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File: 43 KB, 770x448, not-punzel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8607469 No.8607469 [Reply] [Original]

If it wasn't for the sausagefest roster this could have been peak Belt Scrolling

>> No.8607476

That’s precisely why it’s good

>> No.8607535

Female characters in beat-'em-ups ought to be either, femme fatales or damsels-in-distress anyway. When they become playable fighters they tend to overshadow their male counterparts.

>> No.8607538

I wouldn’t say so. Basically no one picks Blaze in Streets of Rage anyway.

>> No.8607551

But she has the most fanart. Same with Maki and Lucia.

>> No.8607559

Yeah cause she’s a woman and everyone, I repeat, everyone loves drawing tits. You need that sex appeal in your games. It’s like how there’s loads of fan art of Poison from FF despite the fact she’s not playable in any of the main series games. That and she’s a tranny

>> No.8607560
File: 1.91 MB, 216x498, all-right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because Blaze's the most balanced character, which is usually the most boring to play as for anybody but begginners. It's better when the female character is the nimble-but-weak one.

>> No.8607567

Fair enough I guess. Never met no one that plays as her though. Even in the sequels, that ‘weak but nimble’ spot is filled by Skate. Most people I knew just picked Adam or Axel (and Max or Skate) because they hit hard/moved fast.

>> No.8607579
File: 80 KB, 600x800, __tyris_flare_golden_axe_drawn_by_sakamoto_mineji__b7515407beb8f6e98c2dd43fafc1d634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she is, the first belt-scroller female you could play as, and one third of one of the best hero line ups ever, where no one eclipses any of the others.

>> No.8607593
File: 60 KB, 335x384, 32953F00-2B93-4E2D-80D8-5D6E47F2D33B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll never fucking forgive what they did to her

>> No.8607605

Western developers shouldn't ever be trusted to handle Japanese IPs.

>> No.8607608

I'm a Blaze main.

>> No.8607638

Max and Skate are for sure the most fun to play as; between the other two Blaze is kind of the more challenging "mode", since Axel is kind of OP really

>> No.8607641


>> No.8607650 [DELETED] 


>> No.8607653


>> No.8607663

Based X chromosome-less poster

>> No.8607732

If only they had made a quality game centered around the Dwarf.

>> No.8607832

They're called jab-n-jogs you stupid cunts.

>> No.8607941

Nobody cares about Jessica unfortunately.

>> No.8607949

They're called bash-n-dash, zoom zoom. Stop trying to revise history.

>> No.8608004

She's still half naked, isn't that the core issue for the coomer audience?

>> No.8608027

I like Violent Storm but it has kind of a weird palette, almost too bright and pastel. I can't name specifics right now but I recall several other early 90s titles from my MAME days that also looked like this. Was this a deliberate decision to control how the games looked like on an arcade cabinet CRT, or just a technical limitation on the graphics hardware?

>> No.8608030

>better idea of release
X360/PS3 = all three players on sandbox open world, which scrapped
Wii/Probably PS2/GameCube = female protagonists hack n slash

>> No.8608032

His storyline won’t work that always.
Never got JP release.

>> No.8608036

YCEBchads know better

>> No.8608038

Can see this port for Neo Geo, X68k and even possibly 3DO.

>> No.8608043
File: 211 KB, 540x368, furrymorphic-force.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konami's 90s Arcade Beat 'em Ups all kind of look like at that in comparison to Capcom's; just a different visual style I guess.

Also It's kind of odd how infrequently they included female characters in the roster now that OP mentions it. Specially glaring in Metamorphic Force

>> No.8608048

Gaiapolis and Mystic Warriors both had a female player character though.

>> No.8608064
File: 12 KB, 288x224, metamrph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Konami's 90s Arcade Beat 'em Ups all kind of look like at that in comparison to Capcom's; just a different visual style I guess.
Also keep in mind that Konami was a doing a lot more games based on western animation properties around that period, such as TMNT, Simpsons, X-Men, Bucky O'Hare, C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa, G.I. Joe and Asterix, so it's no surprise that their original IPs would've such a "Saturday Morning" style too.

