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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8646282 No.8646282 [Reply] [Original]

>Music albums get vinyl re-releases all the time despite the ultra-thin margins for a super niche market
>We can't re-release old vidya cartridges and CDs for their original platform... BECAUSE WE CAN'T, OK?

>> No.8646283

aren't old games rereleased on Steam and whatnot all the time?

>> No.8646286

>Digital re-release is the same shit as a vinyl re-release

>> No.8646293

I don't know. Do you really want them cornering that market, and going after stuff like Everdrive? Because that seems like a worse reality.
If they would license the rights to produce official consoles and controllers, made to the original specifications to other companies, that'd be cool.

>> No.8646297
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they do but they are released as retarded collectibles instead of functional products. See that wily wars Genesis cart, that Shantae Limited Run release.
I'd rather just buy a flash cart and pirate everything than give these shitty companies a fucking dime.

>> No.8646302

>Video Game
>Not digital in any format

You're a fag and you need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.8646309
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>> No.8646315

>they do but they are released as retarded collectibles instead of functional products
That what most vinyl re-releases are. Very few people actually listen to them regularly.

>> No.8646317

If there wasn't such a taboo against adults buying posters, so many of these niche collector's products would disappear overnight.

>> No.8646320
File: 48 KB, 380x380, Pirate-Vinyl-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vinyls can't be easily pirated so they have inherent historic value, I'd imagine. Also vinyl players are still being made unlike retro consoles.

>> No.8646325
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Checkmate atheists.

>> No.8646332

Vinyl records are just grooves imprinted into vinyl so when the needle of a record player goes over them is creates sound. Old games are either circuit boards with special chips or CDs with special data on them for DRM. All the companies closely guarded that shit and when is was time to be done with it just threw it out because they don't want to waste time or money on limited rereleases.

These are the best you will do. They may over heat your systems but they have gotten a bit better over the years. The hoops companies have to jump through for even the few we got though makes it seem like it wont get much bigger any time soon.

>> No.8646339

Vinyls are just a type of plastic, right? Cartridges are silicon, plastic, and metals all rolled into one with some cartridges having special addons to give more capabilities. Seems like a bad comparison.

>> No.8646340
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the reason theres still a market for vinyl and not cartridges is because theres a legitimate sound advantage to records compared to digital and cd, while cartridges only have gimmick appeal compared to installing rips on your computer.
>t. /mu/ tourist

>> No.8646345

I disagree. If anything, i think these will only become more and more common as the quality improves and with the success stuff like the retrobit/natsume rereleases have been and stuff like mini plug n play consoles, more rights holders are going to notice a market for these in the same way an new vinyl to an extent. No Nintendo probably wont ever do them, but big companies like Capcom and Konami are and thats pretty substantial. You also have clone systems become the equivalent of "modern record players" for those without original hardware and full release homebrews on cart have only gone up greatlyin frequency so people still want to buy new games for this stuff. If they know they can squeeze cash out of digital rereleases, i doubt they are going to completely ignore this market that they can also easily get some revenue out of by working with these publishers willing to do all the work for them for new printing of old stuff.

>> No.8646354 [DELETED] 

Bunch of tranny enablers

>> No.8646356

It would make more sense for CD based games but we are clearly not there yet because I don't think there is a single one done.

Cartridges need a mold for the plastic cart and boards for the actual game. Those will cost money to even start producing on any kind of level. It could get bigger through the third parties that are already doing it but it will be a while like I said, not right now. Records never really went away and started to really come back, in a way similar to old games are now, in the mid to late 2000s. Reprints were kind of rare and it was mostly bands that just wanted their shit on vinyl. So yes, it could happen. But I say it wont for at least another 6 years.

>> No.8646358

This stuff is like the midwit filter. Low-end collectors don't bother because they don't want to spend the money, high end collectors skip it because they see it is a cash grab with less true collectible value than the original releases, leaving the "I must collect everything with no rhyme or reason just because" as the ones who shell out for them.

>> No.8646362

>Vinyls can't be easily pirated
yeah explain my exmilitary bootleg

>> No.8646370
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>> No.8646376

Konami is doing Rondo of Blood TurboDuo US release, Sega CD got rereleases through limited run and now Piko is doing some, so they are there/going to become more available. Biggest issue is can they produce cds which the original systems will let bypass through their security checks like ps1.

>> No.8646383


>> No.8646384

I really hate iam8bits stuff like this and it pisses me off that im pretty sure they will do a Mr.Gimmick release someday like this overbloated super limited release since im pretty certain they have the western marketing rights to that game or something if their past merch is anything to go off.

