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File: 2.09 MB, 1600x1600, Sega_Dreamcast_Controller_(PAL).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8665197 No.8665197 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: dogshit controllers

>> No.8665202

I'd take a dreamcast controller over an n64 controller any day

>> No.8665212
File: 1.65 MB, 1940x2220, Sega-Saturn-3D-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why Sega decided to take the Saturn 3D controller and make it worse for the Dreamcast.

>> No.8665215

you're a dogshit controller

>> No.8665223
File: 296 KB, 2000x1871, 2600 Joystick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stick breaks easily
>terrible button
I've burnt through more of these shitsticks than any other, cheap ass Atari

>> No.8665224

64 controller was more comfortable to hold and had a better dpad.

>> No.8665232


>> No.8665239
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unless you have tiny asian hands these things are unusable.

>> No.8665240

lose weight fat cunt

>> No.8665247
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>> No.8665249

my hand on the left
your hand on the right

kek at the fucking manlets who never grew up

>> No.8665250
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>> No.8665268

obese meat claws couldn't even hit the image upload button lel

>> No.8665276

kek @ chang the manlet
the playstation controller is designed for kids. imagine it still being comfortable to you as an adult.

>> No.8665282

you wouldnt say shit to me in real life pussy your talking to a navy seal

>> No.8665285

how to spot a zoomer who started with playstation

>> No.8665287

kek navy seals dont have the hands of a five year old boy.
my sister would slap your fake ass you fucking dwarf

>> No.8665294

how to spot a midget with babby hands

>> No.8665298

ok ok you win
have fun getting a barrett 50 cal throuhg your skull in front of your entire family in the next 3 weeks, courtesy of the us navy seals death squadron 7

>> No.8665304

How many confirmed kills, bro?

>> No.8665312
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Basically everything that predated the Playstation controller. SNES was a big step in the right direction but has poor grip.

>> No.8665320

Some people would say The Duke but I actually like it, so much that I use it over the smaller Xbox controller that I also have. But the main problem is that since it has extra face buttons instead of bumpers, a lot of games' control schemes get fucked up. For example, in Tony Hawk 3, you gotta use the black/white buttons to revert. If you use the triggers it can result in the camera moving which is a fucktarded design choice since no one ever moves the fucking camera in Tony Hawk. Another example is in SSX 3, X is mapped to both boost and one of the grabs, so you can eat shit a lot if you accidentally keep holding X even after a small jump.

>> No.8665351

This is the only correct answer. The kiddos ITT would know that if they spent more time with their grandparents.

>> No.8665361
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controller for fags

>> No.8665376
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you just don't know.

>> No.8665379

I've never understood how someone could think a controller is unusable until I bought a switch and tried touching its joycon

>> No.8665387

>better dpad
Which was almost never used.
Meanwhile the analog stick was complete garbage.

>> No.8665391

It's not good, but it's not dogshit either.

>> No.8665410
File: 34 KB, 640x308, IWZimiiFxZxsm0GTYYDeRp41kbuE728ecr6ltmXS7gQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 nearly had an identical flat pad design. I remember seeing the one on the lower right and getting really hyped about having 6 buttons on the face cause I liked to play my friends Mega Drive version of Street Fighter 2 with the pad on my knee doing a kind of arcade stick like claw. Theres a story that the executives wanted it as close to a SNES pad as possible, which is why the top left looks real SNES like, they added the prongs / grips during development and one or more of them raged about how they wanted it SNES like with no grips which is how it got to the lower right style. When the OG PS1 pad was prototyped they finally admitted it worked and helped the console stand out as not just another CD based 2d console.

>> No.8665414

The circle on the bottom and X on the right is pretty interesting. If they went with that, they could have standardized O being confirm and X being cancel between Japanese and western games. I think switching them was definitely the wrong decision.

>> No.8665415

Wait, the Duke just has the black and white buttons above the Y and B buttons, slim only moved them to the same line as the right 3d stick... how does that ruin your games control schemes?

>> No.8665417

Good catch, I didn't even notice that difference.

>> No.8665418

I mean the Xbox controller in general compared to the more standard PS2 controller. Read the examples I gave.

