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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8669543 No.8669543 [Reply] [Original]

Post unpopular games that you love.

>> No.8669568 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 256x320, Bionic_Commando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not quite finished and you can tell towards the end, but what a sick game. We need more swinging based games.

>> No.8669570


>> No.8669576

0 is often considered the weakest of the mainline Resident Evil games - its story is a soft retcon (tbf the entire franchise was being retconned at the time) and the partner gimmick was looked down on.

I, personally like the story and the characters. The gameplay and puzzles are both great and, with one exception I like most of the enemies in the game.

>> No.8669597

6 is generally considered the worst mainline game with some saying CV

>> No.8669612

I don’t consider 6 to be a Resident Evil game.

>> No.8669667

I love it too. Rebecca is a cute

>> No.8669848

It’s definitely one of the weaker ones, but I still enjoyed it.

>> No.8669857
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For me it's the best single player FF game

>> No.8669861

Final Fantasy II

>> No.8670292

I thought it was neat, a little bogged down by slow systems like the way items had to be managed, but they did types of puzzles that RE games don't often get to. Partner movement and combat wasn't horrific to me, they gave you a way to control them simultaneously so I did.

>> No.8670297

6's good parts are better than all of 5 honestly, and so is its Mercenaries mode. Anytime enemies with guns appear the zombie attack genre is dead and both games did it, but 6 sectioned them off into separate stories that could suck in a corner by themselves.

>> No.8670305
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>> No.8670530

5 was better

>> No.8670540

Yeah zero is much better on replay

>> No.8670687
File: 51 KB, 600x450, PROJECT_EDEN-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project EDEN. It's a Lost Vikings style character-swapping puzzle game, set in the increasingly haunted undercity of a severe cyberpunk dystopia. Each character has different abilities and strengths, and you have to figure out how to get the right ones into the right places to solve the problems so you could progress. I fucking love this game and think it was unpopular at the time for wrong reasons: it got looked at like it was just a bad third person shooter, but it's completely a puzzle and exploration game and great at both.

>> No.8670698

>Each character has different abilities and strengths
*except Carter, whose superpower is authority and is otherwise who you send in as fodder to make sure no one important bites it or depletes too much energy on the way to a problem only they can solve.

>> No.8670739

ok zoom
resident evil was always insanely popular.
a full high-production cost american movie was released shortly after zero & 4.

0 might not have been as well received as other entries in the series; however the jpeg backgrounds were praised by almost everyone.

unpopular opinion: i prefer zero over pt 1 & 3.

>> No.8670770

batman returns (nes)
batman return of the joker (nes)
dr. robotnik's mean bean machine (pretty fucking hard though)
final fight 2/3
megaman 8

>> No.8670809

Boomer here and this is inaccurate. REmake was heavily praised on release, and while critics commended 0’s graphics, it was generally considered a lesser game by comparison. Resident Evil’s popularity had started to wane by that time.

>> No.8670850

who the fuck calls resident evil 1 and 3 "part 1 and 3" lol. learn english.

>> No.8670961
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Not as good as Nier Gestalt but definitely overhated, people who say Drakengard is bad should play Drakengard 3 to see what a bad game actually is

>> No.8670963

I've never seen anyone shit on mean bean machine

>> No.8671003

This it was seen as same old same old.

>> No.8671006

you first

>> No.8671008

please emigrate to pluto

>> No.8671216 [DELETED] 

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

>> No.8671231


>> No.8671240

>with one exception I like most of the enemies in the game.
If you just stand still the frogs don't attack you at all and then they just hop back in the water and leave for good.

>> No.8671293
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This one. Loved it when star wars was still about fun instead of being about woke agenda.

>> No.8671305

It's inventory system was even worse that came before it. Zero clue how they managed to fuck it up so badly. Also a train fucking sucks as a setting for an entire RE.

>> No.8671306

Cv was good. Better than 3.

>> No.8671312

The train is only the first area, though.

>> No.8671318

Delusional 5fags have nothing to say as usual. Sorry you heard bad reviews and didn't touch 6 but stop posting if you're just trying to shelter a misinformed worldview from actual reality.

>> No.8671354

>use english language word
>not a meme buzzword
>anon still tells you to kill yourself
what did he mean by this

>> No.8671369

I don't fully recall the game since I played it on launch, beat it and never played it again but that's all I recall. Did the train not take up a lot of the game?

>> No.8671418

Not retro

Shit game, not even worth it to "just play it for the story" as its defenders claim. You can tell Yoko Taro was just trying to cram as many taboos as possible in the game
>look guys, incest!
>and cannibalism!
>and killing children!
>and pedophilia!
>isn't that so edgy and weird??!
If only that effort had been put into making a half decent game instead, but I guess it's easier to just be an edgelord and have weebs excuse your shitty musou gameplay instead.