>> No.8646404

Yeah, I just don't see the point. If I were gifted one, sure, I'd keep it, but if I really wanted a Mr Gimmick as a collection piece, would I be happy with some modern repro? Probably not. Better to just save that money toward the real thing, and if that's totally unobtainable, put the money toward some other collectible that will be "the real deal" and not a modern cash grab. Maybe if I had one of their releases I'd change my mind, maybe they're really nice and high quality or something, but I just can't place something like that as a suitable swap for the original release.

>> No.8646406

Limited Run being able to do two games in the last two years is not really a great sign of it happening any time soon but I do really hope Sega will at least do something to rerelease some of the more expensive SegaCD games. Even if I really not give money to Limited Run.

>> No.8646408

>Vinyls can't be easily pirated
Most wrong statement ever. You can pay for basically anything to be printed on vinyl if you want. Also vinyl does not really have a historic value greater than games. Music is re-released all the time. Unless you're a collector who is obsessed with owning an original version, then it doesn't matter. It's not like owning a record or game is historical in the same way as owning as master recording or source code is.

>> No.8646428

There are companies that do this. KYS

>> No.8646434

"easily" being the keyword.

>> No.8646442

>reproducing (carts) costs hundreds unlike re-released music and films
>films and music have more common platforms where as for games you need a specif system

>> No.8646558
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Paying money for a ROM burnt on to a cartridge is fucking retarded. Either you buy the original game because it has historical value, or play on a superior emulator. Queers who actually spend money for Chinese hardware because they think it's authentic but can't afford the real version are losers and should be killed.

>> No.8646565

Tell me how piracy was rampant for music before Napster.

>> No.8646568

Konami could print money off retards with sotn discs but they just dont for some reason.

>> No.8646575

Because most people just play the latest hot new game, beat it and then move on completely forgetting about it. Any film fan watches classic films from time to time. Music buffs listen and admire the old stuff, etc etc. And then there are gamers who just don't give a shit

>> No.8646581


>> No.8646583

Mr Gimmick is a weird case, since a modern "repo" would still technically be the first official NTSC release of the game. It was only released in Japan and Europe.

>> No.8646594

Because once you play a game to completion you already know how it begins and ends. Unless you forget part of the game's story and want to see it again, or if the replayability is that good, why would you play it again? 90% of the time people talk about Doom, they talk about new .wads and updates, not the vanilla game.

>> No.8646595

What about people who play games on flash carts?

>> No.8646604

I digitize vinyls for old heads all the time. Literally an aux cord into a laptop running audacity with a declick filter applied afterwards.

>> No.8646605

That's not what I meant anon. What I'm saying is that people are not interested in video games of the past. In reality gamers who get excited for classic game collections like Rockman and Castlevania or some shit are just a vocal minority

>> No.8646608

>5500 copy
>playerbase huge
Crapcom hadn’t port Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors + Cadillac and Dinosaur to SNES console.

>> No.8646610

I meant copying a vinyl physically. That's the point of the OP I was adressing. Anything can be easily digitized nowadays.

>> No.8646615

Cartridges, I understand. But PS1/PS2/Xbox games should get reprints.

>> No.8646621

>listens to music album once
>"Why would I listen to it again when I know how it sounds?"

>> No.8646632

Willing to be you have plenty of music in your HDD that you haven't listened to since you downloaded them and probably won't unless someone asks you about them.

>> No.8646656
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The only reason the original hardware has any value at all is because it is, well, original. It survived through sometimes unlikely odds, and has value due to being original.
Fucking bitcoin and NFTs have gotten people confused to what inherent value is.

>> No.8646664

or get a flash cart

>> No.8646672

But they do it, retrobit recently re-release megamen for genesis.

>> No.8646729

These are real versions no matter what your tard logic makes you think. They are officially licensed = real. Get over it. They are a limited print and have their own aftermarket value. You seem like the kinda fag that gets pissy cause someone rather buy a significantly cheaper, uncensored jap copy to play then the overpriced, butchered copy that most had to deal with in their home country.

>> No.8646741
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>> No.8646743

These have value as well. Chink repros dont because they are made on demand, these are a set run and thats that, just like the old copies and just like them, they will get older as well and have attached to them. Its like games rereleased with altered content, gold cart uncensored OoT has its own separate value then grey cart re release, but they are both far different then some n64 chink repro.

