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8661368 No.8661368 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong with Sonic 3? How'd it manage to so badly butcher the series' unique art style and charm?
Compare Casino Night Zone Carnival Night Zone, or Wing Fortress to Flying Battery. Sonic 3's world design is so bland and soulless compared to the games that came before.

>> No.8661378

Autistic retard

>> No.8661381

nothing, what went wrong when you decided to make template bait threads? what's happening in your life, op?

>> No.8661386

BASANDO and I don't care what anyone says, the only Sonic games to me are 1, 2 and CD.

>> No.8661389

that Sonic 3 tree trunk looks very bad

>> No.8661390

it didn’t

>> No.8661445

must have hit a little too close to home. why dont you think critically about something dear to you instead of pretending it has no flaws? You will grow as a person. Face it: sonic 3 is what truly began the series’ descent into mediocrity. a shameful cash grab lapped up by people like you who buy into the hype and barely fire a neuron in the process. we call people like you SHEEP.

>> No.8661450

>What went wrong with Sonic 3?
Nothing, it is one-half of the peak of video games.

>> No.8661456

Did chris chan write this post from jail?

>> No.8661472

It isn't dear to me

>> No.8661520

no it’s good

>> No.8661642

literally all of 2010s sonic was abject pandering to you palmtree fetishists why are you all so butthurt

>> No.8662056

although i think sonic 3 is fine i do agree angel island had a weak aesthetic compared to the previous 3 games. palmtree being the best example

>> No.8662378

Nah it was Sonic Heroes that started it

>> No.8662570

Flying Battery kicks Wing Fortress's ass retard. Carnival Night is fine but Casino Night is better for the music alone.

>> No.8663497

Wing Fortress has always been my least favorite zone in Sonic 2 not just because it's annoying to play through, but also because it's an ugly level with shitty music. Flying Battery is better in every single regard.

>> No.8663615

Emerald Hill<Angel Island+Mushroom Hill
Chemical Plant=Hydrocity
Aquatic Ruin>Marble Garden
Casino Night>Carnival Night
Hilltop<Ice Cap
Metropolis=Launch Base
Mystic Cave<Lava Reef
Oil Ocean<Sandopolis
Sky Chase>Sky Sanctuary
Wing Fortress<Flying Battery
Death Egg>Death Egg+Doomsday
Special Stage<Special Stage+Gumball+Rolling Jump+Slots
4-6 S3 wins, but both games are great. Simple as.

>> No.8663647

Basing on what?

>> No.8663739

>devs make a game so full of content it's literally too much for the hardware to handle and they have to split it into parts

>> No.8663762

an interview with sonic team revealed that s&k started development after s3.
What they spent a lot of time into was Sonic 3D, a "3D" sonic game for MD that was going to use the virtua processor but ended up being cancelled.

>> No.8663807

On the game

>> No.8663867

on the fact that Sonic 1 is the peak of the series.

>> No.8664234

That's not why they split it into parts, it was just delays were taking so long and even after getting a team to spit out Sonic Spinball in a few months to buy some time, they had to concede and just opt to release the half the game they had finished and then finish the game later.

>> No.8664430

>during development s&k was called "sonic 3b"
>still wanted to release the complete version which was called "sonic 3c"
>presumably they called sonic 3 alone "sonic 3a"
>there is a "sonic 3d" but completely unrelated
>sonic 3d is based off of the original concept of sonic 3.
there is an iceberg here

>> No.8664446

He's too busy wishing he was a woman and also Jesus

>> No.8664572

>Chemical Plant=Hydrocity
>Oil Ocean<Sandopolis
Literally zero taste, Chemical Plant and Oil Ocean are cool as hell

>> No.8664587

Casino Night is a cooler zone than Carnival Night, but Flying Battery is a cooler zone than Wing Fortress.

>> No.8664604

Sonic and Knuckles sucks. Zones are worse, Knuckles is a red manlet that can barely jump and has to go through '''''''shortcuts'''''' for shitty remixed routes.

>> No.8664610

The Knuckles Chaotix one makes the rest look like shit

>> No.8664615


>> No.8664624
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>> No.8664627
File: 56 KB, 250x250, 1643126230503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anons that autistically split Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles and say they're separate games

>> No.8664662

Putting chemical plant on the same level as Hydrocity is a compliment. Both zones are awesome.

>> No.8664669

>Sonic 3c is Sonic 3 Complete

>> No.8664885

>Sky Chase>Sky Sanctuary
>Death Egg>Death Egg+Doomsday
This has to be bait.

>> No.8665301


>> No.8665370

that was about the time that sega switched from designing art on crt displays to hd lcd monitors

>> No.8666843

>LCDs killed Sonic
Another casualty in the relentless march of technology

>> No.8666846

If you were there alive at the time, you would remember when Sonic 3 came out, and then Sonic & Knuckles.
I played them as separate games.

>> No.8667151

Are these palm trees all pre-rendered 3d or is it just the Sonic 1 palm tree

>> No.8668907

I don't think any of them are, it's just sprite art in the style of early 3D

>> No.8668908

I dunno dog, that Sonic 1 one looks pre-rendered

>> No.8670619

The Palm-Planting Pyrenees