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File: 134 KB, 740x516, FFVII-00863-Aeris-Death-Cinematic-Cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8592529 No.8592529 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he think he was Zack? To this day I still don't get it.

>> No.8592535

because he was a loser and he wanted to be a badass I.E Zack.

>> No.8592540


The Mako did it.

>> No.8592545


But the real Cloud in the flaahback is 100x more badass than Zack who Sephiroth easily stomps.

>> No.8592563

I swear the entire Zach/Cloud/Tifa revelation is so poorly handled in the PS1 game I can only assume it was a translation error. Go back and play that shit and try to think about what is going on using only the info that's given to you in game. Same for sephiroth and jenova, like who is controlling who? Are they one being now?

Has anyone done a translation that doesn't kill the soul but clears up some translation issues?

>> No.8592565

FF7's translation is notoriously too cookie cutter and omits important information.

>> No.8592578


He was embarrassed Soldier rejected him so he stole Zack's identity and accomplishments. The Mako in the Shinra basement and Sephiroth's telepathic meddling from the North Crater made him actually believe his delusions were true.

>> No.8592636

Why do people have difficulties with the story? Even with the translation it is very easy to understand. Cloud projects onto Zack because he is a failure.

>> No.8592648

Zack was his role model
Zack got into S.O.L.D.I.E.R was charismatic, easy going and was working side by side with Sephiroth (who Cloud admired)
being poisoned with Mako made him into a vegetable, after he recovered his sense he coulnd't remember anything about him, so with the help of the Jenova's cell he just made up his memories for what he wanted to be (Zack) and, again, thanks tocthe Jenova's cell he manipulated the memories of those around him to fit his narrative

>> No.8592653

I had absolutely no idea what was going on when I played FFVII, I just liked the mechanics and music.

>> No.8592657

FF7's script is notoriously too cookie cutter and omits important information.

>> No.8592663


>> No.8592667

Jenova had the power to manipulate the minds of people, in the ancient writtings they said that Jenova crashed from space and took the form of their dead friends and brothers, that's how she works, she can see throught peoples memories/mind and change them to her likeness, even taking the form of what she wants, and Cloud was a succesfull experiment who could withstand the Jenova cells inside him, and that gave him the ability to alter peoples memories
someone would say to him "hey wtf man i haven't seen you since 4 years ago"
and Cloud could reply "we just met yesterday"
then the other person would think "no way man, or did we?.. Oh yeah i guess we did!"
that's exactly what happened to Tifa, she doubted Cloud's words at first but then accepted them because of Jenova, we can see this happens too in the flashback when Tifa finds Cloud laying on the train station
those memories broke when Jenova herself (or sephiroth) decided to "break" the lie by telling them what really happened, since she (or he, if it was Sephiroth) has the original power to alter people's mind
as for if it was Sephiroth or Jenova i couldn't say
i think it was Jenova for the first half of the game, after you free Sephiroth from the Mako then he takes over
i say this because Sephiroth didn't know about Cloud (you wouldn't forget the face of the person who killed you) and every time he appears is when a Jenova part is near, and he dissapears leaving said Jenova part behind as a boss, you can take this as Sephiroth' true form, or maybe he is controlling Jenova from the Mako, who knows
all of this i took from playing the Ps1 game btw
it took me like 4 to 5 play throught to reach these conclusion and reading a lot of side in-game text
it was done confusing in purpose and i kinda like it that way, since every time i play it i learn something new

>> No.8592668

That's the point. Cloud was insanely insecure despite being perfectly capable in his own right. His constant comparisons to others made him so self-conscious he couldn't be comfortable in his own skin until he finally broke out of that at the endgame. His reward was more self confidence and Tifa riding his dick.

>> No.8592683

What's great about FFVII is how it nailed the tryhard attitude of insecure people.Zack is shown to be the chillest motherfucker but when Cloud tries to imitate him he doesn't see that part of him and instead opts for a stereotypical badass attitude that both Aeris and Tifa see through right away because of how transparent it is. This is actually something Remake does very well because the voice acting carries the tone insanely well. If you listen to Cloud explaining SOLDIER to Aerith on their way to Sector 5 he sounds like a tool.

>> No.8592691
File: 404 KB, 600x546, sephiroth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same for sephiroth and jenova, like who is controlling who? Are they one being now?
This plot point is way better when left ambiguous and the more it's explained the less interesting it is. Did Sephiroth dominate a John Carpenter's The Thing world devourer with his incredible will? Why then is his end goal similar to what Jenova wanted in the first place? The fun is in wondering.

>> No.8592704

Sephiroth told him to

>> No.8592737

Part of the problem is that Tifa is super shy and skittish and the game is very subtle about her having a problem with Cloud's account of events because, frankly, he recounts it with such confidence that's it's basically gaslighting. If you watch Tifa's date a the Gold Saucer she tries to talk to Cloud about something and says "Aeris would know how to say this better" or something. You're meant to think she's trying to make a love confession but what she's really doing is mustering the courage to confront Cloud about his bullshit.

Another problem is that the game's graphics are too rudimentary to really convey what's happening with Sephiroth and Jenova. As a kid I always thought that Sephiroth would show up, taunt you, and then a boss fight would start because that's just what's supposed to happen at the end of a dungeon. Either that or Sephiroth was siccing a monster on you as a parting gift. What was actually happening was all those failed clones were being taken over by Sephiroth to serve as a body and once it served it's purpose Sephiroth released it to Jenova which mutated it Resident Evil style into the boss. Visually though it doesn't play out that way in the game. You just see Sephiroth fly away and *boom* boss fight.

The game kind of explains this once you get to the reunion stuff but that's so deep into the game at that point it's hard to recognize it's related to all the stuff you've seen already.

>> No.8592740


>Hey Tifa you know that memory you have of Sephiroth and that black haired Soldier guy arriving in Nibelheim. That was actually me!!!

Why didn't she say anything?

>> No.8592756

>Why then is his end goal similar to what Jenova wanted in the first place?
i think i can kinda answer this
Sephiroth got convinced that Jenova was an ancient, and that their goal was to reach the promised land, he thought that he himself was an ancient too and got pissed at what Shinra was doing (kept Jenova in captivity and using her to experiment) he then started hearing his "mom" talk to him, probably Jenova's own genes inside him, and she used this to manipulate him even further
Sephiroth wanted to fullfill the will of his people, not knowing that the "promised land" is just a way of speak the ancient had to refer to "dying" like we say 'i die and go to heaven" the ancient believed that when they died, they returned to the earth, to the lifestream and then resurrected
Sephiroth wanted to be one with the lifestream, and to do so he wanted something so destructive that would force the planet to reveal it's core, not knowing that it was Jenova who was manipulating him into getting her there so she could devour it and then move on to another planet, like the parasitic lifeform she is

>> No.8592772

Sephiroth's goal makes a lot more sense when you realize that in the early phases of development he was intended to be Aerith's brother. You can even see vestigial remnants of this in their designs since they have very similar hairstyles. Sephiroth actually being an Ancient would make his logic connect better. "The world belonged to the Ancients. I'm an Ancient. Therefore the world is rightfully mine. Smash Meteor, absorb the planet's healing power, become a God as I deserve." Things got a little weird in the final version because now his plan hinges on him just plain being wrong about Jenova's origins and that Jenova isn't an Ancient like Shinra believed but instead John Carpenter's The Thing that they sealed away and nearly went extinct in the process.

>> No.8592778


>we're going to conquer the earth and use all of its energy by...destroying it with a meteor!!!

Makes perfect sense. I think Sephiroth's "motivation" is that he's just old fashioned comic book crazy. That's literally it.