>> No.8646756

I think they are going to do Snatcher reprint for sure some day. Already did sega cd games, good relationships with konami and already did an official Snatcher soundtrack release in a sega cd case. All the pieces are there unless kojima shit interferes. An official us release of Rondo felt more unlikely then that.

Also funnily enough, when they do Rondo, it will be the first totally official new release from both dev/publisher and console maker since Konami owns the rights to PC Engine hardware, as far as ive heard.

>> No.8646758

best death grips album and it's not even close

>> No.8646761

I appreciate the effort but god fucking dammit does this Rock look awful. You can tell the picture was drawn by a westerner. Nice cartridge though, not authentic but still great nonetheless

>> No.8646769

Its not that bad, whats real shit is that they didnt try to fix most of the issues this game had, they only touched up certain segments that had slowdowns like Yellow Devil, and didnt touch much else really.

>> No.8646806

>Music albums
>a super niche market


>> No.8646816
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>> No.8646841
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Yeah it's a lot fucking harder to recreate old software nobody wants that's compatible with old hardware nobody has than it is to pour liquid vinyl into a mold.

>> No.8646872

>Making new CDs is LE HARD

>> No.8646894

You put software on a CD. You put the CD in the old machine. It doesn't work. What's the first thing you try? Go ahead, big brain, show me how easy it is.

>> No.8646903

vinyl reissues have the exact same functionality as first pressings. wtf are you talking about

>> No.8646909

> Old games are either circuit boards with special chips or CDs with special data on them for DRM
>They may over heat your systems
lurk more

>> No.8646925

>You can pay for basically anything to be printed on vinyl if you want.
Yeah, but that's not pirating vinyl. That's pirating onto vinyl.
Vinyl couldn't be easily pirated in the past because there was always a level of loss in the recording process for consumers, and the vinyl sounds different every time it is played.

Nowadays you can pirate a vinyl record by recording at an extremely high quality.

>> No.8646953

They're called repros, anon.
>but that's not official!
>but that's ILLEGAL

Ask yourself why this matters to you so much?

>> No.8646968
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Why not?

>> No.8646973

>Old games are either circuit boards with special chips
The vast majority of game cartridges have no special chips. They are just plain ROM chips.
>CDs with special data on them for DRM
PC Engine CD and Sega CD have no copyright protection on the CD, Dreamcast is a joke. Saturn and PlayStation are documented and could be defeated in a large scale re-pressing of CD-ROMs.

>> No.8646979

Do you play trading card games with cards you print yourself?

>> No.8646982

Not official so lacking that special sauce magic X-factor woo woo ooey gooey authenticity.

>> No.8646985

Problem with DC is them fucking the laser. Not sure what technical changes would need to be made to run them like normal GDroms.

>> No.8646989

Yes, I actually have used proxies extensively in the past. Even paid a chinese site to make high quality ones on real playing card stock.

>> No.8646994

>thinks repros "overheat the system"
>thinks Dreamcast pirate games ruin the laser
Are you from 2006?
Neither have these things have been an issue for years upon years.

>> No.8647007

A modern new release DC game wont make it work harder?

>> No.8647015

The reason why CD-R's ruined Dreamcasts was due to improper disc dummying. This caused the Dreamcast laser track to wear out.
The biggest culprit was the SNES emulator that excessively scanned the entire disc every time you wanted to browse the game list.

This is easily solved by placing dummy files on the disc and use a game list file for emulators.

>> No.8647031

1) This is probably bait.
2) If not you are absolutely retarded for thinking this. In fact you're so retarded I'm not even going to explain why you are, as you probably aren't capable of understanding why.

>> No.8647037

Explain your position.

>> No.8647040


>> No.8647053

>I can't explain it... BECAUSE I CAN'T, OK???

>> No.8647057 [DELETED] 

Then OP wins the argument by default.

>> No.8647061

Then OP wins the argument by default.

>> No.8647069

In some cases it's not practical. Reproducing Saturn CDs isn't doable on a standard writer, not even industrial-grade ones.

>> No.8647085

Saturn copyright was fully cracked a while back. I think you could make an add-on now that just plugs in to enable CD-Rs to run.
Probably start seeing more Saturn repros soon for this reason.

