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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8580182 No.8580182 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vr/, I'm not old. I'm 25. However I've played a lot of retro games on my crt that I love. I have not played a lot of the literally unplayable libraries like the zed ex speccy or whatever britbong computer system it was. But almost everything worth playing on every system from the NES, SNES, Genesis, ps1, ps2, Xbox, Wii (GameCube has no games lol but yeah I had one as a kid), and of course all the handhelds. Even some less popular ones like TurboGrafx and Dreamcast have good games worth playing.

But enough about me, on to the topic of discussion. I've made friends with a 15 year old kid on playstation network. We've co-op'd all the way through dark souls 3, re5, and played some BlazBlue. He's enjoyed all of those experiences. When I went to compare trophies every single game of his was a western release. Borderlands, CoD, etc. The only Japanese games were the games I'd played with him. He has never played a turn based RPG. Meanwhile I'm basically a jrpg expert, playing things like pokemon on gbc and final fantasy on ps1 as young as 6 years old and it's my most played genre.

The other day he said "I want to play something but all of my games are boring." I suggested he played a retro game and his immediate response was "lol no." As if there was nothing a retro game could offer him, a ps4 owner. He doesn't even fucking know about the golden age of gaming and what he's missing out on. Even ps2-era classics like God of War 2, DMC3, Ninja Gaiden Black, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Tenchu Wrath of Heaven, put every game he's ever played to shame.

tl;dr how can I convince a zoomer retro games are worth his time? I think this is important because without new blood retro gaming could die out as a whole. I want him to see the light as I have. To lead him out of the politicized, censored, pozzed gaming cave he's lived in his whole life to an era of true passion and wild visions and story telling, when games weren't afraid to try to be different and fun.

>> No.8580257

>how can I convince a zoomer retro games are worth his time?

You don't

>> No.8580276

Well it has to be possible. I'm 25 and love retro games from before my time.

>> No.8580287

>literally unplayable libraries like the zed ex speccy
You don't even like retro games yourself, how could you convince anyone else?

>> No.8580305

trash is timeless so the speccy isn't retro

>> No.8580313

We are talking about a zoomer. Forget about it, they are Born with a shit taste in everything

>> No.8580324

Most of the kids I know, and most of my normalfag friends appreciate older games. The brats grew up with Minecraft, FnaF and Nintendo games so you're being a little alarmist anon. Last year I had this 10y younger classmate that thought last gen was super old and unplayable, and he saw Goemon 2 and he was "dude jurassic" but the very same guy was like "DUDE, MGS3 IS AWESOME LET'S TALK ABOUT IT" when I told him I was playing it, and agreed with me Seiken Densetsu 3's graphics were more worth it on SNES than the remake cause it represented the height of a medium (pixelart) rather than just a pretty anime game. I've also surprised people with how "complete" Mario World is, same thing with co-op shit like Contra Hard Corps and Kirby Superstar.

tdlr you just have to find that chink in your friend's armor I bet you there's an old ass game he already likes.

>> No.8580376

>I'm 25
You're waaaaay too old for this board. Leave at once.

>> No.8580384

Introduce him to the zx spectrum. Hours of endless fun with chuckie egg, manic miner, atic atack and knightlore. Oh and the Horace series is great too, Horace goes skiing is a highlight.

>> No.8580426
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Just try being upfront with him for a little bit. Talk about said game you really like, like Final Fantasy for example, and how important it is to you and gaming as a whole, and how it holds up. If he likes it and wants to try it out, then good. If he doesn't, then don't be annoying and let him enjoy what he wants, it's not worth damaging your relationship because of retrovidya like that. Zoomers are a special breed, you just have to get used to it.

>> No.8580440

19 year old Zoomer here. Ask him about what it is that makes him not tolerate retro games. You gotta convince him that the whole "games aging" thing is just a meme: games that used to be fun then, are still fun now. Afterall our brains and perception of fun hasn't changed in the span of 15 years. Since he enjoys Blazblue and Souls, I suggest showing hin some games that don't interupt gameplay all that much, so most games you mentioned don't really fall into that category.

>> No.8582236

It's not worth trying to convince someone of anything, people hate doing what they're told. Playing the retro game needs to be his idea, so maybe just talk about how much you enjoy it. Convenience is also a factor, maybe you could hook him up with an emulator and roms all setup if he's willing to play on a pc.

>> No.8582245
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>how can I convince a zoomer retro games are worth his time?
>convince a zoomer
Take it from someone that actually has kids and has worked with teens in the past. They never fucking listen. You can't convince them. Also videogames don't benefit anyone's lives. Just quit while you're ahead.

>> No.8582772

You cold try neo retro games that people on here will never admit are good. Like Dead Cells.

>> No.8582817

Fuck him, if he cant get into it on his own interests, then he wont be missed in "the community".

Just call him a fag and move on. Also if 25 years ago counts as retro, then sorry son, that means you are old too.

>> No.8583762

Greetings, /r/vr!

I am an 84-year old paraplegic World War Two vet, who first discovered retro gaming during the pandemic.

Since I lost the use of my legs, I've spent most of my time at home. Since the start of the pandemic I've been in complete isolation from my friends and family, left all alone facing very dark thoughts. Discovering this sub 6 months ago was a life-changing experience for me.

I am still amazed at how welcoming and supportive this community has been towards me, from patiently guiding me through my first steps in retro gaming, to sharing deep philosophical wisdoms about our purpose on this planet. Until 6 months ago I had never held a controller in my hands. Today I cried tears of joy for the first time in 77 years as Super Metroid credits rolled on my Sony PVM-1442QM. I had never hoped to accomplish so much in my life, and I owe it all to this sub.

Of course, not everyone understands what retro gaming is about. Not everyone can appreciate the tight mechanics of SMB3, the subtle beauty of Donkey Kong music, or Earthbound's poignant reminder of the passing of time. My neighbor is one of such small-minded people. I mentioned to him in passing that I've been playing a lot of Nintendo games lately, and he scoffed at me, saying something about belonging to a master race. I've heard such talk before in my life, and it goes without saying that I taught him a lesson he would never forget. As I was fixing my fedora, a beautiful lady approached me, telling me she overheard our conversation and that she too is passionate about our hobby. As we got to talking, one thing lead to another - we have just had our 3 month anniversary together.

As I embark on my next gaming adventure, I just want to thank you all so much for giving a new meaning to my life!

tl;dr suicidal wheelchair-bound vet has his life turned around by this amazing sub

Edit: I can't believe that this post reached front page, thank you all!

Edit2: Thanks for gold, kind stranger!

>> No.8583784
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>> No.8583786

Nigga shut the fuck up; go back

>> No.8583809

It’s not worth the effort. It’s like trying to convince a pop addict to drink water instead. It’s objectively better but they’re so used to consuming garbage in 2000p 120fps ultra-widescreen mode that they’ve forgotten how refreshing good gameplay actually is.

I’m the same age as you, but I doubt the 19 year old was exposed to anything older than the gamecube growing up. Neither were any of his peers. Let him be.

>> No.8585218

Didn't read lol

>> No.8585542
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>I'm 25
>I've made friends with a 15 year old kid on playstation network