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File: 32 KB, 620x340, klobb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8661537 No.8661537 [Reply] [Original]

Heres number one

>> No.8661539
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Number 2.

>> No.8661542

>Gives bullets a use
>stunlocks bigger enemies and mows down weaker ones
>tap firing makes it a perfect sniper rifle

You take that back, you ignorant little whore. The only shitty thing about it is the firing sound.

>> No.8661547

If I wanna mow down weak enemies I'm going to use the super shotgun or rocket launcher, the rocket launcher also being the perfect sniper rifle

>> No.8661548

Using rockets on long range cacos is awful. Just post the pistol instead of the chaingun. Like the fact the chaingun was posted instead of the fuckawful pistol is baffling.

>> No.8661550
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I'll concede that the pistol is worse. But the pistol is nearly a joke weapon that you never use

>> No.8661556

Just ugly

>> No.8661558
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 01-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay hold the fuck up.
Where did THAT sprite come from? That's really nice.
To stay on topic I'll post a shitty gun as well.

Bear witness to the worst fucking starting gun in any FPS game ever.

>> No.8661569
File: 213 KB, 1465x491, PC Computer - Doom Doom II - Weapons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just dooms, if you're referring to the weird glove things all those guns had that for some reason is cut off by the screen

>> No.8661572

No. That's a different pistol compared to the vanilla one that was posted. Different shading, and has some proper definition to it.

>> No.8662031

This is the game's sniper rifle and is instant, useful for taking out distant hitscanners. The pistol is more outclassed than is even normal for games because it's just this but slower and uses the same bullets somehow.

>> No.8662097
File: 34 KB, 619x483, shitgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stunlock really does make the weapon a blessing. Even better on Doom 64.

For me pic related is a huge letdown. Good on paper but its really weak, upgrades for it are hard to find so you either won't upgrade it fully or need to use a guide, and when its more upgraded it eats up ammo really quick so its not that fun either way. Its good UT doesn't have this shit.

>> No.8662131

this, in the manual it's a casull or something which can take down a fucking bear but this piece of shit takes a lot of shots to take down even the old coot.

>> No.8662172

It sucks, but it's named after Ken Lobb, so that's cool. It can't be the worst because of that.

>> No.8662175

It has its uses.

>> No.8662181
File: 43 KB, 600x450, Quake 1 Nailgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't even worth binding

>> No.8662186
File: 77 KB, 1010x603, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ps20 is he only real answer. this thing is absolute garbage and it honestly feels like a practical joke in how shit it is.
>here's this single-shot powerful explosive device
>it does no damage
>it can't even kill regular humanoids in one hit

>> No.8662276

Can't you only carry one too or some shit?

>> No.8662285
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, 1492714851_suppressed-elites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't hit shit.

>> No.8662330

It's better as a substitute flashlight or for killing small animals (poor bunnies). Also the unpatched gun from retail version 220 could pwn a Titan or Skaarj Queen in one hit with Amplifier activated, talk about OP.

>> No.8662362
File: 547 KB, 1000x815, Infector_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets make a weapon that does no damage, takes like 20 shots to convert enemies, and then when enemies are finally converted they barely even damage each other, and then the conversion wears off anyway

always dread having to use this piece of shit any time I replay RC3

>> No.8662363

Flare gun in Blood. You shoot the bad guy, and then you have to... run away. It was creative and I enjoyed it, but still, nobody used it because they wanted to.

>> No.8662368

Pair it with a few pitchfork stabs or a shotgun blast in early game, and then use the altfire after you get more weapons and you'll understand the flare gun is excellent at what it does.

>> No.8662607

dual klobb is fun so its good

>> No.8662614

The tesla gun in rtcw

>> No.8662674

Dude Sex assault rifle.

>> No.8663242

good luck beating the early levels on nightmare difficulty without this. situational but very underrated gun

>> No.8664165
File: 1.07 MB, 1145x982, needler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8664180
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>> No.8664187
File: 69 KB, 300x245, 300px-PlasmaPistol-H2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only useful covenant gun
nah fuck that
true worst gun coming through

>> No.8664242
File: 255 KB, 1000x750, Freezethrower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8664249
File: 47 KB, 512x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas be leik
PLZ reviv me i was REEloadin!
this post was made by m14 gang

>> No.8664274

The Plasma Shotgun from Jet Force Gemini. Got to charge it to be any kind of damaging, and shots sometimes go right through the enemies with no damage.

>> No.8664275

alt fire can destroy entire rooms even on hard mode, single shot on lower difficulties is guaranteed death for some enemies.

amazing until you get the super nail gun, after that it's useless

designed to be the worst gun because ken lobb is apparently useless

surprised no-one has mentioned the DooM 3 shotgun yet

>> No.8664376

its greatest use is taking out turrets in two shots and its good for finishing enemies, i take on assault commanders and enforcers with the freezethrower to save ammo

>> No.8664380

Every nonexperimental weapon in Half Life 1 and 2 including the Gravity Gun

>> No.8664387

>fights monders and demons on mars in space
>has bare arms


>> No.8664413

This. Even the knife or crowbar is a better weapon. Fire extinguishers even work as the better one-shot tool to keep around because gas disables enemies for so long.
Not this, because the AR has a secondary fire that's a giant AoE grenade launcher, aka bonus lockpicks. The regular burst shot mode that lacks both semi and full auto is fucking a crime against god though.

>> No.8664461
File: 133 KB, 940x334, 3007348-ut2k4_ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you go from the enforcer to this?