>> No.8665420

honestly the only thing I don't like about the douk is the squint layout of the face buttons. It just feels fucking weird. The think would be perfect if the face buttons were layout out straighter like on a 6 button genesis controller.

>> No.8665465

Is Wii retro? It's basically a GameCube

>> No.8665524

Stop trying to death grip it like an Xbox controller. Like a burger, it's held in your fingers not your palms.

>> No.8665629
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>> No.8665632
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>i never used either
>let alone long enough for one to break

>> No.8665721

My hands are big enough to crumple your face like a piece of paper and the dualshock is the best controller ever made. You're just a hamplanet butterball parked bus faggot.

>> No.8665724

It ain't perfect, but I love the Dreamcast controller.

Respectfully, go fuck yourself.

>> No.8665753

Money issues and betting everything on that stupid VMU gimmick.
The DC controller is the only official controller I've used that felt as cheap as the third-party ones if not even more.

>> No.8665760

All better options than what we ended up with, specially dpad wise.

>> No.8665797

You're a savage Anon. This isn't a gore thread.

>> No.8665948

5, only because I had to confirm them. I don’t confirm my other kills, keep it off the record.

>> No.8665958

Also, the d-pad on the N64 controller wasn't particularly good.
I consider it a step backward from the d-pad on the SNES controller.

>> No.8665963
File: 83 KB, 1172x1018, 61PEpRezj8L._AC_SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unofficial gamecube controller is one of the most unusual things I've ever used.
>Y is actually A
>X is actually B
>A is actually X
>B is actually Y
>L1 and R1 do nothing
>L3 and R3 exist but also do nothing
>Select and start both do the same thing
>Every dpad button is an individual button, Switch style

>> No.8665967

Not retro, retard

>> No.8666360

size is not the problem, but that d-pad is horrible

>> No.8666370

>late 90's
>no second stick
>only four face buttons
>cord on the bottom of the controller, so that it puts strain on the rubber and can cause it to split over time
Genuinely, what were they thinking?

>> No.8666391

You know, I've never actually gotten a good feel for having two rows of shoulder buttons, and I kind of wish it never became standard. Whenever a game actually expects you to use all four at regular intervals, it feels so awkward.

>> No.8666395

You a faggot are

>> No.8666641

I sort of agree, mainly because almost no controllers are actually designed for you to ergonomically rest fingers on all four shoulder buttons at once. The WiiU gamepad is literally the only controller I've ever used where it just feels natural to have a finger on all four shoulder buttons at the same time.

>> No.8666672
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>> No.8666687

O wasn't cancel in PS1 games, triangle was. everything switched to B/O cancel being universal after the 360

>> No.8666715

The Xbone and Xbox Series controllers are almost there. The bumpers are appropriately named since they're comfortable to bump with your knuckle while keeping your finger on the trigger.

>> No.8667257

DC controller wasn't that bad, my main issue with it is the joystick being plastic and not having a second joystick, other than that it felt rather comfortable when holding it. Maybe it could have benefited from a better d-pad too.

>> No.8667261

As someone with large hands, I loved the duke.

>> No.8667306

See my post >>8665320
The controller itself is very comfortable but the way certain multiplatform games used it was questionable

>> No.8667339

AKI wrestling games used dpad and are some of if not the best games on the system. You had to buy an arcade stick for dreamcast just to play dpad games comfortably.

>> No.8667343

>wasn't particularly good
It wasn't bad. When I get home I'll grab both and see if this is even true.

>> No.8667347

Dpad fucking sucked and those black and white buttons weren't easy to reach. Black and white buttons were even worse on the s model controller. I don't have baby hands either but thought it was still too massive.

>> No.8667546

>not having a 2nd joystick
Why would this matter? Would it have improved Crazy Taxi, Soul Calibur, Code Veronica? It wasn't even needed for Quake 3 which played just fine on a stock pad.

>> No.8667565

It was near perfect. Faggot

>> No.8667583

the cord being on the bottom alone lowers it to F tier

>> No.8667585

That is the only thing keeping it from being perfect

>> No.8667596

Because they had a hateboner for Nintendo and wanted to be them very badly. They got a way around the Nintendo patent of cross-shaped d-pads, so they changed their perfect d-pad into that thing on the Dreamcast.

