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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8606305 No.8606305 [Reply] [Original]

what’s the best gradius?

>> No.8606310
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>> No.8606386
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>> No.8606413
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Gradius II for sure. The only one that comes close is Gaiden.

>> No.8606759
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I like most of them in their own ways. The best titles all have their own little strengths and advantages. 1, 2, Gaiden, 5, and Rebirth all have great things going on. 3 Snes is also under-rated and I should replay it now that the mod which fixes slowdown is out.

I think 3, 4, and Galaxies/Generation are more acquired tastes, but they're still likable.

>> No.8607282

The first one because you can 1CC it without sacrificing years of your life.

>> No.8607329

V without a doubt

>> No.8607482

I like Gaiden and V.

>> No.8607536

Gradius V or II for the Arcade roots.

>> No.8608401

What’s atypical about Generations?

>> No.8609365


>> No.8609406

The one where you meet yourself at the end, I forget which one it is

>> No.8609521

Do you read me? This is Vic Viper. I don't have much time so listen closely. In order to defeat them I need your help. We need to get inside the ship from different routes and destroy the core at each end. Both must be taken out, or there'll be no future for either of us.

>> No.8609530

*sigh* I guess I have no choice.

>> No.8609912
File: 2.43 MB, 2592x1944, Lets_get_off_to_a_good_start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one even pick? They're something great with almost all the games. It's been fun in the arcades, MSX computers, and everything since. Got me addicted to the genre.

>> No.8609914

Let's roll!

>> No.8609923

Play it

>> No.8609926

It occurred to me recently I've never touched the arcade versions. What's the consensus? Are they better than the console versions, or is this one of these cases where the games were better on console?

>> No.8610534

Is Otomedius any good?

>> No.8610536

When it comes to mainline Gradius it has to be Gradius Gaiden or Gradius V. Otherwise it's the Parodius series.

>> No.8610539

Parodius but bad.

>> No.8610543

My FOMO has been cured

>> No.8610550

It's like the transition from Deathsmiles to Deathsmiles II. It's just the same game but with ugly 3D graphics and worse art style. It's like every single ship are the bunny rocket girls from Parodius which was boring as fuck.

>> No.8610617


>> No.8612489

>doesn’t answer the question, instead uses it as an excuse to repost a jpeg
>eroge shit but no Salamander 2
At least take the time to take a relevant pic for the OP
Anyway V and Gaiden

>> No.8612493

>eroge shit but no Salamander 2
fucking owned

>> No.8612513

Gaiden and V.

>> No.8614838

the msx games are underrated and so is the interstellar assault for GB

>> No.8614843

I wish the Gradius and Salamander Deluxe Packs on PSX weren't so expensive.

>> No.8614850

What's wrong with 3?

>> No.8614882

Watch this video from 28:00 to 47:00 to get a "brief" summary of why this game is such ass to play.

>> No.8614930

I played the snes version when I was a kid and really liked it.
That segment is just hard, is that the problem?

>> No.8615087

>That segment is just hard, is that the problem?
The dude nearly got a game over thanks to RNG shitting all over him, how is that not a problem? Not to mention the absurdly spaced checkpoints. Try actually playing this for yourself, there's a lot more to it than just the cubes and overly long boss rush, but those two I thought would be the most self explanatory.

>> No.8615098

> the snes version
that'll make a difference

>> No.8615113

>RNG shitting all over him
Isn't that the point of RNG?

>> No.8615118

>Isn't that the point of RNG?
Being bad game design? Yeah.

>> No.8615140

How is this not on Capcom Arcade stadium yet?

>> No.8615162
File: 1.94 MB, 640x480, Gradius III.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stupidest part of the cube rush is you're supposed to dodge every individual cube. They didn't intend for you to build a wall. By the way, the wall building method sometimes breaks on higher loops because the cubes will move fast enough to pass through piled up cubes

>> No.8615165

nobody bought it so Arcade Stadium is not getting more games

we failed Capcom again bros

>> No.8615181

>They didn't intend for you to build a wall
Building a wall sounds more clever than just dodging, to be honest. But of course it couldn't be played that way huh.

>> No.8615270
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>By the way, the wall building method sometimes breaks on higher loops because the cubes will move fast enough to pass through piled up cubes
Huh. I didn't think I needed more reasons to hate this game than I already did but here we are.

>> No.8616015

They actually playtested the snes version. if they had playtested the arcade version, it would've been peak gradius.

>> No.8616034

You posted it. Soundtrack doesn't reach series highs but it's an incredible, and surprisingly fair, entry. it's really Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius ~Forever With Me~ doe

>> No.8616038

Galaxies has some good compositions, but what the hell were they thinking making the instruments all shitty beeps? This VRC6 arrange does it justice

>> No.8616039

The not-retro Rebirth is pretty danged good but felt a bit short and slight. Was all killer, though.

>> No.8616058

I really like IV. I had it on the PS2. It was an interesting mix of high-res arcade graphics and 2D with some 3D. Was a lot of fun, but hard and unfair as shit as all of these games.

Gradius V is also very, very good. Definitely the best.

>> No.8616059

>no VRC6 cover the best song in the game

>> No.8617285

It's been a while but I recall the thing a lot of people complain about it for is that the movement speeds feel wonky. You're either too slow or too fast.

I have fond memories of it myself though. It's been a while so I can't quite comment more.

>> No.8617525

I enjoyed watching that. It seems better than bullet hells.

>> No.8617774
File: 2.13 MB, 2582x1739, T301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gradius V is the best one in the series. Gradius III for SNES will always my personal favorite though. Gradius Advance is also pretty great.

>> No.8618036

This scene is hilarious with 2 players, because 2P doesn't show up from the timewarp.

>> No.8618058

Maybe 2P didn't survive the spacetime anomaly warp, or died before 1P traveled back.