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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 65 KB, 983x619, 1625866276584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8611789 No.8611789 [Reply] [Original]

say what you will about the gameplay, they have the best theme song of any nes game

>> No.8612095

>The Cheetahmen had a surprisingly catchy theme song for such a terrible game.
FIFY. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

>> No.8612124

bait or no, you're fucking retarded.

some nes games have better music playing when the game is straight up paused.

>> No.8612348

And now

>> No.8612352

...The Cheetahmen

>> No.8612901

Dontchaknowthatwerethemuthafukin CHEETAH MEN

>> No.8612920

Honestly it's too good to be something they composed in-house. Where was it taken from?

>> No.8613031


>> No.8613098

most likely lifted from one of those mix disks of random midi files

>> No.8613475

Wasn't some of the stuff demo tracks taken from a music maker program made by Activision?

>> No.8613536

It’s just a basic bassline pattern looped. You could make something like that by holding down the mouse, sweeping right, and from the variations of your hand movement get the necessary notes (in a DAW)

>> No.8613551


>> No.8613560

Action 52 is shit quality but it's not a chinese bootleg. None of the assets in the game are stolen. Considering they had the financial backing for a televised commercial it's not exactly a stretch that they might've shelled out a few hundred bucks to a legit artist to make one song for them.

Bruh, it's a good chiptune that receives high praise. If the game it was attached to wasn't so shit it'd be right up there with other recognizable NES tracts.

>> No.8613563

Zoom zoom zoom!

>> No.8613580

It’s nothing special. It takes no effort to produce something like that. Just like how the intro to Action 52 is a basic hip hop sample with no changes, but seems impressive because you never hear audio like that on the NES.

>> No.8613726

uh huh

>> No.8613815

>None of the assets in the game are stolen.

>Several pieces of music in the NES version of Action 52 were plagiarized from sample music composed by Ed Bogas for The Music Studio, published by Activision for the Atari ST.[14] The games with plagiarized music include Fuzz Power, Silver Sword, French Baker, Streemerz, Time Warp Tickers and Ninja Assault.

Plus the "It Takes Two" intro.

>> No.8613821


>> No.8613860

>has a fucking link to the comparison

>> No.8613867

no lawsuit = no copyright infringement

>> No.8613881

>ctrl+f "copyright infringement"
one post; this one.

>> No.8613884

he didn't say anything about copyright infringement, he said there was parts of it stolen

>> No.8613885

samefagging doesn't make you less retarded, it makes you more retarded

you can't steal something that isn't copyrighted

>> No.8613890
File: 15 KB, 520x132, Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 03-20-50 vr - say what you will about the gameplay, they have th - Retro Games - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verification not required.

>> No.8613893
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ah yeah classic new ips "samefagging"
well anyway does that mean led zeppelin didn't steal stuff for his songs? just because he didn't get infringed? copyright is a retarded idea anyway

>> No.8613895
File: 18 KB, 520x132, 1631836366630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it less obvious

>> No.8613898
File: 16 KB, 662x168, 1637399082625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at my screencap and look at the numbers next to anonymous
those are two new ips and you're a twat who can't count

>> No.8613902

make it less obvious

>> No.8613903

make yourself less oblivious

>> No.8613905


>> No.8613909

Those screencaps were taken in different operating systems you absolute dunce, look at the differences in text rendering.

>> No.8613913

>guys I'm not a samefag see I changed the zoom level in the browser

>> No.8613920
File: 6 KB, 400x273, differences in font rendering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zooming in on a browser adds color artifacts were there were none before

>> No.8613927

The youtube link on this page is outdated, but I was able to find a similar upload.

>> No.8614070
File: 207 KB, 1044x1456, How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very shameful... and Aisle Dance reminds me a little of Beat It by Jackson, but that's beyond the point.
I can't recall where I've heard that, but I think some of the character design (the weird head in Nonhuman and Dr Morbius) were ripped off a "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way" kind of tutorial book (that one was used in the US version of Wrath of the Black Manta, but I don't think it was the one used for Action 52). Has anybody else heard of that?

>> No.8614129

>they stole the music guys
>but it wasn't copyright infringement
>they stole public domain music!

you have to go back to /y/outube

>> No.8615640

I have a cheetahmen 2 tshirt...

>> No.8615658

memes aside it's not that bad of a game

>> No.8615748

Cheetahmen, you are my failed expirement

>> No.8615849


>> No.8615995

if its so easy to make a soundtrack like that then how come so many way better games have way worse music?