>> No.8667603
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>> No.8667664
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>> No.8667721

The meme that this controller is good definitely comes from people trying to raise the worth to make money on them

>> No.8667842

>pic unrelated

>> No.8667845

you're a towel

>> No.8667858
File: 1.87 MB, 3060x2440, N64-Controller-Gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8667861

you never owned a dreamcast

>> No.8667869

I have tiny hands, and I loved this controller

>> No.8667870

Even sega fans can agree that the Dreamcast controller was a huge failure. It lost everything that made sega controllers the best of the batch and even though the VMU is cool it absolutely does not make up for the shortcomings of the controller

>> No.8667874

this is not true

>> No.8667881

Yeah I just loved the shitty d-pad and reduced number of face buttons

>> No.8667890

Neh I was a big sega fan and liked how solid the controller felt, but the triggers really screwed up my pointer finger. It was alright, but Dual Shock even 1 was ebtter.

>> No.8667901

it's actually very comfortable you should try it before gaslighting the dreamcast

>> No.8667908

Being forced to use the triggers in fighting games simply because the controller does not have an adequate amount of face buttons is cancer.

>> No.8667912

I read that it was too stiff and not good for diagonals let alone hadokens.

>> No.8667916

It's not great but I still love my DC, just beat Blue Stinger the other day

>> No.8667917

Typical onion big mouthed people.

>> No.8668475

Yet another newbaby embarrasses itself

>> No.8668494

says the N64 baby with his mutant hands.

>> No.8668507

That's not even its biggest issue. Dpad will wreck your thumb if you're constantly churning out 360 motions or downward charging and the pad itself is too narrow and starts to become uncomfortable after 10 mins of play.

>> No.8668515

>Blue Stinger
is that game good?

>> No.8668529

My only problem is the cord coming out of the bottom of the controller

>> No.8668532

good isn't a term I'd use, but it was fun

>> No.8668569
File: 68 KB, 1200x675, N64-Controller-in-Hand-pc-games2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and not for the reason youd think.

The triple handle design is actually fine as it was meant to only use 2 handles at once depending on the type of game, but the real shit kicker is that the stick is plastic rubbing against plastic and destroys itself in a matter of months of consistent use.

When the controller is brand new the stick isnt supposed to move at all when not pressed, yet I bet you could not find a single used N64 controller where the stick doesnt wobble off center all over the place. You can actually feel the components grinding when you press the stick.

>> No.8668609

>but the real shit kicker is that the stick is plastic rubbing against plastic and destroys itself in a matter of months of consistent use.
But it's a Catch-22 because the unique physical mechanics of the joystick created a resistance-to-input curve that really made all ranges of the input, not just "all the way in one angle", feel tactile. It's why idiots constantly spout out shit about how poorly N64 games aged while using Wii Pro controllers to try to play them. The games were just designed for a kind of controller that doesn't exist anymore. (And, granted, for good reason because as you mentioned they literally disintegrate with use).

>> No.8668620

lol, keep saying it and it will be added even faster.

>> No.8668624

OPs need to stop starting bred with unrelated pictures. Embarrassing. Do better. Delete thread an try again, toddler.

>> No.8668635

You can completely fix the issue by greasing the stick internals with silicone grease or replacing the parts with metal. It has nothing to do with the design of the stick itself, Nintendo just cheaped out on the materials.

>> No.8668658

Yeah, but, by greasing the ball joint, you're dramatically reducing the friction which is the resistance I'm talking about. You're just turning it into a normal joypad at that point. I'm struggling to articulate here, but you know how for a lot of sports athletes chalk-up to increase the friction to give something to deteriorate against? It's like that but without the ability to replenish the chalk. Nintendo probably play-tested it until it "felt good" and didn't stress test it to see how long it lasted.

