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File: 105 KB, 402x255, PCSX2_1.6.0_Windows_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8625330 No.8625330 [Reply] [Original]

Considering going 1000% emulation, but this one has got my head scratching

>> No.8625338

its great if you have a cpu powerful enough to run everything in software mode
I have an i5 6600k and it runs most things in software mode at full speed but there's a couple of titles I've tried that don't run at full speed software mode
like mgs3 and gran turismo 4 both of these titles are very demanding

>> No.8625347

I have a ryzen 1600

Software mode meaning all the emulation is handled by the cpu without gpu involvement?

>> No.8625350

>Gran Turismo 4
Those are literally the only two games worth playing on the PS2 though

>> No.8625352

I should also explain what software mode is, idk exactly how it works but I believe hardware mode uses hacks to make the game run faster and it uses your gpu to help render the graphics
if you press f9 on your keyboard you can enter software mode (designated as "sw" on the top of the window) which only uses your cpu and I think it is low level emulation of the actual ps2
software mode only uses your cpu + it's low level emulation so it's pretty demanding but modern gayming cpus should handle it no problem

>> No.8625356

like I said, I have an i5 6600k which is a 7 year old processor, modern cpus should run those games in software mode no problem

>> No.8625360

Even with a quality CPU and GPU, some games will work, and some won't. Some games will work without issues, and some will require hacks. Welcome to PS2 emulation.

>> No.8625363

It's good but it's not easy-mode unless you have a very fast single thread rating on your CPU. Otherwise expect to be tinkering.

>> No.8625364

It's good. It isn't 2007 anymore. Just make sure you have the hardware for it as other anons have pointed out.
With MGS3 and 2, how do I activate analog/pressure sensitive face buttons? I've heard work around like binding keyboard keys to it, but that just sounds like a hassle if I'm trying to play.

>> No.8625372

For MGS2 play the PC version with the controller mod.

For MGS3 play the 360 version through Xenia.

>> No.8625376

most controllers don't have pressure sensitive face buttons but you can bind a second button to have the effect of pressing a button at different sensitivities
maybe binding the required buttons to the triggers since they're usually the only analogue buttons on a controller
most things work fine without pressure sensitivity in mgs3 except interrogation/throat slitting

>> No.8625381

I've always had problems with it. I'm waiting for Retroarch to add the core on Steam...

>> No.8625384

It's easier if you get the components (mainly the BIOS you'll need which isn't hard to find), but good luck playing an XBox emulator.

>> No.8625389

Do those versions even have all of the graphical effects of the PS2 version?
or the analog inputs?

>> No.8625438

There are built-in workarounds for the analog inputs which is why they're ideal if you don't have a Dualshock 2 or 3 handy.

>> No.8625573

Your GPU is the fastest thing in your computer. Way faster than your CPU. So of course it's handled by the GPU. It's just not doing any GPU related things.

>> No.8625646

it's legitimately good, and it plays every game i throw at it flawlessly, running 1440p on a 4770K and 780ti. the hate is all a meme.

>> No.8626920

If I just wanna play FFX and FFXII do I need a strong computer?

>> No.8627021

No. PCSX2 plays most Square games very well with the exception of Valkyrie Profile II (which is actually an Enix game).

>> No.8627028

A lot of people have bad memories with PCSX2. Its "flawless" playing is very recent.

>> No.8627201


>> No.8627208

It's game dependent. Some games have little to no problems, others you have to enable hacks and run in software mode.

>> No.8627258

whoever even consider playing anything different than software mode shouldn't fucking post in these threads

>> No.8627368

Software mode looks like dog shit though
If you have a gaymer PC, hardware mode is so much better

>> No.8627563

emulator retard here, what's the difference?

