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File: 123 KB, 1100x550, angel island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8608293 No.8608293 [Reply] [Original]

Which series had the worst transition to 3D?

>> No.8608307

Street Fighter

>> No.8608737

wasn't the ice cap in SA1 also part of angel island? so really, only a part of the whole island broke off and fell (?)

>> No.8608752

>wasn't the ice cap in SA1 also part of angel island? so really, only a part of the whole island broke off and fell (?)
I believe the entire island fell but you only get to explore a corner of it that's accessible from the Mystic Ruins by coincidence.
Red Mountain also takes place on Angel Island

>> No.8608754
File: 157 KB, 216x212, Whip_stance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to see a fighting game series go from 2D to 3D and look as good as it did before. Arcys are the only ones capable of putting up a fight but even then, GGS and DNF look so bland.

>> No.8608758

Contra (C: The Contra Adventure)
Prince of Persia (Prince of Persia 3D)
Castlevania (Castlevania 64)

>> No.8608854

Metal slug
Monkey Island
Test Drive
Mortal Kombat
Leisure Suit Larry

>> No.8608859


>> No.8608863

The first Prince of Persia for PS2 is 10/10.

>> No.8608903

>It's a Sonic Adventure is bad episode.

>> No.8608987

Metroid Prime is well liked.
SA and SA2 were so good back in the day, fucking loved them.

>> No.8609009


>> No.8609067

Earthworm Jim
Aero the Acrobat (killed the franchise)
Rocket Knight
Shinobi (Saturn)
Wario Land

??? Might as well add Kid Icarus

>> No.8609082

They made a 3D Aero the Acrobat game?

>> No.8609086

The only reason GG does as well as it does is because they're doing their damnest to make it look pseudo-2D with the graphical style.

>> No.8609089

Monkey Island's jump to 3D would've been better accepted if the Ultimate Insult plot wasn't so stupid.

>> No.8609098
File: 185 KB, 317x314, Bubsy_3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one mentioned Busy 3D. It went from a mediocre 2D sidescroller into a dogshit 3D Platformer

>> No.8609103

We couldn't pawsibly bring ourselves to mention it

>> No.8609141


Killer Instinct? Well, maybe you would call that 3D to begin with...

>> No.8609237

Pic unrelated

>> No.8609293

I don't like to defend adventure but this is plain wrong.
You even see the island falling from the sky and it is actually very similar to the original from 3&k.

>> No.8609302

you gotta be kitten me, that game was only a bit meowdiocre

>> No.8609319

Mega Man X. Not Mega Man in general since Legends is a different series. Just X7. All you have to do to bring Mega Man to 3D is to clone Ratchet & Clank, yet Capcom already gave up after X7's failed attempt.

>> No.8609351

>Shinobi (Saturn)
that game wasn't 3D. It was digitized pictures of actors, like Mortal Kombat.
The 6th gen Shinobi game was the first one in 3D, and it's pretty sick.

>> No.8609468
File: 112 KB, 600x848, ninjabread-man-cover.cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't quite a case, but it easily could've been crowned that title if it came to be.
Data Design Interactive's notoriously terrible copy and paste platformers (Ninjabread Man, Anubis II, Trixie in Toyland and Rock 'n' Roll Adventures) originally started out as a 3D remake of Zool that ended up getting turned down due to the owners of Zool being unimpressed.

>> No.8609481


>> No.8609486
File: 82 KB, 736x552, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of mystic ruins is angel island

>> No.8609627

Mortal Kombat

>> No.8609679
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not all of Angel Island, ya dip. That's just the shrine keeping it all afloat

>> No.8609681

Mega Man X

Not sure what else, those three come to mind immediately

>> No.8609686

But Castlevania 64 is amazing

>> No.8609693

Donkey Kong 64, its just looks ugly.
Mario 64 is actually a bit of a downgrade, no fireflower and many other things missing.

>> No.8609695
File: 71 KB, 427x677, 1638829631058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientists really need to investigate this chronic side effect of hrt where you start crying on the internet about how sonic doesn't work in 3d

>> No.8609715

How did they build the train station so quickly?

>> No.8609718

>controls so clunky, if you play it on the Switch like an idiot
More like

>> No.8609743

chao slaves

>> No.8609847

gotta go fast

>> No.8609864

The Switch version is like Mario 64 DX
>comes out years after the original
>"enhanced" but somehow everything is more broken
>younger audiences and people who never played it but heard how iconic it was try it
>it's clunky
>they don't get it and raise their eyebrows
>"it was always shit"

>> No.8609889

Zoomies are really touchy about their childhood game was shit. Look, I liked Fighting Masters as a kid, but it isn't a good game. Time to move on.

>> No.8609893

that sonic 06 review you parrot is 15+ years old. time to move on

>> No.8609895

I don't need e-celebs to know a game is bad.

>> No.8609897

And then you try to explain to them that it plays better on an N64 controller, and they get annoyed because "le three hands memey controller".