>> No.8668741
File: 110 KB, 1000x782, jaguarpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flimsy, slippery, cheap-feeling analog stick
>Few buttons made camera control ass, especially in FPS games
>Inferior D-pad compared to Saturn

>Flimsy electronics/mechanical components (not a single official one of these I own is without issues)


>Waggle forced into every game
>Awkward sideways config for games they have no fucking business in like Super Paper Mario and Metroid Other M
>Camera control often compromised by lack of second analog stick even with nicely-implemented IR pointer controls

>Retarded design that makes hand cramp in seconds or prevents effective use of the joystick to go diagonally, etc.

>Flimsy, overdesigned dogshit with the same awful form factor as the 7800 controller along with the stupid fucking numeric pad gimmick

That looks absolutely wretched, I feel bad for the dumb fucks that were fooled into buying it.

Actually underrated controller, only "large" controller that feels comfortable to use and has good design imo.

No reason to use this controller for non-racing games.

>Flimsy fucking analog stick that decays over time
>three-handled design was not a great idea, though it is amusing to see faggot zoomers embarass themselves when trying to hold one for the first time

My contribution to the thread. You have no idea how bad this thing sucks until you actually use one, it's huge and the plastic on the side and back is actually kind of sharp to the touch relative to other controllers, and it will wear hard on your palms over time, and the D-pad is the stiffest motherfucker I've ever felt on a controller. Think the Xbox Duke except it fucking sucks because the buttons are far more spread-out and it cramps your finger and thumb joints immediately.

>> No.8668817

Maybe the most Comfortable but they should have spaced the buttons out more

>> No.8668826

this is the worst controller ever made, only rivaled by the wii dildo

>> No.8668848

>Why would this matter?
Being able to control the camera in 3d games, not having weird control schemes in fps games where you use the joystick for the camera and buttons for movement (or God forbid the opposite).

>> No.8668854

>It wasn't even needed for Quake 3 which played just fine on a stock pad.

>> No.8668864

you're insane

>> No.8668920

They both had shit dpads. N64’s is slightly better.
I love both controllers though.

>> No.8668941

worst D-Pad ever

>> No.8668945

No the 360 dpad is definitely a lot worse
The Duke's dpad is weird and ill-suited to games with heavy precise dpad use but you can at least consistently get the direction you're pressing and it has a nicer feel than the 360's mushy shit dpad

>> No.8669041
File: 127 KB, 1200x960, 1200px-Xbox_360_special_edition_transforming_dpad_controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8669056

"+" and "-" buttons.
Now that would have been something.

>> No.8669062

>64 controller was more comfortable to hold
not even remotely

>> No.8669067
File: 864 KB, 1032x864, ps2shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely the PS2 piece of shit controller.
Damn thing has an expiration date. The conductor for the pressure sensitive buttons (all of them except the very center ones and the joysticks) eventually just will stop conducting. This happens for each individual button so you would have to fix each connection with the correct resistance or replace the membrane altogether for a chink replacement that will take months to arrive and may or may not work. Apart from that, contrary to every other controller I have dealt with, the fucking membrane ribbon connector is SOLDERED into the circuit board. So you have to go through some work and always a non-zero chance for fuckups before you can even test if the repair worked or not. And even the replacement membranes will kill themselves eventually.

>> No.8669068


I don't see how the N64 controller is the worst controller ever, when the Dreamcast controller exists.

>> No.8669086

I was thoroughly impressed how the d-pad is still awful on these.

Never had my chink contact sheets not work, you can even use 18-pin connectors on 19-pin controllers just don't solder to the last ground pin on the right. Use a lower heat around 280c and flood the pads until you can free the original connector. The hosiden pads with the soldered contact sheet are great when working and easy to repair if you're mildly competent with an iron

>> No.8669103

DC controller is a mistake, the ergonomics were all wrong, the handles/grip were inwards making your wrists uncomfortable, the wire came from the bottom and then you had a little groove at the top of the VMU cradle where you put the wire because even SEGA realized how much of a retarded idea that was. The buttons have these little dots and sharp corners on the letters, the dpad is loose and unprecise, the thumbstick is loose and slippery, the triggers are cheap feeling, too few inputs for such a large piece of plastic shell. VMU was too heavy and large yet it barely saved more than an handful of games before it got full. The DC would be saved it used Sega Saturn controllers, they could have made new controllers for the DC but it should also be compatible with the Saturn peripherals.

