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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8641047 No.8641047 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8641163

>work forty hours a week for sixty years so you can proudly type into your magic screenbox about "haul"ing home three small pieces of plastic

>> No.8641278
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>> No.8641291
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So... what do you do in your spare time

>> No.8641296

We're on /vr/ bro, I think you should take a break from the Internet.

>> No.8641304

kill yourself, back to /v/, don't come back.

to answer the thread, havent had any "hauls" in a long time but honestly my favorite thing ended up being buying big lots of cheap saturn games from japan, and as much as i like the games themselves and what i got, what i love most is the really kind and heartfelt extras the japs leave. I got a note with one, and a fucking TON of japanese sweets with another, and one of them included a little tissues packet with splatoon 2 on it.

>> No.8641306
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this is (you) to a tee.

>> No.8641313

>what i love most is the really kind and heartfelt extras the japs leave. I got a note with one, and a fucking TON of japanese sweets with another, and one of them included a little tissues packet with splatoon 2 on it.
I've been buying Japanese imports too and this has been my experience as well. I've gotten paper cranes with a few things, some unfolded origami paper with one and a packet of green tea with another. Handwritten notes with everything I've bought.

>> No.8641315
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Got a second copy of FFIV since it was the equivalent of 15 burgerbucks sealed in box, might as well keep it for a while, sell eventually.

>> No.8641317
File: 156 KB, 705x700, 30462_us-Scurge-Hive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found and bought an EU copy of Scurge Hive for the GBA that was still sealed and in pristine shape for $20. I'm actually not sure if I should open it or not considering it's close to twenty years old and looks factory fresh.
>what i love most is the really kind and heartfelt extras the japs leave
Yeah, not sure why they do it but I can not complain about it. Between Gunpla and games I've amassed a nice collection of extras from Japanese sellers.

>> No.8641318

What's wild too is that, people still struggle with the idea that collecting and retro gaming are two separate hobbies that just happen to run parallel along side each other.
You can be a retro gamer without ever owning a single cartridge. You can be a retro collector and never break the seal on your games to play them.

It's only the lowest of the low IQ who point out that there are cheaper ways to play games than buying them outright. Like yeah, no shit. That's hardly the point.

>> No.8641324

i've also gotten green tea packet, green tea candy, coffee candy, and origami. love it.

>> No.8641330

Fuck yeah Breakdown. Possibly the best original game on the Xbox.

>> No.8641335

I kind of like Japan and Japanese people a little bit.

>> No.8641336

Ninja Gaiden Black for me, but yeah Breakdown is a close second.

>> No.8641407
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Found a cracked screen Gameboy Color that had dead bugs and pubes in it. Perfect donor for the screen and shell replacement. Grabbed an Everdrive 7x too.

>> No.8641418

I downloaded 56 terabytes of roms and ISOs and I will definitely play them all

>> No.8641446
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I'm fond of them in some regards, although the only Asians I outright dislike are Chinks.
Bro, you've got some excellent taste.

>> No.8641453

Emulation is about playing games. Retro game collecting is about consooming plastic.

>> No.8641472

yes anon, buying a sticky $5 cart-only copy of NES Golf that has sat on a store shelf for 20 years is consooming. sorry if that makes you jealous

>> No.8641515

having a case and manual is pretty comfy
emulating is raw game, but popping open a physical manual when you're confused vs. downloading a watermarked pdf is totally different

>> No.8641519
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Most recently, plastic bins for my Game Boy games. Does that count?

I ordered a few things yesterday. Heiankyo Alien for the Game Boy and for the Super Famicom, and a doujinshi book about the Kiki Kaikai (Pocky and Rocky) series with interviews etc from the creators.

>> No.8641531

Lmao idk why you guys bother with the low iqs
You are speaking to apes who will forget the subject

>> No.8641574

>Emulation is about playing games
You will never have the same experience in your gamer chair, Xbox controller, and 27" LED monitor as I do with original 100% accurate hardware. To smell, see, and touch something you own, which continues to grow in value everyday. To experience soul in retro vidya as the degausing coil hums to life as a relay activates that beautiful glow of a CRT.

And you will never be a woman.

>> No.8641606

Unless you invest or come from a richfag family you have to work 40 hours a week for 60 years

>> No.8641607

This is the biggest cope I’ve ever read on this site. You deserve a medal. For autists.

