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File: 176 KB, 267x373, Super_Smash_Bros_Melee_box_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8613178 No.8613178 [Reply] [Original]

best in the series, no contest

>> No.8613203
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>> No.8613410

you don't seem to understand how 4channel works. in order to generate replies (and so orchestrate a "successful" that), your OP statement should inflammatory or at the very least controversial. making widely-agreed-upon assertions achieves neither of these things.

>> No.8613504

for me it's brawl but that's mostly outta nostalgia, campaign was great though

>> No.8613525

I guess.

>> No.8613641

Zoom away zoomer

>> No.8613761

I will always prefer Smash on N64 and no one can stop me

>> No.8613930
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It has the tightest gameplay, but it's laughably unbalanced. Not that a fighting game needs to be perfectly balanced, you need gimmick and handicap characters too, but even ignoring the obnoxious competitive scene, if you just wanna get good and kick your friend's ass with Bowser or something, good fucking luck.
That said, I do agree with OP, it's hand-down my favorite Smash, but I wish I and everyone else could unlearn the comp shit and play the game for what it was meant for: fun.
On another note, and maybe it's my childhood naivete that's making me say this, but Melee and 64 were the only Smash games that genuinely felt like a celebration of Nintendo's properties instead of a platform that could be used to shill the newest games. Every Smash since Brawl has had an increasingly corporate vibe to it, with Ultimate feeling more like a series of playable ads you paid for, rather than a game made for devoted Nintendo fans.
Oh, lastly, wavedashing wasn't an intended mechanic. The fact that every Smash mod or clone clings to it like it's some pinnacle of game design instead of creating more precise player movement without a retarded physics-bug-turned-mechanic instead is cringeworthy.

>> No.8613991

Melee is the blueprint, but i think P+ improved everything except the aesthetics.

>> No.8614207
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>> No.8614223

No buffer makes it control like ass. I prefer the post brawl games.

>> No.8614240

If you're a tranny, maybe

>> No.8614360

if you're not a tranny, then which one is the best

>> No.8614389

Roy is literally in melee to shill the latest game and is popular today purely because of smash because he is a shit/boring character in his actual game

>> No.8614398

playing a real game and not nintendo ;)

>> No.8614439

I agree, Brawl was a huge disappointment and downgrade from Melee and 64, and Smash 4 and Ultimate is just Brawl 2.0 and 3.0. Ultimate isn't bad, it's the best the Brawl formula can get. I just miss the momentum of Melee, that's the one thing that I hate most about Brawl and its sequels. Next Smash game could use a new director, get some fresh talent.

>> No.8614450

I do agree with this. 64>Melee>Brawl were all distinct games that played and felt very different. However Brawl>4>Ultimate are just iterations of the same game.

>> No.8614494

64 better

>> No.8614521

Considering just how iterative fighting games can get, your post is dumb as fuck. Can you retards stop being so hyperbolic?

>> No.8614524

fuck wavedashing and fuck smellee

>> No.8614585

i think having 8 different characters across the top 10 players of this game (and 4 other characters that could be top 10) is a sign of some pretty decent balance
the only really awful and unusable characters (if you arent a top player, and lets be honest, you arent and wont be) are the bottom 7, but that still leaves 12 great characters and 7 mediocre characters. if this isnt good enough, just play p+ dude
also wavedashing is just a really satisfying way to move. they add it because it feels good to do. what you're asking is like complaining about people clinging to bhop in some fps games, except wavedashing is much easier to use well than bhopping

>> No.8614603

They can't, no.

>> No.8614610

I can honestly say that I like every game in the series. 4 is the weakest entry by far imo, especially since Ultimate is practically just 4 with some tweaks and more characters. I really liked that they added more fighting game characters to Ultimate. Ironically I think the 3DS version of 4 is a lot better than the Wii U version just because of the inclusion of Smash Run
For me, it's Melee > Ultimate > 64 > Brawl > 4

>> No.8614938

I remember having big house party tournaments when this was still new. Loved brawl too even got it on release, but melee was always the one to settle scores with. Amazing game, glad the slippi/tryhard scene is around to give me a new way to enjoy this classic.