>> No.8647106
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Are you guys really THAT fucking retarded or what? You do realise that you just need any vinyl player to play the records, right? And then there are tons of games scattered throughout countless platforms. Yeah, let's just re-release a neo geo pocket cart for two autists who still own the system. In all seriousness almost all popular games (hell, sometimes even the niche shmups and stuff) that would get reprinted are already ported to modern systems. Why aren't you happy with it? No, you wouldn't be getting Germs Nerawareta Machi even in your dream world
>but authentic experience
Vinyls get remastered all the time so unless you buy the very first release it's not 'authentic' as well I guess

>> No.8647124

Games are not art confirmed kek

>> No.8647125

Error: false equivalance of fandoms.
You refer to "film fans" and "music buffs" but then use the most casual gamers as you example. /vr/ is the video game equivalent of film fans and music buffs.

>> No.8647127

Turns out it's the artistic elements around the game that carries it, not the gameplay itself. People talk about character and stories in games to this day but nobody talks about space invaders.

>> No.8647131

The fact that so many video game critics still name the Mario games as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game franchise ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Film critics have long recognized that the greatest films of all times are Citizen Kane and The Seven Samurai, who were not the most famous or richest or best box office successes of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial 2001: A Space Odissey over mainstream films who were highly popular in cinemas around America. Video game critics are still blinded by commercial success. Mario games sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Film critics grow up watching to a lot of classic films of the past, literature critics grow up reading to a lot of classical books of the past. Video game critics are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Mario games did anything worthy of being saved.

>> No.8647135

>nobody talks about space invaders.
They do but not on /vr/. You can find communities of people who still play these very old games for score or have the hobby of restoring the old cabinets and studying the history of the industry.
/vr/ is rather surface level when it comes to its own subject matter.

>> No.8647141

As somebody who has actually put out a record before, you're retarded. It's super expensive to put out on vinyl. If you're paying for a one off record, you're not getting vinyl, you're getting a lathe cut record with different materials and it's gonna be $50 a pop.

>> No.8647154

>If you're paying for a one off record, you're not getting vinyl, you're getting a lathe cut record with different materials and it's gonna be $50 a pop.
And btw it will also most likely be in mono. I only know one lathe cutter that makes stereo lathe-cuts.

A small run of 100 records is easily between $800-1200, it's way too unfeasible to pirate unless you're running a label, nobody would ever do this for personal use

>> No.8647156

He is not wrong. Even the most casual normalfags among self-proclaimed 'movie fans' who watch Marvel shit have seen some mainstream classics from pre-70s. Now ask anyone who's into vidya what they think about gen 3 games. Unless they are 35+ they won't bother trying to play even the big titles

>> No.8647159

Citizen Kane is actually a fair comparison to Mario. Both are notable more for what they did to move the medium forward in terms of technique than they are for being "the best thing ever" or making some great artistic statement.

>> No.8647163

But i want the plastic.

>> No.8647168

good thing piracy exists

>> No.8647171

That pasta is shit
>the highly controversial 2001: A Space Odissey over mainstream films
Kubrick was a crowd pleaser. I'm not shitting on him because art can be mainstream but that statement is just dumb
Art is experimental. So video games were closer than ever to art during their infancy with titles like Wizardry, Mario and Dragon Quest

>> No.8647213

No it wasn't. It was just bypassed with optical drive emulation. It is still not really possible to just burn a game to a CD and have it run on an unmodded system.

I think I rather have official Ever Drives or Optical Drive Emulators and then they can officially sell me the ISO for me to add it rather than sell me the carts again.

>> No.8647225

Because it would be nice if the companies that own the games know people still like the game. Though at the same time no one that made those games still works at the companies that hold the IP. I am conflicted. I feel like I am leaning toward fuck them.

>> No.8647237

Buy new release games from indie devs doing stuff for old systems, then they do see some profit.

>> No.8647267

need clown gf...

>> No.8647547
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Yeah, but you can still buy mass print vinyls easily enough. Every retro game release is released in a limited quantity in the thousands.
It's not a manufacturing problem either since the Chinese can make repros by the trillion. It's purely a speculative product that's been replaced by flashcarts.

>> No.8647618

You can buy a new record player at any big name box store. Good luck doing that with retro consoles. Yeah, some companies like joystiq or hyperkin make consoles on a chip, but those see very limited release, and aren't anywhere near as popular with the general population as just buying digital rereleased or playing them on the switch retro apps

>> No.8647625

There isn't. The only advantage they have is the mix not being brickwalled to hell.

>> No.8647878

Ladies and gentlemen, the zoomer.

>> No.8647907

i love this scene

>> No.8647957

They do you one better than that anon. They release the EXACT same data to you in the form of a ROM file. You're never going to get an exact copy of a vinyl master, but you can do that with digital video games.

What's that? You have to use an emulator for that? Not true. You could flash that same ROM onto a real cartridge if you so desired.