>> No.8592783

Because her nature is shy and timid compared to Aerith's assertiveness. The game deliberately undermines your expectations of character personalities throughout the game. So while Tifa doesn't know how to talk to Cloud about it, Aerith is constantly pushing him to "show me the real you" because while she doesn't know exactly what's going on with him, she sure as hell can tell he's full of shit.

>> No.8592791

It's pretty bonkers that FFVII just straight up duplicated Chrono Trigger's storyline for one of the main villains.

>> No.8592792

>>we're going to conquer the earth and use all of its energy by...destroying it with a meteor!!
but that's wrong? who the fuck said anything about conquer? lmao
Jenova wanted to feed on the lifestream/mako, and leave the earth like a lifeless husk to feed on another planet
Sephiroth was manipulated to think of a better life if he gets to fuse with the lifestream
if you didn't pay attention to the game at least pay attention to the post you quoted

>> No.8592803


Did Sephiroth during his 5 year sleep in the lifestream at the Northern Crater come to realize Jenova wasn't actually his mother nor was she an Ancient?

>> No.8592809

>Why didn't she say anything?
the host of Jenova's cell (Cloud) has the same ability as her to manipulated the mind of everyone around her
even if Tifa knew it was bullshit, Jenova was able to alter her memories into beliving what Cloud was saying
the game tells you this and even shows it to you on a flashback

>> No.8592814


this. literally every headscratchers, absurdity, plothole, and inconsistency can be explained with the phrase "the mako did it". it's like zenkai in dragon ball z. anytime something doesnt make sense "THE ZENKAI DID IT!!!". "YOU JUST DONT UNDERSTAND THE SUPER DEEP WRITING!!!"

>> No.8592818

He may have been too far gone at that point? It's hard to tell but he also seems to harbor a particular grudge against Cloud for throwing him over a railing so maybe that doesn't even matter to him anymore. In Remake at least he engages in some very clever indirect warfare to get Cloud to do what he needs him to do in order to get a second bite at the apple though so he might just be in for a penny in for a pound once he's effectively "killed." What else is he going to do at that point?

>> No.8592826


What possible benefit could it be to Sephiroth and Jenova to trick Cloud into thinking he played Zack's role during the Nibelheim incident? Or was this done solely just to mess with him?

>> No.8592830

we never get to know
Sephiroth after the Mako crater don't get to talk or tease anyone anymore
this about Sephiroth having a grudge against Cloud after the mako crater i noticed it too
before he didn't even know who he was and treated him like a "clone" but after that event he remembered it? i guess this does give more weight to the theory that Sephiroth at the first half of the game is just Jenova using his image

>> No.8592832

>note to self: always employ a macguffin in long convoluted stories

>> No.8592840


likewise in chrono trigger theories. anytime there's something tough to explain "the entity did it".

>> No.8592841

I don't think Sephiroth is responsible for that part of Cloud's loopiness outside of the indirect connection that both of them were heavily exposed to Mako and Mako exposure is...not healthy. It's just that Cloud is one of many bodies that Sephiroth has some control over but proves to be uniquely resistant compared to the "this guy are sick" types. Cloud just happens to be in a weird situation where he's both useful to Sephiroth and also a threat which means Sephiroth goes back and forth trying to take him over and trying to kill him.

>> No.8592853

The reason I have a problem with the Jenova is in complete control angle is that there doesn't seem to be a reason why it would even bother using Sephiroth's image. Sephiroth isn't any more important to Jenova than any other person. I suppose it could be argued that it picked Sephiroth because it knows how important Sephiroth is to everybody else but the game doesn't go into how intelligent Jenova is.

>> No.8592870

that was all in Cloud
Cloud was poisoned by the Mako and became an "empty vessel" for Jenova (just like those hooded guys) Cloud was different because he was able to regain conciense and his own will, the reason of this and why he "became" Zack was problably the shock of seeing his role model, his idol, dying in front of him
so when Tifa finds Cloud laying on the train station and starts to ask him questions, he just says the last things he heard
he heard Zack talking about what they wanted to do, the way he talked, how he wanted to become a mercenary alongside Cloud, etc
probably the only reason why he doesn't call himself Zack but still calls himself Cloud is because when Tifa found him the first thing she did was call him for his real name

>> No.8592894

yeah that's true
i guess Sephiroth is kind of a legend in the world of FFVII
everyone in shinra was scared shitless when Sephiroth first appears in the building
now that i think about it
it's probably because of the hooded figures isn't it?
Jenova needs Sephiroth to call meteor and wound the planet
and to free Sephiroth she needs one of her clones to do so (the hooded figures or Cloud)
i guess it makes sense for her to take the form of the person she wants them to free

>> No.8592939

I forget, how exactly did the Ancients stop Jenova?

>> No.8592958


Some kind of piccolo evil containment wave that killed 99% of them. The few survivors mixed with humans and lost their magical abilities. Ifalna was the last surviving Ancient. Was she living in the forgotten capital when Gast met her?

>> No.8592967

most of them died
but the few survivors managed to imprison her on that "doll jenova" thing on the crater
the Cetras, unlike human, were pretty powerfull and capable of using magic without materia, so i guess they were able to put quite the fight once they figured the true nature of Jenova

>> No.8592995

I don't think it's possible for Jenova to have been in complete control because if that were the case it wouldn't have known to try to stop Aerith from summoning Holy. Hell, it wouldn't have had any reason to know that the black materia was useful either. That all had to come from Sephiroth.

>> No.8593040


>> No.8593067

Any good fan translations out there?

>> No.8593078


get good and learn japanese ya simp

>> No.8593085

based FF7 understander

>> No.8593138

if remember correctly
there's a part in the ancient ruins where Aerith starts to hear the voice's of the planet thanks to the lifestream
at that moment the real Sephiroth appears, saying his consience is now flowing throught the lifestream and he aquired all the knowledge from the Cetras, so that's when he learned about holy and the black materia
i think both Sephiroth and Jenova were working together, i don't think one was in control of the other

>> No.8593141

What a confusing mishmash pretentious schlock fest. I have always had this attitude towards the game>>8592653

>> No.8593159

>pretentious schlock fest
there's nothing pretentious about it, confusing? yes, because the game doesn't outright explain things to you but the presentation isn't pretentious at all, most of the game are silly interactions between characters, it doesn't beat into your head how "smart" it is
but to each their own, music and gameplay alone is enough reason for anyone to enjoy a game even if they don't get sucked in by the story

>> No.8593165

For such a popular game FFVII is weirdly underrated. I think it's partially because it was a lot of people's first RPG so a lot of the misdirection that would have worked on more seasoned genre aficionados didn't register. Like it was actually a very big deal for the badass hero to turn out to be one of the faceless mooks you've been beating up all game. RPG players at the time would have just taken for granted a lot of the cliches that FFVII establishes only to decimate later on.

>> No.8593190

The reason this flies over so many people's heads is that it's easier to process when you're an adult since it touches on matters of emotional maturity that, frankly, most people who played the game hadn't yet reached.

>> No.8593198

Or how every time they are badly damaged and need a way to come back from the brink, "oh look a senzu bean! Great" to save them from sure death every single time.

>> No.8593312

Oh man haha what if he was like "I'm your bf and it's time for my daily paizuri" just as a joke haha

>> No.8593620

esl? It made perfect sense to me the first time i played when I was 14.

>> No.8593675

Best friend
Lived the life cloud dreamt of

As for cloud stomping seph
He didn't
He pushed him into mako
When he was bloodlusted and seph was distracted and already stabbed

And, it's entirely possible cloud could have made it into soldier by fighting ability but due to his personality he was knocked down in his military career

>> No.8593710

Did Tifa always love Cloud?

>> No.8593742

She seemed to be crushing on him as kids. At least they were close enough for her to have a pretty personal conversation with him specifically despite her being popular with all the boys in town.

