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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8593240 No.8593240 [Reply] [Original]

25 years later and still the best in series. There's really no excuse for not taking this concept and improving upon the flaws, but Todd Packard just had to shit out Morrowind instead. Shame the state of computer game development and software development in general these days.

>> No.8593267
File: 87 KB, 1300x1054, old-guy-computer-grumpy-4787834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shame the state of computer game development and software development in general these days.

>> No.8593275

Oh sorry, I didn't realize that it was actually good, my mistake. Yes I'm sure glad I have to pay subscription fees for software instead of buying one disk ,, thank you Sirs ,,

>> No.8593289

The game sucks and I'm freaking sick of you turd burglers who get wrapped up in the ambition rather than the actual game in front of you. Happens every gosh darn time some poopy pants devs bite more than they can chew and no it's not "misunderstood" you're just a DINGUS! Sage and report ALL dingus threads for a dingus free /vr/!

>> No.8593303

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Morrowind. The combat is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of probability maths, most of your hits will go over a typical NPC's head. There's also Dagoth Ur's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Daedric scripture, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these 6th house ramblings, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Morrowind truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Dagoth Ur's existencial catchphrase "What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy." which itself is a cryptic reference to the struggle for Dunmer independence. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the Godhead's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Vivec tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the Suran ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 intelligence points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.8593328

dungeon simulator for Mad Libs addicts

>> No.8593349

I think the biggest /v/ prank I've ever fallen for was convincing me to play Daggerfall.

>> No.8593350
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Fuck off and take your fucking meds dear seething Elder Scrolls hating fuckwad! Please sod off and go back to your favorite YouTuber or Apple Podcaster megaphone programmer.

>> No.8593358

How is Morrowind anything but Daggerfall improved upon the flaws?

>> No.8593359
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>t.rabid Bethesda hater samefagging

>> No.8593372

>cuss words
Yeah sorry buddy but this board is affiliated with the no cussing club and if you wanna run around with a potty mouth you better take it to /v/.

>> No.8593395

>How is Morrowind anything better
Shit combat
Worse character creation
Dungeons are small
The color palette sucks

>> No.8593402
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>sorry buddy but this board is affiliated with a no cussing club
LIAR! Fuck off with your tired-ass "Christian server" meme and shove it where the sun don't shine. None of the boards ban cussing as a whole, drop the irksome actm

>> No.8593462

Stop cussing dude or I will inform the admins. Not even gonna read the rest of your post after the second word because I will NOT accept profanity here.

>> No.8593498
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Go back to your favorite white knight discord or subbreddit, dumbshit.

>> No.8593517

Shut the fuck up retard and go kill yourself NOW

>> No.8593528
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Hey you two this is a Daggerfall thread, let's get back on topic. What's your favorite province?

>> No.8593639

Stop cussing.

>> No.8593645

poopy butt

>> No.8593678
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>> No.8593728

...he's mad about morrowind, the bethesda game with the most creative world and lore. Polish my spear argonian maid!

>> No.8593765

It's really quite simple. Daggerfall has tits before you even mod the game whereas Morrowind, or Boreowind as I've taken to calling it, has nary a teat in sight.

>> No.8593835

No matter what your opinion is on the actual game, we can all agree on one thing right?

It has the most badass box art in the series

>> No.8594258

>Todd Packard
Literally who?
Old age might be kicking in, OP.

>> No.8594298

>Shame the state of computer game development and software development in general these days

Everything is shit nowadays.

>> No.8594351

>play Daggerfall
>honeymoon phase is over in a matter of 2 days
>realize that there is pretty much no content
>it's just a barebones painfully mediocre fantasy rpg with the only gimmick being """world"""" generation and procedural dungeons
I'm convinced that retards who praise it just played it for a few hours for the gamer cred and then dropped it.
Bethesda made the right call scrapping Morrowind and making it from scratch.

>> No.8595146
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Anticlere and ilessan hills

>> No.8595159

>it's just a barebones painfully mediocre fantasy rpg with the only gimmick being """world"""" generation and procedural dungeons
have you considered the possibility that some people want precisely this from a game?

>> No.8595419

I got hopelessly addicted to Daggerfall
when I was a dumb kid and basically saw it as a huge open-world fantasy FPS. I think it’s more enjoyable if you play it before you’ve seen what it does done better

>> No.8595501

I really love Daggerfall as well, and it benefits a lot from the various mods that are available for it. Disagree about Morrowind though, it’s a great game. It’s just very different from Julian’s vision for the series. I didn’t play any of these games as a kid so it’s not a nostalgia thing. Daggerfall is legitimately fun to play even now.