>> No.8641609
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>To smell
ah yes a fellow smelling enthusiast, i love that somehow in the midst of my mental retardation as a kid, i STILL saved my near mint in box pokemon heart gold, every now and then ill open the box, then the case, and get a fucking
of that still factory mint instruction manual. Phew. Unbeatable experience.

>> No.8641610

Nah, be a programmer who works from home. I work about 15 hours a week and spend the rest of the time playing games. I make 120k a year too.

>> No.8641615

It plays retro games but I can't post it since it in itself is not retro.

>> No.8641624

haul threads used to be a regular thing on /vr/ now this board is full haters. My latest pick up was Virtua tennis for the dreamcast a week ago. Really fun arcade tennis in typical sega fashion

>> No.8641629

nah just /v/ users mostly. they shit up other threads too, click around and youll see a ton of iq ape retards destroying otherwise normal conversation. Nothing we can do about it except continue talking.

>> No.8641639

i think he was trying to make a pasta
could do with some editing

>> No.8641642

from someone who emulates most everything (apart from my og xbox collection of about 80 games)
I wish i could have all the good stuff so I can play on legitimate hardware, but it's not cost feasible for me, am i going to be a seething faggot about it? fuck no
im just not going to drop $400 on a ps2 and the entire xenosaga trilogy when I can emulate it for free.
or better yet, I can just mod a ps2 and play it that way on a crt.
seething /v/tards coming here to bitch about diskrot and other stupid shit like "lmao collecting plastic" are legit just poorfags or retards.

>> No.8641645

>midst of my mental retardation as a kid
>pokemon heart gold
Fuck bro, how young are you? That said the HG/SS boxes do have a nice smell to them.

>> No.8641647

25 this year, it was middleschool but still thats kid. Hell im "still" a kid to millennials.
The manuals were matte textured, and had a very unique smell. Honestly HGSS really is peak.

>> No.8641660

Oh, so you are around the age of my youngest brother. I remember playing Silver on Christmas Day the year it released. Still feels weird, man. So weird.

>> No.8641668

About the only childhood memories i can really look fondly back on, the summers spent on DS pokemon with my childhood best friend. Getting an AR device for the first time and fucking up our saves with all those stupid shiny legendary lvl 100s. Seriously comfy times. Its funny how millennials have this bizarre, retarded mindset that the games they played as kids in the 90s magically stopped existing once zoomers came into the picture, and all the zoomers that exist now are like flossing 12 year olds. The oldest zoomers have the most comfy childhood, when we didnt play DS pokemon we played the N64's, when it wasn't that it was watching youtube poop on youtube and looking up cheat codes for various 5th/6th gen titles, reading all the pre-creepypasta secrets on various forums. So weird indeed.

>> No.8641676

i never write off anyone's childhood experiences
you're adopting said millenial mindset there
between the "flossing" is going to be good human memories

>> No.8641686

honestly flossing is the least offensive thing they do lol, that was a weird thing seeing on 4chan years ago was all the genuine anger towards actual kindergarten-aged kids flossing.

>> No.8641687

felt like buying something a few weeks ago so I ordered a gold cart copy of OoT for like 90 moosebux in good shape. Always really wanted one of those I'm a real slut for odd colored cartridges. 90$ isn't a steal, but you can do a lot worse if you just buy the first search result on ebay instead of waiting for someone to throw up a lowball listing.

It's pretty rare that I ever find anything worth buying in person at pawn shops and thrift stores. Thrift stores never have shit anymore except MAYBE consumer CRTs because they started to figure out that retro collectors actually buy good ones, and the pawn shops I go to almost always put things up WAY overpriced to the point that it's almost not worth checking them.

>> No.8641703

To clarify it was intended as a criticism of his use of the word "haul", particularly now that its meaning has degraded to mean "anything I've consumed, no matter how small the amount". It seems odd to celebrate consumerism like this, particularly in the face of how poor the typical celebrant is, not even being to afford an amount of product large enough to require literal hauling.

That said, I hope OP enjoys his vidya.

>> No.8641704

>start going to goodwill around 2012
>genesis games, dreamcast games galore and extras
>lucky to even see sport games for the gamecube on the shelves
Fuck goodwill scalping games to their online store and fuck resellers camping out the stores hours before they open. I just want some extra PS1s and controllers.

>> No.8641705

Probably should've said that to begin with instead of typical bait low iq apeniggers use, because yes i'd agree generally haul is very cringe and degraded by now for that reason

>> No.8641708
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Not 100% retro but found some of my old shit at my brother's in a different state a few months back.