Metamorphic Force in particular has that particular American Saturday morning animated series outsourced to a Japanese studio look to it that was common in a lot of 80's and 90's cartoons where you could tell that the genga was done by a Japanese artist trying to ape a western style.

>> No.8608078
File: 88 KB, 1000x778, 95136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably like Mystic Warriors and Sunset Riders better than Konami's actual belt scrollers. A selectable cowgirl in Sunset Riders should have been a no brainer though, the weaker part about that game is the roster though Cormano's still pretty based.

>> No.8608089
File: 35 KB, 704x448, 150757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought the design of the dynamite throwing girl was wasted on a mere small fry you barely see. Makes me wonder if she was supposed to be a player character until someone decided that boys wouldn't want to be an "icky girl".

>> No.8608136
File: 220 KB, 560x510, welcome-to-die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most obvious explanation is that they added girls to the roster if they had time/resources to implement MORE
character than the gameplay allowed at the same time so no player would be unwillingly stuck with "the girl".
X-Men was an exception though, but it also was a pretty unique 6-player cabinet.

>> No.8608256

Metamorphic Force feels like Konami got a license to some obscure as fuck animated cartoon pilot that never aired.
Mystic Warriors kinda has that same vibe too, but not nearly to the extent Metamorphic does.

>> No.8608287

Mystic Warriors felt like it was intended to be a Mystical Ninja arcade game at some point before they decided to make it more serious and western-friendly. I could see a bit of Goemon and Yae in Kojiro and Yuri.

>> No.8608414
File: 50 KB, 480x372, mf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MF had a weird Saint Seiyaesque feel to it given its concept and setting. It'd have been great getting a SS beat em up by Konami or Capcom back in the day, shame it never happened

>> No.8608474

I think the vaguely homoerotic vibe is funny. Possibly the best Final Fight clone ever made. I dare say that it surpasses it.

I do. Her aerial attacks really help with the stage 2 boss.

>> No.8608486

It fits for Violent Storm but MAME has been known to fuck up the palette in some games. Gradius was WAY too bright for decades until they fixed it recently.

>> No.8608654

Metroid Prime tho

>> No.8608702

Nintendo IPs are the exceptions since they know how to supervise western developers to make sure they don't fuck things up. See also Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.8608716

Fuck you, you couldn't identify a Punch 'n' Munch if it punched you in the mouth

>> No.8608792

women can't fight

>> No.8608794

core issue is you still haven't killed yourself

>> No.8608796
File: 146 KB, 676x589, durrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8608858

The goddess looks more like a white version of Gaia from Captain Planet. Makes me wonder if this was a Captain Planet beat-'em-up at some point where you control the Planeteers and then they realized nobody wants to play as annoying teenagers.

>> No.8608880

>which is usually the most boring to play as for anybody but begginners.
dude, I pick Blaze just because I like to german suplex everybody. That's not boring at all.

>> No.8609803

Eh it’s gay

>> No.8610132
File: 45 KB, 387x391, Why I Use Blaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8610468

Lower gamma. problem fixed.

>> No.8610960

tight tight tight

>> No.8610964
File: 26 KB, 438x315, blaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would she wear lace panties? That shit chafes when moist with sweat; you wanna go with cotton at least, or ideally breathing synthetic fabrics

>> No.8610985

Those are cotton, they just have a lace affectation.

>> No.8612515
File: 67 KB, 220x376, Culterino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a bit of a overreaction for some game you don't even like, don't you think?

>> No.8612708

>Basically no one picks Blaze in Streets of Rage anyway
I'm pretty sure you are wrong. Source to that?

>> No.8614030

It's known issue with the game; there's apparently something funky with the hardware that's not understood.
In the next version of MAME there is actually a newly dumped bootleg of Violent Storm that has the correct palette.

>> No.8614035

all you have to do is increase saturation on a shader and that will fix the problem you have, I'd say about 20%

>> No.8614047

I meant increase to 120%
Just did this on an AvP playthrough coz I got a new stick and it fixes that desaturated look

>> No.8614857

dont even need a shader, open base mame sliders controls and lower gamma

>> No.8615823

lowering gamma is not ideal as it messes with black levels

>> No.8616714

Imagine the smell.