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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8622945 No.8622945 [Reply] [Original]

>Yes, this will sell our game.

>> No.8622961

It was honest marketing at least.

>> No.8622975

There's nothing to sell the game with. It's an ugly boring "lol random" Dragon Quest clone that barely looks beyond an NES game. When it came out the biggest push was for hot graphics and hotter action.

>> No.8622979 [DELETED] 

Mericans gotta Merican.

>> No.8622984 [DELETED] 

americans are the biggest mother 2 fanboys on the planet

>> No.8623015

I was surprised when I found out that Japs aren't that fond of Mother, many fans even called 3 a pretentious game cuz the story telling.

>> No.8623019

i think their favorite one is supposedly the original, probably because it's literally just a dragon quest game

>> No.8623053

Don't know about that. I do know Undertale is more recognizable than EB/Mother to zoomies. Damn I'm fucking old.

>> No.8623067

isn't undertale still universally known as the "game inspired by earthbound"?
even zoombos would know about mother inherently, unless they're like gen alpha and 11 years old

>> No.8623103

It's alien to us because we're fuckold but these people weren't even born when mother 3 was released. I don't agree with any of the shit 5ch thinks anyway so who gives a fuck about 3DS era zoomies.

>> No.8623238 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 427x427, 1619076474379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EarthBound is the most overrated SNES game on the planet. What >>8622975 says is true.

Every time I say this the cultist freak the fuck out on you. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.8623259 [DELETED] 

You need to have sex.

>> No.8623260

Sell it on the basis that it's a quirky game about Charlie Brown kids fighting aliens. Come on. Do some 1950's B-movie style advertising, which was a thing that was kind of "in" around that time, with games like Zombies ate my Neighbors taking advantage of it. This shouldn't be hard to figure out.

>> No.8623286 [DELETED] 

Lol it's probably the most overrated game period.
Notice that all the fans are manchildren.

>> No.8623303

It's a basic JRPG, which is a thing you either like or you don't, but this one stands apart by having a pretty unique setting.

>> No.8623351 [DELETED] 

People who hate Earthbound have a sickness of the soul.
>le hipsters, le normies
Your life is going to be needlessly tiresome if you hate things just because people you dislike like it.
Earthbound's aesthetics and music are fantastic, and yes le dragon quest clone but field visible enemies and rolling HP give it lots of QOL over that. Not everything has to be hardcore visually or mechanically. It even has a christfag waifu, so it's "based" too. I dunno. People who hate this game just tend to be assholes I've find. How can you not be charmed by it?

>> No.8623367

>Dragon Quest clone
You can see enemies on the map on Dragon Quest?

>> No.8623378

>How can you not be charmed by it?
I actually played it.

>> No.8623965

Saw something interesting in an old issue of Game Players... apparently they had rated Earthbound as a mediocre game and got a flood of letters asking them to give it another chance. They just brushed it off but makes you think maybe it just appeals to kids more or for that matter childish people.

>> No.8624089

Earthbound's fandom is bizarre. The game is...okay. But that's neither here or there because the fandom will keep telling you how deep and emotional it is while meanwhile the game itself is like "Make the pencil disappear with the eraser! herpderp!"

>> No.8624101

It's just ok and gets overhyped because of scammers selling the cartridge for prices only Jeff Bezos can afford.

>> No.8624139

Earthbound was set in a modern American town instead of fantasy, that alone was enough to distinguish it from the rest.

>> No.8624145 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, this will sell our game
Your point

>> No.8624160

>“Our game is fucking garbage and you’ll hate it”
>game sells poorly
Based nintendo

>> No.8624185

>This is Howlin' Wolf's new album. He doesn't like it. He didn't like his guitar at first, either.

>> No.8624213

The first game on the Famicom didn't get released here because it would have been expensive (large ROM+battery save+needing to pay a translation team) and maybe timing issues--probably by the time they could have gotten it to North America it would have conflicted with the SNES's international launch.

>> No.8624232

[citation needed]
Itoi's currently making a fuck ton of money off of Mother merch that gets sold out often in Japan. They don't think 3 is pretentious the game just didn't sell well because it came out when the fucking DS was already out.

