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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8622165 No.8622165 [Reply] [Original]

So /vr/ what was the best JRPG on the SNES and why?

>> No.8622170

Dual Orb 2, Because.

>> No.8622176

Final Fantasy 3 and Chrono Trigger are top-notch.

>> No.8622187


>> No.8622193

The SNES has 1727 total games and close to 40% of them are RPGs so you'll be there a long time, and translating all of them is still an ongoing project.

>> No.8622194


>> No.8622225

Thank you, I was expecting those games to never get mentioned due to how contrarian /vr/ is.

>> No.8622239

Final fantasy V and Breath of fire 2 translation patch
I haven't tried live a live but I heard it was really good and gimmicky
Tactic ogre if you wanna play an srpg

>> No.8622285

Can't do better than FF3. It has genuine problems, but I never noticed them until the internet told me about them. Honestly, playing the game "wrong" might be more fun because it becomes a little too easy when you know all its quirks.

Chrono Trigger is a close second, but its world feels smaller and the gameplay is not even nearly as deep.

>> No.8622298

Chrono Trigger Terranigma Tactics Ogre

>> No.8622361

Lufia 1

>> No.8622387

imagine if they made phantasy star for the snes

>> No.8622435

Absolutely not FF3/VI, it's bizarre seeing so many people praise it. It's like we didn't even play the same game

>> No.8622439
File: 84 KB, 593x420, terranigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terranigma of course. It was the last one and the best one of all the great rpgs from the snes era.

>> No.8622525

it's more like your a jaded contrarian retard who hates good things because they're popular

>> No.8622540

more like you're a basicfag with shit taste that needs the herd to tell you what to think, nipplehead

>> No.8622576
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>> No.8622608
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Unironically Super Mario RPG

>> No.8622613

Actraiser is the only good jarpig in existence

>> No.8622614

FF3/6 deserves praise for how much of a fucking odyssey it is, but in usual Squaresoft fashion they try to do too much too soon without a smooth transition. This is something CT does a lot better. It has a similar range of tone, but none of it is jarring.

FF3/6 is also a high point for gameplay, even though some of the mechanics are more cryptic than they should be. You're also committing to things without necessarily realizing it, and there's no going back. But, it's not like you can absolutely ruin yourself. You're more likely to become overpowered than underpowered in the end.

I prefer my FF games to have job systems, but Squaresoft kinda abandoned this idea after a while. Espers make up for it, and it makes sense in context, but Square's combat systems could be much more refined if they built on what they were doing in 1-5 rather than throwing the concepts to the wind and rearranging them to fit the story. It would've been a lot more interesting if Espers were more like jobs and had definitive restrictions and benefits. Uwu, what's this? You equipped Ifrit? You can't use swords now, faggot, and forget casting any ice spells or using any weapons with ice properties. Also, all your attacks have a fire element. Also, you have higher HP but you're less resistant to magic, and fuck you if you get hit by ice.

Shit like that.

>> No.8622615

That means Actraiser 2 is even better.

>> No.8622617

Chrono Trigger is timeless and has so much variety

>> No.8622635

from a technical standpoint, Tales of Phantasia

>> No.8622698 [DELETED] 

4chan is 18+

>> No.8622705

>The only right answer for OP

>> No.8622721

Is there a mod for a better translation?

>> No.8622724

It would probably be utterly forgotten considering Phantasy Star is fairly low tier as an RPG and only really remembered because it came out on a system hurting for the genre.
>Shit loads of people like it even though you didn't
>that must mean that everyone else is wrong!
You aren't special. You don't have better taste than 90% of people and you aren't some special snowflake standing out in the crowd. You're just a contrarian.

>> No.8622731

>your a...retard

>> No.8622858

>if you don't like this one thing that other people (i.e. I) like, then you're just a contrarian and your viewpoint is invalid
Not an argument

>> No.8622861

Absolutely based

>> No.8622864

Romancing SaGa 2, a nonlinear scenario-based RPG with a large class roster, a massive amount of skills, spanning multiple generations all in preparation of a final battle against the heroes who once saved the world. It holds up better today than it did back then, miraculously.

>> No.8623204

Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG

>> No.8623520

Tangential, but I have been planning play it. Should I also play 1 and 3?

>> No.8623532
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As someone who beat three of those games, with the exception being Lufia.

I say the best is either FF or CT. Breath of Fire I, despite being a decent game and my favorite JRPG series, is nowhere near as good. BoF II, despite the issues that we all know about, is better than I.

>> No.8623543


>> No.8623704

Play the PS2 remake of 1, and yes.

>> No.8623847

FFV is the peak, there simply are not better RPGs on the SNES than it and nothing even within its range to rank as a close 2nd, you have games that are prettier than it visually and that's about the best you can do.

>> No.8623861

It's just a style over substance thing, it'll catch every normalfag for its good presentation alone. As a game it's only slightly above a fixed-progression RPG where you literally do not even make choices with your character growth.

>> No.8623935

The era of my favorites and played in my youth, but still aged like a fine wine, I kinda lean to Story FF3/6 art CT. So many good ones though, I couldn't pick a favorite.