>> No.8641709

Can you fix Proton/Wine please?

I don't know what Valve pays you for.

>> No.8641710

I bristle at the use of the word haul too, but I just don't really have it in me to write mean-spirited greentexts about someone or dogpile on them for using a single word I personally dislike. I would rather just talk with people about my hobbies on this board.

>> No.8641720

I apologize if I seem like I was putting you down by any means. My comment was more along the lines that I really feel my age these days when I read comments where the tech and toys of others childhoods were my late teens and twenties experiences.
Goodwill are a bunch of greedy cunts. They barely give the most minuscule portion of their sales to the poor and destitute while constantly raising the upper echelons salaries and marking up the stuff they sell.
Good stuff, but why is it just laying on the floor in a jumble?

>> No.8641725

Goodwill is more about job placements and what not, but still when they are starting to sell games at ebay prices that is where the problems start.

>> No.8641729
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Was stacked in this box so I had to clutter the floor to identify everything

>> No.8641732

Meant in response for

>> No.8641735

Had to? You wildman

>> No.8642007

Everything I've picked up since the beginning of the year.

I have Ace Combat 4 and Vanark headed my way as well.

>> No.8642015
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>> No.8642040
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>> No.8642062

Just downloaded the entire SNES, GBA, GBC, and GB libraries. Rate my haul.

>> No.8642082

man I have a real fascination with the xbox huge's "modern" games like doom 3 or hl2. I gotta find more games that really take full use of that system's hardware.

>> No.8642149

Kind of wish I still had my Saturn and Guardian Heroes. I had a ton of fun with that game and knowing its likely rare now would just made me treasure it that much more.

>> No.8642181
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Time enough at last/10

>> No.8642207

Based and Burgess Meredith-pilled.

>> No.8642237

I have no problem with then except for the use of the word 'haul'

>> No.8642426

>Saturn ¥400
>Saturn AR ¥100 x 2
>PS1 ¥400
>PSP ¥50
>Famicom ¥100
>GD SF7 ¥200
>12 Famicom carts ¥100/each
>90 Saturn/DC/PS1/PS2/GC games ¥100/each
Turns out the angry little bandwagners shouting that you can't find stuff cheap anymore were just lying and crying all along

>> No.8642521

I've been ordering books and vinyl and gifts for friends from Japan for over a decade and a half and this literally does not happen and had not ever happened or been posted about on here until someone posted that fucking mint jams mu thread to reddit in 2012 or some shit

>> No.8642937

Weeb retard

>> No.8642992

My condolences.

>> No.8643110
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>> No.8643337
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>> No.8643360

I played the fuck out of the multiplayer back in the day

>> No.8643395

>PSone controller
Can you show your game collection for those? I'd love to see how people organize it, because right now, I only have some temporary shelves.

>> No.8643654

damn thats sexy

>> No.8643656

I still get bargains on ebay because I'm patient and not desperate

>> No.8643659

Happens to me a lot, I think you have just been unlucky. Those nips sure have heart

>> No.8643664

Nice larp fag

>> No.8643773
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wtf am I reading lmao

>> No.8643782

I love how me getting a thank-you note is reddit's fault somehow

>> No.8643786

Ive had paper cranes and paper stars, but nothing substantial like candies or tea.

>> No.8643893
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I had to rebuy my old Ages cart that I lost long ago. But this time Seasons too.
I plan on soldering some battery retainers on them soon.

I know I can play them in any order, but which order would be the most kino?

>> No.8644098

Seasons first

>> No.8644337
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I just bought this.
Idk it seems genuine

>> No.8644338
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no chinglish I can tell and the print quality is a very high standard

>> No.8644456

Was it only $18 or did you pay out the ass for it?

>> No.8644470

It was $17.49 sir.

>> No.8644482

Just bought a clear orange WonderSwan with an IPS screen mod installed. Just wish I could find where I put my regular WS with the flash cart in it.

>> No.8644504

>IPS screen mod

>> No.8645147

If this applies to anyone it applies to the seething spergs on this board, especially the ones who constantly complain about emulation

>> No.8645160

What's wrong?

>> No.8645170

Looks legit. Have you played with it yet? That's my favorite PlayStation controller.
A couple of years ago I managed to pick up a new in box PS2 controller for five bucks. It's technically not a DualShock 2 since it was produced in that period of time surrounding the PS3's launch where Sony was being sued by Immersion for patent infringement. SCPH-10520.

