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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 86 KB, 1024x768, top gear snes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8622209 No.8622209 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Brazilians love this so fucking much?

>> No.8622221

It's their Gran Turismo

>> No.8622398

I dunno, it's fun, but it's totally the Fisher Price version of Lotus Turbo Challenge II for the Amiga, which is itself inferior to the first game.

Or did you mean that filter? Ugly as shit. No explanation as to how anyone could love that, let alone why.

>> No.8622404

This is getting out of hand

>> No.8622543

Play Horizon Chase Turbo.


>> No.8622603

played when it was free for a few days and breezed through it. it was fun but i played so much of it, there was no point in buying it.

>> No.8623217

Not retro

>> No.8623234

>This is getting out of hand
What do you mean?

>> No.8623271
File: 98 KB, 984x624, topgear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's difficult to explain man. I think it's a mix of being the most standard racing game when the SNES was in it's heyday here, timing, being easy to pick up and play, having nice visuals and an amazing soundtrack.

The SNES had a big impact here because it hit our market at a time when the working class was experiencing an economic growth and started being able to afford such toys. Which means that to the vast majority of people born in the 80s and even in the early 90s like me, it was their first console and what introduced them to the world of videogames. Top Gear was available in any rental store in the country and with it's eye-catching box art it was an obvious choice for anyone looking for a racing game, since it's good it grew organically in popularity and eventually became iconic.

So basically it appeared at the right time and hit the right spots. Understand however, that the brazilians you are talking about are older dudes like me, nearing 30 and up. I'm pretty sure most of the generation born in the early to mid 00s have never even seen a SNES in their lives other than through pictures and have zero interest in anything from our time, thew grew up with playstations, xbox and whatnot.

>> No.8623840

It's recognition of really good music. I'm pleasantly surprised by the interest they have in it, except for the fact that all of these covers are worse than original.

>> No.8623896

I'm from Chile and here Top Gear 2 was much bigger for some reason.

>> No.8623941

This shit was in all the locadoras back in the day. I never understood it either

>> No.8624778

I'm >>8623271 and 2 is my favorite. I think it has more memorable songs and I like that the cars are customizable.

I think the origianl was bigger here because of timing, like I said before.

>> No.8624804


>> No.8624818

I'm Brazilian myself and I couldn't tell you. Top Gear was massively beloved during the 4th gen days so around that time I figured it must be in the US as well. The main theme is easily one of the best SNES tracks.

>> No.8624824

Monkey leik go fas!

>> No.8624913
File: 38 KB, 457x480, 1058e009e756359c62794605be339c63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought the Mode 7 effect on the SNES was impressive. However, I'm not very acquainted with this game in particular.

>doesn't post the best retro musical band in the country


>> No.8625435

Am USA, I grew up without a SNES but I always heard of the popular games like Mario, Zelda, F-Zero, etc. Top Gear was completely new to me as an adult but I do admit it's very fun and has some of the best songs ever in it.