Oddly I'm a big fan boy of FF5 though sucker for JRPG class systems even if it's a bit easy, there's a lot of humor in it too.

>> No.8624306

Absolutely unbelievably based. The fact that this was mentioned and affirmed multiple times before anyone even mentioned Earthbound is proof of how excellent and credible this board truly is

>> No.8625475
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>> No.8625487 [DELETED] 

never let some 45 year old neckbeard tell you you're supposed to like a game he played as a kid

>> No.8626156

I am disregarding those two literal who games on the right. I ultimately will choose Chrono Trigger over FFVI. Even though FFVI is the longer game that also has a great story with a great cast of characters I think I'll still put CT over it for having a more solid memorable cast of characters, a different battle system from FFVI, finally multiple ending possibilities. It may be shorter but at least it got practically everything right. FFVI I cannot even consider it the best FF despite it being great. Maybe its the best pre-FF7 but I would put at least 7, 10 and 12 above it so CT deserves the win here. CT was also better than CC, its sequel by a good margin.

CT really should be praised even more actually since it has not sold anywhere near the amount of praise it got online due to RPG not being as popular during the time.

>> No.8626379

Chrono Trigger truly is a masterpiece and one of the very best JRPGs ever created, there's really no debate over this.

It got everything right. The lenght, pacing, story, characters, visual presentation, music, atmosphere, etc. It might not be the absolute best at any one of those qualities but it's oustanding in all of them simultaneously.

Experiencing Chrono Trigger for the first time is a privilege.

>> No.8627645

One of these days I'm going to codify a rubric and play through the SNES JRPGs and rate them.

But I'd predict the top games would be the famous Square games, with probably FFV and Chrono Trigger at the top. FFVI is has just too many flaws to be number 1 given the competition, but it's not a bad game by any means. I'd predict Dragon Quest games, Breath of Fire games, Lufia 2, and SaGas will score higher than FF in a couple of select categories but not enough to put them on top of Final Fantasy overall.

>> No.8628002

tactics ogre, but those are all good too

>> No.8628015

Hi. The best SNES JRPG is Tales of Phantasia and by far. Bye.

>> No.8628137

The only real answer

>> No.8628140

I prefer Star Ocean

>> No.8628150

Maza Tsu

>> No.8628696

I started playing Final Fantasy 6 and I'm about an hour in and am wondering when it starts to get good

>> No.8628740

These are my favorites and you're missing out without surround sound. SMRPG really works well with Pro Logic despite not being encoded for it. No half-instruments in rear speakers.

>> No.8628750

I thought it picked up when there's the three different branching paths, with Sabin's path in particular being the most interesting. Once you start getting espers and learning magic things start to open up more in terms of gameplay. But really the whole first half of the game is pretty strong narrative with a good pacing, so it just might not be the game for you.

>> No.8629028

I want to say Megaten, but the Snes games haven't aged that well, and there's no official translation as well.
Eh, still love it.

>> No.8629110
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Today I was not disappointed.

>> No.8629319


>> No.8631385

Secret of Mana was good. Not hard and I think the action needs some getting used to but once you're in it it's great imo. Very pretty game

>> No.8631423
File: 47 KB, 500x500, lufia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did OP list Lufia 1 when 2 is the actual good one

>> No.8631546

Certainly not any of these normie titles.

>> No.8631549 [DELETED] 

Unironically kys

>> No.8631705
File: 85 KB, 736x578, 4A0F04E4-CEFF-4387-A17A-CE45C9F3DDA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogshit game.

Good music and art direction. Everything else is trash.

>front loads difficulty early game, then becomes trivially easy (even bossfights) when you get magic
>except for the last boss because the game doesn’t explain the mechanics for attacking it clearly
>oh yeah, also if you didn’t grind the most useless school of magic previously good luck, because you’re fucked lol
>the guy who Jen or whatever was chasing all game? Has two sentences of exposition when you catch him and then tells her to just get with the MC
>the main character… DUDE MY MOM’S A TREE LMAO
>four lazy fetch quests in a row from the “sage”
>obvious cut content and barebones dialog

FUCK Secret of Mana, it was not a good game at all.

>> No.8632072

I still like it, even though it is objectively mediocre. The atmosphere is just too good.

>> No.8632080

I like it, but it is not anything special. Maybe a 7/10 at best, because it does so many things wrong (e.g. combat has aged like shit, the writing is terrible, lack of character development and so on). Still a 'good' game, but it is hard to call it great.

>> No.8632149

Absolutely filtered.

>> No.8632236

Chrono Trigger was the best because even the weaker elements were still pretty good but it has a fun battle system, solid character designs, and absolutely amazing music.

>> No.8632268

It gets good once and IF you get the item that reduces the encounter rate by 1/2.
If you don't, the game never stops being a slog.

>> No.8632310

>t. my moms a tree

>> No.8632345

Why is this thread still going when the objectively correct answer was already given 3 days ago?

>> No.8632390

Played it recently. It was fucking shit. You retards lied.