>> No.8595510

Though I should add that I used to cheat command to teleport to the objective in most (if not all) random dungeons, meaning all the ones not related to the story. The dungeon layouts are too obtuse and frustrating to be worth actually playing through, but I didn’t cheat in the main ones like Shedungent, Mantellan Crux, etc

>> No.8595512
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it's a half functional buggy piece of shit.
you would have more fun playing with paperdolls, which this game essentially boils down to

>> No.8595564

well that is exactly why daggerfall is so fucking awesome. its a paperdoll fantasy life sim. i hardly ever follow the main quest with the game when i play. i just roll a character with a concept i have in mind and go about adventuring the world, take on side gigs and gearing and shit. you're right about the game being "half functuinal" since the game isnt as fleshed out and the other half of the game that's missing is being played out in your head. but still no other game has even come close to what it does for me and everyone else who ride daggerfalls massive juicy succulent cock

>> No.8595595

Autists maybe, but that doesn't mean it's a good game.

>> No.8595670

Im gonna learn Unity just so I can mod this game to not be fucking shit.

>> No.8596254

The game was a bit too ambitious for its era, but I would love to see someone try to create a modern RPG with some of the same concepts/mechanics. Basically just bringing back some of the classic D&D elements that are missing in the genre today.

I love the detailed character creation, the insane number of factions you can join, the reputation system, the spellmaker, etc.. The scale of the world might be a bit excessive, but at least it feels like a world instead of a fantasy amusement park. There’s value in the amusement park approach, but I’d like the other approach to be represented as well

>> No.8596360

There already is Daggerfall Unity
although I think it lacks soul

>> No.8596368
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So keeping playing your randomly generated dungeon game. Just don't pretend you can hold a candle to Morrowind chads.

>> No.8596378
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Poste Vampires.

>> No.8596387

I think it goes way overboard with the graphical improvements. all I want is the vanilla experience but without the jank

>> No.8596759

>without the jank
So you don't want Daggerfall? Because it's jank built on jank.

>> No.8596767

You can use as much or as little of the graphical upgrades as you want.

>> No.8596776

you have perspective, so i can't fault your opinion.
i play the game the same way, in that there are so many options that i have fun imagining what i want my character to be like, but what that means to the game (if anything) is usually lacking.
i think it goes to show the core idea is extremely robust and people want games that are similar, but for some reason they don't really exist.

>> No.8596784

Tigonus has the coolest environmental stuff nearer the coast, also not nogs.

>> No.8596790 [DELETED] 

I fell in love with this game when I played the Betony only demo and literally did tens of runs with different builds. It was kinda a deception that the main quests are pretty much the same as the common ones except for the very last one.
It's still one of my favorite games ever.

>> No.8596828

I fell in love with this game when I played the Betony only demo and literally did tens of runs with different builds. It was kinda disappointing that the main quests are pretty much the same as the common ones except for the very last one.
It's still one of my favorite games ever.

>> No.8596838

Cool I'll check it out. Just got done with the main quest in my current playthrough so now I'm looking for a place to settle down my character, haven't been to Tigonus yet.

>> No.8596849

>the dungeon layouts are too obtuse and frustrating to be worth actually playing
The dungeons are the best part! I always look forward to dungeon quests the most, I find it extremely satisfying to solve a nice 3 or 4 block dungeon. The main ones I found were sometimes too easy because you could predict that the goal would be at the block farthest from the entrance

>> No.8596857

>I would love to see someone try to create a modern RPG with some of the same concepts/mechanics. Basically just bringing back some of the classic D&D elements that are missing in the genre today.
The team behind Arena and Daggerfall are literally making exactly that game.

>> No.8596892

Disagree. Morrowind is the only good TES game but still flawed of course. The games before and after it are all bad.

>> No.8596920

Yeah I heard about it. I’m not gonna get my hopes up too much, at least until we see more

>> No.8597086

>most of your hits will go over a typical NPC's head.

>> No.8597096

>there is pretty much no content
>it's just a barebones painfully mediocre fantasy rpg with the only gimmick being """world""" generation and procedural dungeons
Imagine getting filtered by large dungeons, and then rationalizing your failure with this weak bitching. Sad.

>> No.8597125

The dungeons are pretty insane to be fair. It would be a lot better if the map was clearer.
I recommend people play with cheats enabled tbdesu

>> No.8597148

>the first RPGs were trying to simulate the dungeon crawl part of tabletop RPGs
>Daggerfall focuses on simulating the player's ability to go anywhere and do anything in tabletop RPGs
A completely valid design choice and shows they understand RPGs are more than "combat with numbers"

>> No.8597158

How is the Elder Scrolls Anthology port? Is it any good? I've been meaning to get it.

>> No.8597182

It’s not just that there are big dungeons, it’s that every randomized dungeon for every FedEx quest is gigantic and dull and confusing with little reward. It fucks the pace completely.