>> No.8669112

See the delicate woman hand on the right? It's fit for the Sony Dualshock.

See the rough man hand on the left? It's also fit for the Sony Dualshock.

See the pig hands of some slobs here? They're fit for euthanasia.

>> No.8669242

Dreamcast controller wins just by not having a self destructing analog stick.

>> No.8670378

I think the shape is based though and I don't blame Microsoft for taking the general shape and improving upon it. Sega largely just made two prototypes of the Xbox controllers for them for free is all. You are still right on your points though.

>> No.8670486

seriously this, I want to buy some backup ps2 pads but all the third party ones look terrible and if I buy a sony one second hand I just know it's going to be fucked lol

>> No.8670492

The actual reason the N64 controller is retarded is because 90% of games didn't use the D-pad anyway so it's a waste of space

>> No.8670652

Flitered. Wiimote was kino genius.

Also not retro.

>> No.8670676

>implying the Dreamcast controller is worse than the N64 controller
You're insane

>> No.8670918

You missed the part where where dpad stuck out and would cut into your thumb if you were constantly sliding it diagonally left.

>> No.8670925

my hands are admittedly on the small side but I don't have much of an issue with larger controllers unless it's as huge as the original xbox one.
needles to say the DS3 is my favorite controller of all time.

>> No.8671043

>still awful on these

>> No.8671174

>Awkward sideways config for games they have no fucking business in like Super Paper Mario and Metroid Other M
It's good for one game, Punch-Out. It almost feels like the controller was made purely for it

>> No.8671626

I am no fan of N64 controller but the fucking worst I have is DS3. It feels so fucking cheap. It like the go back with quality with each iteration of them DS1 > DS2 > shit > DS3. DS4 is alright.
For DC controller, its comfy only thing that is really bad is dpad, you can literally cut your fingers with it. Analog stick works good but its fucking slippy, should have made them concave. I'm not the biggest fan of convex sticks in general, though GC is one of my fav

>> No.8671908

Ant controller with symmetrical analog sticks. The only people who thing thats a good thing are FPS shitters

>> No.8673160

Behold! Madkatz for the new generation!

>> No.8673163
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>> No.8673517


>> No.8674114

There is no way you’ve used 8bitdo if you think it’s remotely as dogshit madkatz was

>> No.8674205

8shitdo is so much worse than dog shit that even implying it's remotely close to being that good is an affront to God.

>> No.8674267

Madcatz te fightstick is better than any 8bit do product.

>> No.8674271

typical hipster behaviour

>> No.8674283

Yes. Defending your le ebik chinkshit garbage is typical hipster behavior.

>> No.8674416

Next Level Games did a good job with that one, kind of sad we didn't get another one on Wii U or Switch.

>> No.8674892


>> No.8674896

>ITT: Dogshit opinions

>> No.8674910

Video games are for children anon.

>> No.8674938
File: 68 KB, 1300x688, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The split controller design, allowing for what was essentially mouse style controls on a console was a good design conept. The problem with the Wiimote is lack of inputs. It needed at least a second stick, ideally like one to two more face buttons. The D-pad maybe should have been at the bottom of the controller, like this.

>> No.8675000
File: 287 KB, 2584x1796, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternately you can just take a regular controller, split it in half, add the motion stuff, and have that be your controller. The actual TV remote design is completely unnecessary.

>> No.8675043
File: 80 KB, 640x480, Retro-Ninja-Turtles-Mikey-Gametyrant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this turtle can knock the stupid out of you.

>> No.8675065

Explain how I'm wrong then. Wii games were frequently held back by the lack of inputs, leading to things like games not having proper camera controls, or having to substitute button presses for motions that barely worked.

>> No.8675395

I like Michaelangelo, but he's too damn slow. Not all beat'em ups are like this, but Turtles in Time really favors speed, so you can dodge and favorably reposition yourself with much more ease if you have a speedy character. In the end, I fare better with Raphael, even though he has the endurance of a little girl. You have no room to fuck up, however.