>> No.8632407

Agreed on all points, but it was fun to play through with a friend. Played halfway through the SD3 fan translation too, and though its a big technical improvement, it always boils down to walk into screen -> spam magic -> all enemies die -> repeat. The subclassing system also seemed meh. Shame, cause it had potential.

Are there any coop RPGs like this that have good execution? Havent tried crystal beans/the secret of evermore hack.

>> No.8632435
File: 63 KB, 367x202, WAKE UP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best way to play FFVI for someone who never played it?
SNES fan translation? GBA version?
pic unrelated

>> No.8632467

Play the original ironically.

>> No.8632659

this but unironically

>> No.8633101 [DELETED] 

>Contrarian with shit taste

>> No.8633274 [DELETED] 

>Bing bing wahoo can't cope his manbaby game is shite.

>> No.8633286
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Came here to post this.
V is my favorite FF but I'd say RS2 beats it out in terms of gameplay, story, and music. Both are excellent games, though.

>> No.8633661 [DELETED] 

Thanks for backing me up against the retarded 50 year olds, bruv.

>> No.8634110

FFIII and it's not even close DESU. There are tons of other good ones though.

>> No.8634135

There's a guy that has been chipping away on it for a year or so on Twitter, but he's had to change the font since the old English font is too wide to adequately fit in the revised translations.

>> No.8634624

completely correct

>> No.8634629

This. The only non-gay answer itt

>> No.8635079

Wait for the pixel remaster.

>> No.8635118

No thanks. I'm not gay
Fuck off shill

>> No.8635129

You're saying I could be getting paid to tell people to wait for the pixel remaster? Where do I sign up?

>> No.8635538

Not even a single mention of Front Mission? You faggots are a disappoint.

>> No.8635609
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>not a single mention of game that didn't get a western release until 2003

>> No.8635612


>> No.8635848
File: 25 KB, 198x210, FA7E7A21-B8DD-4B86-B514-47486D242166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention

>unintuitive inventory and equipment management system
>you’re never in danger of running out of magic to spam because lol there’s a spell that gives you more mana

>> No.8635851

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.

>> No.8635882

I liked Front Mission and think SMT1 is the tits.
They're both kind of basic when it comes to pure gameplay though, but the atmosphere is better than any else on the console.
FFVI has a lovely soundtrack, and I like that they do some weird shit with the ways you can use or get magic, but something about it doesn't grip me as much as 3 or 5. Story is a bit slow, although it does have an interesting intro and all. The Mode 7 use is also just a tad bit too much

>> No.8636165

chrono trigger

>> No.8636227

Do any of you fags actually play rpg's? What a pathetic thread.

>> No.8636262


>> No.8636345 [DELETED] 

Why are you concerned about faggots? You gay?

>> No.8636725

Didn't realize we stepped into a thread that involved larping like we're in the past. People have no problem mentioning Mother 3 or Sweet Home in their respective console threads even though those never got an official localization. You can just say you didn't know about the game, dumb frogposter.

>> No.8636753 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 433x750, 919326E0-834F-4F30-A7E0-22D5A626F234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots make more faggots by molesting children, they also wanna subject kids to drag queen story hour and twerk in the streets wearing fetish gear.

A society that suppresses faggotry is a healthy, happy society.

>> No.8636763 [DELETED] 

Take the /pol/posting to /v/ where it belongs. We actually like to discuss video games here.

>> No.8636990

it's not exactly niche. the point you missed was simply that westerners associate front mission with playstation

>> No.8637078

The first front mission sucks ass though.

>> No.8637118

Lots of trolling and shitposting here.
Let’s be honest that it’s Final Fantasy 2 and 3 (or 4 and 6 if you want to use the proper numbers) and Chrono Trigger. Square did things right on SNES.
bringing up Romancing Saga, Lufia or whatever else is just being contrary for no good reason.

>> No.8637123 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 720x670, BBDE3DF9-08ED-4A49-B211-EC7B35B91283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I speak for the board and WE think….

Why do redditors do this?

>> No.8637126 [DELETED] 

Trannies feel an unwarranted and overinflated sense of self worth

>> No.8637460

automatically disqualified because lufia 2 mogs it in every conceivable metric.

>> No.8637496

Illusion of Gaia had a great story.
Final Fantasy 4/6 had cool spells.
Breath of Fire had cool characters.
I think i like Secret of Mana the most.
Or Illusion of Gaia.

>> No.8637502

You'll never understand why it is great and i feel sorry for you. You don't have properly developed tastes in anything let alone vidya because you're too young.

>> No.8637515
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Metal Max 2 and Metal Max Returns


You use tanks.

>> No.8637586 [DELETED] 

Interesting how you can get away with this post for so long, but if I call the Genesis a bigger console the mods will insta ban me

>> No.8637663

I refuse to believe the SNES has 600~700 jarpigs in its library.

>> No.8637684

Honestly, it doesn't that far-fetched to me. Lately I've been digging through its JP library for language learning purposes and I keep discovering something new on the system besides the obvious Squaresoft and Enix recommendations.

>> No.8637697

Probably closer to 150. PS1 on the other hand has at least 300. Not sure where PCE stands.