

I just don't find mindlessly tedious chores entertaining

>> No.8672696


>> No.8672983

Yakuza is nothing like Shenmue, they aren't even the same genre. Yakuza games are jrpgs with an active battle system. Shenmue is a simulation/adventure game with occasional combat sections.

>> No.8673002

>Shenmue fans still being completely delusional about Yakuza being nothing like shenmue
Nagoshi was literally part of the shenmue team and you people think it's a coincidence that he creates an adventure game set in a small but detailed replica of a Japanese urban area? It's obvious that he took Shenmue's concept and made it more appealing to the masses.

>> No.8673026


>> No.8673038

>Yakuza is nothing like Shenmue, they aren't even the same genre. Yakuza games are jrpgs with an active battle system. Shenmue is a simulation/adventure game with occasional combat sections.

The Yakuza games are like combination of River City Ransom meets a dungeon crawler. The gameplay itself was modelled after Sega's own Spike Out arcade game. Yakuza does have some similarities to Shenmue, with the way you move from shop to shop, buying things, and the playable arcade machines. Shenmue was based on Virtua Fighter. It started as Virtua Fighter RPG before it became Shenmue. Shenmue 1 and 2's main gameplay gimmick is time. The first Shenmue is made up of about 130+ days, and has a definitive game over if you hit the final day without completing all of Ryo's tasks. All of the NPC's in Shenmue function within Shenmue's calendar system. Shenmue II (On the DC and PC remaster) does continue from the Shenmue 1 save file, so your end date in Shenmue has an affect on the start date of Shenmue II. In Yakuza time is completely static or changes with the game story.

>> No.8673065

Wow you're right, they both have shops and playable arcade games, guess they're basically the same.

>> No.8673094

Enjoy slow books. Enjoy slow movies. Enjoy slow games. Simple as.

>> No.8673113

Yakuza is gay, not sure how else to describe it, it's homoerotic and i hate shit like that. Shenmue is a personal revenge epic with detail minutia.

>> No.8673846

>Maybe Yakuza has a better realize city
I really don't think the Yakuza games do to be honest. In Shenmue it feels like you're in a real place that you've got to properly work out and explore. In Yakuza it feels like running around a little cutout diorama of a real place.

>> No.8673910

>Wow you're right, they both have shops and playable arcade games, guess they're basically the same.

I just mean, the convenient stores in Yakuza work like the ones in Shenmue 1 and 2. Also, Shenmue was unique for having fully playable arcade games like OutRun and Space Harrier. Yakuza took this idea as well. Otherwise, I did not say the two games were like each other. They are both still pretty different from each other.

>> No.8674025

The shops are the one area I wish Yakuza was exactly like Shenmue. In Shenmue you need to actually walk around the shop and pick up what you're looking for, in Yakuza it's just a menu you pick from. Unfortunately Shenmue 3 took the same menu approach.

>> No.8675107

What are some more slowcore games??

>> No.8675334

Shadow of Memories

>> No.8675532

Planescape Torment is so slow someone actually turned into a book and no one could tell the difference. Essential slowcore.