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8631760 No.8631760 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Saturn Powerslave have larger stages when the PlayStation was more capable at 3D?

>> No.8631769

Saturn is what Playstatisn’t

>> No.8631772

saturn had more memory
saturn had more tricks competent developers could use (later sdk improvements gave developers more control over environment complexity and performance)
saturn was lead dev platform so more time was spent on getting the most out of it
sony required developers to differentiate things between platforms and this may have in some ways been part of it. easier to change cosmetic details than entire levels

>> No.8631780

I like the more saturated look of the Saturn version. It's faithfully recreated in the recent port.

>> No.8631797

Lobotomy software was really good with the saturn and whoever put it on psx didnt give a fuck. Saturn was the main console it was designed for. Basically the opposite of what happened with symphony of the night.

>> No.8631804

The engine that Powerslave runs (Slavedrive) was made for the Saturn, it took full advantage of it's structure.
To recreate fully on PSX would require much more effort than a simplified port.

>> No.8631847

Same people handled the PS port. It becomes clear that their system was the Saturn. Shame they didn't make more after the DN3D port.

>> No.8631851

playstation always had washed-out colors because of its oddball color palette. it can look good and maybe they had a good reason for doing it, but it's one of the weirder features of the hardware that people just take for granted.

>The Playstations RGB values aren't linear to normal RGB values (as used on PCs). The min/max values are of course the same, but the medium values differ:

>Intensity PC PSX
>Minimum 0 0
>Medium (circa) 16 8
>Maximum 31 31

>Ie. on the PSX, the intensity increases steeply from 0 to 15, and less steeply from 16 to 31.


>> No.8631861

>Saturn textures quite literally move when you're standing still
>Yet its the PS1 that gets bad reputation for jitter

>> No.8631867

what an odd quirk

fixed point math gets you only so far, but the 3D engine in Exhumed is a strong contender for the best on the system.

>> No.8631896

I like that Saturn games seemed to have lighting baked into the textures more often than PS1 games, while PS1 real-time lighting ended up looking blah in comparison

>> No.8632045

So, how did the remaster turn out? I remember pre-release, a lot of people were speculating they were actually using the PlayStation version as the base, instead of the Saturn, and that it was actually going to be shit because of that.

>> No.8632098

It’s kind of a weird mix of both with some new changes. Some level design is wider and more expansive and enemies from both versions appear

>> No.8632104
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x2160, Powerslave Exhumed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It turned out pretty well. The stages are mostly based on the Saturn version with some additional bits from the PlayStation version added in and remixed. In a couple of cases where the stages are completely different between versions they include both of them. Bomb jumping from the Saturn version is included and collecting Dolls unlocks Dolphin and Eagle mode from the PlayStation version. There's also graphical options to make it look more like the Saturn or PlayStation version.

>> No.8632115

Pretty good.

>> No.8632147

Remaster fags kys

>> No.8632481

Its good, deal with it :)

>> No.8632501

I like the remaster/port/mashup whatever you want to call it. I like PC exhumed better though, just cause of the ammo system and level layouts and stuff. I prefer more traditional exploration levels instead of backtracking w/ items.

>> No.8632523

I think the engine on the Saturn version was way better

>> No.8632592

>Shame they didn't make more after the DN3D port.
They did the Quake port as well.

>> No.8632618

If you are a massive faggot with remastered genitals, that may be true.

>> No.8632648

>>Shame they didn't make more after the DN3D port.
>They did the Quake port as well.

There was an online interview with one of the Lobotomy devs somewhere, where they said that they had ported the Saturn version of Quake over to the PS1 very hastily, and the PS1 version ran at a smoother framerate. But for some reason, they couldn't get a publisher for it. maybe it had something to do with that Quake 1 port being a Saturn exclusive?

>> No.8632652

not him but I like it too

>> No.8632675

Its good, no matter how many lame insults you throw around :)

>> No.8632835

So go post about it on discord or something troon :)

>> No.8632884

Maybe it was because there was a sudden interest in Quake 2? I'm not sure because I think Saturn Quake beat N64 Quake to market.
Either way its still a damn shame, Lobotomy software was seriously talented.

>> No.8632894

Why didn't Id/Carmack get Lobotomy to handle the Saturn Doom port?

>> No.8632898

>when the plaustation was more capable
Never was.

>> No.8632948

The sharturn renders 3D objects by transforming hundreds of 2D tiles each frame to form 3D textures. The PS1 renders 3D by doing straightforward texture mapped geometrical shapes. The PS1 should be faster and more resource efficient, but games made for the saturn would require plenty of overhauling to make them run efficiently on the PS1.