>> No.8624239

they translated it, but NOA didn't release it because they didn't think it would sell enough copies to make back its costs (yes it was an expensive cartridge to produce)

>> No.8624251

As was the case with Mother 3. They claimed it had offensive content and they didn't want to get lynched by SJWs but really it was just because they didn't think it would sell if its poor Japanese performance was any indication.

>> No.8624286 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 500x444, 1617451276792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take it over current era >Yes, this will sell our console

>> No.8624296 [DELETED] 

Another false assumption.

>> No.8624310

>Earthbound's aesthetics and music are fantastic
Cool but you still have to play it, not just watch the story on youtube or whatever. It's just a boring menu simulator, doesn't even have cool animations during battle or anything.

>> No.8624321

>EarthBound is the most overrated SNES game on the planet
Earthbound is overrated because retarded hipsters think it's literally the greatest game ever made. In reality it's merely excellent.

>> No.8624361 [DELETED] 

video games are never based regardless of the content, anon

>> No.8624372 [DELETED] 

the things you consider based aren't based. you're not intelligent, anon.

>> No.8624376

if the game didn't had this front view system in combat, it would have been 2x better

>> No.8624380 [DELETED] 

in what world is having a virtual "christian waifu" based, anon? it's all a trick to stop you from breeding irl

>> No.8624434 [DELETED] 

I'm not the anon you quoted originally, I hate earthbound. I just hate pretentious posts even more.

>> No.8624456

I like the game, it's amusing and has so many story beats

But people are obsessive over it
Just like with Undertale and Helltaker these days
It's like one big giant validation for people who need validation
>It is a VIDEO GAME in AMERICA with CHEESBURGERS and TELEPHONES as items and it is ART because *posts a blogpost from 2007*

I really hate to hate on it but like, the fever needed to calm the fuck down 15 years ago

>> No.8624509

the sickness is called "contrarianism"
it's natural to this site

>> No.8624531 [DELETED] 

>pointing out that it's not based to be sexually attracted to fictional characters

>> No.8624542
File: 188 KB, 560x633, disappearances (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would have been the correct approach. Nintendo gave Yoshi's Cookie of all games a B-movie styled marketing campaign, so it's odd that they didn't see that as the way to go for Earthbound. The print ads could have looked like old movie posters or at the very least, like a Weekly World News styled tabloid.

Stop being a faggot that gets upset over what other people think. The Earthbound fandom is irredeemably obnoxious but it's your own fault for engaging with them. They've been like that for 20 years now, you should know better. I'm not going to enter a conversation about Sonic and be surprised by the parade of autism. Like or hate a game based on its own qualities and quit putting stock in what a bunch of retards think.

>video games are never based regardless of the content, anon
I don't know, man. Rocky Rodent's pretty based.

>> No.8624602 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming these threads

>> No.8624752

>Names one difference
Yep, not similar at all.

>> No.8624798

wtf is this real?

>> No.8624842
File: 11 KB, 256x223, war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it was literally already in the game.

>> No.8624861

>Earthbound thread
>lots of deleted replies
Why does this happen every time?

>> No.8624886

because this board became garbage when it was opened up to PS2 and gamecube kids. It's just slow /v/

>> No.8625959
File: 870 KB, 2540x1710, EAf09i-XYAALVit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret of Evermore was the better quirky B-movie SNES game. Sadly nobody cares about that one though.

>> No.8625987
File: 302 KB, 1024x717, tumblr_obc5f7pHnU1rrftcdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo was doing this all the time during it's Play It Loud era. They tried to counter Sega's confrontational marketing by adopting the kind of attitude that was made popular in the 90s by Bart Simpson and Nickelodeon. That "your mom would not approve of this" gimmick caused their ads to take a hard turn toward the bizarre and gross. But they ended up taking it too far into straight up Ren & Stimpy territory. It's actually a surprise that ONLY Earthbound suffered from it.


>> No.8626047

I don't see how that's B-movie style. That just looks like 90's "attitude" marketing.

