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File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, super-mario-sunshine-button-1599246426728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8629796 No.8629796 [Reply] [Original]

>Nintendo's famous plumber had a rough transition to the GameCube, to say the least...

>> No.8629816

Grate thread.

>> No.8629827

I think any thread that shits on Mario Sunshine is a good thread

>> No.8629845

So did Nintendo's famous swordsman.

>> No.8629853

The biggest problem with both Sunshine and Wind Waker is that both games were very rushed
Personally I don't know why they wouldn't just let both games get the time they need, that's what they do now for the most part, they must have really felt their backs were up against the wall and they needed to push Gamecube sales ASAP

>> No.8629854
File: 148 KB, 600x825, 431F25A5-AAFD-4C24-926A-8FBC551F2216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally mogged by a SEGA port on the gamecube
Seriously, how did nintendo let this happen? Mario sunshine is so mediocre. Even jak and daxter was better better and what is nintendo without a great mario platformer?
Answer: last place

>> No.8629859

>Even jak and daxter was better better
No shit Jak and Daxter was better, it was one of the best (if not the single best) collectathons of the entire generation
I think Jak and Daxter is a good comparison for Sunshine since it does the whole "interconnected world, omg you can see that level from THIS level!" thing far better and actually have variety to go alongside it

>> No.8629863

Sunshine is the most flawed 3D Mario, and it's still better than SA2,

>> No.8629878

Outside of how blue coins are handled and the few unskippable cutscenes it has, what's so bad about it that isn't a (You) problem? It's great.

>> No.8629879

>how to out yourself as a fake gamer in one simple step

>> No.8629885

Knuckles levels aren't, never were, and never will be fun.

>> No.8629886

>>how to out yourself as a fake gamer in one simple step
Ok zoomer. Most people who played SM64 first recognize that Sunshine has plenty of flaws.

>> No.8629892

it needed more time to get rid of some of the jank

>> No.8629902

Sunshine does have plenty of flaws. It also has the best movement in the entire series, even better than SM64's, which makes it the most fun

>> No.8629906

Okay okay, all opinions of the game and its mechanics aside: what other game water was on Sunshine's fucking level in 2002? Hell, for the whole gen on any machine? None, I say. NONE.
>Fantastic shading and 3D wave animation on the surface
>refraction beneath the surface
>still water reflects screen
>dynamically created FLUDD puddles reflect screen
>FLUDD water sprayed on camera has refraction
It doesn't just look nice. It has tech that the 7th gen barely touched. Bioshock's water, for all its dedicated artistry, wasn't Sunshine tier.

>> No.8629907

>It also has the best movement in the entire series, even better than SM64's

>> No.8629909
File: 8 KB, 126x108, idort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Super Mario 64 and I like Super Mario Sunshine

>> No.8629912
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>no Super Mario 64 2: For Super Players
>no version of Sunshine that got released a year later with more levels

>> No.8629919

Just play romhacks. There's more Mario 64 content out there now than most people can keep track of.

>> No.8629926

Most of them aren't playable on real hardware so I don't care
Even when they are like a version of Star Road they have to be gimped to shit and chug

>> No.8630307

>>Nintendo's famous plumber had a rough transition to the GameCube, to say the least...
Why do all the Youtube review types write their scripts like this?

>> No.8630325

In general I associate the GameCube with blue skies and really pretty looking water.

>> No.8630357

They don't. It was one guy.

>> No.8630359

I mean that they use this pointless flowery language and 'introduce' people to the game like we don't already fucking know. Just talk about the damn game

>> No.8630476

No, the biggest problem with these games is that their predecessors on the N64 were two of the greatest games of all time to this day. They could never top them on pure innovation the way those games topped their 2D counterparts. So the devs decided to make them quirky and artistic instead of trying to take a leap forward which ultimately would have fell short anyway.

When all is said and done, Sunshine is the second best 3D Mario and Wind Waker is the best of the “oddball” Zelda games. They weren’t utter failures, they just couldn’t match the sky high expectations that were set

>> No.8630490

How do you make this game not ugly as fuck? Is the best version just unironically the overpriced 3D All Stars version?

When upscaled, some textures look great, while others look putrid. Should I just play at native resolution with a CRT filter then?

>> No.8630515
File: 23 KB, 400x400, sil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The theming and music are all great. I'd even say FLUDD is a cool gimmick

>> No.8630521

>*sigh* I said I'd never do this one. I PROMISED! ... but I have to...

