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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 47 KB, 600x450, d60uiq9-f69fc6eb-a7c6-4d76-ae38-37a604830c55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8658836 No.8658836 [Reply] [Original]

wtf america

>> No.8658849

The top version looks better

>> No.8658852 [DELETED] 

Americucks cant handle the braps.

>> No.8658856

Yeah, that's why we have the phrase "sex sells" and all.

>> No.8658872


>> No.8658876

>not imagining her sweaty ass in those shorts

>> No.8658880 [DELETED] 

>How DARE they cover slightly more of the pixel woman's ass?
>I will be writing a VERY strongly worded letter DEMANDING that they make video game characters mildly more sexy so I can jack off to them

>> No.8658882

Only good post itt so far.

>> No.8658886

based censorship enjoyer

>> No.8658896

I like the extra skin, but the curve of the bottom of the shorts emphasizes the fatness of the ass in the kicking pose.

>> No.8658897

My man!

>> No.8658904

Dosn't Japan censor gore though? And Europe can be enormous pussies when censoring swastikas

>> No.8658909

Do masturbation addicts really get mad about this?

>> No.8658914

Japan censors dismemberment and decapitation, or they started doing so after the creation of CERO

>> No.8658916

Asexual puritans think anybody who cares about anime girls getting covered up is some kind of impulsive masturbator

>> No.8658918
File: 801 KB, 1664x602, cammy censor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost they screw up cammy totally with censorship bullshit

>> No.8658936

Funny thing is japan is the country that censors porn

>> No.8658939

what does sexual content add to the game? does seeing a pixel ass somehow make it more fun? seek help.

>> No.8658941

>does seeing a pixel ass somehow make it more fun?
one hundred percent yes

>> No.8658945

Yes, it does.

>> No.8658949

Its a video game. Stuff really shouldn't be censored at all in general

>> No.8658952 [DELETED] 

I bet in canon, she won the tournament solely because all the dude's wanted her big fat ass to sit on her face. Like, imagine not wanting her to sit on your face with an ass like that.


>> No.8658959

>>8658836 (OP)
I bet in canon, she won the tournament solely because all the dudes wanted her big fat ass to sit on their face. Like, imagine not wanting her to sit on your face with an ass like that.I don't care if I sound like a coomer: it's a natural urge to want to impregnate a woman that stacked from front to back. You are literaly gay otherwise, especially larping on a site like this thinking you wouldn't IRL.


>> No.8658961 [DELETED] 

because porn is bad for you and fuck up your brain man

>> No.8658965
File: 35 KB, 235x160, 17F3EB57-4FBB-4BB9-B6EA-774E59DB3CB8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butt attacks are life

>> No.8658968
File: 248 KB, 559x805, aska_teenage_mutant_nin(...).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

Amen brother

>> No.8658975

Honestly I like the shorts better, you get the shape of the ass and the crack.

>> No.8658982
File: 152 KB, 850x1242, Panties under bloomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like censorship but as an enjoyer of bloomers, I am happy that the alternate sprite exists.

>> No.8658989
File: 21 KB, 236x473, 94C2DA5E-1425-402E-9F81-D050B679C76F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based bloomers enjoyer
in an ideal world we’d get a choice

>> No.8659062

I'm pretty sure the Japanese version is deliberately sexed up, not the other way around. The Japanese version came later and had extra improvements beyond just Aska's costume. Rat King's stage had breakable walls added, too.

>> No.8659108
File: 52 KB, 144x198, bae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8659120

I remember as a kid I was disappointed with this game's roster because it was filled with literal whos and I wanted all the familiar names from the cartoon. But now I'm glad they went in the direction they did because it makes Tournament Fighters feel like it's own thing.

>> No.8659151

Mmmm cake

>> No.8659163

is it really "censorship" if you're not being legally required to do it and are just doing it to meet some arbitrary requirements to obtain a meaningless rating from an unofficial self-appointed ratings group?

>> No.8659170


>> No.8659176

that's literal definition of censorship

>> No.8659231

In this case they did it so that Nintendo would agree to manufacture their cartridges so that they would have a game they could sell

>> No.8659263

her ass is gotter in american version, but the pose is too stiff

>> No.8659313

I've never seen that pic before, you made me google it. Apparently it's an early version of SSFII for SNES that some Mexican magazine had access to, but that change thankfully didn't make the cut.