>> No.8626060

Is it supposed to look like there's shit smeared on the walls?

>> No.8626154

>Earthbound was set in a modern American town instead of fantasy,
This is not that unique. Megami Tensei II took place in a destroyed modern day Tokyo.

>> No.8626221

I don't think those games even came out outside of Japan for a while though.

>> No.8626232

Being a PALfag, Evermore is what I actually played at the time (and I loved it, along with Illusion of Time and FF2(FFIV)), only enoying EB on ZSNES in 2000, and I really enjoyed it. If EB had been released here, I definitely wouldn've been turned off by the marketing as a kid. I despised and cringed at gross-out humour, and still do

>> No.8626240

Itoi makes a fuck ton of money from heading a worldwide-renowned stationary company.

>> No.8626265

Does anyone really like grossout humour? I feel like it naturally went away, because it's mostly just gross and not funny

>> No.8626271

I always saw it as a quintessential dumb american kid thing

>> No.8626317

It was a consequence of the kid-power media of the era. Nickelodeon was really the originator. In it's early days of the 1980s it had no money so filled it's program schedule with cheap Canadian TV shows from the 70s and Japanese anime. One of those shows was a kid-centric variety show called You Can't Do That On Television. One of the show's gimmicks was that whenever a character said "I don't know" they'd have green slime dumped on their heads. It was a nonsensical gag but the show was such a hit for the fledgling network that it co-opted it as the central personality of the whole channel. The idea that being sloppy and messy was a kid's right and they were in charge here, not the disapproving parents, became a cultural touchstone of the then young millennials. Bart Simpson's antics, Will Smith's "Parents Just Don't Understand" and a handful of other media all came together and created the idea that being a gross little prick was cool as opposed to a finger-wagging adult. Then 9/11 happened.

>> No.8626359

Anarchic comedy is one thing, and that goes back. Monty Python was doing that kind of thing in the 70's. it's more specifically the bodily functions related comedy that I never got much out of.

>> No.8626395

Ren & Stimpy probably is the single reason behind that. And as one of the three original Nicktoons it was a giant influence on anyone looking to market something to kids. Rocko's Modern Life also somewhat followed suit to a less extreme degree.

>> No.8626396

Why was this post deleted? Because of a wojak? The dude was discussing the topic.

>> No.8626502

He had the wrong opinion.

>> No.8626540

What the fuck?

>> No.8626543

janny is VERY sensitive to people criticizing his favourite game!

>> No.8626601

/vr/ has basically become le reddit after the last round of janny recruitment

>> No.8626973

lol this post was deleted too, what the fuck

>> No.8626975

dissent is no longer allowed

all discussion related to dissent will be deleted

we love video games now

>> No.8626989


>> No.8627150

This game had potential but fuck me the stupid trading sequence and series of god awful mazes that follow just gives the impression they ran out of steam half way and just threw in a bunch of filler content to make it seem longer.

>> No.8627159

Secret of Evermore was based. Square really missed an opportunity to include it in the Mana collection and give it a Japanese localization, even if it isn't "technically" a Mana game.

>> No.8627175
File: 604 KB, 1678x2086, fghjhjhbnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, this will sell our game.

>> No.8627184

Blame the localization. It erased all ties to the NES prequel America never got and doubled-down on the fart jokes.

>> No.8627213

Yeah I also saw that AVGN video as well, OP. I also like to regurgitate his opinions and views as my own, too.

>> No.8627241

Tits and ass do sell games, Anon.

>> No.8629625 [DELETED] 

is there a way to preproduce the scratch and sniff odors?

>> No.8629626

is there a way to reproduce the scratch and sniff odors?

>> No.8630112

Take a whiff of the bottom of a dumpster

>> No.8630117

Smell yo momma's vag

>> No.8630151

You’re a decent writer, anon.

>> No.8630158

I miss the Weekly World News (and tabloids in general, but especially WWN). Always high quality entertainment for literally pocket change.

>> No.8630193

One of the most atmospheric SNES games ever.

>> No.8630204

It's very likely just a faint trace of butyric acid, which is harmless in concentrations this low but it still smells like puke.