>> No.8632951


the insults keep getting lamer, just like you. :)

>> No.8633572
File: 257 KB, 1279x701, sega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what happened with Doom.
> Saturn dev show up at id with Saturn port, custom code
> Carmack whines that its not based on the original codebase
> Saturn port gets remade on id's codebase, result is a shitshow
> years later, Carmack admits he made a shitty decision

>> No.8633609

Take meds.

>> No.8633616

Just his autism clouding decision making

>> No.8633618
File: 92 KB, 321x400, hehewhatanmess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but nothing after DN3D, that's what I meant.

>> No.8633761

Is there any reason to play Duke 3d on saturn anymore?
It was an amazing conversion, but unlike Quake and Powerslave it doesn't have exclusive content if I remember correctly.

>> No.8633819

>any reason
Probably not, I just admire it as a technical achievement.

>> No.8633867

It's great. People thought they were using the playstation version due to the lighting. Which the lead dev immediately altered and posted screenshots of the newer version.

The final release the lighting can be significantly changed to make it look as Saturn-y or Playstation-y as you like. Down to wobbly textures and all that shit. Nightdive always go beyond other companies like that.

>> No.8634149

>Is there any reason to play Duke 3d on saturn anymore?

>> No.8634267

Unless you want to play it on a CRT or with a Saturn 3D Pad, not really. Like most FPS ports from that era, you'll probably get a better experience nowadays if you use a modern source port.
But it's still impressive like nonetheless

>> No.8634385

Lobotomy's Saturn ports of Duke Nukem 3D and Quake had different secret levels to the PC versions so there's that.

>> No.8634395

Why is it always fecal humor with you? Are you like 5 or something?

>> No.8634406

the duke3d secret level is a joke, but the quake ones are basically new powerslave levels and play amazingly. There's a gimmick stage, QWF but it's really funny and really uses the monster in-fighting in a clever way. Lobotomy did have serious design chops when the weren't porting over others games.

>> No.8634486

My theory is they scaled back playstation levels to hit 60fps. Saturn was only 30fps. Both games can chug though. Playstation can go as low as 15fps which is really jarring compared to saturn dropping to 15fps from.
oh thats cool. was worried that it would only look like the PS version. If I can make it look like saturn then I might have to pick it up.

>> No.8634503

Seek some help please. This can't be healthy.

>> No.8634512

>Playstation can go as low as 15fps
Lower than that, I beat it. Saturn is generally stable and if not at 30, very close to it. PS1 can really be all over the place. The last boss on PS1 was a slideshow for me so I really can't recommend the version unless you want to compare or check it out, not seriously complete Power Slave using it.

>> No.8634921

It's all well and good that retards on the internet tell me that this is a pretty good port of Exhumed but no one has asked the big question on everyones lips.

Is Deathtank included?

>> No.8634998

>Is Deathtank included?

>> No.8635018


>> No.8635026

You remaster crowds are a cancer to this board.

>> No.8635039

>old games being made more widely available to those that might not have been aware of the original release, or weren't even born yet is a bad thing

>> No.8635059

>old games being ruined with modern graphics, and easier difficulty, among other chopped up problems to appeal to modern gamers is a bad thing


>> No.8635082

Just shut up and don't post unless you have valid arguments

>> No.8635092

stop giving the schizo attention then

>> No.8635109

>old games being ruined with modern graphics
You mean improved with better graphics while still having the option of making it uglier to match your shitty nostalgia?

>and easier difficulty
They added the new pharao difficulty, what the fuck are you talking about?

>among other chopped up problems
They added stuff you faggot.

>> No.8635112
File: 208 KB, 472x447, Seireki_2022_-_anon_no_faggotry .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't ask
don't care
plus you're not egyptian

>> No.8636171

Its really good. People were saying it was be shit because /vr/ is filled with bitter contrarians who get fucking pissed when an old game is remade, remastered, or rereleased regardless of quality. Check it out, its fun!

>> No.8636209


>> No.8636396

Hey thats a good example. /v/ is ALSO filled with bitter contrarians who get fucking pissed when an old game is remade, remastered, or rereleased regardless of quality.

>> No.8636487

absolutely malding

>> No.8636638


>> No.8637406

caved in and bought it. Feels great to play. However, I'd really like if they had an option to disable the aggressive autoaim. It gets jarring while playing with KB+M.

>> No.8637558
File: 135 KB, 1080x582, Screenshot_20220217-200900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But.... there IS no autoaim

>> No.8637561

Yeah pretty much

>> No.8638269

Kaiser sounds like a sperg.