Mai actually was censored in the US SNES version of Fatal Fury 2, though it's such a minute change you'd never notice without a direct comparison and really looking for it. What was even the point?

>> No.8659317
File: 7 KB, 644x332, maiass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helps if I include the fucking picture.

>> No.8659332

Hey I kinda like this outfit. I wonder if a prototype with it will leak someday.

>> No.8659337

US version looks better. There's such a thing as too much fan service.

>> No.8659339

>The top version looks better

I kinda agree. Not really for censorship, but in this case, I like her covered more.

>> No.8659362

It's funny because, again, the curve of the shorts on something as small and simple as an SNES sprite actually has the effect of making the butt look larger and more realistic.

>> No.8659365

>does seeing a pixel ass somehow make it more fun?
wtf yes. what is wrong with you

>> No.8659373

plot twist: the international release was what the developers intended and the fanservice in the japanese version was a form of censorship to make the game in line with japanese values

>> No.8659408

plottier twist: sheltered bitches whine about both

>> No.8659413

If I wanted to see porn I'd just do a google search

>> No.8659414 [DELETED] 

>sugar is bad for you and can fuck up your teeth
>Rated M for diabeetus

>> No.8659674

based japs appreciating the female form

>> No.8659678

I think he's the one that needs to seek help

>> No.8659682
File: 567 KB, 1721x518, cammy sprites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too, but I don't use google

>> No.8659703

This but instead of clothes, it's with the skin, imagine all her muscles inside being wrapped up by a nice soft human skin blanket, and one that can get sweaty and have goosebumps, wew

>> No.8659723

No, it doesn't. Censorship aside, the U.S. version looks awful; Aska looks like she's limbering up for ballet practice, whereas in the Jap version, she actually looks like she's kicking someone.

>> No.8659743

They're the exact same fucking poses lol, she's just wearing bloomers instead of a thong. I think the bloomers unironically look better and make her ass look better, too. Bottom image looks more funny than anything.

>> No.8659787

OP's pic used a different angle for the leg on the ground, but they're the same in-game for all versions (Australia, Europe, America & Japan) as I just checked. It's only the Jap version that got extra ass, tho.

>> No.8659790

the shorts are easily hotter

>> No.8659794

No, it doesn't.

>> No.8659796

not him, but her planted leg is not the same angle, and he’s right in that it makes her kick look less genuine. US looks more like what you’d see in Mortal Kombat since they had actors pose for still frames

>> No.8659801

>Japanese game is perverted as hell to the point where it could never fly in America at the time of its release
>change it for America, not even much just enough to make it not blatant
>retards on /vr/ whine and cry about CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP
It literally would not have been released if they didn't make the change you fucking zoomers

>> No.8659806

Most of the times this kind of censorship is done by the devs in fear of not passing certification, so they do it before anyone tells them to. In such cases you really don't know whether it could have flown under the radar or not. Cammy is a thing after all.

>> No.8659808

they only got away with cammy in america at the time (at least on home consoles) because the sf series had name recognition and could push the envelope.

>> No.8659814

See >>8659787

>> No.8659890

Except that google (or any other reasonably accessible porn) wasn't a thing back then, unless you consider dumpster diving into Usenet or scouring all the local BBSs for some hot 144p boobah gifs as "reasonably accessible" while waiting all day for it to download via dial-up. That or you're into that 3dpd shit you find on the newstands.

>> No.8659905

Just get the rapeable mugen version.

>> No.8659906

Why cant you people just enjoy something unaltered?

>> No.8659969

>you get the shape of the ass and the crack
This is true; it's a bit of a tough choice.
Ideally you should be able to choose either at the player select screen

>> No.8660221

because they aren't coomer faggots like you

>> No.8660239

stick to mascot animal threads

>> No.8660297

there isn't

>> No.8660352

>you’re not allowed to like eye candy
The age of prudes has gone on long enough

>> No.8660358

because it is censorship, simple as

>> No.8660359

he's an outsider

>> No.8660361

This, the Japanese version came later.
but the game itself was by Japanese devs right? so they probably originally planned the uncensored booty but added the censorship for the Americans.
but yeah Jap version is pretty much 1.1 with some extra improvements because they had more time.