>> No.8630703

Youtube culture is so goddamned gay. Nailed it.

>> No.8630705

Some people don't. DIDJA KNOW: Youtube is for normies and zoomers. We're an afterthought.

>> No.8630710

>let both games get the time they need
Because people were already pissed they got luigis gay sucker for a launch title and anxiously waiting the next mario 64.

>> No.8630715

Sunshine is the best Mario game

>> No.8630734

>the devs decided to make them quirky and artistic instead
Everyone just wanted next-gen Ocarina and next-gen Mario 64. It wasn't difficult, but somehow Nintendo fucked it up. Innovation is overrated. Zelda wasn't popular again until they stopped innovating and just copied an Ubisoft game.

>> No.8630759

FLUDD could have been cool, but instead of giving you a sense of power and freedom, you always felt like you were fighting against it. Either you ran out of water too quickly or the powers felt really weak.

>> No.8630889
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>They could never top them on pure innovation the way those games topped their 2D counterparts. So the devs decided to make them quirky and artistic instead of trying to take a leap forward which ultimately would have fell short anyway.
I don't know if I'd describe Sunshine as artistic, I suppose centering the entire game on water because they could make it look pretty and giving you a water pack almost the entire game is quirky but not overwhelmingly so
why were there so few levels? why was it so obsessed with being le island le game, at the expense of level design and variety? why are the physics often shit? why does the difficulty fluctuate so much? why is it so linear? why didn't this game carry on the best aspects of super mario 64? the freedom? the non-linearity? why do the blue coins even exist? how in the FUCK is the 100% ending somehow WORSE than the one in super mario 64, which was literally just yoshi giving you a high five a killing himself??

>> No.8631201

Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the game is good, don't use it.

>> No.8631216

>3D World
>Galaxy 2
>3D Land

You literally cannot dispute this.

>> No.8631347

Galaxy is easily better designed than Sunshine so there's a problem right there

>> No.8631361
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, 1604464931211.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the buggiest, most incomplete mainline Mario game ever released. There's a reason why Nintendo never references or celebrates it nowadays. They're ashamed of it. They scrubbed Isle Delfino off the map in Super Mario Odyssey before release. They know they fucked up.

They know giving it to Koizumi to infantilize it with a toy water gun concept was a mistake.
They know it was the least favorably reviewed Mario game of all time up until that point by fans and outlets.
They know they rushed it out the door in under 1.5 years to desperately try and save the GameCube. It didn't work.

The game was also cringe incarnate, right down to the enviromental awareness ads with the singing chorus of kids.

Honestly, in many ways, it's actually the Sonic Adventure of Mario games. Both of them have:

>An overreliance on the narrative.
>Unhealthy focus on NPCs.
>Crutches for 3D platforming.
>Lots of padding and filler, to artificially extend the playtime.
>Many infamous "that part" moments.
>Tons of glitches and exploits.

I never really understood where Mario fans get off on being so cocky and smug towards Sonic fans when they've had it just as bad in the past.

Is it the fact that it's made by Nintendo that gives it a free pass from objectively criticizing it? Sunshine isn't the 9/10 masterpiece zoomers make it out to be. It's actually more of a... 6/10. Solidly mediocre, only carried by brand name alone... Just like Sonic. Anyone who didn't grow up with Nintendo (And isn't an eternal cubie manchild), can see the game for what it really is.

>> No.8631370

They reference Sunshine constantly though. Bowser Jr is a character from Sunshine.

>> No.8631390

Sunshine would be god-tier if half of the game wasn't in it. They needed to have 120 stars to not make it look lesser to Mario 64 and that came at the expense of the game being 50% filler. Mario Galaxy isn't any better either, where 50% of the levels are random assets floating in space. Luigi's Mansion is unironically better in that sense because it knows when to quit. But objectively that game is also filler, because the main gameplay loop gets boring after 30 minutes and then it's the same thing over and over with different assets. It's about as interesting as playing PANG / Super Buster Bros.

>> No.8631525

My only complaint about Sunshine is there's no way to track which blue coins you've already gotten, so the only real way to tell you've gotten them all is to never redeem them until then end.

