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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.68 MB, 4096x1494, Coomlection .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8620581 No.8620581 [Reply] [Original]

R8 my Playstation library and make some recommendations frens. My last two pick ups(Omega Boost + Sled Storm) were ones I saw discussed here and are both are great!

Also general Playstation bread. Started playing RE3 for the first time today. How hard is hard? When given the choice I usually play the default setting(most times "normal") but my choices were easy and hard so I chose easy.

>> No.8620620

collection threads are for reddit

>> No.8620649

damn, is that ntsc covers? most are hideous

>> No.8620661

Yup. The "greatest hits" green also doesn't help but those copies are typically cheaper so that's what I get.

>> No.8620665
File: 158 KB, 800x785, RRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only own the worst PS1 Ridge Racer. You should get at least one of the good Ridge Racers

>> No.8621056

R4 is based but I'll take your advice and look into your pic related.

>> No.8621078

Omega Boost is an underrated gem.

>> No.8621135

>PS1 versions of GTA and GTA2
kek. You could've gotten the much superior PC versions from the Rockstar Classics website FOR FREE.

>> No.8621191
File: 2.94 MB, 480x360, 1625190235441.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid set op, can do with more pick up and play games too. You can pick up sealed copies of starfighter sanvein on ebay for $15 or so. The cover art is terrible but it's a time based shooting game by Success, the same team that made the Cotton games. It's a twin stick shooter where your key resource is time, if you get hit you lose time, clear a room gain time, etc. It's high speed and visually it's like playing a game running on the NERV computer system from Evangelion. I recommend a new copy because it's cool opening up a sealed ps1 game from 20 years ago.

>> No.8621315

I don't see Bushido Blade.

>> No.8621335

>Omega Boost is an underrated gem.
For sure. Saw a webm on here of that spider boss in the tunnel and my jaw dropped. Suprised I never heard of it but I had to have it. The intro vid and then that Static-X song at the menu had me rolling. Really brought me back.
>You could've gotten the much superior PC versions from the Rockstar Classics website FOR FREE.
Funny enough I was given those two games(along with MGS) so they were free :^)
>recommend a new copy because it's cool opening up a sealed ps1 game from 20 years ago.
You sold me on it anon. My new copy is bought and will be here in a week.
>don't see Bushido Blade.
Sell me on it anon. The going price is acceptable so I am willing to listen.

>> No.8621708

Go watch this channel

>> No.8621750

Better than having to deal with PAL region's shitty slowdown

>> No.8621753

excellent collection OP, I'd say you've got most if not all of the essentials. Ape Escape is a super based pick. I would recommend Parasite Eve but it's expensive as fuck so maybe just emulate or get the version on the PS3 store. Maybe try Gex Enter the Gecko or Oddworld. the original Tomb Raider games are worth playing as well

>> No.8621763

>greatest hit versions of games

>> No.8621765

who cares you prissy faggot, they're still the exact same games. God it's like this website can do nothing but complain like catty Twitter users

>> No.8621767

>Bushido Blade.
>Sell me on it anon.
Not them, but it's totally worth it if you have a friend to play it with. Good, janky fun for half an hour or so

>> No.8622697

post more collection/shelf

>> No.8623129
File: 1.16 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too bad the ps1 market is kind of fucked at moment most of these I got for $50 10 years ago

>> No.8623172

>greatest hits
yikes, big oof

>> No.8623174

I don't see a single good game

>> No.8623459

>post more collection/shelf
That's all my ps1 games anon. I'm more of a NES + Genesis gamer for the most part but occasionally get that nostalgic itch for tank controls and loading screens so I come here for recommendations.
>too bad the ps1 market is kind of fucked at moment
Lots of cheap good games yet(sled storm was under $10) but yeah a lot of the gems are out of reach. Luckily I bought most of my big hitters well before shit went pants on head retarded. >>8623174
>don't see a single good game
Look again. Did you miss that I own a Wipeout long box :^)

>> No.8623470

>>greatest hits
>yikes, big oof
Not my personal favorite either but they are cheaper and seem to be more common.
Forgot to say that you have a nice collection going anon.

>> No.8624254

This is good stuff for sure, for sure. If you at all enjoy tactical rpgs, I highly recommend Final Fantasy Tactics, Vandal Hearts, and Front Mission 3. There's also Parasite Eve 1 and 2 if you enjoyed Resident Evil a lot. If you enjoy Crash Bandicoot, I'd suggest getting Spyro games and Rayman 1. Playstation 1 has a lot of great games to be honest. But what you got is solid for sure. Good Work.

>> No.8624324

Where are the Jappo games, faggit?

>> No.8624340

I would recommend Tony Hawk 1 & 2, Parappa the Rapper, and Abe's Oddysee. I prefer the non-director's cut of Resident Evil.

>> No.8624345

>No Tony Hawk
I laugh.