>> No.8614972

>dank samus

>> No.8615089

based and 4pilled

>> No.8615201

if u cant beat ur shitter friends with bowser u just suck ass, that character can rape any n00b

>> No.8615269

it stinks in here

>> No.8615432

It was good because it has preserved momentum and a chase game to it. Momentum always feels good to play with, and the chase vs DI after a hit is an entire sub-state of game as deep as the neutral state that they cut out by making perfectly safe recovery and balloon-style knockback in later games.

None of the advanced tech was why Melee was better, that's a complete goose chase that pros-turned-developers keep pursuing fruitlessly.

>> No.8615501

Tekken Tag clears fortunately

>> No.8615608

Chirst I could smell this thread all the way from biz. Take a shower meleefags fuck man

>> No.8615803

Compfag Meleeism has become so ingrained in Smash and even vidya"culture" that if your friend has any knowledge at all about the game, you're probably going to have a bad time. The only time you're going to stomp your buds is if they have barely touched the game in their lives, which isn't fun for them or you.

>> No.8617602

subspace was dogshit and i'm tired of pretending it's not

>> No.8617609

horrible bait unless you mean the maze at the end then sure yeah that part was kinda annoying

>> No.8618145

It was a good idea but the execution was sloppy. Fucking shame on Sakurai for throwing away the concept in favor of a glorified Event Mode because

>muh YouTube spoilers

>> No.8618146

Being good at Captain Falcon and dominating your normalfag friends is one of the best feelings in vidya.

>> No.8618152

What's your strat in the home run contest?

Also leave if your strat is to use Fox and tap b, you need to leave. Noob move bro, Gannondorf can do all that damage in one hit.

>> No.8618204
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It's my fav for stoned play with others, not too complicated, just enough variety to keep things interesting, but goddamn are throws OP as fuck

>> No.8618228

>It was a good idea but the execution was sloppy.
the basic idea of having a story involving all the various characters is fine but in execution turning smash bros into a 2d platformer was always a shit idea

>> No.8618239
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64 is just as good, I just wish there was better netplay and you didn't have to deal with shitty n64 emulators to play it online.
What a horrible and uneducated post

>> No.8618640

Refute it then.

>> No.8618703

hal labs had soul

>> No.8619357

>has to ripoff Melee, Ultimate, and PM to be considered good
should have stuck to adding back cut characters and let other people do the work.

>> No.8619365

>but in execution turning smash bros into a 2d platformer was always a shit idea
Holy shit thank you
Smash Run did the gameplay better since it was mostly on action, not speedrunning Kirby-tier levels hoping some asshole fucknut doesn't wack you off the screen border

>> No.8619370

the rest of the mode wasn't much better either, especially trying to 100% it
just admit you stayed for the cutscenes and boss (which would be unlocked after beating everything else).

>> No.8619375

>Oh, lastly, wavedashing wasn't an intended mechanic
it's literally in Ultimate

>> No.8619389

Because people shit their pants screaming for its inclusion, like a lot of things in Ultimate. There's a reason it wasn't in 64, Brawl, or Smash 4.

>> No.8619410

> There's a reason it wasn't in 64, Brawl, or Smash 4.
-First, it's fucking 64, there wasn't anything in the game that had you sliding in places. That was introduced in Melee.
-Second, the reason it was gone in Brawl, along with L-Cancel (and DACUS in Smash 4), because Sakurai had this stupid philosophy that each new game should have something fresh new players should discover themselves. People were pissed off when Sakurai put out a Day 1 patch for Smash 4 that patches out DACUS for no fucking reason, then Wectoring.
-Third, The reason it's back in Ultimate because it's literally a property used airdodges and smooth landing (which was also in 4 but as shitty equipment). On top of their obsession with newblood, they hold this fear of "alienating" their player base for the game. So as it was brought back, they made it dogshit in Ultimate so nobody really bother to use it.

