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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 140 KB, 800x548, 159409-final-fantasy-iii-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8646516 No.8646516 [Reply] [Original]

How it didn't get the same treatment of I and II and got a release for Playstation?

>> No.8646553

Because those were based off of assets from the WSC releases. I have no idea why FF3 never got a WSC release.

>> No.8646585
File: 162 KB, 1058x434, wsc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone even know?

>> No.8647108

3 didn't get a release because they were strapped for cash and went with porting 4 and such, it was the latest and greatest at the time

>> No.8647152

Japs love FF4 and Square needed money so they figured fuck this and jumped 3

>> No.8647169

From what I remember, it was because Square lost the source code for Final Fantasy III and weren't able to reverse-engineer the game for the Wonderswan Color. Unlike I & II, which were developed entirely in Japan, Square briefly had to move the game's development to the U.S. when Nasir Gebelli's work visa expired and after the game was finished, they simply left the source code in the states.

>> No.8647378

ff3j is objectively a bad game

>> No.8647407

Out of all the PR's I've played so far 3 is my fav followed by 5. 6 will be ok, but you can't fix the shitty World of Ruin portion of the game.

>> No.8647431

it's easily the best NES FF, maybe even the best RPG out of the entire NES library

>> No.8647457

Better than DQ? I think not

>> No.8647518

>it's easily the best NES FF
In theory yes but in practice the final dungeon is so grueling that FF1 is probably better
>maybe even the best RPG out of the entire NES library
Nope, mogged hard by Dragon Quest 3 and 4

>> No.8647584

You are objectively wrong
This guy gets it. 3 is probably the best up until that final run, where they shit the bed. 1 has the most soul though.

>> No.8647586

Go back to the 90s and please take me with you

>> No.8647607

Which DQ? DQ1 is dogshit. DQ2 is ok at best. 3/4 are when you start talking about legendary games

>> No.8647632

do people like nes 4 that much?
i read about the forced ai system in chapter 5 after playing the ds version and couldn't believe how retarded it sounded
there's even memes about one of your party members uselessly spamming thwack

>> No.8647639

that final dungeon is so fucking intense and vast that you can't get too mad for being forced to grind a couple more levels

>> No.8647663

It really slows the game down though. You can go through the whole game without grinding up to that point and then you're kind of just stuck in this area trying to level up so you can beat a ton of bosses. It could have been handled better by the devs.

>> No.8647715

uhhh anon in the 90s westerners didn't even know there were unreleased ff games

>> No.8647734

Wrong, I read about it in a PlayStation magazine from when FF8 came out. I'm from the UK where FF7 was the first notable release, so the series was very novel at the time.

>> No.8647737
File: 47 KB, 800x640, 1622019251123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did we know, zoomer, we wuz playin them.

>> No.8647798

I knew about them from Nintendo Power at least, was cool to be able to play them in 1997 when I found out about emulation, even better in 1998 when the translations starting getting done

>> No.8647802

what do you think shitman is doing right now

>> No.8647880

dead of covid

>> No.8647915

Nah he released the source for snesticle recently so he's still kicking

>> No.8647917

idk probably eating shit

>> No.8647948
File: 102 KB, 385x249, 1640530144809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"haha fat guy who eats shit that's funny"
>forced to address him by his shit pronouns and support and participate in his public displays of shiteating or else you get sent to hate crime jail

>> No.8647968
File: 16 KB, 262x320, mongoloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ memes

>> No.8647978

>"haha weird frog guy that's funny"
>reeee frogs are racist!

>> No.8647995

>sent to hate crime jail
That would depend on the country you'd be residing in, overall.

>> No.8648006
File: 36 KB, 980x551, in-the-year-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post funny pics
>racist shills co-opt funny pics
>in the year 2000
>retards can't tell the difference

>> No.8648010

"shill" is an antisemitic /pol/ meme

>> No.8648068

you wish

>> No.8648127

It sounds retarded, but there's some actual effort put into it and it's a surpisingly decent system for it's time. Party members learn as a battle goes on what will and won't work against the given enemy. The only downside is that the knowledge isn't permanent. It's a per-battle system, and lead to the series joke of Cristo/Kiryl constantly casting Beat/Whack and having it fail. To my knowledge the system was never used again in another Dragon Quest game, even in remakes of IV, because the AI was considered too smart at it's highest levels.

>> No.8648213

4 is shit no matter the version imo, though I won't deny that the NES version is technically very impressive

>> No.8649865