>> No.8616549
File: 11 KB, 211x246, 1636975705662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duane ran with the money twice and BrandO is now a tranny. I hate this timeline.

>> No.8616563

you either die a hero or live long enough to succumb to mental illness caused by porn addiction and chemtrails

>> No.8616725
File: 20 KB, 571x542, 1623898965445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's true

Jesus christ

>> No.8616761

i'm starting to understand why duane left

>> No.8616823

Yeah, considering that the "he stole the money please send more!" thing is based purely on Brando's testimony and we now know Brando is mentally ill and deliberately omitted a very important detail on why Duane might be distancing himself from him, I'd say the whole thing is pretty questionable.

That said they haven't produced anything worthwhile in over a decade now so I don't really care about it and anyone sending money deserves what they get.

>> No.8617086

It takes two to make a thing go right
It takes two to make it outta sight!\

>> No.8617093


remember the cheetahmen? they're girls now

feel old yet?

>> No.8617096

Man, that's a shame. Used to love their output back in the day.

>> No.8617102

kek guess it's just going to be duane soon

>> No.8617141
File: 32 KB, 572x303, 1631151396886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writes lyrics about beating women
>becomes a woman

>> No.8617231

The fuck, isn't the dude like 40?

>> No.8617978

Appropriate remix.

>> No.8618029

more like diane amirite

>> No.8618065

Tim Follin exists so you're wrong

>> No.8618116

pretty much my take on it from the start, duane never had much of an internet presence in the first place so he probably felt that defending himself wasn't worth the risk of becoming the next victim of organized harassment by a mentally deranged community of twitter activists

>> No.8618313

I don't know what they're saying

>> No.8618658

paw slut

>> No.8618669

This may be your your last chance to receive a diabetic heart monitor.

>> No.8618931

your never too old to become a girl

>> No.8618950

Going by their solo works it's pretty clear that Duane was the soul of the duo. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if he singlehandedly wrote everything himself with minimal input from Brenda.

>> No.8618958

yeah .w.

>> No.8619083

Since when was Brando a tranny?? Proof?

>> No.8619104

>BrandO is now a tranny
lol wut

>> No.8619124

The real question is from who Vince Perri stole the money to fund this disaster, considering he went rogue for like 25 years and everytime someone tried to contact him, he got absolute pissed
I seriously think he scammed some cocaine dealer with his investment

>> No.8619141

go on his youtube channel and look at his profile

>> No.8619197

>reeee I will ban you if you don't engage in sexual roleplay with me and pretend I'm a girl!

Social media was a mistake

>> No.8619223

Duane's solo stuff is VERY silly. You can tell the more dramatic edge to the music came entirely from Brando. Brando just can't write lyrics worth shit and his music lacks punch without Duane's rapping.

>> No.8619272

Duane is very silly and that's why I love him. Brando is also silly but cooler, they're honestly like Megaman and protoman. And brentalfloss is just...not funny and annoying...

>> No.8619305

>best theme song of any NES game
I beg to differ

>> No.8619334

>BrandO is now a tranny

>> No.8619358

Duane's stuff sounds exactly like D&B stuff. Brendo's stuff is a soulless attempt at vaporwave.

>> No.8619367
File: 82 KB, 848x944, brenda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8619384

>brando stole the money to buy pig estrogen and blamed it on duane


>> No.8619395

I refuse to believe Duane stole the money after crying his eyes out on the livestream. I genuinely don't think he would do something like that.

>> No.8619408

Because this thread has more Duane and Brand0 than it does CheetahMen, I looked through my old pc and found the complete EP Of Doom! album and decided to share it with you guys. enjoy the old metroid, double dragon, and duck hunt songs for free! https://anonfiles {D0T} com/r7K21dH3xe/EP_Of_Doom_rar

>> No.8619414

How big and meaty do you like them?

>> No.8619484

Fuck this gay earth, >>8616563 was right

>> No.8619489

as big and meaty as possible
ideally stinky as well

>> No.8619515

>"Duane used ALL the money!"
>continues to monetize all the Duane and Brando songs to this day, many with millions of views, without sharing a dime

>> No.8619552

>as big and meaty as possible
>ideally stinky as well
not based

>> No.8620203
File: 23 KB, 255x222, 1638039554117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8620301

go back to /trash/, you freaks

>> No.8620352
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1593293901661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know how much of my childhood is left that can be killed

>> No.8620361

I'm so glad we got our Cheetahmen fix years later in Nekojishi

>> No.8621115

Where did you get the ninja gaiden ver.? Is this the original version?

