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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 104 KB, 407x390, Not Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8641117 No.8641117 [Reply] [Original]

Stop wasting everyone's time by asking if a game is worth trying. You are MORE THAN CAPABLE of just downloading the game and just playing it yourself in the modern era. We don't live in the dark ages when you had to go to Blockbuster just to try something you were curious about (and that's not even counting all the ways you can vicariously experience a game before trying it for yourself anyway).

>> No.8641120

Can anyone tell if ops post is worth reading?

>> No.8641126

You are very correct OP but your thread will only get contrarian responses like the one above mine and butthurt ones about how "at least they are contributing topics of discussion to the board"

>> No.8641130

Agreed OP
"should I try xyz" and "what are your favorite games on xyz" should be bannable in almost all cases

>> No.8641138

I don't really like threads like this but I'm also really fucking tired of threads that are just "is it worth trying" and all it amounts is "well if you like x then y is for you."

>> No.8641140
File: 113 KB, 800x600, RIP-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8641235

I dont know. I didnt read.

>> No.8641240
File: 28 KB, 425x301, ATTACK OF THE GIANT FAGGOT STARRING OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao came here to ask the same thing

>> No.8641331


>> No.8641354

meh, some of those thread types turn into good discussion threads about the game.

>> No.8641363

I think that is the actual hope of someone who starts those threads.

>> No.8641370

i dunno, i think freeroms fried my pc

>> No.8641460

No, it's a waste of time. OP is pretty stupid.

>> No.8641982

should I give this post a try?

>> No.8642003

Just downloaded doom, what am i in for?

>> No.8642024

Hey guys, I just spent two hours reading various Reddit threads and the wiki for the game I'm considering playing and completely spoiled the story for myself. What should I expect? Is this worth my time?

>> No.8642038


>> No.8642076

No, and I'm happy to be of service. It would be a shame if people had to waste their precious time experiencing something that isn't even worth bothering with in the first place.

>> No.8642091

It might be shit, but I only read the ymmv page on tvtropes

>> No.8642106

I read that one too and checked out a few long-form YouTube videos about it, but I'm still not entirely sure.

>> No.8642110

>"adult" gamers are deathly allergic to word of mouth because the only mouths they can get words from are other gamers, the most petty and insufferable consumers known to mankind and the only way they know to elevate themselves is through affecting several dozen layers of one-upsmanship contrarian gatekeeping through which no opinion will project honestly
I mean, you're not wrong, but probably not for the reasons you think.

>> No.8642115

People make the threads because they're desperate for human contact in an attempt to fill a void gaming can't

>> No.8642127

Bummer man. I hope everyone itt has at least one friend that they feel is on their "gaming" level or whatever.

>> No.8642135

Or maybe, an anon just wants to have a discussion about the game and they just use that as an opening.

>> No.8642157

Sure, but I think OP also has a valid point. I think that the state of the Internet these days barrages people with opinions from every angle, can legitimately paralyze younger users with an abundance of choice and encourages people to rely on the words of pundits and "primaries" before they feel worthy of forming an opinion of their own about something. I can understand why his post might come off as hostile, but it is at worst misplaced anger.

>> No.8642202

gamer culture has moved beyond playing video games and progressed to paying other people money to play them for you while you spam emotes in chat

>> No.8642215

I am coping with this by being one of those guys getting paid to play the games.

>> No.8642301

One of the whole points of image boards is discussion. Sure, you can go read reviews on GameFaqs or download the ROM and play it, but it can be interesting to get different perspectives and see what other thoughts crop up. People have unique experiences.

"Hey, Joe, what do you think of that new taco place?"
"Why are you asking me just read the Yelp reviews or eat there yourself"

>> No.8642328

I wish I had even one friend.

>> No.8642365

How old are you? I'm lucky enough to have made two great friends while I was in high school and held onto them. I'm 26.

>> No.8642370


>> No.8642389
File: 22 KB, 300x100, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's still hope for you yet, anon. The fact that you actually want a friend and haven't consigned yourself to a life of solitude should tell you something about yourself. You're not the only person out there in your position. It isn't easy, but I think you can make a friend if you truly want one. It takes time and consistent effort.
If you had friends in school and are beating yourself up about myself saying that I made some and kept them, I implore you not to. I got lucky. One of my friends has the patience of a literal saint and the other one is a friendship that I had to go to great lengths to rekindle after we had a falling out. I'm obviously drunkposting but I hope you realize that I sympathize with you and believe in you, for what it's worth.

>> No.8642390
File: 246 KB, 600x615, npczoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I need strangers on the internet to approve my every decision and validate my existence. Also, no one else will talk to me because I'm an insufferable little bitch.

>> No.8642394

I kind of despise the modern internet for having put young people in this trap.

>> No.8642471

No, that is not equivalent, stupid-ass. You don't have to spend money. You don't have to go anywhere. A few keystrokes and a few clicks and you're there.

>> No.8642523

But piracy is illegal and I just want to play games without being a criminal.

>> No.8642538

lol eliot spitzer, why?

>> No.8642873

Meh. There are plenty of zoomers who aren't brainless NPCs and at the end of the day you're responsible for who you are. "The modern internet" is far down the list of others you can cope-blame, with parent the clear front runner.