>> No.8645247

>no u
another mind bending, flawless argument from emubabies.

>> No.8645284

not really retro but i got boxed and comeplete copy of fable for pc that was pretty cool

got a steelbook copy of mcc too

>> No.8645462
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Retro and retro-adjacent stuff I just got in the mail.

It almost took a year to get the castlevania collection, but now I can finally play it. Kid Dracula is awesome so far.

StarHawk is also really cool and plays awesomely smooth.

>> No.8646501

a pstv not exactly retro but I got it for ps1 games since my tv doesn't let me play ps1 on my ps2 the resolution is too low for it

>> No.8646504 [DELETED] 
File: 955 KB, 1968x1434, Pixel girls collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GBA dsi lcd kit

>> No.8646517 [DELETED] 


>> No.8646546 [DELETED] 


>> No.8646636 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8646639
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Nice LCD Though honestly, is that really straight from a dsi? Also,
were did you get the pixel girls collection rom not asking for any particular reason there just curious.

>> No.8646667

yeah its a dsi panel https://funnyplaying.com/products/itas-new-agb-tft-backlight-kit

dlsite theres also a strip rock paper scissors game by same dev https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ255146

>> No.8646673
File: 23 KB, 470x492, VERY HARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those chinks really think of everything. DSi really did have a God tier panel, shame to be wasted on a ds with no GB support.

>> No.8646680

yeah its nice clarity wise the ips kits will be better but i like the gaps you get between the pixels on this display

>> No.8646689

I don't imagine the IPS displays will be as good for interframe blending, either.

>> No.8646692

reasonably priced too. Double the price for IPS if you need that level of "clarity", but comparing the two the DSI panel is the clear winner.

>> No.8648212

I already have a couple of them I use, a red clear and a green clear. Definitely use those over a ds2 because fuck pressure sensitivity
Not really sure what I'm going to do with it yet, either sell it or gift it away, or just keep it around if I ever need one and want a nice new one
I ended up looking it up and see people trying to sell them for €100 unopened condition kek

>> No.8648317

Man, I regret selling my 3DS.

I actually found a PS1 at my local thrift store a few weeks back. I didn't pick it up since I already own a PS2 and live in a 600 sqft condo, so space is at a premium and I need to be choosy. But it was reasonably priced ($35 Cad) and in good condition. I hope a /vr/ aficionado got a hold of it. Also not necessarily /vr/, but I picked up a Dell AT-101W in pretty mint condition a little while back. It was hidden among all the shit rubber dome keyboards.

Generally I agree, thrift stores were a LOT better 10 years ago. Now they're generally a waste of time.

>> No.8649439

The literal state

>> No.8649486

What does the hole on the dpad do?

>> No.8649501

You screw a god-awful inch-or-so long "joystick" into it. NEVER buy one of these pads. They were and still are an absolute meme, and the d-pad is sub 360 tier if you can believe that. Any Interact gameport pad is superior and can be found cheaper. It looks bad but the Mako Pad I have is a ton better.

>> No.8649502

3ds is a really solid emulation handheld.
You can pick them up for as little as $30
No comparable systems land in that price range aside from maybe a beat up psp 2000

>> No.8649504

>USB so pure DOS is out the goddamn window
>worst d-pad ever, EVER
Ya got memed.

>> No.8649515

>>8649501 is correct, but no one actually uses the "joystick" piece. The controller isn't really that bad, I've used much worse. It was one of the first HID compliant USB gamepads, and it still works plug plug and play 18 years later. I don't do vintage PCs so the gameport pad would be useless for me, and certainly not cheaper than $10 NIB, which is what I paid.
I'm good thanks, and I've used far worse d-pads on "better" controllers.

>> No.8649516

I have two of them, and I struggle to think of worse.

>> No.8649519

>heh no thanks bruh, breh, brah
Why bother getting a vintage gamepad at all then, weirdo? Tons more, newer and/or better, work in Win98 and XP.

>> No.8649520

That's fine, I got it for use with my vintage Macs, there's not much that's plug and play on that side of the fence. That said, it works just fine on my new machines too, so I'm not complaining the for price.

>> No.8649524

That at least explains it a little bit. God I hope others work on that platform, though.