>> No.8621353

Duane denies it and Brando is mentally ill, why would you believe him?

>> No.8622001

duane never denied anything, he hasn't come been on the internet for a looong time dude.

>> No.8622356

>looong time

>> No.8622365

I'm so sorry you don't meet the requirement

>> No.8622419
File: 236 KB, 500x360, 1636007747076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has a pain fetish, gotta get it some way

>> No.8622465

>Pain Fetish
Might be the only time I've heard someone say that instead of masochist

>> No.8622484 [DELETED] 
File: 295 KB, 1569x2048, PSmpc7-1429849016334884873-20210823_125225-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8622492

Not really the best on it's own. Some covers, though...


>> No.8622495

this is nes music thread now

Aliens 3


>> No.8622508
File: 427 KB, 542x646, 1642351361266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dumbass and forgot the proper word, thank you anon

>> No.8622510
File: 295 KB, 1569x2048, PSmpc7-1429849016334884873-20210823_125225-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one?

>> No.8622676

>that 1:25
So damn good.

>> No.8622751

friendly reminder that the real reason they broke up is because after brando became a girl he started making passes at duane

>> No.8622784

Do the Cheetahmen count as furries?

>> No.8622881

you could say that they're... dangerously furry

>> No.8622886

seething tranny

>> No.8624173

I'm in my prime

>> No.8624182


>> No.8624292

Aries once killed Saddam Hussein with his bare hands

>> No.8624736

sounds like a plan


>> No.8624892

M-maybe he's just trolling?

>> No.8624965

>haha, what if I steal the kickstarter money to pay for a sex change then frame my bro for it, wouldn't that be an epic troll?

>> No.8625341

>when Hercules gets drunk and starts dropping redpills about the holocaust

>> No.8625354

anyone else thought he was grabbing the other guy by the collar?

>> No.8625395

Literal who?

>> No.8625409

they won't be happy until they take everything from you

>> No.8625502

>ideally stinky as well
cringe, the only good paw is a clean paw

>> No.8625528
File: 142 KB, 1125x1088, cheetahmen japanese remix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found out that the cheetahmen became a meme in japan years ago and theres a dozen remixes online of the theme
what a world we live in

>> No.8625546

I'm pretty sure they found out through AVGN.
Japs adore shitty games so their infatuation with AVGN and cheetahmen was only logical.

>> No.8626663

I'm surprised that AVGN hasn't become a girl yet

>> No.8626801

>he's the angry video game girl

>> No.8626938
File: 10 KB, 186x356, 1632501940366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8627032

He's too bald

>> No.8628269

>he hasn't been following the twitter

>> No.8628281

This is shit is giving me massive furfag vibes. I bet there's a comic or doujin somewhere with the three gangfucking the Action Gamemaster.

>> No.8628283

Do you think that stops them?

>> No.8628284

He has a wife and kids already. It's the losers without any chance in life of finding a partner that become trannies.

>> No.8628314

>video starts, first episode since transition (he took a year and a half off)
>theme song has been completely re-recorded, it’s now ukelele led and sung by some high pitched ftm
>”she’s gonna take you back to the past”, etc
>nerd walks into frame and sits down
>James wearing an ill fitting blonde wig
>frilly pink bra underneath white shirt, hoisting up none existent tits
>sloppily applied makeup, looks like Buffalo Bill
>”well, I’m back. Back to play some shitty fucking games”
>voice is off… sounds more like a gay man lisp than a woman
>camera cuts to him putting a game in, making sure the viewers can see his painted nails
>”today I’m gonna be looking at something a little different, this is Celeste”
>highest view count in years
>comments are a vile stew of supportive troons and people calling for his head
>James makes a few more videos like this which receive increasingly poor reviews before he finally stops
>makes an update video crying into the camera blaming the backlash
>Mike distances himself even further from the whole thing
>dead of suicide two months later
>mass nostalgia critic resurgence

>> No.8628343

>Duane ran with nearly $37,000 stealing from a bunch of gullible redditors
Absolutely fucking absurdly based

>> No.8628356

Damn really? I mean it wouldn’t surprise me but really?