>> No.8593756
File: 308 KB, 451x831, Sephicup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that was confusing to younger me was Hojo spouting that Cloud is a "clone" of Sephiroth. Later playthroughs I realized he meant in a metaphorical sense of a clone, not a literal one. Also, Tifa couldn't call Cloud out on his bullshit because she's a calculated person and didn't have conclusive evidence UNTIL she was helping Cloud recounting events and regathering himself in the Lifestream.

As for this overdone "LE WHO WAS IN CONTROL" meme, it's plain as day that it's Sephi with his 5g tower anime nonsense and Jenova's nothing but a mimic in form, not intelligence, based Gast's interview with Ifalna. Even as an illiterate tard I could gather that based on the in-game scenes with Jenovaroth and the FMVs. Jenova was just a means to an end for Sephi's goals. TL;DR Dumb thread, learn to read then play/watch the game again.

>> No.8593797

Yeah the clone language was confusing because it depends on recognizing that Hojo didn't consider Sephiroth a person. That's not unusual since Hojo doesn't consider anyone a person. He's a nut even by Shinra's standards. But he meant "clone" as in "replicate the process that created Sephiroth" rather than "clone" as in Dolly the sheep. Honestly its kind of weird that Shinra even put up with him. They're a utility company at the heart of it, interested in expanding their influence and financial control. Why they'd allow this obvious maniac to screw around with an alien in a jar and then be like "I want to make the girl we kidnapped fuck this dog I found" is bizarre.

>> No.8594905

ArchidanMiiverse is terrible comic illustrator

>> No.8596413

PTSD and denial, he's probably the first vidya protagonist to suffer PTSD.

>> No.8596538

Based, especially fucking Tifa under the shadow of the Highwind on the eve of battle.

>> No.8596793

I guess they're willing to let Hojo do whatever the fuck he wants because he did get results with the SOLDIER program. It's not really clear how many actual members there are and we only meet a whole two of them throughout the game but it seems like Sephiroth almost singlehandedly kicked Wutai's ass in what was prior to that a pretty drawn out war. So it makes some sense that the Shinra execs would tell Hojo "more of that, please" and then look the other way.

Cloud couldn't have made it into SOLDIER because, like everyone else, he didn't realize that they were being fucked with by Hojo. He was embarrassed about washing out but at the time he didn't know that it was never a real thing to begin with. His sense of inadequacy was based on a lie. It'd be like being a natural bodybuilder and trying to compete with roided monsters. But then he threw one of those roided monsters over a railing, which piqued Hojo's interest.

>> No.8597672

It’s not explained anywhere that he manipulates memories of other people around him. If I remember even Tifa is aware he is saying bullshit at some moments but she doesn’t tell him to not hurt him and because Cloud is so sure of himself when he is telling his stories.

>> No.8597984

Jenova makes more sense to me as a kind of mass effect reaper indoctrination

The better question is, did seph ever stand a chance if he had a jenova virus influencing him since birth.... Was he hearing voices, did he chalk it up to mental illness.

It seems like during the nibelheim flashback he didn't just lose the plot, it was more of a penny drop moment where everything he had gone through made more sense

Sephiroth (before the bishi retcon faggotry ) is the most tragic of villains. indoctrinated since birth, mentally strong enough to still keep some semblance of self until he realised *he* was the product of the jenova experiments

He rose to the status of master chief, ending a bloody painful war himself and was thought of like big boss. Zack and cloud fangirl around their hero... You can only imagine the day cloud woke up to find his mother and home destroyed by the man he idolized.

>> No.8597995

He doesn't want to conquer it. He explicitly states he wants to damage the planet with meteor to absorb all the mako energy it's going to try and use to repair itself. I doubt Jenova or Sephiroth give a single fuck about the people living on the planet.

>> No.8598361

He was aloof but seemed like a nice enough guy. When he first learned he was a Hojo experiment in the reactor he had a fairly reasonable reaction. That would freak anyone out. It was only when he isolated himself and started reading everything in the mansion that, in his grief, he started going all misanthropic and megalomaniacal based on the belief that Jenova, and therefore he, was an Ancient and entitled to the planet since they were its original stewards and present day humans clearly don't know what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.8598365

Where did Cloud get the SOLDIER outfit from if he never was a part of it?

>> No.8598384

The only explanation is that he robbed Zack's dead body. Which is incredibly fucked up.

>> No.8598410

Zack gives him a spare one when they escape from the lab.

>> No.8598448

I didnt even know that was a scene in the game. Damn.

>> No.8599169

>You're meant to think she's trying to make a love confession but what she's really doing is mustering the courage to confront Cloud about his bullshit.
I mean it's also a love confession, let's be fair. She's been head over heels for him for years

>> No.8599184

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the ending screen implying that the promised land ironically is Midgar? Just a Midgar retaken by nature.

>> No.8599203

>Sephiroth (before the bishi retcon faggotry ) is the most tragic of villains. indoctrinated since birth, mentally strong enough to still keep some semblance of self until he realised *he* was the product of the jenova experiments
I'd still give it to Kuja considering the entire point of his existence is to die and be replaced and his characterization is actually the story of a man who desperately wants to live and finds purpose in that

>> No.8599226

I agree, most games by Square in the late 90s were like this despite some of them actually being good. I always thought FF7 was absurdly overrated and it was as though nobody even wanted to try to understand what the fucking plot was because they were too busy sucking its dick.

>> No.8599247

went into shock from seeing Zack murdered before his eyes and assumed his identity.

>> No.8599252

I think the Sephiroth/Jenova business is intentionally ambiguous. Does Sephiroth even know?

>> No.8599281

I remember the latter part of this scene, but not the escape part.

>> No.8599304

Have you ever wondered if the reason you didn't notice anything was wrong wasn't because it had no problems, but because you just don't have a discerning eye?

>> No.8599380

you can see it that way and it would make sense too.
the Cetras believed that, after their journey healing the planet ends, they'll find the promised land, a land of happiness
you can take this as the promised land being a healed planet full of life
Shinra thought the promised land was a place full of mako
and Sephiroth thought it was being one with the lifestream (which is what Jenova told him, she wanted to eat the lifestream)
in the end it might only be a Cetra's myth or just a healed land
and for the ending, i always took it as proof of what Bugenhagen said to Cloud was true
that technology and nature can coexist, that they can find a way to use tecnology without Mako (like he does in Cosmo Canyon)
and seeing Midgar taken over by nature is proof of that.
Well it's left that way on purpose, it's open for interpretation

>> No.8599382

>that technology and nature can coexist, that they can find a way to use tecnology without Mako
Which is funny because AC's answer to that is oil and natural gas

>> No.8599540

It's meant to be ambiguous but if you watch it after knowing the real story it reads totally differently. It comes off as less "I want to say I love you" and more "I love you and therefore we have to have this difficult conversation." Invoking Aeris was a clever bit of misdirection because it makes you think she's referencing the supposed love triangle (which you eventually find out wasn't even a thing) but what she's really doing is pointing out that Aeris is a lot more assertive.


>> No.8599565

Which is funny because Mako is really just an allegory for oil and natural gas. It's fundamentally an episode of Captain Planet with a little bit of Godzilla mixed in. Being like "well we can use this other non-renewable resource that doesn't happen to be everybody's soul or whatever" undermines the entire story.

>> No.8599571

By the way, am I the only one who grew up pronouncing Mako like the shark and struggle to this day to say it as mah-ko?

>> No.8599613

It's actually pretty amazing how great FFVII is while also being hilariously unoriginal. Not that the previous FFs have been known for their creativity but FFVII just steals everything wholesale. It's the setting of Blade Runner, the corporation from Robocop, the monsters from The Thing and Godzilla, the power from The Shining...