>> No.8649526

You can use keyboard re-binders with others iirc, but this is the only thing I'm aware of that was built for early USB Macs, so some software will support it with no config. Also, as mentioned they are comically cheap and this guy on eBay has hundreds of them so they're easy to get.

>> No.8649536

>selling DS/3DS
I do and I don't regret it. For some reason I just can't commit to playing those systems at all outside of transit, the laundromat, or the breakroom. Since WFH started, I'd just rather play all my games on my living room setup and find myself in none of those settings. Hardwarefagging is the only way to play some of those games decently at all, though. Hate the fucking screen and format overall, though. I should probably get a U for DS emulation. 3DS is a lot less "touch"y and Citra is... fine... if you ignore Luigi's Mansion 2.

>> No.8649537
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>Heiankyo Alien

>> No.8649602
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>I ended up looking it up and see people trying to sell them for €100 unopened condition kek
Damn, might as well make some easy money if you don't need it then. I've got a whole Bomberman session's worth of them: the white one and three transparent ones in blue, red and green. I like to match my controller color to whatever game I'm playing since I'm a big homo.
I just checked these out recently and I think I'm gonna cobble together a Game Boy Advance for my little sister with one of these. She left her translucent pink GBA with me and told me she'd like it backlit, but since the screen on it is still in good shape I'm probably gonna find one with a busted screen on ebay and frankenstein the two together.
I bought one of funnyplaying's IPS screens to build the aluminum meme machine pictured here (not my pic since I'm at work, but mine looks exactly like it) with a completely thrashed GBA SP that I managed to grab off ebay. I'm really happy with the screen, but I dunno if I can really recommend the housing to anybody in good faith. It's certainly not any more ergonomic than a regular SP, but the feel of aluminum in my hands and the Pocket-like look was enough for me.

>> No.8649671 [DELETED] 


>> No.8649703

>Virtua tennis
I've got a friend who doesn't game at all but he plays and follows tennis, I gotta remember to throw that on my GDEMU for next time he comes in town. Could be fun. Also have sega bass fishing for when my fishing friend comes over kek

>> No.8649724

>You can pick them up for as little as $30
I wish that was true. I want another New 3DS or 2DS as a backup system. Much regret in not buying a spare when they were on clearance at Walmart for $100.

>> No.8649726

They popped up in the Nintendo refurb store recently, keep an eye out there.

>> No.8649851
File: 150 KB, 309x334, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the shape of these cases but dont like those weird transformer looking shapes boxypixel puts on all their shells they are ugly, they have them on the ds macro ones too.

think i might get one of these i would prefer plastic though i dont get why people like aluminum so much https://retrogamerepairshop.com/collections/slate/products/slate-by-makho

>> No.8649870

Ooh, those are nice. I agree with you; I'm not a big fan of those added lines either. If the ones you linked had existed when I put mine together I would have opted for those instead.
>i dont get why people like aluminum so much
It's nice and heavy, and the cold metal feel gud in my hams.

>> No.8649950

my "hauls" have been rediscovering all my old games and cleaning them up, putting them in better cases and then plastic sleeves. it's quite a good feeling
i also had a ton of either shitty or poor condition games where i took every insert + disc out, put them all in a plastic sleeve together and kept only the good cases. it feels bad throwing games out

>> No.8650012

>That was a weird thing seeing on 4chan years ago was all the genuine anger towards actual kindergarten-aged kids flossing.
Retards on this site act as if they've never done shitty meme dances as kids. I remember in the first grade teachers had us dance the macarena.

>> No.8650063

Mite download something tonight. Should be a pretty good haul.

>> No.8650069

Watch out, an incredibly butthurt fat guy nearing 40 is going to reply to this post any second now.

>> No.8650071

but you already did it.

>> No.8650083

:-| I am nearing 30 and not even a little fat, thank you.

>> No.8650141

Oh i got an original for 30 not too long ago.
I guess if you want the new one yeah cost mone

>> No.8650361

They sound similar but it's written 13

>> No.8651795


had that box got from kmarrt back in the day

>> No.8651948

lmao this
People on /v/ were losing their minds when that character in the Spyro remaster was flossing but then you post that same character in the original doing the disco its just dial up noises in their heads.

>> No.8651951

And here we see an anon COPING with his age and mortality. Seething that people today experience all the same things he has, and that he is in fact, not unique or special.

>> No.8652451

>And here we see an anon COPING

>> No.8652721

>which continues to grow in value everyday
This statement alone shows you don't actually care about playing the games.

>> No.8652804