The fear of alienation is fucking HILARIOUS because people buy Smash for the characters and multiplayer, any gameplay changes isn't going to magically decrease buyers or create concern in the userbase. It's like they forgot why people hated the overpowered items in Smash 4 but miss Pokeball battles in Melee.

>> No.8619546

As a die hard Smash fan and comp Melee / Ultimate follower, I have never seen a more retarded thread on Smash Bros.

I'm out

>> No.8619550

Im actually realizing most people on /vr/ are full of shit

>> No.8619553

It's also fairly retarded from a non-competitive standpoint, in case you were wondering

>> No.8619592

Smash 64 was better, Melee was just an overloadoad of things and fanservice retardation. Also the combos don't feel good at all. 64 is simple and it goes to the bone, melee has pretentious mechanics and characters.

>> No.8619616

Brawl was fantastic man, what the fuck are you saying? You even had Virtual Console demos, a fucking movie, better roster, story mode, pinball. As a casual teenage player I enjoyed Brawl even more than melee, it had more detail. When I came back to melee it felt ugly, so heavy, a downgrade in terms of satisfaction. I just motherfucking hate youtuber fags and tourney retards presenting Brawl as a bad game, in it's context there was nothing better for at least 7 or 8 years. Tripping was shit, but if you were having fun with friends, it was timeless.

>> No.8619640

>I have never seen a more retarded thread on Smash Bros.
because it's Melee Box Art thread?

>Virtual Console demos, a fucking movie, better roster, story mode, pinball.
notice how the Brawl babby never actually talks about the actual gameplay, just stuff he watched on youtube or babby's first shmup. (which wasn't pinball, did you even play Brawl? lol)

>> No.8619664

>VC demos
Which sucked dick because they did not give you enough time to enjoy or get a feel for the games, they existed solely to shill then-buyable products.
>better roster
Mostly, but if you can't see the corporate overtones of some of the new additions then you're retarded. Some characters like Pit were added purely to shill then-new games, and if you don't mind that then that's fine, but I'm saying it bothered me and it made the game feel cheaper.
>story mode
Which was good for the most part, Great Maze sucked dick though. I preferred Melee's Adventure mode though.
This is a joke, right?
>I just motherfucking hate youtuber fags and tourney retards presenting Brawl as a bad game
Yeah well I'm neither of those so suck it up faggot. These are my opinions I formed myself after years of playing these games with friends.
>Tripping was shit, but
Tripping wasn't the only problem, it was floaty as fuck which made the fights slower and less fun. Some characters were completely busted (famously Meta Knight) for casual play. Most of the new items sucked. Many new stages sucked. When I'd play with my friends we would enjoy it for a little while but we definitely didn't stay as engaged for as long as we would with Melee.
I'm not saying Brawl is a bad game, but it doesn't have that labor of love celebrating Nintendo's franchises feeling like Melee and 64 did. And the sanitized, corporate sort of overtones it introduced in small amounts quickly grew to overtake the game as a whole for Smash 4 and Ultimate. Those games feel gross to play, not because of their gameplay necessarily, but because I feel like I'm playing an ad. Not to mention the cancerous nature of paid DLC characters.

>> No.8619667

There are several godawful posts in this thread

>> No.8619683 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 617x736, 1619046930107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are several godawful posts in this thread

>> No.8619685

Yours being several of them, if I had to guess

>> No.8619689

Yours is no better, contribute or get out.

>> No.8619695

Jesus Christ, boo hoo. See ya later.

>> No.8619713

>in a Melee Box art thread
contribute by getting these deleted on the spot like in /vm/ and make actual Melee threads, not FGC shitter bait.

>> No.8619719

>Some characters like Pit were added purely to shill then-new games,
not him but what did you expect? Miyamoto and Sakamoto at the time were actively seeking a dev to bring back Kid Icarus again on Wii.
First it was Level 5 then Sakurai, who moved everything to the 3DS.