>> No.8632934

I was going to say Bowser Jr. hardly has a presence outside of the NSMB games, then I looked it up and he's in both Galaxy games. How do I not remember that at all

>> No.8632981

It really did. I try to go back and play it at least once a year and I get bored within 30 minutes. Never happens with any other Mario game that preceded it.

>> No.8633017
File: 16 KB, 250x231, Diddy-dkc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fanfiction, actual real life moron.

>> No.8633135

SA2 contains a lot of mediocrity but it contains some levels that are genuinely fun and replayable whereas Sunshine pretty much never surpasses average. SA2 is definitely the better game and I didn't grow up with either

>> No.8633136

You never tried to 100% SA2, if you had you'd be more familiar with the massive flaws

>> No.8633140

Why would I want to do that? That sounds outright masochistic. Are you okay?

>> No.8635270


>> No.8635273

How can you say either game is "definitely better" than the other when you don't even want to complete them 100%?

>> No.8636336

And you never tried to 100% Sunshine, or you'd know it's even worse.

>> No.8636738

The requirement to do the first seven shines of every level is annoying. It makes the eighth shines, blue coins, and hidden shines literally worthless. It would have been much better to have the events tied to the number of shines regardless of which ones they are.

Also, I'm not sure that being forced to do the shines in thier sublevels is better than 64's more open ended approach.

>> No.8636757

He's also in Smash Bros, and Bowser's Fury.

>> No.8636778

>Personally I don't know why they wouldn't just let both games get the time they need,
Because of:
a) Iwata being an idiot
b) Panicking because Microsoft had entered the competition with the XBox (since Microsoft has a huge amount of cash and could steal even more developers and marketshare away from Nintendo)
c) N64 had a software drought and OoT was delayed several times, so Nintendo decided to try and increase their library on Gamecube by farming out franchises to other developers and rushing their first party games.

>> No.8636783

dang literally me

>> No.8636785

No it isn't you retard, not even comparable, 100% completion in SA2 requires grading and getting perfect scores

>> No.8637884

This is my favorite copypasta. Based anti-shitsine chad.

>> No.8637935

>a bunch of furious, chair sharting, Sonic fan keyboard clacking

>> No.8637943

How? It's so fucking low-precision and easy. Everything is so damn "small" in it. It hardly leverages its gravity gimmick in any meaningful way. It feels corporate and "Mickey"d out to the max, too. There's nothing avant garde in it.

>> No.8637951

mariofags can criticize sonic games but there are literally only 2 3d marios actually worth your time

>> No.8637956

Thats what makes Adventure 2 good.
Every game needs a ranking system.

>> No.8637957

Compared to what? 1/3 of SA2 and that boring best-of game?

>> No.8637969

Swap A and B. Odyssey made me sell my Switch. Just felt so 'whatever' the whole game.

>> No.8638006

I'd rather play Adventure 1 and 2 any day over a crummy 3D Mario game. At least those games have SOUL and arent committee made crap.

>> No.8638013

>post shits on both mario and sonic
>hurr must be a sonic fan

Room temp IQ

>> No.8638436

If you ran out of water enough for it to be an issue idk what to tell you.

>> No.8638454

Tbf that's how sonic fans act

>> No.8638502

I played both at releas and NEVER thought Sunshine was supposed to show a inter-connected world. If they wanted to do that they should have dropped magical gates leading to levels.

>> No.8639178

Nailed it

>> No.8639190
File: 394 KB, 544x566, 1589899485792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet another thread bitching about Sunshine
Is there a template of repeated /vr/ topics? Because I feel this one's overdone just like with DK64, BK Tooie and SA2.

>> No.8639235

Surely it would be "Sunshite", or is that not American enough?

>> No.8639241

I think you might be interested in a hack of the game called Super Mario Sunburn. It adds all the shit you're asking for (collect most shines in any order, skippable cutscenes, getting rid of the blue coin pop up) and more. They even managed to implement a long jump. The hack works on Original hardware too, so if you have a jailbroken wii or gamecube it will run perfectly. https://youtu.be/0EIMCdkoHOQ

>> No.8639245


>> No.8639246

refer to >>8639241
It has a 70 star version and a Shadow mario version

>> No.8639259

Best Mario game desu

>> No.8639260

>There's a reason why Nintendo never references or celebrates it nowadays.
It literally got re-released on the Switch like 1.5 years ago

>> No.8639452

Semantic autist or coomlector purist? What's your angle here?