What's that? That's illegal? Why is that? Do you think that it should be illegal to do this?

>> No.8648016

Nobody's making new vidya cartridges. You have to find old ones and overwrite them.

>> No.8648024

>vinyl players
lol wow

>> No.8648103

completely false

>> No.8648148

there's literally no advantage versus playing a lossless audio file through a good sound system.

>> No.8648203

>manufacturing logistics for a vinyl disc are the same for a digital game cartridge with shell, box etc
Don’t bring CDs into this. Nobody’s vying for reprints of Twisted Metal 1 or Grid Runner

>> No.8648216

That's what people do with Neogeo MVS games. It's often way cheaper than buying a flashcart.

>> No.8648410

This isn't the same person as >>8618542
is it? Who is she?

>> No.8648414

Ronald lowkey kinda nice with it fr.

>> No.8648460

You can do that but you have to get the licensing. It costs under $10 to make a high quality repro. If you sold it for the cost of a new game you could easily make profit.

>> No.8648493

I'd burgle her burger.

>> No.8648596

>they still make record players
>they don't still make retro consoles
This is actually retarded, there's tons of reproduction consoles being made right now

Also Sony still rereleases PS1 games on original disks btw

>> No.8648601

I would like to see SegaCD and Saturn game though.

>> No.8648614 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 640x960, 8404c9ea058de1e64c63108a9cb888af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clown girl thread? Clown girl thread.

This is now a Clown girl thread. Post clown girls.

>> No.8648626

I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but we have major re-releases in for instance, the mini consoles and online distribution platforms that actually reach a profitable amount of buyers because everyone has a computer or TV with HDMI..
>>We can't re-release old vidya cartridges and CDs for their original platform... BECAUSE WE CAN'T, OK?
Because there are like a couple thousand CRT autists and the few people who use scalers like retrotink which have no marketing and conceptually would just confuse the average consumer. There are an OVER WHELMINGLY higher amount of people playing retrogames on the switch virtual console and Steam.

>> No.8648639

They "still" do? Last i was aware of were the SqaureEnix store greatest hits reprints and those late yakuza ps2 reprints few years back.

I do remember someone stating they will reprint new games but has to be something already released, like theyd do a US rerelease of Ntsc usa Misadventures of Tron, but wouldn't do say an new ntsc usa/pal version of LSD or an official release of Thrill Kill since neither of those existed i guess when they were doing whatever is involved with their game verification process.

>> No.8649249

>CD-R's ruined Dreamcasts
no, they just got rid of the bottle neck by enabling you to finally ditch the cdrom drive for a flash based alternative

>> No.8649461

>they arr rook same

>> No.8649471

I'm kinda surprised chinks haven't yet started doing reproduction PS1 games
They can print discs that bypass the copy protection as seen with discs like the Breaker Pro. I assume it's just a matter of the process not scaling down very well so they'd need guaranteed sales of thousands to make it worth doing

>> No.8649485
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> I'm kinda surprised chinks haven't yet started doing reproduction PS1 games

They have lost to Russians in that race decades ago and still can't recover.

>> No.8649753

У мeня цeлый кoнтeйнep этoй хyйни дo cих пop дoмa гдe-тo лeжит

>> No.8649841

>reproduction consoles
If you're buying an official print, chances are you don't want to play it non-official consoles.
Come on now.

>> No.8650248

Did you literally only read the first six words of that post before replying?

>> No.8650325

based dejiko poster, nyo.

>> No.8650387

>bro what do you mean by "vinyl" you can just use Apple music

>> No.8650459

This but unironically. There is no benefit to vinyl records over listening to a lossless digital file on a decent sound system.

>> No.8650558

There is a taboo against adults buying posters? What part of the world are you from?

>> No.8650573

Not that anon, its not about part of the world but more the kind of income level you and your peers are around in. Generally its expected that you stop hanging up posters after you graduate college and decorate your place like an adult.

>> No.8650587

Not the guy you're replying to, but I don't see anything wrong with a framed poster in a hallway, office or bedroom. Although I will concede that I'm a bachelor under 30.

>> No.8650591

If you buy those "niche collector products" to expose them on a shelf, doesn't it also break social norms just as much as hanging posters?

>> No.8650914
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Its a lacquer, zoomers don’t realize how recent plastics are. Plastics are space age shit. Btw after the fire last year, there is only one producer of vinyl left and its in japan.

>> No.8651451

>paying some scalper an absurd amount of money for "historical value"
Pretty sure you can go commit die, thanks.