>> No.8627748

Has unfixable microstutter that is a result of how the emulator is coded and for years the devs have pretended it doesn't exist. It may or may not bother you, but it bothers me enough that I specifically went out and bought a PS2 and CRT instead, even though I'm fine with emulation for literally every retro platform.
>inb4 "hurr I don't notice it so it doesn't exist"

>> No.8627757

has anyone played Guitar Hero with this? is it playable? like the timing

>> No.8627786
File: 479 KB, 920x430, 4e1213b3b6b7ff55099c76ffd9eb4b58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of it. Is it like pic related? Does it make chuds and emu elitists seethe and cry with rage? ( ˘ 3˘)

>> No.8627947

>Software mode looks like dog shit though
So just like actual hardware.

>> No.8627979

Software Mode more faithfully replicates the behavior of the PS2's graphics chip, but only runs in native res so it's blurry and jaggy as Hell and also demands a NASA-tier CPU to achieve full speed in many cases because it's drawing from that rather than the GPU.

>> No.8627998

Guys, he's considering going 1000% the madman.

>> No.8628007

based accuracy autism

>> No.8628020

>I should also explain what software mode is, idk exactly how it works but I believe hardware mode uses hacks to make the game run faster and it uses your gpu to help render the graphics

Hardware mode maps the ps2 gpu functions to your videocard, which is designed to push pixels around, so it's faster at it than your CPU (and can do it in higher resolution etcetera).
However the PS2 gpu is extremely nonstandard and does a shitload of things differently than your PC videocard, so you get glitches.
Using software mode means the CPU generates the graphics exactly as emulators for genesis, snes, etc do. This is as accurate as the code can be, but also a lot slower and it's more prohibitive to increase the resolution.

>> No.8628043

>A lot of people have bad memories with PCSX2.

They are morons. I've used it to play Disgaea 1-2 (disgaea 2 practically when it came out), God Hand, Gradius V, Ar Tonelico 1-2, Mana Khemia 2, Katamari 1-2, Odin Sphere, Soul Calibur 2, Thunder Force VI, and a bunch of others I forgot, all way back in 2006-08 or so. They all worked fine on my Athlon 64 X2 with a Radeon x1950 in hardware mode with some minor texture alignment bugs only. I think Gradius had one cutscene bugging and the FMVs had to be skipped in Katamari and that was it.

I remember when they first added dual core processing, doubling the framerate for anyone who had the newest Athlon X2s (the only dual core cpus on the market at the time). By the time I had my Core 2 Duo, you could run shit in software mode fine.

>> No.8628050

thanks for saying the same thing he did but in less detail

>> No.8628051

>also demands a NASA-tier CPU
No, that's BSNES.

PCSX2 will run fine if you have at least a mid-range cpu from anywhere the past ten years. A 2500k will be enough for software mode to run fine.

>> No.8628057
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You're welcome, anon!

>> No.8628070

This. I think you need to be completely spoiled by some of the more recent emulators to be jaded by PCSX2 performance. It's come a long way from its humble beginnings and even then, it's been delivering playable performance for almost a decade or more on most titles. Yeah, there are a handful that chug no matter what you do but if you think you can do better than what they've done, have at it.

>> No.8628171

It always "felt off". Even if the claim that the input lag is fixed, I don't trust them.

>> No.8628203

if by "very recent" you mean 2012 and newer. in 2009 it was buggy, but it's worked fine for a decade now.

>> No.8628257

It honestly just depends on the game which is why there is such a varied amount of opinions on PCSX2. MGS2 and 3, Shadow of the Colossus, and games that get really busy with onscreen activity like Dynasty Warriors could probably still make something like a 2500k hitch for moments at a time but nothing that would seriously ruin the experience.

>> No.8629276

ignore this retard, don't play the PC version

>> No.8629290

Ignore this faggot. Don't bother trying to emulate the PS2 or PS3 version unless you have a Dualshok 3.

>> No.8629296

You've obviously never tried to play Jak & Daxter in software mode on anything less than an 8700k.

>> No.8629385

i wish I could use cloud saves between my ps2 and pc. I like to play in the living room sometimes but I always like to play on my computer.