>> No.8619739

It just feels hollow, you know? When 64 and Melee added characters (except Roy, I must concede he is a shill character. Though to me it doesn't feel that way because no one at that time really knew about Fire Emblem) it was because they had earned it. All of those series had great games within them that had been incredibly successful, if not historic, and most people who played them loved them. But putting in characters from the newest title isn't working from that perspective, to give fans something they've been wanting. It's done primarily to promote a new game that hasn't had the chance to prove itself yet. It's pretentious, it's putting the cart before the horse, insisting upon itself. It's marketing, plain and simple.

>> No.8619891

>to promote a new game that hasn't had the chance to prove itself yet.

You're completely talking out of your ass

>> No.8619894

Like Pit, Ike, Lucario, and Snake.

>> No.8619896

Not them, but I think this is only really applicable to Lucario. The other three were all pretty established and fun additions imo

>> No.8619906

I dunno, shit was obviously still cooking for Kid Icarus (of course they doubled down with Palutena in Smash 4 once the game had actually released) and MGS4 released later the same year. Path of Radiance is the oldest from Brawl's release but I think Ike was an easier inclusion than Miciah of Radiant Dawn, and it still allowed for hyping up the new games, as RD was only a year old and the Shadow Dragon remake was brand new.
I'm not shitting on how the characters play, mind you, they were fine, although Ike was an asshole in casual play. But it was pretty obvious at the time that those characters were there to drum up interest in their franchises' newest games. You could even argue that the Zelda characters using their Twilight Princess designs or the Star Fox characters using their Command designs were trying to accomplish the same goal.

>> No.8619956

>Smash adding characters from iconic ongoing franchises is advertisement
Galaxy brain take

>> No.8619983

>because it's Melee Box Art thread?
Nice backpeddling retard

>> No.8619998

>Holy shit thank you
>Smash Run did the gameplay better since it was mostly on action, not speedrunning Kirby-tier levels hoping some asshole fucknut doesn't wack you off the screen border
Based. I'd agree on considering Smash Run a better mode than Subspace.

>> No.8620001

>bro the gameplay doesnt matter i had fun with friends and it had filler "content"
So basically, if you actually do think of Smash as a fun party game with friends and basically treat it like Mario Party, you'll love Brawl

>> No.8620112
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>> No.8620117

No, it means he needs to appreciate literal garbage like Smash Tour for the full party game experience.

>> No.8620128
File: 736 KB, 1876x1464, Pokemon Interview Quotes by Sakurai and GF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing Pokemon gets a free pass promotion for every base game.

>> No.8620142

Take a shower, pedo.

>> No.8620147

It's a broken game where a large portion of the cast is straight up unplayable.
Not only does Ultimate have a much larger roster, they also fixed every single character that was previously unusable, like Bowser, Roy and Kirby.
Because of this, Ultimate matches have a LOT more variety to them compared to Melee matches, and even a complete bottom tier like Dr Mario still has a much better chance of winning any match than Bowser did in Melee.

>> No.8620185

Agreed. Ultimate is better than Melee. For the rest of the games: only Brawl's Subspace Emissary is worth playing.

>> No.8620225

meanwhile i am here, having invested hundreds of hours into the game, regularly losing to DK/link players that are godlike

this is a stupid opinion, a good low tier main WILL fuck you up, they're not that bad and what they lack in frame data they get back because noone knows the matchups

>> No.8620447

*Smash Run

>> No.8620715

I know it does. I'm saying that's lame as fuck, especially when each new Pokemon game sucks more than the last.

>> No.8620752

Agreed. It's better than the original on N64 in every respect, Super Smash Bros. Brawl was a downgrade for many reasons but one of the main one was the slow floaty movement, and Super Smash Bros. Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, while fixing most of the shortcomings of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, have nothing over Super Smash Bros. Melee besides more characters and stages and gameplay mechanics that are debatably just not as fun as Melee. (whether it was even "intentional" with Melee or not.)