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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8659619 No.8659619 [Reply] [Original]

Just got home from work. 3am in the morning. Took a shower. Beat Super Mario Bros warpless for the first time in my life. First try of the night. Only had one life left starting 8-3. Clutched it. Feels fucking great. Gonna ask my boss for a raise tomorrow.

>> No.8659628

Good on u bro

>> No.8659635


>> No.8659639

Now beat 8-bit 2/Lost Levels.

>> No.8659640

Good shit bro if you were here with me rn I'd suck your dick but not in a gay way

>> No.8659652

This. So much this.

>> No.8659664

umm, anon, being proud about beating a game is so early 90s

now it's all about 100%ing the chievos or getting the WR

>> No.8659692

You could of used that time on double shifts and really gotten ahead.

>> No.8659697
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>3am in the morning
could of

>> No.8659727

What game next?

>more SMB
Boring. Should at least be another pioneer, like R-Type, Street Fighter 2, etc.

>> No.8659864

Don't feel like getting my ass kicked that hard right now. Going to keep playing SMB1 a couple of times a week and I'll take on 2J after I beat the 2nd quest warpless.

Been playing Rad Racer on and off and can't beat it without having to continue on the last stage. Started Uninvited but didn't finish it. So I'm going to focus on these two until I get them done. Afterwards probably Castlevania.

Thank you. Couldn't have done it without you.

>> No.8659868

Bet youre a riot at parties, you faggot

>> No.8659938

Beat both quests warpless deathless mushroomless, then we can talk

>> No.8659947

Used to be able to do this as a kid but when I tried it recently I kept fucking up. I ought to do what you're doing and just get home and do a run of two before bed.

Definitely would want to get to the point where I can do second quest as well. I dunno about Lost Levels though. I beat that as a kid on All-Stars, but I dunno if I want to tackle that on NES.

>> No.8660031

Yes, actually. I don’t talk or type like a retard.

>> No.8660078

You must suck some mean dick

>> No.8660129

Yeah, I should of just not pointed out illiterate tards. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment at 1pm in the afternoon.

>> No.8660135

Those dicks arent gonna suck themselves. Away you go

>> No.8660148

Uh huh. This being 4chan is no excuse to sound like an idiot. Do better next time, please.

>> No.8660152

Your faggotry is boundless it seems.

>> No.8660163

>should of