>> No.8609902

I liked Blues Brothers 2000, which is frankly better than Sonic Adventure.

>> No.8609905

lol i never even referred to e-celebs. freudian slip

>> No.8609920

you belong in a garbage can

>> No.8609929

You don't get to judge me just because I like Blues Brothers 2000 on N64, okay. Go make your own opinions rather than listening to anti-Blues Brothers youtubers.

>> No.8609930

guilty gear strive looks better than the 2d games

>> No.8609936

i didnt even know it got a game. i was moreso baffled that you'd even compare sa1 to some shovelware movie sequel nobody liked

>> No.8609939

It's a better game. It doesn't have fishing.

>> No.8609950

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8609961

big the cat fishing is fine and way too easy and short really if you ask me. their mistake was making him an essential character for progression and not just an optional minigame.

>> No.8610015
File: 1.78 MB, 1643x2200, Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 123 October 1999 page 216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile back in 1999

>> No.8610027

>Mario 64 controls
>less clunky than Sonic "no going in straight lines" Adventure
This pic is a pile of cope

>> No.8610030

Literally sonic, they fucking canned their first attempt at it and totally missed the boat.

>> No.8610032

You ignorant fuck, literally what makes mario 64 good is how solid the controls are. If there's anything miyamoto is good at it's that. Get pissed on by a gang of feral bums.

>> No.8610036

Wow. Game journalists.

>> No.8610039

I played Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast on release, and saying that the controls are responsive is just a flat out lie. It isn't true by any stretch of the imagination
I actually liked Sonic Adventure more than Mario 64 as a kid because of the speed and amount of spectacle it had, and I still listen to Open Your Heart, but trying to force a rivalry with SM64 on technical/gameplay aspects is retarded.
You should have just written "soulless" under SM64 and "soul" under SA, because that would have been 100% true.

>> No.8610040

>worst feature: camera problems, a bit glitchy
They were right.

>> No.8610043

>any game with the Dire Dire Docks music being soulless
nah, brah.

>> No.8610050

what's unresponsive about them? its probably still the most responsive sonic's been in 3d
>inb4 you try to mental gymnastic muh big the cringe fishing meme as a problem of responsive controls

>> No.8610053

>>"no going in straight lines
>playing 3d sonic with a keyboard
>correlating janky emulation setups with the actual experience
what's this about cope?

>> No.8610058

sonic adventure's controls are also solid. your hateboner for big the cat and green eyes doesn't change this

>> No.8610064

Knuckles is worse.

>> No.8610073

aside from having to stand still to dig which they fixed in sa2 i don't see any issues. i remember him controlling pretty much exactly as i expected him to after playing 3&k. the digging wasn't even an issue at the time considering it was a brand new move for him and was only even noticeable once sa2 fixed it

>> No.8610074

i mean his gameplay is boring filler.
Play Blues Brothers 2000. It's better.

>> No.8610078

wow that has nothing to do with controls

>> No.8610080

OK, just to start at the very beginning, how about the fucking homing attack? The move you'll be using constantly through-out the game which takes control away from the player and launches Sonic in a more or less random direction, and frequently right into spikes or an instant death pit?
I'd call that pretty fucking unresponsive.
Did you actually play the game, or are you just shitposting?

>> No.8610083

Didn't say it did. I said Knuckles gameplay is a worse drawback than the controls.

>> No.8610085

...homing attack is instantly responsive and homes to the enemy right in front of you. it couldn't be more responsive and blatantly functional. you not liking it doesn't make it unresponsive

>> No.8610089

I'm putting it to all of you Sonic Adventure fanboys. Play Blues Brothers 2000. Not because it's a particularly great or even good game, but man, if you think Sonic Adventure is the best game ever, you'll shit your ass over this.

>> No.8610093
File: 167 KB, 750x650, 10747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy made the transition to 3d nicely.

>> No.8610096

guys play kao the kangaroo it sucks ass but i played it as a kid and am butthurt about some other unrelated game so if you like the game i don't like you now have to play kao for some reason

>> No.8610098

This too actually. It's better than Sonic Adventure. Pac-Man World 2's another good one.

>> No.8610101

Ok, so you are a troll. No one who actually played the game has a positive opinion of the fucking homing attack.

>> No.8610103

beat me to it

>> No.8610106

>some of the boss fights may be intensely infuriating
which? i remember them all being pretty easy

>> No.8610107

nice anecdote. i get it, you wanted sonic's eyes to be black

>> No.8610110


>> No.8610113

>It's better than Sonic Adventure
i was a bit curious abut this blues brothers gamer at first but you really aren't selling me on your taste

>> No.8610143


Even back then I found it really distasteful how every gaming magazine and journalist piled on to give almost all new 3D games glowing reviews when it was apparent to everyone they played like total jank.