>> No.8630209

It's funny how they fixated on the vomit monsters, when that's a very small part of the game.

>> No.8631682


>> No.8631795 [DELETED] 

God... Zoomers are uneducated beyond belief. They're so fucked, their parents left them completely unequipped to handle life and they will suffer tremendously for it down the road. You'd have to go back before the renaissance to find a common group of people with less knowledge about the world and its history.

Let me redditspace for you since you are more familiar with that space wasting practice. It will also make you more comfortable since proper paragraphs are frightening to you.

This was a 90s thing. Gross out humor. Edgy humor. Ironic humor. These guys only had a few ways to market their game. They couldn't make it edgy and 90s cool because the game looks "kiddie" taken at face value.

Here's a new zoomerline for you, to make you more comfortable, even though there was no reason not to continue the previous paragraph. >>>>>> Punctuation to keep you interested )))))))))

Ironic humor? Well, it's a rather honest game, that's its whole schtick, so that wouldn't work. So the marketers chose what they incorrectly thought to be the best option: Gross out humor.

New reddit line for your comfort, wouldn't want to make you feel threatened or you might just go back to your little phone.

This wasn't as bad an idea as our contemporary clean, orderly and submissive-to-authority culture would have you believe. Many movies, in particular lower budget movies, had gross out humor used to advertise it. While this was a bad move and disrespectful to the quality put into the game, it is completely understandable why this method was chosen.

>> No.8631818

I got it (asked for it) day one.

>> No.8631845 [DELETED] 

>This wasn't as bad an idea as our contemporary clean, orderly and submissive-to-authority culture would have you believe
hey it was like that in the 50s but the dam burst eventually. it will happen again too.

>> No.8631865 [DELETED] 

These are very different times, my friend. It doesn't have to burst. Whether you like it or not the Cold War is still raging on in the coke addled "minds" of our dear leaders. We now have Emperor Putin and Wardog Biden to contend with, and now The People's Emperor Pooh over in Cuckna thinks he's some kind of Stalin protégé. No, friend, things do not have to improve. Things can in fact get far, far worse.

>> No.8631882

it's torn wallpaper

>> No.8631959

But there are brown streaks on the dresser too

>> No.8632337

It's not just brown and it's supposed to be paint, which the "out of control" baby has evidently hurled around the room

>> No.8632472

>complaining about "reddit spacing"
I automatically disregard anyone who cries about "reddit spacing" as an irrational clown.

>> No.8632480

>many fans even called 3 a pretentious game cuz the story tellin
They're not wrong though. The game's about as subtle and nuanced as getting clubbed over the head by a baseball bat

>> No.8633442
File: 7 KB, 604x590, 1630488091577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot janny who happens to like EarthBound.

Your faggot elitist jannies are the problem, literally nothing rule infringing was posted, just the usual vitriol you find on /v/. This upsets the average discord /vr/ janny, because they have this sick mentality that they think this board should be high brow or some shit. Get over yourselves. Literally half this thread is fucking gone, and the board is slow enough as it is with you retards going around deleting any dissenting opinions or inflammatory remarks? Take a deep look inside yourselves.

>> No.8633461

undertale was better

>> No.8633468

I was alive, and even then I would have passed over a game that advertised itself with "this game stinks" as the big selling point. They're barely even showing the game, or giving you an indication of what it is, which is the bigger problem.

>> No.8633474

I see that, but it does seem to be presented in such a way that your initial impression is smears of brown shit on the wall. They probably knew they couldn't actually do that.

>> No.8634812

Didn't ask.
Same here. It's a terrible ad by all accounts.

>> No.8636112

Yup. For me and the other kids in my circle, Earthbound was one of those games everyone "knew about." You casually recognized it with the giant box and Charlie Brown characters but nobody gave a shit because there were so many other games that were better at getting your attention.

>> No.8636120

They should have use the great Japanese taglines like "Try not to cry before the ending" or "A game even your sister will enjoy"! Those would have made the game fly off the shelves.