>> No.8597203

Daggerfall is very minimalist, even by modern Lobotomizeyourcustomersuntiltheysuckyourcorporatecock-Mandate Bethesda standards.

I've heard from boomers that it requires a lot of imagination on the player's part, so for giganerds from the 90s, this is the best Roleplay/DnD type experience they've felt in their younger years in video game format. So it's gonna be some time before the small outcrop of DFUnity modders that exist make any substantial progress in making the literal copy-pasted flatter than Emma Watson polygons of emptiness overworld into something fun to explore for anyone that wasn't forced to develop minor schizophrenia to make the game fun.

>> No.8597231

t. Brainlet NPCs
Also, a random dungeon takes like 30-45 minutes, max.

>> No.8597236

which by the way is great pacing because often you need to do delivery quests or run some errands in town which makes it more exciting to get a dungeon quest and, by the way, the loot you get in dungeons has a chance to be amazing which is a huge reward for anyone without fried dopamine receptors.

>> No.8597852

Can you guys explain to me what's so supposedly great about Daggerfall? 95% of content are radiant fetch/kill quests, the dungeons are nonsensical, randomly generated messes, there aren't even any proper dungeon crawling mechanics, since the exploration pretty much boils down to "enter the room, hack through the enemies, loot, rest in safe place if wounded, continue". I genuinely had more fun with Arena, because while both of those games are pretty much randomly generated dungeon crawlers, Arena is actually fully focused on it - you just go from dungeon to dungeon, slay enemies, get loot, level up, sell loot, buy items, repeat and not much other than that. Simple, but fun and straightforward.
Daggerfall on the other hand is in this weird spot when it's essentially still the same thing (with a way more annoying dungeon generator though), but it also tries to move more into the proper developed RPG territory with complex world and story, but most of those new elements, while flavourful, feel half-baked and without big impact on anything, making the whole thing feeling unfocused.
This isn't a bait or a contrarian post, it's just that I genuinely don't understand the praise and appeal, but would like to. Maybe I'll give it another try then

>> No.8597872

It's great because you can say "did you know that before Morrowind there was Daggerfall, and it's actually a superior game?".
But honestly? There is a reason that all people talk about is how big the map and the dungeons are. Sometimes someone mentions boobs.
There is nothing to talk about when it comes to the game, because there is nothing interesting about.

>> No.8597875

This time I was the guy that mentioned boobs.

>> No.8598058

t. boomer with undiagnosed schizophrenia

>> No.8598572
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>every single dungeon aside from the last one looks the same
>only 2 styles of towns which all look the same
>gigantic overworld with absolutely nothing to do or see between towns and dungeons
>nothing but randomly generated fetch quests
>weapons and armor are all just recolors
at least the custom class and spell creation is neat

>> No.8598820

How to not get your dick kicked in by the first dungeon tho

>> No.8598927

Get the ebony dagger in character creation

>> No.8598958

>Can someone please explain to me what's supposedly so great about Daggerfall?
Legendary class and character creation
Complex combat system with multiple skills to practice and master
For magic characters, a custom spell maker with a lot of flexibility
A variety of guilds and quests to enjoy to further enhance the roleplay of your character. (You have to read and imagine though, which is why zoomers hate it.)
Large and complicated dungeons which leave you very satisfied when you find the quest target, and when you leave the place with thousands of coins worth of loot to put into your wagon
A thrilling main quest. A lot of people skip over this for some reason but I think it's one of the highlights of the game. It's an epic storyline about a power struggle between multiple different political factions, each with their own unique motivations . It's a bit of a slow start but that's what makes it so exciting about midway through because you're finally starting to unwrap the mystery and it feels like you don't know exactly who you can trust, who is pulling the wool over your eyes, or who is trying to kill you with assassins until you finally speak to King Lysandus' ghost.
The music is some of the best of any video game.

Personally, I also love the atmosphere and environments, especially in High Rock - Feels very gothic, feudal eastern Europe - The large presence of graveyards and creatures like vampires and werewolves fit into the game in a way that they don't in later games.

>> No.8600081
File: 3.25 MB, 1920x1080, Sheogorath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice screenie. Here's one from Unity

>> No.8600086
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, Sentinel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another from a rooftop in Sentinel on a hot, sunny day.

>> No.8600271

Based deleted old school College Humor video enjoyer

>> No.8600294

>Shit combat
Daggerfall has shit combat too
>Worse character creation
>Dungeons are small
yeah they're smaller than Daggerfall's, but why is that necessarily a bad thing? they're actually hand-designed instead of being randomly generated labyrinths
>The color palette sucks
I disagree

>> No.8600401


>> No.8600848

I can't tell if you're joking

>> No.8601103

you got BTFO faggot

>> No.8601130

>its literally just south europe, western asia and northern africa
very creative

>> No.8601465

What part of that post suggests "lol just kidding guys epic troll xD" to you?