>> No.8610146

I straight up said it's not very good. I worry about you Sonic Adventure people though. I feel like you've never played another game, and even playing a passably playable shovelware platformer that was ignored on the N64 twenty years ago would completely change your world.

>> No.8610174

or sa1 is just better and you just keep bringing up this random game from your childhood for no real reason. its funny you talk about obsession but you will not shut up about some n64 nobody but you cares about

>> No.8610176

It was a joke, desu. I don't think you got it.

>> No.8610181

yeah i get it you mentioned some random shovelware game and just anecdotally insisted its better than sa1. what a funny joke.

>> No.8610184

It is actually better though.

>> No.8610189

wow yet another repetitive anecdote with no evidence

>> No.8610201

You want me to provide "evidence" that one game is less boring than another?

>> No.8610215

or just any reason whatsoever why its better other than you just saying so

>> No.8610220

No Knuckles stages. No Big the Cat. Controls that you don't have to fight against.

>> No.8610249

Surprised you didn't say no Amy. Considering you want to remove all the soul anyway.

>> No.8610252

I don't even remember if the Amy stages were good. That's how little impression they left.

>> No.8610270

Twinkle park as Amy is pretty soulful, the mirror room ambiance is top notch. She can be a bit rough to play though.

>> No.8610272


>> No.8610334

the n64 controller is fucking dogshit
literally any other controller is an improvement

>> No.8610337

I like Mario 64, probably my favorite 3D Mario,
but man are the controls fuckin clunky.

>> No.8610345

in what capacity?

>> No.8610347

Simon the sorcerer.

>> No.8610372

That haircut was so popular for girls in the 2000s

>> No.8610431

Christ what a disappointment that game was

>> No.8610454
File: 264 KB, 493x367, 1594960705104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Chaos 4. Motherfucking's infuriatingly BORING.

>> No.8610459

The lily pad one? Shit is gay as hell since you would have to be retarded to die during it since you can literally bounce off the water so there is no risk. As knuckles it's even stupider.

>> No.8610467

no see you have to explain why knuckles stages are bad
>Controls that you don't have to fight against
get fucking good faggot. if you can't deal with sonic reacting to slope physics then don't play sonic. it's not for you.

>> No.8610471
File: 1.40 MB, 1350x1891, alzk6l0q6ye11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense it's pretty cute

>> No.8610498

When I play that boss fight, I pretend that touching water does insta-kill you, so if I touch it I just restart

>> No.8610507

Prince of Persia.

They want us to forget - but I don't forget. A reboot isn't a transition. This was the transition.


>> No.8610510

Calling jank "soul", that's great.

>> No.8610549

They tried to, and it killed the series.
It didn't actually release.
Well if we counting attempted 3D transitions that killed their series and never released, might as well include Bonk, Far East of Eden 3, Trouble Shooters.

>Mario 64 DX
No, Mario 64 got a semi-decent DS enhanced port/remake, and the actual Deluxe/Advance versions of Mario classics had some effort put into them.

The Switch abomination is less feature complete than a homebrew emulator, the only thing it has going for it is the version used was Shindou, a rumble rerelease with some bugfixes and nothing else (that some already compiled from the gigaleak on their own, but Nintendo couldn't be arsed to do it and resorted to buggy lua scripts)
Mario 64 looks less shitty on a CRT screen, zoomers are right to be disgusted at it in its current state.

>> No.8611457

>its easy and dull but fucking FUNTASTIC fucking game the graphics are incredible 10/10
i wonder what i would’ve thought about these reviews as a kid

>> No.8612506
File: 403 KB, 791x1108, 1589189307-8da963d8-1319-4c96-8cf4-472cbb690d4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metal Slug
What the actual fuck is this?

>> No.8612524
File: 12 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Prince of Persia 3D before that one

>> No.8612541

Golden Axe
Europa Universalis

>> No.8612549

So wait... is all of Mystic Ruins actually Angel Island?

>> No.8612550

That wasn't what I understood. I think some of the Mystic Ruins were already there.

>> No.8612578

That entire upper half of Mystic Ruins, with Red Mountain and Ice Cap, is all Angel Island. The Master Emerald's platform is not the entire island.
Why is it there and not in Hidden Palace? I don't fucking know.

>> No.8612602
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, 2y2wgv4c3su41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was originally apart of Mystic Ruins and crashed back down right next to the train station. Red Mountain and Icecap both take place on it

>> No.8613664

wow I didn't know ready 2 rumble was that good.

>> No.8613876

Shin Megami Tensei

>> No.8614989

It's a shame the temple looks so shit in SA1. Hidden Palace in S&K was a really cool looking zone and very distinctive. It would have been very cool if you were back in a 3D recreation of it as an Adventure field rather than the shit that was.

>> No.8615004

You've already said it. It's been an absolute dumpster fire and the entire non-classic Sonic aesthetic just oozes of cringe.

>> No.8616993

>Hidden Palace in S&K was a really cool looking zone

"Cool looking zone" ?

It was pure 110% concentrated kino.