>> No.8639463

I get it that Mario and Zelda games were all about introducing some new gimmick to a standard formula, but a water hose? Then, in Wind Waker, those boring ass boat segments?
Something started to go very wrong in that generation amongst game devs.

>> No.8639467

Don't forget the FF8.

>> No.8639498

Based, Jak and Daxter is one of the best collectathons of all time.
Really wish they would have done a game in the vein of the first. Second and third were okay for what they were but the first is really something else

>> No.8639579

And Kart, Tennis, Golf, Party, alongside a recent dedicated campaign on the 3DS for a Mario RPG rerelease.

>> No.8639654

Here's a pity (you)

>> No.8641357
File: 448 KB, 1901x944, Screenshot 2022-02-19 at 00-13-30 Super Mario Galaxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the hatred for Galaxy 1 4chan branded contrarianism or do people really have beef with that game? I'd never heard anyone rag on it before.

>> No.8641359

What do the numbers mean?

>> No.8641464

97/100 = game journalists
9.1/10 = regular people

>> No.8642060

It’s just typical 4chan contrarianism. Galaxy is a masterpiece.

>> No.8642090

The former

>> No.8642094

>bizarre airplane Mario intro
>mutant natives
>idiotic water spout gimmick
>literally being a jannie for that island and cleaning up shit constantly
>every other collectible or achievement is related to some tedious physics gimmick like shooting a coconut out of your ass so it bounces off a clocktower into some mutant's mouth

Literally the only decent part of this game were those bizarre lovecraftian abyss floating block levels, but even then you had to do them in a very specific way.

In fact, it's very annoying because the ENTIRE game needs to be done in a very specific way. You can't just have fun with it like you normally can in Mario games. It's almost as if the platforming in it is entirely scripted.

>> No.8642113


To add, it grossed me out when I had to attack that Piranha plant's protruding belly-button.

Why the fuck would anyone put that in the game, what's wrong with them.

>> No.8642116

I liked the core gameplay of Sunshine and personally I think that's all it needs, but I completely understand how everything about the game was extremely off-putting.

>> No.8642126

it's a fucking awful gen z game

>> No.8642134

That’s nice, anon.

>> No.8642185

the movement is a little sluggish imo but yeah other than that it's great, no real downer parts like the blue coins or the green stars or the 100 coin stars in some levels.

>> No.8642584

FLUDD is not great, but way better than fucking Cappy.

>> No.8644612
File: 476 KB, 777x439, 1640818817141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>squirting water around in a bad physics game is better than skillful platforming and controlling your enemies

>> No.8644952

>skillful platforming

>> No.8644954

It's like you've never even played the balloon popping mode.

>> No.8645162


>> No.8645306

Okay try using the rock nozzle on land for more than a few seconds.

>> No.8645397

Obsessed with hating new thing in favor of propping up old thing PURELY out of nostalgia

>> No.8645410

Me too man.

>> No.8645421

Odyssey is a sick game and you are retarded.

>> No.8645468

lol you are NEVER going to make it

>> No.8645650

I'm currently replaying Sunshine and it's still great fun.
I dislike thath they took out the long jump, but FLUDD adds great mobility. Odyssey controls fantastic, but the levels are boring and there's literally no challenge to it.
I take Sunshine over Odyssey any day of the week. I enjoyed 3D World over Odyssey too, Champions Road was fantastic.

>> No.8645651

No, it's mediocre. Controls and mechanics are a downgrade from its predecessors, ridiculously easy difficulty, and unmemorable level themes kill the game. It's such a lethargic experience. Granted, Odyssey was easy as well but it's worlds were immersive and engaging. Galaxy's levels are just a bunch of aesthetically uncoordinated linear islands without any decent gameplay to compensate. It was the precursor to the sterile Wii U era of Mario.

>> No.8645654

Odyssey is braind dead game with no challenge. Unless you find great joy in groundpounding a glowing spot.

>> No.8645669

That's the best you've got? If you really wanted to get my goat you could have complained about how you can just buy moons or whatever. That game was a labor of love and was clearly wasted on you. You're just mad you paid sixty bucks and those sixty bucks couldn't fill whatever vacuous hole you sought to fill with them.

>> No.8645672

>I take Sunshine over Odyssey any day of the week. I enjoyed 3D World over Odyssey too, Champions Road was fantastic.
Champion's Road really was something else. 3D World was such an awesome game. Dare I say, an underrated game. I would love to see another game in the same vein as it.