>> No.8642874

Yeah, that's fair.

>> No.8642928 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 656x572, 1639538737554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if people only played games approved by /vr/ first
The board would die. There would be no new thread, just the same thread about the same games approved by /vr/.
Imagine how many good games you would miss because virgins on the internet told you not to play. Or how many bad games you would game to play because virgins on the internet told you to play.
I get it's a safer bet to play acclaimed games, but if you're genuinely interested in a game people don't like, then play the it. Play the first hour, if you don't like then drop it. And if you happen to like it, then you found yourself a gem.
Don't let the internet tell you what you should/shouldn't be interested in.

>> No.8642936
File: 28 KB, 656x572, cccccjkjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if people only played games approved by /vr/ first
The board would die. There would be no new thread, just the same thread about the same games approved by /vr/.
Imagine how many good games you would miss because virgins on the internet told you not to play. Or how many bad games you would game to play because virgins on the internet told you to play.
I get it's a safer bet to play acclaimed games, but if you're genuinely interested in a game people don't like, then play the it. Play the first hour, if you don't like then drop it. And if you happen to like it, then you found yourself a gem.
Don't let the internet tell you what you should/shouldn't be interested in.

>> No.8643121

>Play the first hour,
But many jrpgs only get good after 10+ hours scrub

>> No.8643140

That means they're not good.

>> No.8643176

emulation ew

>> No.8643221

Are the M2 Sega Ages PS2 collections worth buying?

>> No.8643251

The M2 ones are but only some of the later ones are M2. The Golden Axe remake for example is notoriously bad.

>> No.8643262

That's why you don't play jrpgs

>> No.8643272

Is it worth playing black/white 1,or just skip straight to black/white 2?

>> No.8643276

absolutely based fpbp

>> No.8643282

You know it's actually possible to play recommendations AND games of your own choosing? It's not that deep bro.

>> No.8643451

I´m talking about the mentality of asking for approval. Like: I´m interested in X game, but if the internet said it´s trash then I wont play it

dumb fucking faggot with lack of text interpretation skills

>> No.8643502
File: 86 KB, 955x955, e8ed9a77e4ae04fc8fbd15dae3cab4d6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His sex scandal face has always been a good reaction image.

>> No.8643515

But what if you form an opinion that isn't approved by the majority? Do you know how scary that can be for zoomers if they don't get constant approval?

>> No.8643629

I prefer "Just downloaded this, what am I in for?" threads.

>> No.8643632

>playing pokeshit

>> No.8643634

Why are you such a thin-skinned faggot?

>> No.8643743

no and I only read the first sentence, which I regret now.

>> No.8643747

Is this thread worth reading through?

>> No.8643812
File: 128 KB, 359x540, angry-korean-mascot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey anons I want to try game in *genre* and I am wondering if I might like or dislike this game because I like *these aspects* of *other games in the genre*

>hi anons should I play game I suck cock XD

>> No.8643887

For console games that will Just Work™ sure but trying to get old PC shit like Ultima 3 to get past the title screen without exploding is a journey onto itself

>> No.8644054

Holy shit relax you are seething.

>> No.8644070

>not sure if trolling or just a zoomer

>> No.8644092

Do you have literal autism, anon? You're on a board about OLD GAMES. Unless it is a new dump of some lost game, there is practically nothing new to discuss beyond sharing opinions.

>> No.8644156
File: 1 KB, 144x139, IMG_1174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's just another /v/-lite "shooting the shit" thread bordering on off-topic. Nothing but bitching about spoonfeeding. Has nothing to do with retro vidya.

>> No.8644559

Yes it does since you can't pirate Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

>> No.8644674

I know neets aka parasites have all day but people with lives have limited time to play games, why waste time on games that might not be any good?

>> No.8644746

Why waste time on threads of /vr/ niggers whose opinions of what's good or bad are worthless and disposable?

>> No.8644748

all games are bad

literally every single one of them

debate me you can't because I won't read your post because I don't give no fucks

>> No.8644761

This and "what am I in for threads" are the worst.
>I'm about to play this PSX game, what am I in for
How about you fucking play it? Those should always be met with spoilers.

>> No.8644973

You waste more time on your phone every day, I'd wager. Use some of that time.

>> No.8644976

Your mother's blowjobs are to die for.

>> No.8645016

you too

>> No.8645102

Then why come to this board?

>> No.8645115

>Stop wasting everyone's time by asking if a game is worth trying
Sorry bro, I'll stop forcing you against your will to respond to my questions for learning about your unique perspective because I thought you might have something interesting to say. That's my bad.

>> No.8645705
File: 270 KB, 500x374, 1621910180628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me kek hard, good job anon

>> No.8645814

>People have unique experiences.
>literally the same threads over and over again where kids argue about the same youtbe
I agree with you 100%. Newfags have made /vr/ largely pointless.

>> No.8645931

It's not worth it.

>> No.8646030
File: 106 KB, 1525x1017, 20220219_225034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if they don't have time to put one or two hours into a game that they realize had elements which are a dealbreaker to them?

what if they just want to play games that they think they will like, and have more of a chance of actually liking?

what if they have other hobbies, unlike you? you fucking loser