>> No.8671473

good choices

>> No.8671483

It's less than a quarter of the game.

>> No.8671659 [DELETED] 

>Not retro
It's well over 10 years old. Very retro.

>> No.8671690 [DELETED] 

There's literally a definition of "retro" as it pertains to this board in the wiki. If we start talking about dystopian adventures in the PS3 era, we're going to have 5 threads an hour about the last of us for the next 6 months.

>> No.8671709 [DELETED] 

TLOU isn't retro until next year.

>> No.8671715 [DELETED] 

That's my point.....let's enjoy the time we have.

>> No.8671740
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I'm one of those people that didn't mind the item drop system
Just drop everything in the main sections of whatever location you're in. In these games you're constantly running around solving puzzles so it's not even backtracking.
Sure the magic boxes were better but this wasn't the deal breaker people made it out to be

>> No.8671820

>stop criticizing the bad system, all you have to do is work aroud the bad system that shouldnt be this bad in the first place
people like you do my head in, i want to talk about how horrible and inconvenient something is and they just stare at me blankly and think i just dont understand what to do

>> No.8671868

sure thing contrarian fag

>> No.8671891

>should play Drakengard 3 to see what a bad game actually is
It's WORSE?? I've never played it but after watching the gameplay videos it looked like it played way better

>> No.8671905

didn't clive barker's jericho have a similar gimmick?

>> No.8672025

I don't love it but it's pretty much what you could expect so I like it.

>> No.8672097

Just don't feel inconvenienced

>> No.8672098

Custer's Revenge

>> No.8672116

it deserves a remake

>> No.8672141

Mario 64.

>> No.8672145

>I have to use my brain to solve problems
I hate that too. That's why I always hex edit my saves to give me infinite herbs rather than deal with the shitty scarce resource system.

>> No.8672158

“overhated” is a meme buzzword

>> No.8672159

You're solving a "problem" that has no reason to exist.
Dropping weapons adds nothing to the game, the partner mechanic adds nothing to the game. The best way to play the game is to dump everything in a main hall, leave your partner there and play the game as a solo character until a puzzle forces the partner there, then tediously lug anything to the next main hall.
People call the game bad because it is. The game mechanics it adds do nothing or are a downgrade. The rest of the game is incredibly boring and generic. You are not 150 IQ for playing a shit game with bad design.

>> No.8672336

I'm with you op, I've never understood the hate this game gets. Is it as good as remake? No but it's still a quality game.

>> No.8672354

It's funny that they dropped the item dropping and partner mechanics from RE1 early in development because they sucked, only to turn around and stick them in 0 a few years later. Where, surprise, they still sucked.

>> No.8672442

Kind of, but Jericho uses the gimmick as a set of combat classes for the majority of challenges because it's way heavier on fighting, which isn't the focus of Project Eden. Jericho's still a shooter with bells and whistles. In PE half the time if there's significant combat, it's still approached like another puzzle you try approaches to and see if you pass/fail, and most of the time the puzzles aren't combat. PE's shooting gameplay is simplistic and not a high percentage of problems, it has more in common with a hazardous gas area you clear to be able to solve the next thing than real FPS/TPS gameplay.

>> No.8672558

If only the original version was released


>> No.8672630
File: 22 KB, 474x478, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why any of the original RE games were so fucking stingy with inventory slots. Yeah, I get SURVIVAL and all that buy you could still limit weapon and ammo slots without making me use 25% of my inventory slots just to carry two fucking keys.

>> No.8672639

The Final Fantasy that plays itself. This was the beginning of the end for FF. Plenty of fags like FF12 so I don’t know if it’s “unpopular”.
Do people not like this game? I had the Dreamcast version and played the ever living fuck out of it. Great game, great feels.

>> No.8672665

3 was the scraps of re2. Cv was a totally original game. Nothing but facts scrub.

>> No.8672671

Once I beat re2 a bunch of times inventory never became an issue but it's completely fucked for any first timers.

>> No.8672672

Daikatana was an original game too, why would you think that's an argument for it being good?

>> No.8672815
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It might have played a little better since it was probably using the RE2 engine, and I do like the older artstyle, but I think it was doomed from the start. All the stupid shit from the final game like Marcus cosplaying as a Final Fantasy villain was there from the very beginning. I don't know if they just completely ran out of good ideas or what, but if you look through concept art galleries you can tell shit just went right off a cliff after 3.They must have switched artists too, because CV and 0 have some of the most godawful amateur hour concept art I've ever seen compared to the amazing illustrations from 1-3.