>> No.8664465

lol wat. The plasma pistol instantly kills shields and in CE you can rapid fire it much faster than the plasma rifle. Also in CE it has longer range than the plasma rifle as those shots evaporate for some reason. They even went further in later games to give it the ability to disable vehicles. The needler is a delayed damage weapon which means even if you kill your opponent he'll have enough time to kill you back. Fun weapon in campaign though.

>> No.8664484
File: 175 KB, 1000x750, stg44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason nobody mains assault in BF1942

>> No.8664498

I've Leo Major'd so many rounds with this in de_aztec. Like all guns in CS, know when and how.

>> No.8664527

Not so great when the freeze ammo bounces back at you though.

>> No.8664618

I've never been big on using the gravity gun as a weapon. It's fun to manipulate props with it but in terms of actual combat it never felt satisfying using it to weightlessly fling cinderblocks into cops. It's only ever really fun when you get to use it to knock around oversized props to try and make it hit enemies, you don't get enough good opportunities to do that though.

>> No.8664689

Try using the nail gun in quake world multiplayer, asshole

>> No.8664732

Fun Fact: on the mode where all guns instantly kill, the Klobb is actually capable of only doing 99% of your life, meaning even in the instant kill mode of the game, you can survive being hit by the Klobb.

>> No.8664738

>have the same fire rate, fire the same ammo, and inflict the same damage as a ww2 submachine gun
What was john carmHACK thinking?

>> No.8664769
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>> No.8664790

Klobb fucking sucked. You could be aiming right at their heads with a full clip and you'd be lucky to even slightly damage em.

>> No.8664793

LOL. In multiplayer it was so shit to get into a fire fight and you had the fucking klobb. It was better running off looking for another gun.

>> No.8664794

The plasma pistol is your staple weapon in CE Legendary difficulty. The Plasma Rifle is also extremely useful at stunlocking grunts and jackals and bursting down shielded Elites at range.
I think you just don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8664812

No you haven't lmao

>> No.8664824

it's easy to kill when respawning and shooting the grenade across the map

>> No.8664948
File: 67 KB, 499x123, weak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna get shit for this, but I hate how useless Quake 3's shotgun feels—or rather, how the AI seems to use it as a second Railgun on higher difficulties while it is a pea shooter in your hands.
You know how ridiculous the spread is, but I swear the computer manages to land all 10 shots of the shell at distances it shouldn't, while sometimes I'm in front of the enemy, right there at arm's length, aiming at the chest and half the buckshot does not land.
The 'git gut' is obvious and maybe I'm reacting like that because it isn't even a 4th of what the double shotguns in previous Quake games are for balance reasons, but you can't deny how underwhelming it is.
Works like a charm on slow enemies and tight corridors where you're close to the critter and it can't evade well; it's just not that versatile compared to weapons like the Shock Rifle or the Eightgun. If anything, I found Unreal's Minigun useless because of how good the Enforcer works as a hitscan sniper gun and I would rather spend bullets with that one instead.

>> No.8665060

Might be one of Q3's less good weapons but I've done a lot of effective work with it too. Quake 3 weapons just don't belong in this thread imo, none suck THAT bad.

>> No.8665712

don't miss any shots then dummy

>> No.8665714

duke gives you so much atomic healths and medkits that losing 10-15 hp means nothing to you unless you aren't good [spoiler/]

>> No.8665715

unironically a good choice for spray and pray, also slows down people who move around too much in pistol rounds and they have no idea what to do

>> No.8665742
File: 972 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20220226_071530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw all this klobb hate
but I like the klobb

>> No.8665924

as a /k/ommando who's helped build one, they are neat but >32acp.

>> No.8665940

thats a skorpion, not a klobb

>> No.8665941

Depends on which halo. Sometimes absolute garbage, sometimes homing death. Fear the pink mist.

>> No.8665946

lol tf, that’s awesome

>> No.8666872

Klobbs were bad in Goldeneye but they were fun bullying weapons because you'd just shove someone around with them a ton due to the knockback and keeping them alive.

>> No.8666884
File: 67 KB, 640x480, NINTENDO64--Jet%20Force%20Gemini_Sep21%2023_48_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more like a charge pistol than a shotgun
>slow as fuck projectile with no tracking
>fully charged shot doesn't even 1 shot basic drones
>shares ammo pool with infinitely better hitscan high-dps machine gun
>only use is that it's capable of killing zombie drones but there's plenty of rocket launcher ammo on Tawfret anyway

>> No.8666938

Useless in your hands, pretty lethal in Skaarj Trooper's.

>> No.8667630
File: 212 KB, 741x434, Tesla[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking shit from Quake 2: Ground Zero
>Takes too long to set up.
>Can't put them too close because they attack one another.
>Enemies can disable them easily, so they are useless if they are spotted by an attacker with a range weapon.
>Spiders can go over them by crawling from the ceiling.
>You have to know the map and enemy positioning by heart if you want to ambush enemies that haven't detected you with it.
>Turrets are always too far for the electric bolts to reach them.
>Putting them on corners doesn't help because most enemies can tank the damage and blow them up.
I kept saving them up, thinking there would be a weapon to use them as ammo like the Grenade Launcher. In a fast-paced shooter like Quake 2 setting traps like this messes up the game's flow as much as peppering rooms with turrets in tricky corners, making you shoot them and taking cover.
At least in The Reckoning you had that rare trap that would immediately suck and gib enemies, and even you if you threw it too close, dropping health at the end.