>> No.8599695
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>but because you just don't have a discerning eye?
Explain, because when I was finally able to read, it's quite clear the narrative Square was feeding players. Thinking there's any deeper interpretation to it (besides the ending) is just ignoring critical story context in the dialogue.

>> No.8599803

I used to say "Make - Oh" because to me it read like the word "Make" minus the E.

It's strange, since I always pronounced Yuffie's name correctly as "You - Fee" and found it weird when people said is as "Yuh - Fee", emphasizing the U as "UH" like "Huh, But, Under" and not how the letter is actually pronounced. But let's be real: Written English IS confusing and retarded. Silent letters and all.

>> No.8600374

Isn't that what Barrett did for a living before losing his arm and before Marlene's father died? Wasn't he a coal miner or something?

>> No.8600386

I always knew it was Mah-ko but that's because I knew that Japanese vowel sounds are only capable of being pronounced one way

>> No.8600392

>It's strange, since I always pronounced Yuffie's name correctly as "You - Fee" and found it weird when people said is as "Yuh - Fee"
That's one of those things where I guess by coincidence everyone said her name correctly.

>> No.8600398

He lived in a coal town, I don't know if he himself was a miner

>> No.8600443

One weird thing about FFVII is that Weapon is quickly dispatched by Shinra when the revelation of it's existence is treated like a big fucking deal. This problem is softened a bit when Emerald and Ruby were added to the game but the main one, the one retroactively named Sapphire Weapon, you barely see do anything.

>> No.8600448

It took a giant fucking cannon to the face at point blank, I'm not surprised it died instantly.

>> No.8600513

The weapons seem to have fairly rudimentary intelligence, and wouldn't even know what a cannon is, thus don't know it's stupid to walk into one.

>> No.8600542

>corporation from Robocop
But the head of the corporation in Robocop was actually a decent man who was saved from the bad guy by Robocop. Also Shinra didn't fund Avalanche. Did you watch Robocop or play FF7?

>> No.8600556
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No I get why the cannon killed it I just think it was weird that it happened so quickly without Weapon even accomplishing anything or factoring into the story more. It looks super imposing when you first see it sealed away and the revelation of it's existence is a big fucking deal. Then all it does is attack Junon and get shot in the face.

Come to think of it the Weapons have a weird narrative presence in general. Let's ignore Ruby and Emerald for a minute because they were all added in later. But the game still treats Sapphire Weapon as if it's the only one and just calls it "Weapon." Then it escapes and Diamond and Ultimate just kinda show up too. I get the gimmick there. A sea monster, a land monster, and a sky monster. But you'd think they would have A) written the three into the story more concretely rather than make Diamond and Ultimate seem like afterthoughts, and B) let them do more than just get shot by Shinra. In the original Japanese version you only get to fight Ultimate while the other two don't do shit. The only point they serve is that by shooting Diamond Weapon Shinra conveniently opens up the barrier over the North Crater.

>> No.8600638

>The only point they serve is that by shooting Diamond Weapon Shinra conveniently opens up the barrier over the North Crater.
They were aiming for the crater's barrier to begin with, Diamond Weapon decided to get in the way.

>> No.8600656

It's bad writing. The writers misunderstood how mental illness works and didn't care either way.

>> No.8600659

Yeah, when you think about it, some bad plots can be so much better in your imagination. The banal truth is that Sephiroth did the "I wanna be this world's god lmaooo" schtick because the writer was onto something at some point but lost it completely.

>> No.8600686

He believed he was a real SOLDIER and anyone who told him that he'll never be a real SOLDIER was wrong and is just a bigot.

>> No.8600703

Mako is a allegory for nuclear energy

>> No.8600708

The only thing I'm still confused about to this day is the identity of the voice in Cloud's head when he has some of his episodes. Like the "Watch out! This isn't a normal reactor!" Is that Zack's voice? Cloud's real self? Also...what's not normal about the reactor in the first place?

>> No.8600736

Pretty sure that's Reeve.

>> No.8600747

For a while I had an interpretation that Cloud was a literal clone of Zack with manufactured memories that were meant to help him retain his sanity by having a personal identity. The whole “failed clone” aspect is evident by his appearance, which is similar to Zack’s except for the wild, off-color hair.

Obviously this is not canon, but I sometimes like to imagine how the story could have unfolded if that were true.

>> No.8600835
File: 236 KB, 500x360, 1542659479157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid I thought it was a figment of Zack in his mind.
Years later I figure it's Cloud's real self in his subconscious to some degree melded with a bit of Zack's persona. There's that line "We got by with just scrapped knees back then" after falling through the church, makes me think that was a callback to Cloud's childhood further proving it's Cloud taking to himself. The reactor line is wonky, but maybe the translation was suppose to be something like "Head's up! This one's different!" since the majority of reactors had no security other than Midgar's and the underwater one.

>> No.8601010


...what the fuck, he wanted to make the planet "bleed" using the meteor

never talked about destroying it

it makes sense you just didnt understand anything

>> No.8602480

How would it be Reeve?

>> No.8602498

It’s his real, dorky self talking to him.

>> No.8602568

This is confirmed in Remake because we actually see Cloud floating in a white void while another Cloud speaks to him and drops the "We got by with just scraped knees back then" line.

>> No.8603034

there is a translation project called "beacause" which is supposed to be pretty accurate.
oddly, i have it on a patched psx rom but can't find that version with a quick google search, instead there is a patch which includes it for the steam version here https://ff7.live/index.html

>> No.8603168

Was the translation actually bad or was it just a handful of typos like 'this guy are sick'? I don't remember much in terms of mistranslated plot points.

>> No.8603374


We’re talking about FF7, not low effort fanfiction wankery

>> No.8603378

Yes it was bad, they get a lot of the tone wrong

>> No.8603450

Remake actually nails a ton of stuff. The characters' personalities are a flawless recreation of what they were like in the original. I walked in expecting Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts crap but they really did a great job.

>> No.8603451 [DELETED] 

That so? Anything major you remember?

>> No.8603456

That so? Any good examples you can think of? I usually don't bother with retranslations because these fan translators tend to wank over how many Japan-isms they force into the text but I might give it a try if there's a big enough difference.

>> No.8603474

You guys know crisis core really explains almost everything right?

>> No.8603482

Nobody wants to play Crisis Core.

>> No.8603591

Remake did characterization well and expanded story beats decently, but the overarching plot with time ghosts shit all over those improvements. It's almost worse that those good qualities are stuck with that plot now. It's a tease of what could have been the remake everyone always wanted. If it was the original plot with each area expanded with new side content, properly fleshed out cutscenes and the same kind of characterizing, it would have actually been a great remake. Having alternate universe/dimensions and/or time travel in a plot is a big fat copout because no matter what happens to the characters, they can just undo it by going back in time or by pulling a duplicate character out of some alternate universe/timeline. All the stakes and tension are gone. Plot holes can litter it and a single bullshit portal can change all of it. No one remains dead. Any failures can be undone and they can deviate completely from the origin now to the point that it is no longer a remake. It's just some alternate fan fiction basically.

>> No.8603647

>Any failures can be undone and they can deviate completely from the origin now to the point that it is no longer a remake.
It was never a remake. Well, actually it was in a meta sense. But it being Mortal Kombat 9 on the sneak was clearly the intent. It seeming like a straight remake instead of a sequel was deliberate misdirection.

>> No.8603724

I couldn't agree more. I'm the one who brought up the remake in the first place and I agree that the ghosts were stupid. I only brought it up because we get actual confirmation about who and what the voice in Cloud's head is.
But the characterizations and whatnot really added to the original, it's just unfortunate that they weren't included in a 1:1 remake which would probably be FFVII but with updated graphics, cutscenes and voice acting while retaining everything else that we love about the original.

