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/vr/ - Retro Games

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859175 No.859175 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite 3d platformer?

>> No.859190

Crash 2.
Very, very closely followed by Crash 1.

>> No.859204


>> No.859209

I'd put Banjo Kazooie and Spyro 2 at the top.

Tooie and Conker next. maybe SM64.

After that, DK64 and the Crash games.

>> No.859441

That's a tough question. It's a toss up between Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2, and Banjo-Kazooie.

>> No.859639

Bubsy 3D

>> No.859640
File: 11 KB, 213x183, but why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there no 3d platformers anymore?

>> No.859652

FPS sell better

>> No.859659

Three way tie. Jak and Daxter, Super Mario 64, and Banjo Kazooie

>> No.859736
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This and Mario 64.

>> No.859747

Because they sucked and everyone came back to their senses by realizing that 2D platformers are the true master race.

>> No.859751

Then why are there no 2D platformers anymore aside form shitty indie games and nintendo.

>> No.859763

Not much different from the SNES era, isn't it?

>> No.859773

Why is Spyro 2 so loved? It's the worst out of the bunch considering the shit end game reward and the fact that 3 and 1 are just better

>> No.859817

That makes no sense. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.859829


>> No.859847

Because every 3D game has to be DMC or GOW

>> No.859857

Conker's BFD or Banjo Kazooie, JFG if that counts. Rare really made the best games on the N64.

Outside of the N64, Spyro and Ape Escape were pretty dope.

>> No.859903

What about Rayman Origins and Knytt Underground? Those two masterpieces will last you a long time.

>> No.859908

I'd go with Super Mario 64 or Donkey Kong 64.

>> No.859967

Super Mario Galaxy. If it needs to be /vr/ then SM64. Sage for non-/vr/ reply.