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File: 20 KB, 512x448, Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (Kemco, NES 1989).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8658263 No.8658263 [Reply] [Original]

>emulator palettes
Come on, this is way off from how a real NES looks. The platforms should look brown not this bright orange. They always seem to make the colors way too saturated.

>> No.8658306

lurk more

>> No.8658394

that's Nesticle, right? that thing is ancient as balls and way off.

>> No.8658567

those are some brown bricks

>> No.8658578

crazy castla?

>> No.8658602

When I played through Metroid Fusion I searched for a video guide on YouTube because I got stuck on that spider boss and in every video I found the colors were WAY off from what they were supposed to be because they were all recorded on emulators.

Poorfags don't know how their games are supposed to look, but that's nothing new. That's why they love sharp pixels.

>> No.8658603

The colors on the NES had no true RGB values and appeared different on different televisions. There is no correct answer.

>> No.8658606

but there sure as hell is an incorrect answer

>> No.8658616

Based crazy castle. Agvn never played this game.

>> No.8658619

He did. He made one on Crazy Castles.

>> No.8658646

this is partially correct but different PPU revisions also have slightly different colors.

>> No.8658652
File: 1.80 MB, 2048x1920, Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The (U)_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the NTSC filter in Mesen.

>> No.8658653

you can change the pallete in emulators. also use crt shaders

>> No.8658664

looks fine on my machine
also get more etanks that boss is a bitch

>> No.8658706
File: 125 KB, 1440x960, Sonic Advance 3 Color Modes 2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With GBA games, they do have actual RGB values, but many developers picked colors that would look better on the cheap LCD screen of the original model.
Some later GBA games let you pick between color palettes designed for GBA, GBA-SP, and GB Player.

Whilst I wouldn't run out emulators getting the color output wrong on a technical level, since that spider boss (called Yakuza) changes color palette during the fight, I would say it's unlikely.
Though some emulators offer built-in color correction like mGBA, or there are RetroArch shader presets.

>> No.8658739


>> No.8658808

The Master System on up generate RGB colors so they're always consistent--also the Colecovision does as it used the RGB variant of the TMS9918.

>> No.8658967

>That's why they love sharp pixels.
imagine blurring your image and thinking that looks good

>> No.8659479
File: 107 KB, 675x454, 4B29055E-1027-46DE-B596-339C3C603254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking this eye cancer of a waterfall looks good

>> No.8659510

He said the game sucked. Clearly he never played it.

>> No.8659582

There isn't such a thing as a "correct" NES palette, it's all preference and taste; and the "official" NTSC palette is one of the worsts and crushes all the nice colours. You can keep flagging all my NES screenshots on TCRF for using the "wrong" palette but I'm not going to change them

>> No.8659595
File: 94 KB, 116x70, yakuzaspeed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use any other emulator.

I've played Fusion on GBA and emulator, looks fine if you don't use a shit one.
Also Yakuza is EZ

The GBA can do actual translucency, so Not My Problem.

>> No.8659598
File: 322 KB, 1874x490, RGB vs Comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8659613

>Some of them did account for a composite TV and changed sprites accordingly
What does that even mean? The artist first drew the sprite nice and crisp, then changed it in a way that makes it look better when it's blurred?

>> No.8659615
File: 1.20 MB, 960x1250, 21slvfqlmos71[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you know composite blurring will occur you can design your sprites to make use of that effect.

>> No.8659668

I really like how they took advantage of the CRT's nuances to accentuate Dracula's teeth.

>> No.8659841

It's not a GBA game retard

>> No.8659856

What is image 2? Looks the best because it actually shows his pupils.

>> No.8659860


>> No.8660061
File: 3.91 MB, 3004x2328, 1569846365140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, so much better. So much SOVL

>> No.8660274
File: 228 KB, 1550x816, 5NUrm6U-1-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For me, it's the Consumer palette.

>> No.8660282

Makes me wanna fall asleep

>> No.8660284

BMF Final 2 and 3 are the most accurate to a real NES. The bricks are definitely red and the platforms brown-ish. Most of these palettes are hilarious off.