>> No.8604438

Interviews with the staff of the game have confirmed that Sephiroth's will won out over Jenova's where applicable. The biggest in game hint is, as people suggest, Jenova taking the form of Sephiroth. Ultimately though Word of God came into play so the matter is settled.

>> No.8604491

Congrats on being the most retarded post I've seen here today.
You should watch Blade Runner, it's a pretty nice movie

>> No.8604502

It’s worth checking out if you want to know more about Zack.

>> No.8604614

crisis core lore is fucking trash and anything other than the original game is not canon

>> No.8604678

I'm actually glad they didn't make it a 1:1 remake because the expanded content really screws with the story's pacing and the larger areas with more hustle and bustle alters the tone. The slums actually look kind of charming and sunny now instead of depressing. It turning out that those differences are actually plot relevant rather than consequences of the game's genre shift is actually pretty brilliant.

>> No.8604684

If you're suggesting Blade Runner didn't influence Midgar you have to be the retarded one.

>> No.8604719

I honestly don't care about Zack and whether or not Cloud basically stole his persona from him, Cloud's character development was amazing considering how complex he is and that it was the Mako/Jenova/Sephiroth messing with him. Somehow Cloud turning out to be a regular dude that wasn't in SOLDIER becoming that powerful was infinitely more interesing than Zack.

>> No.8604814
File: 766 KB, 804x1351, yoofie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Yuffie serve any purpose in the greater narrative or was she just there for fapbait?

>> No.8604986

what the fuck

>> No.8604996

not that anon but most of us were younger than her when we played it. i was 8 and she was my girl.

>> No.8605004

She's got a LOT of hentai. Not as much as Tifa or Aeris, but it's there

>> No.8605518

She's from Wutai, the place Shinra fought a war against before the start of the game. So she serves to link your party to that region.

>> No.8605915

>Mako like the shark
>like the shark
Boy, am I about to fuck your day up.

click the little speaker icon

>> No.8605932


>> No.8605989

What the fuck...

>> No.8606000

no i get it
Yuffie is cemented as my all time waifu doesn't matter how old i get
but i wouldn't call her design fapbait
like, Tifa IS fapbait but Yuffie? i'd say her design is the complete opposite (and no, fanart doesn't count, i'm talking about her in-game model and art)

>> No.8606029

> If it was the original plot with each area expanded with new side content, properly fleshed out cutscenes and the same kind of characterizing, it would have actually been a great remake.
It was never going to be an actual remake, you can find interviews of them saying years and years ago that there'd be no point in just doing again the same game they already did. No one would've misunderstood the title if they went full Anno and called it Final Fantasy 7.77: You Can (Not) ReMake
>All the stakes and tension are gone. Plot holes can litter it and a single bullshit portal can change all of it.
Did you not beat the game? Because the entire point of the ending is they don't have the ghosts as a get out of jail card anymore, they destroyed them.

>> No.8606032

She was originally just going to be straight up cut content from what I can tell but they just put her in halfassedly.

>> No.8606037

I don't know, when Cloud's head is finally fixed he comes across as a somewhat generic character. And I get that that's the real Cloud, but that doesn't make him interesting.

>> No.8606449

There seem to be two kinds of people when it comes to Remake. The ones who REALLY wanted a modern remake and were disappointed they got fucked with, and the people who had no strong opinion on the idea of remaking FFVII and were THRILLED to get fucked with.

>> No.8606472

>Yuffie is cemented as my all time waifu
>but i wouldn't call her design fapbait
Why would you so blatantly contradict yourself like that

>> No.8607818
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Interesting thread lads. I had read about mistranslations in FF9 but it was evidently a bigger problem in 7. I was always confused over what "clone" was meant to be for example.
Also I always thought the "who's in control" between Sephiroth/Jenova was meant to be ambiguous, if not slightly in favour of Jenova. So for the ambiguity - the meteor could help Sephiroth achieve his goal of amassing enough energy to become a god, or it could easily help Jenova achieve its goal of destroying the planet. Either way, the meteor is bad.
But the way I thought Jenova might be ahead here is like a sort of bargain it has tricked Sephiroth into making - like it promised him that this method will turn him into a god, but really it'll just detonate the planet.
But if the creators said Sephiroth was meant to be in control all this time, that's that.

>> No.8607851

They’re “clones” in the sense that they were injected with Jenova’s cells and fused with Mako like Sephiroth.

>> No.8608406
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Dang I don't remember the background to be this lazy

>> No.8608489

I knew day 1 they were going to do it, by the time the game came out I had 19 years of Kingdom Hearts to prepare me for it. I just wanted to see how they were going to swerve us and how hard.
I was mostly disappointed at how much it stuck to the original until the finale act said "fuck it" and went off the deep end into shit that makes 0 sense without playing Crisis Core
Now with that final scene at the end of Intermission I have no goddamn idea where this story is going.

>> No.8608558

>Now with that final scene at the end of Intermission I have no goddamn idea where this story is going.
I'm pretty sure that was the purpose of the ending. The time ghosts were essentially forcing the game to remain faithful as a remake, and I think their purpose was entirely to be killed off as a message from the writer that "this ain't a remake anymore boyo, this shit is going off the rails'

>> No.8608780

I never played Crisis Core and understood it 100% with just the original game. I didn't play Integrade yet though so that may be relevant.

I was actually really surprised how they wove in the twist. I didn't think Square Enix had the level of self-awareness necessary to pull it off. For example, when Sephiroth showed up right after the bombing mission I rolled my eyes because my assumption was that they were doing the typical thing of shoehorning him into the story just for popularity's sake. And I get the sense that that's exactly what the writers knew I would think. Same with the ghosts harassing Aerith. I was like "oh they're changing stuff just for the sake of changing it." Like they were aware that previous FFVII material made moves like that and so they made you think it was more of the same but sneakily made a point to have it eventually make sense. Namely that in that case in particular Sephiroth was trying to delay Cloud so he wouldn't meet Aerith and the ghosts were forcing her to stay put. Same for the trickery in Shinra HQ with the video on the Ancients. Sephiroth hijacks it to show Cloud and co. a vision of the future but with tricky editing to make it look like a disaster and leaves out the part where he gets his ass kicked and the lifestream stops Meteor because he wants them to take the story off the rails so he can get a second chance. His fight with Cloud at the end isn't him trying to beat him, he's trying to goad him into doing what Aerith has been reluctant to do by feeding him half-truths. Every aspect of the story that seems like just a remake-ism, a casual deviation from the original for embellishment, is revealed to be related to the overarching plot twist. Even Aerith being startled in the opening as opposed to meditative is plot relevant since it's later implied that she's been subjected to a Days of Future Past type event and she's shaken by that. But it was meant to look like change for change's sake.

>> No.8608793

I'm incredibly concerned for Barret's well being. He had waaaay too many heartwarming scenes with Marlene for it not to be a "one day away from retirement" setup. Not to mention the one fakeout that mirrors a similar situation in the original game with Cait Sith.

>> No.8608802

No I meant is that ending implying that in the timeline where thanks to the ghosts being dead and Zack living, Aerith died instead?

>> No.8608818

>I didn't play Integrade yet though so that may be relevant.
Well maybe one day in a few years (NieR Automata took 4 years for the pc ver to be fixed), it will play well on PC. But either way Intergrade is mostly a sidestory with Yuffie and how she ends up fighting Nero from Dirge before witnessing Sector 7's destruction, then we have a scene of the team walking to Kalm and stopping right outside of it.
Then this scene gets dropped out of nowhere which is what made people go crazy with speculation

>> No.8608820

>No I get why the cannon killed it I just think it was weird that it happened so quickly without Weapon even accomplishing anything
I got the impression that was to illustrate that the planet, despite this fail safes, still can't defend itself. And that it's up to you to do something.

>> No.8608827

Nobody cares about your bipolar disorder.