>> No.8628359
File: 325 KB, 800x990, 598e30cb44ed7f2ecdf94ad5253611f80730caaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked?
although this is kemono not furry

>> No.8628367

>I'm angry!
>angry about gender stereotypes in old games!

>> No.8628374

His oldest daughter is like ten years old now and is apparently an avid gamer. Just wait before a decade is over there'll be AVGN Jr aka the Angry Video Game Girl taking over the channel.

>> No.8628385

>”I mean look at this. Mario and Luigi? Two overweight conforming blue collar Italian Americans? How could they be more insensitive?! And of course the princess gets kidnapped too! How transmisogynistic can they possible be! Anyway, join me next time where we take a critical and extended look at the Goemon franchise and why its harmful and abusive LGBTQAANBA+ stereotypes are a shitload of fuck!”

>> No.8628828

>I'd rather dilate my front hole with a 2x4 than play any more of this transphobic shit

>> No.8628865
File: 491 KB, 500x290, 1440499702830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.8628874

No. When the episode first came out, I remember the talkback thread on a certain forum I used to frequent had a lot of people who only knew the Cheetahmen music through the Japanese memes. (I personally hadn't heard of it before that)

>> No.8628887

I'd play it

>> No.8628891

I found it. Proof the NND Cheetahmen meme at the time was big enough for people in the west to have caught wind of it, even before the AVGN did the video on it..

>> No.8628893

he literally only makes videos on games that are already memes

>> No.8628905

>’i’d rather shove razor blades into my girlcock than keep playing this piece of Terfshit!’

>> No.8628914


>> No.8628937
File: 1.95 MB, 322x322, 1620502166019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop memeing or it'll come true

>> No.8629014


>> No.8629017
File: 36 KB, 250x200, Syobon_action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah
you guys don't remember cat mario? aka Syobon action?
a really popular japanese kaizo style game that used the Cheetahmen theme as it main theme, hell it was this game where i heard that theme for the first time
i remember everyone was playing this shit at some point, when Kaizou Mario type games were at their peak of popularity

>> No.8629038

May have something to do with Cat Mario, but I don't feel like comparing dates right now.

>> No.8629119

I hope it does. The angry video game troon would be an absolute sight to behold. I physically cannot even comprehend what it would look like but it’s something I wish to witness regardless

>> No.8629164
File: 207 KB, 500x375, misufaiaringu_shisutemu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angry video game loli

brb commissioning japanese loli artists for some genuine /uohhhhhhhhh/.

>> No.8629463

his early videos were okay but he's been pretty cringe for the past decade so I wouldn't even care at this point desu

>> No.8629504

he trooned? seriously what the fuck did he actually?

>> No.8629509

>it’s real. You are not dreaming. You are not dead. This is not hell. This is reality

>> No.8629510


>> No.8629515

>Duane & BrendA

>> No.8629526

everything nice we had in the past gets corrupted by the uneasy future literally nothing will ever be sacred because we keep pushing and pushing fuck this gay earth

>> No.8629537

amplification of extreme views via social media combined with easily accessible extreme pornography

>> No.8629604

>kids have that one friend who can sneak a Playboy from his dad's collection
>"Google, show me videos of dogs having sex with shemales"

I mean, that's gotta fuck kids up.

>> No.8629656

Just a bit of a mix up when converting 50hz to 60hz

>> No.8629981

Looks pretty fucking furry to me.
What is it with you weebs awkwardly trying to distance yourselves from social stigma by enjoying [Japanese thing]?
>it's not furry, it's kemono!
>it's not pedo, it's loli!

>> No.8630014
File: 226 KB, 850x1202, __mia_world_flipper_drawn_by_inuki_aruurara__sample-382bd785bf219c4f733f8582890269b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll explain:

>> No.8630089

Cheetahmen are literally the antifurry. Apollo once canonically shot up a furry convention with his crossbow. There were no survivors.

>> No.8630116

Even worse at one point in the past, you could have found real bestiality and borderline CP on regular normalfag porn sites without even trying, easily accessible by any kid with a search engine. Sites like Motherless had some actual illegal, sick shit in hidden galleries, which is the real reason why they purged all those sorts of sites in the past few years on the premise of copyright and litigation issues. This went on for a shockingly long time

kemono is only used because it doesn't look like retarded tiny toons/animaniacs garbage like most westoid furry art and just looks like cute anime shit