>> No.8645702

Post your 100% completed save file

>> No.8645934
File: 13 KB, 269x187, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Japanese thing.

>> No.8646485

I did all the moons, didn't touch that balloon thing.
I wasn't really that interested in it to begin with, but the "cool" thing about Switch, is that it's the Switch I bought my son and I have the online for his user. So if I want to play the balloon thing with my user, I'd have to buy another online pass.

Like I said, Odyssey plays great, but the stages are really uninspired and there's no challenge to the game whatsoever.

>> No.8646489

Sunshine is missing at least three levels, and lacking polish throughout the game (Corona Mountain in particular), blue coins and triforce quests is the game designer's silent protest against the cuts and/or a clear last minute decision (no counter for them).
Sandbox games should have been cheaper and faster to develop (a single big zone with different missions and objectives, so less assets and content to make) so they gave it unrealistic deadlines enough to mess it up.

Majora's Mask was rushed out in one year. So they figured a N64 tier Zelda with cel shading to disguise its primitive graphics wouldn't need more than two years. The early screenshots were ugly because the cel shading could only do as much, and the final game was missing more than half the planned game content and what was done had trash game design (simplistic dungeons, slow block pushing speed because they scrapped Link aging/powering up but didn't adjust his abilities to compensate) because the team simply had no time to finish developing all of the planned content.

It resulted in a game that had an art style reviled in America, and sales that were below thresholds to cancel Nintendo series in Japan.

>> No.8647081

>the final game was missing more than half the planned game content and what was done had trash game design (simplistic dungeons, slow block pushing speed because they scrapped Link aging/powering up but didn't adjust his abilities to compensate) because the team simply had no time to finish developing all of the planned content.
Knowing this makes me hate WW.

>> No.8647840

Also Mario Kart 8/Deluxe has Piantas has spectators as well as Nokis in Water Park I think?

They're not referenced as much as they used to true, but still referenced. And of course Petey Piranha became a reoccurring boss, and is even playable again in Mario Tennis Aces.

>> No.8647847

I enjoyed the game, but I also found it kind of boring for some reason and couldn't figure it out why for the longest time. Playing 3D World and Odyssey reaffirmed this (though Odyssey has it's own faults)

Still beat it completely though. Galaxy excels in presentation at at least.

>> No.8647945

>It resulted in a game that had an art style reviled in America, and sales that were below thresholds to cancel Nintendo series in Japan
I'm not a big fan of WW's style myself, but if this is true, why did Nintendo go on to produce two sequels on the DS?

>> No.8648009

Creative bankrupcy.

>> No.8648483

>I did all the moons
Post it then, coward.
>but if this is true, why did Nintendo go on to produce two sequels on the DS?
Probably just because it was the newest game and the graphics looked alright when you ported the models over and removed as many polygons as possible

>> No.8648946

Why did Galaxy and new super mario bros get a sequal but N64 and Sunshine didn't?

>> No.8648954

Galaxy did well and they had a shitton of unused ideas so it was easy to pump out another game's worth of content.
NSMB sold like hotcakes.

>> No.8648961

The Wii was Nintendo's best selling console of all time after the DS so they knew that after Galaxy's extremely positive reception, a sequel would be profitable with such a massive install base.
Cheap and easy to develop and always sells well

>> No.8648992

They fully intended on making a sequel but got distracted by other projects
Why would they

>> No.8649569
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Here you go you.

>> No.8649818

anon... you're missing 8

>> No.8650082

Nintendo EAD genuinely wanted to make Wind Waker 2 to reuse some of the scrapped concepts, but they got told to make Twilight Princess. Some bosses made it (the goron boss for example) but most of the worldbuilding didn't.
They didn't even bother with a retail release for GC Twilight Princess in Japan (mail orders instead, last time they did that was N64DD and that was basically sent to die) so they tried to go back to an art direction that appealed to Japan with PH.

PH with its art style, casual gameplay, the novelty of the touch screen, and the popularity of the DS in Japan, was massively successful in Japan.
So they did a sequel, ST, which bombed in Japan. The sequel was so casualized for Japan specifically they made half a dozen of floors in the central 30 floor dungeon optional only for the JP version.

Since they used the WW art style for Navi Trackers, which is how they rebranded Marvelous' cancelled revival on the GameCube, they reused the same art style in Triforce Heroes, which has that 3-player co-op thing that's even more blatantly inspired by Marvelous.