>> No.8608831
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I was about to say "Sapphire got no screen time because he doesn't look like a Gundam machine like the others" but then I remember it's based on a machine from Victory Gundam

>> No.8608837

Did you mean to reply to someone else? They outright state that the reason the cannon got moved to Midgar and is being turned into a mako laser instead of a regular projectile cannon is for the explicit purpose of punching through Sephiroth's barrier. The reason Diamond Weapon showed up is to try and stop the cannon from firing and what the team was there to do was stall it until it was ready to fire.

>> No.8608845

Everyone loves Barret in the remake, even the people who don't like the remake. He is portrayed flawlessly, it's exactly the character everyone remembers down to the smallest detail and even his reactions to the new shit feel exactly like how the original Barret would react.

>> No.8608848

Oh, I did, lol. Misclicked I guess, I dunno.

>> No.8608875

My only gripe is that I don't like the sunglasses. I know they gave all the characters little costume embellishments, probably to make them look less like cosplayers which would happen if you put the OG costumes on proportionally correct humans 1:1, but the sunglasses are very intrusive since you tend to want to see someone's eyes when they're emoting.

>> No.8608917

It's because 90% of the people that played the original never saw the cutscene where Cloud and Zack were being chased by Shinra soldiers and Zack got killed. It puts the whole interaction with Aeris into a new perspective as well.


>> No.8609015

I like that they gave an actual logical reason for him to wear sunglasses, to reduce the blinding effect of a gatling gun's muzzle flashes going off 3 feet from his face

>> No.8609031

Not him and I mean yes kinda, but shooting glasses tend to be tinted yellow, not pure black. They went with sunglasses because that makes him look like Wesley Snipes in Blade.

>> No.8609062

Kind of like the Genome Army from MGS1 I suppose, they had gene therapy using Big Boss's genes. But I can't recall if anyone in-game calls them a clone - other than the literal clone Liquid calling them his "siblings".
Anyway when I was young, I though Hojo meant the Dolly the sheep type of clone.

>> No.8609151

Dirge of Cerberus established that when a planet is dying it journeys across the stars for a new planet.
I think Jenova could be the soul of another planet trying to join with the new one like Terra from ff9. Hence why it can dip into the lifestream and steal forms. FF Spirits Within played with similar ideas.

>> No.8609161

Dirge didn't establish that, Advent Children did when Sephiroth revealed his plan to Cloud to use the planet as a spaceship to find a new one.

>> No.8609173

huh? I can't remember any fucking. I would remember Tifa's epic naked tits if that occured.

>> No.8609178

ff7's translation is fine
it's a meme that the story is hard to understand because of the translation
people are either retarded or played it when they were 6 and basic plot elements went over their head

>> No.8609180

It's all implied but in a way that you couldn't possible misinterpret if you aren't 10 years old.

>> No.8609283

I haven't played the remake but it's funny that this would be a problem, and not the noise that would make him go deaf even if he wore ear protection.

>> No.8609403

I think a lot of people thought that because Dolly the Sheep was big news right around the time FFVII came out. Unfortunate terminology combined with not especially obvious visuals (they don't actually show Hojo's process) contributed to the confusion.

>> No.8609427

>or played it when they were 6 and basic plot elements went over their head
I think this is what happened. Even at 12 or 13, which was when a LOT of people played it, it's very easy to miss stuff because plot points that were first introduced at hour 4 were sometimes not resolved until hour 28, so it's easy for the player who could have had multiple days or weeks between those events to forget what was already established and not make the connection. This would naturally make the game seem incredibly cerebral as it dropped seemingly crazy new plot points on your head. The whole reunion thing is what tends to mess people up because there is A LOT of minor foreshadowing you'd need to remember for it to make sense. FFVIII actually suffers similar problems. Unfortunately Squaresoft wasn't in the business of doing callbacks akin to "previously on..." segments you'd see in TV shows. But since people were typically not marathoning 60 hour RPGs when they're in 6th grade, it became a real issue in terms of actually digesting the story. That's why people even to this day think Sephiroth just wanted to destroy the planet since they only remember him trying to slam a giant rock into it but forget the reasons behind it.

>> No.8609434

As an aside, I suspect Chrono Cross was a failed attempt at solving this problem by dropping the entire story on your head over the course of 20 minutes during the game's third act. It shows the kinds of problems the scenario writers kept running into during the PS1 days.

>> No.8609454

>Same for Sephiroth and Jenova, like who is controlling who?
Sephiroth is dead. You don't fight Sephiroth once in the game. Every time you have a Sephiroth encounter its actually Jenova taking on Sephiroths form because he was the strongest host she ever had. That's why you dont see Sephiroth once before Jenova escapes in the Shinra tower. Also why when Sephiroth shows up on the boat, temple of the ancients, and whirlwind maze you actually fight Jenova. ie, "end of this body's usefulness" someone debate me about the final boss though. was Sephiroth revived or united with Jenova?

>> No.8609510 [DELETED] 

Well the reason he looks the way he does during the One Winged Angel fight is because he looks to have lost half his body after his fall. The Jenova cells in his body are the reason he was able to pull a Captain America and survive.

>> No.8609515

There's also the fact that replicating the process you used in making someone is not the same thing as cloning.

>> No.8609517
File: 147 KB, 1900x1324, ffvii-sephiroth-tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the reason he looks the way he does during the One Winged Angel fight is because he looks to have lost half his body after his fall. The Jenova cells in his body are the reason he was able to pull a Captain America and survive.

>> No.8609526

>Also why when Sephiroth shows up on the boat, temple of the ancients, and whirlwind maze you actually fight Jenova. ie, "end of this body's usefulness"
So you're not seeing Jenova in those instances, you're seeing Sephiroth projecting himself through the Sephiroth clones by using the Jenova cells inside them. The thing you fight after is effectively the clone turning into a resident evil monster from the cells.

>> No.8609532

Oh, I didn't notice someone else said it here >>8592737

>> No.8609535

you could play 30 minutes a day and still get the plot of ff7
i really think it's an iq issue

>> No.8609537
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By the way, they were originally planned to be siblings. So this imagery was going to be important.

>> No.8609546

Are you saying that you only see jenova in shinra tower and also as SYNTHESIS and thats it? the rest are clones that mutate? makes sense i suppose

>> No.8609548

I really wish the original game was clearer about this. It's very easy to misinterpret the scenes as Sephiroth just siccing boss monsters on you as a parting gift after running away. I actually thought that was what was happening for years. It would make the Reunion thing make so much more sense to people who are otherwise confused by it.

>> No.8609553

If you've ever watched The Thing (do it, it's amazing) the monster doesn't actually have to appear much. It's more about that the monster can be anybody and can replicate.

>> No.8609554

One thing I actually liked about the compilation stuff is that Cloud's personality until halfway into Disk 2 isn't actually based on Zack, it's based on Cloud's perception of the cool guy he thought Zack was. When it reality, Zack was a giant dork with girl problems that got where he did as a combination of simply being strong, and the fact that everyone above him in rank either kept getting killed or deserting so he earned his promotions Klingon-style (or to be more accurate, Terran Empire-style if we're talking ST). Cloud never saw that, Cloud saw the guy who was friendly but always professional and seemingly the best there was at the job besides Sephiroth himself.

>> No.8609559

The game isn't being very clear about it that's true, but once you know that's what's happening the scenes make far more sense. Then AC directly used the concept with Kadaj becoming an avatar of Sephiroth, and one of the clones in Remake does it exactly as I said where he becomes the Jenova you fight in the Shinra building.

>> No.8609567

Marco, he's also the clone that Sephiroth keeps using to come talk to Cloud.

>> No.8609569

It's actually really accurate at portraying crippling insecurity. Cloud's idea of coolness is based on his internalized biases. It's kind of like how people in high school will automatically assume the jocks are jerkasses even though they may not be but since they will see every action through the lens of jerkassery no matter what they see will only affirm their biases.