>> No.8636125

maybe it's artstyle attracting schizos
like sonic for example

>> No.8636167

Playing to the more stand by me-esque angle (you're a young American boy about to go on a grand adventure with some friends) probably would've been their best bet

>> No.8636179

RPGs had a tough time with advertising because companies couldn't show their simplistic graphics as some sort of huge visual selling point. You can see an Earthbound "commercial" on youtube but the way it's framed it's clearly a snippet from a promo real and not something that aired during Nintendo's actual TV slots. FF6 had a similar problem and that DID have a televised commercial: since Square couldn't show the thrilling gameplay of "push buttons" they just had a claymation commercial of Mog one shotting random monsters with force lightning from his fingers. Tells you nothing. Chrono Trigger's manages to be even more bizarre: it's the Japanese commercial, with voice over and all but with gag subtitles.

People mock the FF7 ads for "not showing the game" but at least it showed something you'd experience while you played and conveyed the proper tone.

>> No.8636919
File: 1.44 MB, 284x342, can you not.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[YouTube] Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island SNES Commercial - Retro Game Trailers (embed)

>> No.8637272

>Japs aren't that fond of Mother
bullshit, you're making shit up.
unless your "source" is a few random 2ch posts, the same way someone could say "yeah 4chan hates Metal Gear because I saw a couple posts on /v/ that said Kojima is a hack"

>> No.8637984

I think the stuff on the drawers is supposed to be shit

>> No.8638040

>great Japanese taglines like "Try not to cry before the ending"
They would cry, all right, once they saw that they beat Mother 1 for absolutely no ending at all.

>> No.8638212
File: 152 KB, 735x1108, bf633a35303e25e3d2757bc496087346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're severely autistic and take everything at face value, the average kid can look at the deodorant, slime enemy, and green noxious gas, and decipher quickly that the "This Game Stinks" is referring to foul smells and not the quality of the game. Kids love stupid puns and word play.

>They're barely even showing the game
That's par for the course for most print ads for any product, especially in the 90s. The way of doing things was having a large eye-catching image, a write up, and a smaller picture of the product in the bottom corner. Where this ad fails is that the big can of deodorant isn't that eye catching. They should have focused more on the barf enemy and made him bigger.

> or giving you an indication of what it is
I dunno, man, it gives you a pretty spot on description. It tells you right up front that it's an RPG about an alien invasion where the streets are filled with gross monsters. It tells you that you have special powers and you learn more when you survive battles. It then explains that you travel to neighboring towns and recruit new friends, and gives you a brief rundown of their special abilities. It then goes on to sell itself as a role-playing game so tough that they had to include a player's guide, and tells you what kind of content is in the guide. It closes with a quick recap of the plot and who the protagonist and antagonist are.

All things considered, it's a solid write up and the best you could hope for from a magazine spread. You can absolutely make the argument that the pictures fail to draw your attention and make you want to read the text, but the ad itself does give you everything you need to know about the game.

At the end of the day though, Earthbound could have had the best marketing campaign in the world, and still wouldn't have done much better. It was more expensive than other games, and a kid asking for a $90 game is a tough sell, even with the coupon.

>> No.8638234

The series has only three games. If it were even marginally popular there would be more.

>> No.8638257

I think the critical difference, and what Nintendo failed to realize, is that Kirby and Mario were already established by the time this brand of marketing started appearing. Kirby could be rebranded as a pissed off badass because everyone already knew what the games were generally about. It also is character-focused, which helps a ton. Earthbound was a brand new game and the first thing you see is a giant can of "Stink Away." Even games that were all about gross out humor like Boogerman had an actual protagonist put front and center.

>> No.8638543

I doubt 9/11 played a role. Besides, being a disgusting little shit stain on society didn't start in the 90s. The hippies pioneered that back in the 60s and just passed the lifestyle onto their kids.

>> No.8638557

Boomers didn't stay hippies when they had kids. They all became Reaganites after Jimmy Carter committed the unforgivable sin of telling them to put on a sweater.

>> No.8638579

Personally I'm a fan of the Oreteki Kusoge Shokei blog. He liked the first two ones and hated the third one.

>> No.8638593


>> No.8638613

I dont like earthbound please dont ban me jannies.