>> No.8650087

Nope, only the ones you can buy.
And I bet even if I was, the last 8 would change my opinion on this game.

>> No.8650120

>a 3D platformer made by a multi million dollar company that is just the same as the last game but with worse physics and controls is avant garde
good fucking lord

>> No.8650124

Sunshine is just a braindead game with no challenge. Unless you find great joy in spraying a wall with a water nozzle

>> No.8650289


>> No.8650642 [DELETED] 

Okay, and...?
Is your Sony/leftism brainwashing wearing off, and you are unable to complete sentences?
Put a spoon in your mouth.

>> No.8650648 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to /v/, there's enough /pol/ satellites already.

>> No.8650743 [DELETED] 

Another thing that everyone has begun noticing is how Sony pandered to a very loud group of degenerates, and now Sony has become a favorite among gays, ugly people, the mentally unstable, trannies, and all sorts of freaks.

I know what's going on- you can no longer deny that leftism is falling out of favor, like every fad, people grow out of it... Well... Except the people who got too invested, and LARPed as a tranny.
It's going to be difficult for you, when your current fad dies out, and the whole world laughs at you, for a weak minded, gross tranny.

Like you, Sony pandered to the left, now both of you are a fucking mess.

Mass suicide when?

>> No.8650869

Unironically all of the dev time that would have gone into making SMS' controls and game engine extremely polished went into fucking Pikmin (and that's a good thing).

>> No.8651034
File: 43 KB, 577x388, 1618266722307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I love Mario Sunshine!

>> No.8651061

You never need to do that so it's not a problem. I've never ran out of water during actual gameplay. You always have much more water then you actually need to complete any of the levels

>> No.8651082

>You never need to do that
Um, yes I do. A primordial need.

>> No.8651094

That's valid desu.

>> No.8651104

I think the word you’re looking for is primal, not primordial.

>> No.8651719

Are you an idiot or just a buttmad Odyssey fan?
Odyssey has no challenge to it, Sunshine actually takes platforming skill to 100%.

>> No.8651737

horrible bait

>> No.8651750

I agree with that anon 100%. I really don't understand why people like odyssey, it's just mario: the empty open field walking simulator

>> No.8651758

I hate it because of the radioactive brightness. Later someone told me you can get sunglasses and that just made me hate it more because it shows they knew it was painful

>> No.8651798

>Odyssey has no challenge to it
>it's just mario: the empty open field walking simulator
Want to know how I know you never beat it?

>> No.8651827

>Since they used the WW art style for Navi Trackers, which is how they rebranded Marvelous' cancelled revival on the GameCube

Do you have a source for this claim or are you just making up your own conjecture?

>> No.8651836

>Do you have a source for this claim or are you just making up your own conjecture?
"It all started with an 8 year old game called Marvelous, which made use of the Satellaview satellite transmission system. In that game, players would collect stamps while listening to a radio broadcast. We replaced with the connectivity function, used Tetra's character as the vocal guide, and incorporated the pirates. Actually, all three of us worked on the satellite broadcast project." —Eiji Aonuma (Development staff interview)

>> No.8651915

>unskippable cutscenes
No one cares about your speedrun.

>> No.8651926

>>unskippable cutscenes
>No one cares about your speedrun.
Fuck you, you disingenuous piece of shit.

>> No.8652212

Hey fuckboy, I already posted my moon count of the game.
The stages don't have any challenge to them.

>> No.8652221

>The stages don't have any challenge to them.
Are you saying "the stages" so you don't have to talk about the obstacle course Moons?

>> No.8652234

This is so fucking stupid. Post a Mario game you think is much more challenging.

>> No.8652432

Files for the Marvelous character art are still on the disc but not used.
Aonuma had some comments about Marvelous while promoting Triforce Heroes too

>> No.8652553

More challenging that Odyssey?
Galaxy 2
3D World

>> No.8652631

GameCube sucked with awful Luigi ghost, shit mario and retard Zelda game. Smash is for autists so the only good game was resi 4 and f zero.

>> No.8652635

No, I mean those too.
I liked the obstacle courses moons, those are what I want from a Mario game. But the overall moon count was retarded, when most of them had no reason to exist.

If Odyssey would have trimmed down to the 120 count, the game would have been much more enjoyable. I don't enjoy openworld busywork.