>> No.8609595
File: 104 KB, 807x807, EEn6Fh0WwAEkZCb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean when you think about it, SYNTHESIS actually looks like some kind of alien lifeform, all the "Jenovas" you fight up until that point look more like a human covered in massive cancerous tumors growing out of control.

>> No.8609712

You know the really wierd part? The fact that the time ghosts don't at all interfere with Yuffie and Sonon fighting Nero implies that happened in the original timeline.

>> No.8609737

I know it’s Kotaku, but bear with it. He goes over how the translator misinterpreted a lot of the tone. Not the translators fault though, they were working with a raw data readout of the Japanese script.


>> No.8609768

Had the exact same experience my first time playing FF7, literally no fucking clue what was going on for half the game.

>> No.8609910

It’s ok if you guys didn’t understand the plot to FFVII, because neither did SquareEnix judging by everything related to the game they’ve released since

>> No.8610072

And now the worthless "remake" time travel spinoff ensures the younger generation won't get to experience that awesome narrative in favor of some nonsense about muh destiny

>> No.8610092

This just means that most people like this game for all the wrong reasons, because it's shit gameplay-wise, even compared to other FF games.

>> No.8610214

Who would play Remake without having played the original?

>> No.8610227

People say this but they forget how basic FFIV was and how clunky FFVI was. Really only FFV is better.

>> No.8610764

well it would have looked a lot different on a CRT screen, screen resolution was thought of very differently pre 2000. Same reason why mario's polygon's are all fucked up in SM64 when he's far away from the camera if you play on an lcd screen; it's because those fine details aren't discernible on those good ol' fuzzy critical race theory teevees.

>> No.8610770

She’s got a nice ass.

>> No.8610919
File: 11 KB, 211x246, C17B1AB2-0E52-45D8-B32F-B5B7DC5CE32F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve never seen this shit before and I’ve beat the game three times. Why would they put the main characters plot development in such an Easter egg?

>> No.8610981

It's not like the original was taken off of stores. Or do you genuinely believe younger people won't touch anything that looks old?

>> No.8610986

>Same reason why mario's polygon's are all fucked up in SM64 when he's far away from the camera if you play on an lcd screen; it's because those fine details aren't discernible on those good ol' fuzzy critical race theory teevees.
No, that's because the game uses a different, lower quality model when Mario is far away from the camera so that it's easier to process everything else you can see

>> No.8611040

No, see, we're both correct. You're describing the reason the developers made it that way, to better allocate processing power. I was describing why that works and isn't a noticeable effect unless you're playing on a non native resolution, ie one that is higher than what you'd have on a CRT. But this has nothing to do with Final Fantasy, I was just using it as an example of retro games' graphics not translating well to modern high screen resolutions.

>> No.8611072

Can I just say that Aerith is a logical spelling/pronunciation?

>> No.8611343
File: 1.48 MB, 1343x929, 1644352548877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean how they literally just loop one image

>> No.8611379

AAH ok now I see what you meant.

Well as they say Ctrl C + Ctrl V is the fondest friend of anyone who works with software. . .

You've got a good eye I have to say, that went over my head.Guess thay were hoping most people playing this game would have my level of astuteness and not yours

>> No.8611439

Now that is some Hanna-Barbera shit

>> No.8611497

The driver was just going around in circles and Zack didn't realise. That's why he never makes it to Midgar.

>> No.8611515

fuck yuuki yuuna

>> No.8611552
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>but I have armor
>let's find out


>> No.8612801

I just always named her after my high school girlfriend

>> No.8612806

I never understood why people get so hung up on the pronunciation, have they never heard of the name Keith?

>> No.8612845


>> No.8614367
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>> No.8615043

Because they were trying to recycle the identity crisis plot point from Xenogears after that was rejected as FFVII's script

>> No.8615060

Because the whole point of a remake is to be a reintroduction of a classic story to a new generation, with modern visual fidelity. Older players need to realize they aren't the target audience.

>> No.8615095

yea yea and all this is bad writing somehow according to 4chan and >>8592563 this dickhead?

>> No.8616120

In this case they clearly were though.

>> No.8616130

I think people just don't like that Jenova is just kinda there. It's both integral to the story while also being kinda random. They totally understand Lavos in Chrono Trigger because there it's the last boss and the driving theme. Jenova meanwhile is more like the thing that facilitates everything else that happens in FFVII. So it's both a critical plot device to a story that has nothing to do with aliens or outer space and is also a random alien that crash landed ages ago from outer space.

>> No.8616163

>likewise in chrono trigger theories. anytime there's something tough to explain "the entity did it".

What entity? The only time I remember that being brought up, is when one of the elders who got dropped out of Zeal, I forgot which one, mention that they think the planet or some entity specifically placed Chrono on their path to save the planet - and it wasn't just Luccas tech fucking up.

>> No.8616187

The characters have this weird conversation during the campfire scene when Lucca has an opportunity to save her mom. They suddenly go into an existential dialog about some mysterious entity that might be guiding them and is responsible for what's been happening. Within the context of Chrono Trigger's overall story it's barely relevant but it does stand out as a strange plot point that doesn't ever come up again or have any resolution. One working theory is that the gates appeared because the "entity" was giving the heroes an opportunity to change the course of history in the only way that it could and that the reason Lucca's gate is red instead of blue is that this gate was Lavos's doing because if Lucca's mother never got injured by Taban's machine then Lucca may not have decided to become an inventor and therefore wouldn't have invented the telepod or gate key to begin with. But it's not clear if Lavos has the complex intelligence required to engage in that kind of indirect warfare.

>> No.8616471

>Who would play Remake without having played the original?

Most modern gamers aren't gonna touch a 25 year old video game with simple graphics. It's baffling that Square was working with the assumption that "everyone" played FF7, so they should make a meta spin-off instead about time travel since just redoing the game would be "boring". Instead, you got a lot of new players who were genuinely very confused as hell by the ending.

At least 50% of FF7R's players never touched the original. There's a yearly attrition of gamers who just stop with the hobby and move on with their lives and new gamers coming in all the time. Those who were gamers in 1997 are a minority in today's world.

>> No.8616489

>Most modern gamers aren't gonna touch a 25 year old video game with simple graphics.
Right but if they aren't fans of FFVII they're likely not going to care about its remake either. Obviously some percentage of people will hop onto a series with the remake but that's probably a minority. Remakes are fanwankery by their very nature.

>> No.8616528

There is no "th" sound in Japanese, so no.

>> No.8616668
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what the fuck are you talking about? sequels to popular titles tend to perform better than the first game because word has gotten out about them but people want to jump in on the new part. ff7 is an enormous name but not everyone that's interested in it from the public conscious has actually played it.

>> No.8616707

Because it's a shit story written by a brain-damaged edgy 12 year old made as the glue between poorly done combat sequences and trash minigames.
Style over substance shit, just like other JRPGs.

>> No.8616764

a common sign of autism is thinking that nonsense words sound logical or natural.

>> No.8616831

Within the context of a fantasy game, it’s not.

>> No.8616937


FINALLY. Someone who actually understands the plot and character motivations.

>> No.8616957

It's funny how age changes your perspective. Being in my 30s and watching the new Spider-Man movies it's amazing how much I see Peter as an actual child. Like it resonates with me in a totally different way that Spider-Man used to when I was growing up. I don't even dislike that but it does mean the lens I view things through has changed. I bring this up because when I played all these video games for the first time the characters were always older than me. Now I play FFVII and I'm older than fucking Barret. So A) this feels bad. And B) it makes Cloud's struggle with insecurity A LOT more sympathetic.

