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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 172 KB, 1280x720, cosmooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8647676 No.8647676 [Reply] [Original]

let's be honest Dos boys, we only played this shit because we didn't have anything better. There wasn't a single console kid who was jealous of us and wanted to play Cosmo.

>> No.8647681

Even though I had an NES, I was fascinated by early PC games.

>> No.8647723

I still like Cosmo and am excited for the remaster to come out even though we've only ever gotten literal seconds of gameplay

>> No.8648437

>implying anyone got into PC gaming for fucking platformers
Another crappy /v/-tier thread from zoomers who are only capable of whining about games they don't like and don't play.

>> No.8649454

They were jealous because we were able to download the full game (and thousands more) from warez boards while they had to beg mom for a new cart

>> No.8649460

Everyone was jealous that I had Commander Keen and it got me a lot of hoes.

>> No.8649468


Biggest pimp on the playground

>> No.8649476

das rite

>> No.8649586
File: 26 KB, 640x400, pickle-wars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the popular girls wanted a turn with the pickle

>> No.8649630

this, even my friends with consoles turned to emulation

>> No.8649634

funniest game ever

>> No.8649668
File: 651 KB, 800x520, 863CF8BF-0E64-41A5-AC83-177EB8260E99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile on amiga

>> No.8649890


Girls actually cared about vidya?

>> No.8649898

Y-yeah but they went to a different school

>> No.8649973

Sure, you get amazing graphics, memorable music, and creative gameplay. But you will never know the pure kino SOVL of handcrafting an autoexec.bat and boot disk floppy just so your game will fit in the system's memory.

>> No.8649989

It depends on the era. CGA (particularly from the mid to late 80's) and a lot of EGA stuff was indeed janky as hell, and a lot of shitty ports released around this time frame. By the time VGA rolled around, however, DOS gaming got its shit together. Not that it still didn't get inferior ports or jank shit, of course, but no platform is free from that.

>> No.8650008
File: 110 KB, 640x480, DOS_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we only played this because we didn't have anything better
Speak for yourself, scum. The DOS library was enormous and amazing.

>> No.8650018

there's a cosmo remake coming like the crystal caves one
same game but smooth scrolling i think

>> No.8650762

The game I had to do that for was a 1994 game never ported to Amiga (Master of Magic)

>> No.8652583

Thank fuck, the scrolling in cosmo gives me a headache

>> No.8654563


>> No.8654774

Always found it crazy how the same DOS game could look wildly different depending on which hardware configuration you used. I suppose it's somewhat analogous to graphics settings in later 3D accelerated games.