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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 28 KB, 256x314, longestjourney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
865959 No.865959 [Reply] [Original]

Your thoughts /vr/?
>Great settings
>Great writing, good twists, FUNNY
>Great characters
>A likeable protagonist

As far as point and click game goes, it wasn't the greatest, but everything else more than made up for it.

>> No.865995

I thought April's voice acting could've been better. She always sounded really weird and unnatural during the more dramatic bits.

Still a sweet game though, is the sequel worth checking out?

>> No.866059
File: 76 KB, 640x360, The-Longest-Journey-Home_50329_640screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, if you loved TLJ's story and world, it's a great sequel and a must play, but if you just play point-and-clicks for the gameplay, Dreamfall is a terrible game.

>> No.866203

Too much of a visual novel.

>> No.866941

Sad the sequel is "graphic adventure games are for neckbears" The history is worthy but the gameplay is retarded in Dreamfall. They thought a graphic adventure in a xbox don't wort it. And started to convert in a weird mix of isolated mini puzzles and shitty brawler.

>> No.866950

>if you loved TLJ's story and world
You won't like Dreamfall as it doesn't really continue the story or even recognizably the same setting outside of a few Stark locations.
If anything i'd argue that Dreamfall stands better on it's own.

>> No.867008

I wouldn't check it out until Chapters is released.
Dreamfall ends on a giant cliffhanger and never really wraps up its story, and the gameplay doesn't at all make up for it.

>> No.867074

I had to main issues with TLJ.

One was the lack of good puzzles. Many of the ''puzzles'' involved walking back and forth between two characters and talking to them. That was it. It's not like there weren't any decent puzzles in the game. I enjoyed the part with the sort of telephone stones on the island. I wish there were more puzzles with a lot of effort put in. It's a very long game and you could go hours without hitting a good puzzle.

My second problem was the dialogue going on for too long. There were points where you could be sitting there for five to ten minutes listening to characters talk. That's made even worse by the fact that the characters just stand there barely moving the entire time.

That being said I still really like this game. It had a lot of charm and I'm glad finished.

How did the calculator kill Roper Klacks?

>> No.868340
File: 13 KB, 150x154, HappyHarry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He divided by zero

>> No.868746

I never expected someone to produce Every Charles De Lint Novel: The Professional-Quality Video Game, but I'm so glad they did.

>> No.868834

There's a female NPC that you talk to in the beginning of the game who is a lesbian. She was just SO BLATANTLY lesbian that it disgusted me. She was talking about how sex was amazing.

Now listen. I'm not being homophobic, but if she were a male NPC, there is absolutely no way that this game would have been published.

Her dialogue about her relationship and how sex was so great made me alt+f4 and uninstall. Absolutely horrific.