>> No.8602048

What are everyone's favorite mods for Daggerfall Unity? I'm enjoying most of them except for tedious travel, I feel like it doesn't work well with Daggerfall even with warm ashes mod.

>> No.8602691
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, Screen Shot 2022-02-06 at 4.40.20 PM (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enhanced Sky
World Tooltips
Uncanny UI
Pretty much all the additional quest packs, those are so great
Archaeologists guild if you want to play that sort of role for your character
DREAM unless you want the classic look
Lively cities - adds stationary characters in the cities much like Arena
Roleplay Realism and Roleplay Realism Items
Generall the best mods I find are ones that just do slight, obvious improvements. Like the ones I listed, with the exception of DREAMk and Archaeologists. I tried SIGIL and Power Struggle but while the idea behind them is sound, they are far too intrusive by loading weird stuff 50% of the time you fast travel into a city. Even worse is using SIGIL and tedious travel, the latter of which I use quite a lot, because it really makes the game feel like a true, sweeping epic. That music and that sky, even the original skybox can be dope as hell.

>> No.8602701

But with SIGIL you're getting constantly nailed with the same random events over and over, it becomes super boring to deal with after a while because it's not spaced out anywhere near enough. It's like every few hours, at most, you're having that fucker from the Cult of the Sun approach you for help. Again.

>> No.8604249

Is there an option on daggerfall unity to have to old giant bottom bar UI? Doesn't feel right without it.

>> No.8604259

Good morning sir

>> No.8604267

Pls anon stop cussing thx

>> No.8604486

Why do peoppe insist on saying old game with clear technological limitations is better than the successors that upgraded everything

I saw some guy on the Wolfenstein thread say the ASCI ridden original was the best wolfenstein

I'm sorry, I'm sure it was fun, but you have to admit that's nostalgia blindness

>> No.8604489

Ok I’m not him but take it easy dude

>> No.8604513

Is this the Mediterranean?

>> No.8604692

Did you not understand before this point that the imperials are just the Romans?

>> No.8604882

Because those newer games don't just have technical changes, but fundamentally change the gameplay and concept of Daggerfall, starting with Morrowind. Of course, Daggerfall unity is much better than vanilla Daggerfall because it fixes a lot of problems.

>> No.8605252


For me it's not even the technological limitations, it's the fact that the programmers were inept and couldn't figure out an even halfway decent dungeon generation system, which should have been pretty straightforward for somebody with any talent for algorithm design, and also they left in a lot of bugs

>> No.8606137

if that's the worst then consider it a blessing

>> No.8608031

Those are all pretty good, I have them installed. My only issue with DREAM is that apparently my laptop can't handle it cause it lags like fuck, in town, tedious travel, and its really bad when I enter in the inventory screen or in the shop screen. I love the new art style of DREAM, it just sucks I can't run it.

>> No.8609804

Skyrim bro

>> No.8610207

So I've played some Daggerfall but never got very far like to the first main quest. Is Unity acceptable? I started to try it but it seems to lack the gritty look that makes daggerfall what it is. When I look down a hallway in a dungeon it should look dark as fuck and kind of grainy. Unity it all looks too crisp. Plus the lack of giant bottom bar UI throws me off.

>> No.8610224

It sucks honestly. Sometimes the dungeons get cool but 90% of the time they're trash. All the quests are MMO-tier before MMOs were even a thing aside from the fact you have to get some info from the towns people. I can get into larping as a character but Daggerfall is way too barebones. I could just throw together a module in NWN or any RPG that supports creating content and just larp in there and have way more ways to go about it.

DFUnity modders are dropping the ball. Just adding shit like minimaps and healthbars. Nothing to flesh out the roleplaying aspect more.

>> No.8610659

>Daggerfall good
>Morrowind good

You guys realise your games have been rendered perfectly superfluous by Skyrim, right? Yuji Naka tier GOAT.

>> No.8610674

Skyrim isn't even in the same genre, that's an action rpg.

>> No.8612453
File: 315 KB, 1602x1200, Daggerfall Unity Classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured out how to make it look classic.

>> No.8612483

So for anyone that wants the classic look, once you're in the game pause and click the arrow in the top left. Click effect settings, the very first option is retro mode where you can select the resolution you want it to generate based on how grainy you want it to look. I recommend setting aspect ratio to 4:3 and running black bars for the aesthetic gains. Then go back to the daggerfall pause menu and untoggle the fullscreen option so you get the big UI bar.

>> No.8612847

>25 years later and still the best in series.
And that will probably never change.
The new generation doesn't know how to make good games and it shows. Even their remakes are terrible.

>> No.8612916

zoomzoom butturt because there's no shinybox to buy with his mommy's CC to give him ebin cosmetics