>> No.8660782

Not really censorship since the US version was the original

>> No.8660789


>> No.8660821

It's not clear. Aska's win pose was changed, too, so it seems like they built on what was already done.

>> No.8660830

It might've been 12x12 pixels but you could find some damn good stuff on usenet, anon.

>> No.8660832

It also may be relevant that Aska was originally supposed to be Mitsu from TMNT3 but after the movie bombed they changed her name. Maybe once the character was divorced from a real actress they were able to be more risque.

>> No.8660847

this slag makes my dick wag

>> No.8661312

The definition of censorship never had anything to do with the legality and logistics of it.
It's an abstract concept. Author does a finished version, is told it's a no-go by some external authority, either alters it willingly or face a punishment (limited availability, fines, threats, verbal/physical abuse, being prevented from further creative endeavors).

It's funny seeing all the justifications some people today come up with to justify creative censorship going nowadays in book publishing, games, newspapers, media, even social media at times.

Just because "the government was never involved" doesn't mean it's not "censorship" (and it's not even true, rating groups were established under pressure from the government in the first place, and authorities in Japan and the United States threatened multiple times to get involved and directly restrict sales of videogames, they also have a say in those rating boards)
The "government" doesn't even cover all the traditional meaning for "powers to be" in the United States, which is an oligarchy. A nice example is that BlackRock investor who's actively threatening companies who don't respect his ideology with trade warfare in the stock market, so they make literal censorship bureaus in their companies to oversee how politically correct the content is, and sometimes cancel whole almost finished works over it. And that's just one aspect out of many.

Apply this reductive definition to political expression and nothing is ever censorship.
If you were a citizen of Iraq you were free to criticize and insult Saddam Hussein all you want. No legal requirement on paper prevents you from doing it, technically.
If you were fired from your job, it's "freedom of expression isn't freedom from consequences". If you couldn't publish what you said on local newspapers, they "chose not to give you a platform". You might be arrested, but on totally unrelated legitimate charges.
So you'll clam your trap, but that's self censorship.

>> No.8661384

In this case though it literally is not censorship. The US version came out before the Japanese one.

>> No.8661948

japanese are great.

>> No.8661984

I think it's only germany who gets that mad about swastikas.

>> No.8662117

Only because Americans have put in those laws, same as with censorship laws in Japan. Funny isn't it?

>> No.8662169

>all this "i-it looks better" cope and contrarianism
Either way they didn't respect you enough to have the original.

>> No.8662174

tl;dr it's not censorship retard

>> No.8662207
File: 1.98 MB, 2120x2167, notanewphenomena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does sexual content add to the game?
More enjoyment for the eye. Also, it makes puritans mad.

>> No.8662254

this is how they always start before infesting everything.

>> No.8662334

Burgers have this done to their games yet they're way more obsessed with sex than the rest of the world. It's pathetic.

>> No.8662437


They will always, always go after the most embarrassing topic first. So you concede that. Then they go after the 2nd most embarrassing. And before you know it, they're molesting kids. And what are you gonna do, stop them? You didn't before.

>> No.8662612

somethings never change, also marle outfit is pretty sensible so pretty stupid to add her

>> No.8662615

>They're not going to a photo shoot!
Friendly reminder that if you made a Catwalk Simulator for all their rancid apparel that they'd still whine about it.

>> No.8663349

I want to wedgie her and be responsible for making this a before and after pic

>> No.8663368

Look up the release dates.

>> No.8663452

They need to bring Aska back and put her in the new turtles belt scroller as a secret playable character.

>> No.8663472

You are legit one of the dumbest fucking people I've ever seen on this site and that's saying a lot.

>> No.8663492

>Also, have you ever noticed that all of the women portrayed in video games are well endowed? They are never flat-chested
lmao breast envy is a real thing for women?

>> No.8663707


>> No.8664086

It depends. Most of the time not really but there are always cases.

>> No.8664149

The ass fat peaking out from the sides is more aesthetically pleasing.
Weeb coomers have shit taste.

>> No.8664157

this, unironically looks hotter.

>> No.8664325

Sometimes busty women envy smaller chests, the grass is greener on the other side, etc.