>> No.8675406

>The actual TV remote design is completely unnecessary
That was the only way you were gonna get your non-gaming mom and dad to try it, hence why it sold 100 million units.
Acting like the Wii was a bad idea is some hardcore gaymer revisionist history

>> No.8675480

It was bad from actual practical design stand point, if you wanted to play games more complex than tennis. It was good as a marketing gimmick, I guess. Though even then I think Nintendo over estimated how dumb your average person is. Seems the Switch does just fine, and it's controller has a normal number of buttons and isn't even shaped like a TV remote. Everyone's simple minded boomer aunt seemed to pick up smart phones fast enough, when that became a thing.

>> No.8675485

Switch has high sales numbers because it's both a console and a handheld. Nintendo sold A LOT more Wii's and DS's combined than it is just selling switches right now.

>> No.8675493

Not retro, dumb zoomer.

>> No.8675498

I think Nintendo's weird insistence that casual gamers are scared by large numbers of buttons around that time was completely unfounded. The PS2 is like the most popular "casual console" ever. it had more buttons than the Gamecube or the Wii.
And you know what else has a lot of buttons? A TV remote.
Don't be rude.

>> No.8675505

16 years whinner, its been 16 years

>> No.8675510
File: 6 KB, 343x147, Atari-Jaguar-Controller-Flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a TV remote
However remember there's a bad way of doing controllers like the Jaguar or Intellivision. Those things were hideous.

>> No.8675538

That's not what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting they should have put a couple more buttons and an analogue stick on it, so it wouldn't gimp games.

>> No.8675558
File: 31 KB, 530x780, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alternately, GC kidney buttons, and a small nub of a stick is a pretty good compromise.

>> No.8675601

Madcatz te sticks are for hipsters?

>> No.8675612

>Popular = shit
This is the hipster mantra
Not sure how you came to your conclusion

>> No.8675671

By now I'm convinced the main reason Atari died out was their sheer disregard for ergonomics and dogshit controller design.

>> No.8675842

Using split joycons is not bad - but trying to hold the switch as a handheld near impossible

>> No.8677273

>Explain how I'm wrong then.
Why would I do that? It's much more fun to subtly mock your stupidity and watch you sperg out.

>> No.8677281

It’s not /vr/ discussion but look into the satisfye grip
Legitimately makes the console comfortable to hold and fixes thumb placement of the awkward to reach buttons

>> No.8677581

Fucking this. PS2 controllers just fucking die out of nowhere. And then when you want a replacement, guess what? All of the original controllers have vanished and are probably dead as well. Making your only choice to buy a chink third party that barely even works. Specially those shitass wireless ones, they always break something.

>> No.8678318

Go play Okami on Wii and get back to me.

>> No.8678496

I'm sorry your parent's didn't love you enough to buy you more than a cheap bing bing wahoo console with and no accessories. I don't condone spoiling children , but you've clearly been traumatized for like by growing up in such a poor unloving household.a

>> No.8678542

Go play a good game and then get back to me

>> No.8679565

the 7th gen will never be retro to me
save for MAYBE the DS but even that's stretching it.

>> No.8679710

I was 16 when the Wii came out, and it was one of several consoles I owned.
Like Mario Galaxy with it's shit camera controls, or Zelda with it's shit camera controls, or Metroid Prime 3 with it's clear lack of buttons simplifying the entire game?

>> No.8679713

Fuck you, I recently got it for playing Ridge Racer and it is so good.

>> No.8679754
File: 17 KB, 400x300, s-l400 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8679760
File: 164 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8679894

No one asked how old you were. And you didn't own any consoles when you were 16. Clearly the mental trauma you suffered growing up a poor unloved child is worse than I thought.

>> No.8679917

I don't know why you're so upset with the reality that the Wiimote needed more inputs. Clearly Nintendo agrees with me, since they never repeated the mistake.

>> No.8679965

On the plus side, the game went out with one of its best entries. I don't know anyone that has something bad to say about Punch-Out Wii

>> No.8680116

The only one upset here is you. I'm just laughing at tard who's a mental and emotional wreck because his parents only ever bought him a basic Wii and a few games.

>> No.8680662

This feels like projection.

>> No.8681771

This feels like projection.

>> No.8682031

The plot thickens.