>> No.8672831

Massive RE fag here, I've done everything that can be done in all classic RE games. 0 fucking sucks, it's the worst RE not counting 4 onwards. There's so much wrong with it I won't even bother getting into it.

>> No.8672994

RE0 seems like its main ideas were all conceived around the train and everything else was trying to fill out a game past that with no proper direction. Sort of like what they were saying about the brief period where RE4 was about running from a spectral hook man, there wasn't actually more to it than that initial concept.

>> No.8673035
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>> No.8673093

Still better than Code Veronica. And RE5 is a perfect game so you're a moron.

>> No.8673136

They should have rolled all the train stuff into an Outbreak scenario. There just isn't enough there to carry a whole game.

>> No.8673221

But Outbreak was a shit game.

>> No.8673363

t. Lurker frog
I am not falling for this meme again.

>> No.8673472

Agreed. The rest of the game just feels like a hodgepodge of recycled environments and ideas from previous RE titles.

>> No.8673654

Outbreak was great though, it was a perfect sendoff for that type of Resident Evil games.

>> No.8673657

They should have actually fucking advertised Outbreak and made sure people understood they were like a main series game. RE had a a few spinoffs few people liked by that point, but sweeping Outbreak under the radar was a crime.

>> No.8673664

It's not a meme though. You need to make sure your partner isn't going to shoot it but other than that just stand still and it leaves 100% of the time.

>> No.8673671

Outbreak wasn't a main series game though it was non-canon "What If?" shit just like ORC was.

>> No.8673807

It's crazy that as a weird online spinoff with no marketing, it still sold more than REmake and 0.

>> No.8673854

Not surprising. PS2 owners were scrambling for an RE at a time when Capcom gave Remake to the way smaller install base platform.

>> No.8673863

that's wrong retards. it's very much canon and very little clashes with the timeline. It's also much better than shit like 0.

>> No.8673884
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It sucks, the frame rate is ass, impossible to progress without level cheats in a couple areas, yet there is something charming about it. I had a blast playing through this version of the game.

>> No.8673953

I didn't say it was, I said it was LIKE a mainline series game, and I said that because people didn't generally know this spinoff played like the mainline games at all. We were used to ridiculous garbage and ignoring RE spinoffs at this point.

>> No.8674038

isn't this game super unpolished?

>> No.8674048

32x version is better.

>> No.8674051

>batman returns (nes)

I love that game. Did you try the romhack that improves the controls?

>> No.8674058

The sequels just copied the original (and gave a few more slots), and what you don't realize is that the original has more inventory space than it was supposed to originally. In the beta versions you can NOT combine ammo together up the original ammount, meaning 25 Beretta bullets = 2 inventory slots (15+10). Although the game was balanced differently and enemies had less HP.

With that said it all comes from Sweet Home

>> No.8674060

and when I say beta versions I mean beta versions dated only 1 month before release. The game went through some crazy balance changes at the last minute, after playtesting

>> No.8674138

can you play outbreak games solo?

>> No.8674376

Sid Meier's Pirates!

>> No.8674394

>Also a train fucking sucks as a setting for an entire RE.
I wish zoomers would actually play games before shitting on them.

>> No.8674459

>it's very much canon and very little clashes with the timeline.
It's not canon and it makes no sense at all with itself much less the wider canon. Almost none of the campaigns in it fit together with each other.

>> No.8674461

The PS2 didn't have the power to run REmake though. I mean just look at their version of RE4, laughable.

The reason is sold more is that the install base for the PS2 was about 6 billion people versus the 48 Canadians who owned and loved a Gamecube.

>> No.8674464

Even crazier that the US version had so many changes to it to make it much more difficult.

>> No.8674468

Not really unfortunately. They're pretty much impossible to beat single player but it's technically doable. The lack of split-screen or even a basic partner AI makes them pretty much impossible to play now.

If you want to experience the same vibe REsistence from REmake3 might still have some people playing. It's not retro though.

>> No.8674472

>REmake 3
Gross no

>> No.8674474
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Didn’t like it when it was released and i rented it from blockbuster. Now i find it charming and it always gets brushed under the rug. Also playing as jean claude and raul julia is a treat. Fun stuff

>> No.8674554

This is a pretty valid opinion but I get insanely bored by "fictional political intrigue between quasi Tolkienesque/European nations". It would be more forgivable if cutscenes were skippable.

>> No.8674559

>Depression Porn: the Game

>> No.8674564

I played this game before I played any GTA game and I loved it. The cutscenes and cars looked very cool and the car physics was great. There were some glitches here and there but some of them were pretty funny and I had played much more buggy games before
Then I played GTA III and man ... my eyes were opened into why it was so hated.
However, I played Driv3r again recently and the driving is still pretty solid.