>> No.8617608

>His reward was more self confidence and Tifa riding his dick.
its funny when you put it that way but it's true, and makes FF7 a much happier story.

>> No.8617761
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>> No.8617939
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>> No.8617960


>> No.8618053

I don't understand why they went with Aerith to make it sound like you have a lisp when anyone says it

>> No.8618086

yeah a standard remake
ff7r is very clearly a sequel from chapter 2 onward
blame square's shitty marketing

>> No.8618096

Don’t deny it, you’d fug female Sephirosu.

>> No.8618176
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>Was the translation actually bad

>> No.8618314

Only exceptional people like Sephiroth or Zack can handle exposure to Mako. Being in Hojo's test tube completely shattered his mind

>> No.8618319

>Same for sephiroth and jenova, like who is controlling who?
Jesus fucking Christ. Sephiroth is controlling Jenova. It's why the reunion is centered around him instead of the clones flocking to Shinra Tower around Jenova like Hojo theorized

>> No.8618336

Square was really into alien parasites around the mid 90's

>> No.8619082

I like turtles

>> No.8619114

He didn't think he was Zack, he thought he was in Soldier like Zack. His mind got twisted through Mako poisoning. This shit isn't rocket science. Perfect example why modern JRPGs are dumbed down.

>> No.8619132
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I never realized why Cloud remained my favorite character for so long until I got closer to my thirties. And then I realized that I empathize with a lot of the things his character represents. Him pretending to be more mature than he actually was when he was a teenager. And wanting desperately to be like the larger than life heroes of his day. And just as overall desperation to be someone other than himself because he sees himself as a failure even though literally no one else does. Seriously he did all of this for Tifa when in reality Tifa just wanted someone to be there for her when she needed it. He had her the day he was the only one to chase her into the mountains but because of his own insecurities he just didn't know it. He killed Sephiroth. Something no one was able to do. Aerith wants to see the person under the mask.
Barrett truly believes he's the ultra badass he says he is. But the only one who doesn't believe in Cloud is Cloud. The whole game is Cloud learning that he doesn't need to pretend. He's always been enough. I really do love this character even if it's a meme to say that.

I never quite got that last part for myself. I hope I get there someday

>> No.8619160
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>her design is the complete opposite

>> No.8619214

I'm amazed that her remake outfit is an exact 1:1, unbuttoned short shorts and all

>> No.8619668

>This spunky teen with her midriff exposed and the unbuttoned shorts isn't fap bait
OK dude

>> No.8619684

You don't need anything other than the original game if you aren't a retard

>> No.8619874

yeah, Jenova is just a means to the ends of Sephiroth who did a personality 180 and everything he did after his encounter with mother was working towards propagating the Jenova organism.

>> No.8619883

the Jenova in shinra tower was just her age's Sephiroth

>> No.8620172

So basically what is complained about is that they used "received" instead of "got" and that Cloud sounds more like an angsty teen surfer dude than an action hero with one-liners, but the content is mostly the same? That works for me. Something is always lost in translation.

>> No.8620293

What exactly IS Bizarro Sephiroth?
aside from being his least marketable form

>> No.8620317
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From the FF >wiki:
>Bizarro∙Sephiroth is called "Rebirth Sephiroth" in Japanese. Translators appear to have been misunderstood it as 'reverse', hence the English name. Bizzarro means bizarre in Italian and Portuguese.
Combine that with the song that plays - "Birth of a God", it's probably meant to be like the incubation phase ahead of the one winged lad.

>> No.8620381

Looks a bit like Ultimecia.

>> No.8621491

Better than believing he's Big Boss.

>> No.8621925

is painful that squeenix put the moron who less understands it at the helm, how old is nomura? like 50 learn to write dangit

>> No.8621978

Remake's writers thankfully understand the original just fine. But everything between the original and Remake is really bad about missing the point.

>> No.8621997

>the fans of the product arent the target
get that retarded shit for twitter tantrums

>> No.8622032
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Nomura was one of the writers on FF7, so was Nojima who is the main story writer of FF7 and nearly every other FF7 related main story.

That said Nomura was only brought on late in remakes development to help with deadline management because the game had fallen so far behind and the person who should be considered the "story director" is Motomu Toriyama who was an event planner on 7 and designed parts like the Wall Market, Temple of the Ancients and most of the parts involving Cloud and Aerith. Motomu has been the main FF director since 10 and remake has way more in common with his directed games than they do Noruma's

>> No.8622043

It's pretty much the reason why Shinra is still in control of the world despite the apocalypse happening because they're the only ones capable of fighting off Weapons so people look to them for help instead of just going crazy and cracking each other's heads open.

>> No.8622101
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From the unused text script the "Watch out! This isn't a normal reactor!" is actually a line from the Nibelheim reactor flashback most likely spoken by Sephiroth. It is unused dialogue that was just left there and not used for the scene in the flashback.

Aside from that the white text on black background the rest of the time is Cloud's true identity as evidenced by it talking about Cloud's past events like falling at Mt Nibel with Tifa when they were kids etc and how that scene is staged in the Remake. The staging is similar to how the same concept is handled in Xenogears with Fei

>> No.8622242

Remake is really good for clarifying a lot of stuff that wasn't meant to be confusing in the original but just turned out that way because the game engine was too rudimentary to convey it clearly.

>> No.8623549

Just did a little digging to make sure, the dialogue of "Watch out! This isn't a normal reactor!" was from the Shinra Manor in the flashback. Sephiroth does say it but it's a little different in the old script

[ In the Basement of the Shinra Manor ]

>Sephiroth: “Cloud. That mako reactor is no ordinary power plant. Shinra’s true motive lies elsewhere.”

>Cloud: “What do you mean?”

>Sephiroth: “The energy that permeates the earth of this planet is no mere energy. Where do you think it comes from in the first place? Where does this substance, unfathomable by our science, originate from? Does it just come from nothing? Does the planet make it? And where does this energy end up? Is it just electricity to power a light? No, it’s not. Shinra started to catch on to its true potential. Their test of that is this mako reactor. And me, as well…”

Clearly the Nibelheim flashback went through a ton of rewrites as they went along so some lines in Cloud's "headache" texts were left but were taken out/rewritten for the actual scene. Another example is the

>In my veins courses the blood of the Ancients.

>I am one of the rightful heirs to this planet!

which Cloud "remembers" after the Sector 7 collapse but is never said during the actual flashback.

>> No.8623640

I think the text of the game in strongly decided in the direction of "Sephiroth" being Jenova or being controlled by Jenova and the only reason anyone feels like it could actually be him is because they think he's cool and don't want him dominated by space mommy

>> No.8623736

>all these remake shills

Remake doesn’t get the tome of FF7 right. Sephy was like the shark in Jaws, an ominous force, larger than life, who you don’t actually fight till late in the game. You’re always a step behind him and witness his handiwork.

But no, in Remake you fight him right there in Mostar because zoomers are dopamine addled little shits who can’t appreciate mounting suspense. They NEED le epic brooding swordsman to have a showdown with them right there in Midgar. Literally fanfic tier.

>> No.8623818

Did you actually play the game? The tone shift and Sephiroth's motivations are story relevant because it's a sequel.

>> No.8623834

I don't give a shit about the game. I just want to watch Tifa getting impaled by BBC.

>> No.8623870

too bad, watch aerith get impaled by the SBS instead

>> No.8623914

>just did a little digging
you could have just said you are a colossal faggot instead

>> No.8624249
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>Did you actually play the game?


Also Midgar slums look like a chummy village, another aspect of the tome they fucked up.

>> No.8624323
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Because cloud was zack's nobody after he unversed with angeal's darkness to form Genesis' recusant's sigil to become a dream eater in order to control minerva's angeal penance so he could defeat bahamut fury

>> No.8625756

Kingdom Hearts was a mistake.