>> No.8660310

Here's some more

>> No.8660321
File: 139 KB, 5120x4480, 1641687659547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's FCEUX. This one's the closest to what my Chinese Famiclone looked like on our Euro tv.

>> No.8660329

as others have said, NES colors can vary with different TVs/monitors as well as the PPU revision. consoles from the Master System onward generate RGB so should look consistent on any display.

>> No.8660339

>The artist first drew the sprite nice and crisp, then changed it in a way that makes it look better when it's blurred?
lmao yes, is this your first week on /vr/?

>> No.8660343


>> No.8660415

Can we all at least agree the RGB/PlayChoice-10 palette is hot garbage?

>> No.8660423

What are palettes?
What are shaders?
Have you tried not using emulators from 20 years ago?

>> No.8660591

Raw pixels are best
Dithering is fiction. CRT cope. You are just losing fidelity with a CRT. This is cherry picking with an image that allegedly used the magic of dithering to look better. It didn't. It's a lucky accident.

>> No.8660593

>Raw pixels are best
Enjoy your postage stamp-sized picture.

>> No.8660601

There's no dithering in that image. You're just a retard.

>> No.8660625

It's clear Japanese games were designed for a specific, Japanese CRT TV. If you don't find out which one was used for testing, you'll never play it the way the devs intended.

>> No.8660629

jokes aside it does also help to remember that the Japanese NTSC spec is slightly different from the US one in particular it was designed to give people more yellow (ie. Asian) fleshtones

>> No.8660638

On my RCA 13" CRT there's lower saturation, the bricks look browner. On my 42" Bravia they're higher saturation and closer to what the OP image looks like. My SNES however looks nearly the same on both likely since its colors are RGB and not NTSC-based.

>> No.8660665

Whatever. Your composite blurring is a fiction.
CRT cope. You are just losing fidelity with a CRT. This is cherry picking with an image that allegedly used the magic of composite blurring to look better. It didn't. It's a lucky accident.
You must be a retard.

>> No.8660678

>emu ntsc filter
>no true 4:3 with pillarboxing.

>> No.8660708

BBCC reminds me a lot of The Incredible Toon Machine? Maybe the developers played this game. Who knows?

>> No.8660728

Why do this? I get the whole "nobody knows what colors NES was supposed to be" technicality but shouldn't you just key to a known color taken from a manual or box screenshot and make that the standard?

>> No.8660808


>> No.8661239

Didn't say it was, you faggot, it's a (friendly) jab at the Genesis for not being able to do a simple thing like that. Especially considering it was more powerful than the SNES, which could do it.

The fuck are you talking about?

Or just scale it up but keep it sharp and the appropriate ratio.

>> No.8661254 [DELETED] 

why do you guys still play shit 10x10 square blocky raw graphics “sharp” shitty 5 colors at a time, multiple decades old, beep and boobop sounding like shit fuckery from the 1980s, made for children by people who couldnt even figure out how to get more the one graphic on screen at once without your 8bit system catching fire games? let alone care that this pallete has a 1% different shade of orange than that one, as if it matters 10 seconds into playing when you forget about it?

>> No.8661269

Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle is really fun if you actually played it. It was definitely designed for young children though which is why it's generous with extra lives and gives you a password save every level so you don't have to start from the beginning.

>> No.8661287

Man you got no business complaining about NES games once you've seen ZX Spectrum stuff.

>> No.8661294 [DELETED] 

itt: autism

>> No.8661325

>brown bricks
>purple sky

>> No.8661360

Is there a source for this? I've heard this in relation to the so-called Alternative palette in NES emulators, which looks more yellow supposedly in line with Jap TVs, but I've not seen anything really concrete backing it up.

>> No.8661375

>Or just scale it up but keep it sharp and the appropriate ratio.

Indeed. I just find it funny when people say they prefer an "unfiltered" or "raw" image, when what they mean is they prefer blocky nearest neighbor upscaling, since raw would mean what comes out of the console's framebuffer or whatever, which on our current, non-CRT displays would be a puny, low-res image with no aspect ratio correction.

>> No.8661387

>it's a Roger Rabbit game in Japan
>Bugs Bunny in North America
>and Mickey Mouse in Europe
I love licensing chicanery.