>> No.8651691

I hadn't heard about this, but the pressing plant I used back in 2018 went out of business the next year. It looks like the industry is going through a hard time right now. There's so many moving parts involved in getting a record pressed, it goes through like 6 different companies before you get the final product. That's why we should all point and laugh at this retard who is objectively the most wrong in this entire thread >>8646408

>> No.8651738

lol true. Everyone likes to play the smartass until they lose their teeth.

>> No.8651828
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>old Vidya came on cassette tapes
>can't re-release them on vinyl

>> No.8651947

>Also vinyl does not really have a historic value greater than games
Another thing wrong about this post: this guy has no idea how much collectible records go for. First prints and underground releases are very valuable, some more expensive than most retro games

>> No.8651961

>Vinyls can't be easily pirated

>> No.8651967
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>> No.8651975

That doesn't actually work btw.

Have you ever done it? Not only will you damage your record, it will sound like shit.

>> No.8651978
File: 22 KB, 1150x199, oh no no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8651981
File: 52 KB, 720x526, Screenshot_20220222-003318_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't even copy the other side of the record

>> No.8651984
File: 771 KB, 1141x1037, pirate press.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. How would we ever copy the other side of the record? Pirates BTFO. Sometimes I wonder if there are legitimate paid anti-piracy shills here? Piratechads stay winning.

>> No.8651986

this is some high quality bait

>> No.8651990

>minimum order of 250 units
Yeah that's stupid, the pressing plant I used had a minimum of 100 and was $400 cheaper

By the way, the record in your video costs $80 to make.

>> No.8652061

people are going to think you're a bigger fag for having toys on a shelf than some movie poster or something

>> No.8652161

My dad used to make fun of me for having posters of semi trucks in place of hot chicks or movie posters. I can't help it man, can't win any way if you tried.

>> No.8652417

thanks for the image op

>> No.8652574

Aren’t mostly all modern vinyl releases digital or something and therefore hot have the audio advantages that older vinyl releases had? They’re not releasing the soundtrack for “sound quality” that’s for sure

>> No.8652626

Just try doing that shit at home you fucking retard. You'll pay 10x the price of a repro cart or a burned disc in materials alone.

>> No.8653013


>> No.8653085

Try making a thread without resorting to buzzword bullshit. These fucking retarded template threads should be ban worthy.

>> No.8653210


>> No.8653257

Difference is that you can still buy record players new.

>> No.8653276

Represses of old vinyls generally keep the advantages. Vinyl tracks of something like anime or video game soundtracks just don't because the songs were originally produced digitally, so you're just downgrading the audio quality by transferring them. They're 100% just collector's items and nothing else.

>> No.8655094



>> No.8655128

>unlike retro consoles.
People who buy physical games consider fpga emulation consoles pretty legit. Then there's even "more hardware" (but less accurate) clones.
Quite the opposite. Vinyl is worse quality wise than anything digital (within reason, e.g. 128 kbps mp3 and up). Real console is better than emulation, mainly because of all the interface and ux problems. (but you don't need real media as use flash carts exist)

>> No.8655135

If you're talking about simple rom carts then fair enough, but actual hardware that has complex chips - not just consoles but also many nes and snes carts too isn't really being replicated by clones to the original quality. Ever heard how many bugs "nes on a chip" are having?

>> No.8655145

PVC has been around since the late 1800s and 1930s was when polymers really took off.

>> No.8655151

Nevertheless it's very likely they played Pacman, Space Invaders and Super Mario Bros.
Maybe familiarity with earlier work is less so due to games being newer media but don't dramatize, your perception is such since you're really into games.

>> No.8655168

Wrong, before localized editions appeared shelves here were full of Asian PS1 bootlegs.
I can't test it myself cause my console is modded but I wonder could they boot on an unmodified one. Couldn't think of any reasons they couldn't have copied the protection layer. To clarify - of course all the bootlegs are pressed, not CD-Rs.
What surprises me more that chinks haven't been reproducing PS3, PS4, Xbox One games. I guess laws are enforced when it's about serious business and if you go full yolo then it's easier to counterfeit money like North Korea does.

>> No.8655307

There's no advantage in old school analogue mastering. Digital has more definition than tapes.

>> No.8655338

>Vinyls can't be easily pirated

>> No.8657467
File: 171 KB, 726x247, honk clussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only good post here

>> No.8657513

>super niche market
holy fucking lol, how ignorant can one person possibly be?

>> No.8659897