>> No.8675050

Based on what I've seen of the beta versions, the US release is much closer to the original intended difficulty. Autoaim isn't even there in the versions dated around a month before release. It's probably more accurate to say the Japanese got a watered down version.

>> No.8675119


>> No.8675495

The train is only like the first hour, then its the training facility, marcus lab, part of the factory/lab from RE2 and then the waste management plant. The train is like 20% of the game

>> No.8675554

Too bad everything after the train is completely uninspired garbage that feels like it was stitched together from ideas too shitty to make the cut in other RE games.

>> No.8675661

The PS2 had more processing power, its architecture is just batshit insane, causing multiplat titles to suffer and take sacrifices on PS2 because code for more standardized hardware will struggle to use the parallel VPUs well without an expensive full rewrite. So REmake would port and just take sacrifices, same as other games - or if it were built natively on PS2, would be just fine. That wasn't the deal Capcom made so that's not what happened, simple as that.

>> No.8675697

>The PS2 didn't have the power to run REmake though.
Yeah, that's obviously why there's no games with 3D characters and pre-rendered backgrounds on the PS2.

>> No.8675890

>Stupid arc story
>shitty tool saving system
>way too lineal
>villains are a fucking joke
>gayest bosses ever
>fuck that butterfly
>fuck that gay criminal companion
>doesn't feel like a real RE
>the combat system was a mess

the only, I meant it, the only good thing about this disaster game, was Rebecca

you are totally wrong RE6 isn't even a fucking RE game, got it?

this anon gets it

bitch please, don't even try it, we all know you are baiting.

at least RE5 had a fun coop campaign, and Sheeva was hot as fuck, also Meme Chris was hillarious

>> No.8675903

Who the fuck even came up with this cringe garbage in the first place? I remember thinking a prequel was going to be like Predator or Aliens with Bravo team getting picked off one by one. Not some retarded shit about Sephiroth singing to his pet leeches and a fanfiction-tier character like Billy.

>> No.8675923

The cutscenes are skippable on the ps2 version.

>> No.8676663

Sorry anon but I can S rank good RE games. Sorry I never played Zero more than once.

>> No.8676685
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>> No.8676726



>> No.8676842

I haven't touched them in well over a decade but I seem to remember the AI being relatively competent at doing stage objectives actually. Like, some stages require different people to gather items at different locations for example, and I remember the AI being able to go and acquire some things by themselves as long as you were doing something too (in other words, they won't clear the stage all by themselves)
I think it was not impossible for them to die in the process though.
Fuck man, it's been a while though so maybe I'm misremembering, idk

>> No.8676932
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Not unpopular but rarely do I find anyone else who really loves and gets this game like I do
Seems like most people play through once or twice without bothering to explore the mechanics and levels and call it a day, then play the definitely worse Future and prefer it either because it's more cool to like for being le hidden gem or because its shitty 3D platformer design appeals to Generation Z more

>> No.8676994
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I get where you're coming from 100%. I adore this game. I've beaten it a bunch of times. I have a lot of memories of playing it every day after school. That level with that orange-y dusk look and the night one with that Miller Ball Breakers song are burned into my retina. I miss my niggas Combo and Garam, though I usually use Gum.

>> No.8677018

>appeals to Generation Z more
Zoomers haven't played future kek what are you on?

>> No.8677981

The train's like a tiny intro section you can blast through in about twenty minutes even when you don't know what you're doing. It's the mansion that takes up the bulk of the game (and it's a shit mansion)

>> No.8677987

12 is actually fairly popular. It's got the most impressive and alive feeling cities in absolutely any game for me. Even nowadays nothing comes close to feeling as sprawling and alive as Rabanastre (even though it's actually quite small)

>> No.8678567

Were they so creatively bankrupt that another mansion was the best they could come up with? It's so fucking lazy.

>> No.8678584

Didn't realise this was unpopular. Shit was tight.

>> No.8678625

6 may be a little janky and annoyingly long but I had a hell of a lot more fun with it than 5 and maybe even 4. It’s so ridiculous, goofy, nonsensical that it’s a blast to play. Going around sliding into zombies and then round housing them so hard they explode as Jake while Leon fights a giant zombie dinosaur that’s actually the US Security Advisor is just perfect. People don’t like it because it’s so far removed from 1-CV. If it was called literally anything else, like ‘Hong Kong Zombie Crisis’ it would’ve been seen as an underappreciated hidden gem.

>> No.8678645
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I love this more than Megadrive Shinobi games. It's just so silly and yet still so elegant at the same time.