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File: 54 KB, 340x293, Metal_Gear_Solid_cover_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8578953 No.8578953 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game worth finishing? I just finished the psycho mantis fight but the numerous long cutscenes are starting to get annoying and I'm not really enjoying this.

>> No.8578958

I think this game is a 10/10 masterpiece but you shouldn't force yourself to finish a game if you don't like it
Be aware you're more than half way done by now but if you don't enjoy this game by now you won't later

>> No.8578959

just drop it, you're probably gay or something

>> No.8578976

I think the game is worth finishing and I love all of the codecs and cutscenes. Be honest, have you been getting your phone out while you play?

>> No.8579002

if you have to ask questions like this, then why the fuck are you playing it.
dont like a game = drop it
you dont need to get validation for your choices of video games from an online pedo image board.

>> No.8579012

> "but the numerous long cutscenes are starting to get annoying"

All metal gear solid videogames that i played had that same problem.

>> No.8579016

If it's a problem to you, then play something else. It's the point of these game to be like playing an action movie.

>> No.8579031

The feel of the game doesn't change significantly from where you are to the end. There are new and unique boss fights, and different areas of the facility, but it's mostly boss fights, action set pieces, long conversations, and anime silliness. I can't think of anything that would make you change your mind. Maybe play a little further until the next boss and see.

>> No.8579142

Some games start off very slow and don't pick up until later on. I've read numerous times that this is the best game ever for ps1 so I was wondering if this would apply here.

Ive only been playing for what feels like a few hours so I thought I was still early in the game.

>> No.8579152

Just to say: I'm gay. My friends and I still think we're too manly for Metal Gear Solid. Maybe if there's a "super gay" around, he might be the target audience of that movie, I mean, game.

>> No.8579181

Based gay

>> No.8579198

Eh, I managed to finish 1 and 2 thinking they were okay while not really understanding the insane amount of hype the series gets.

I've tried numerous times to play 3 and it's like he just decided to double down on all the lame shit that made the first two less than enjoyable. Blows my mind that it seems to be most people's favorite.

>> No.8579275

Really incredible seeing something like this in a game in the 90s. Really changed how people saw games.

>> No.8579393

The cutscenes are the point of the game pretty much. It's just as much a movie as it is a game. MGS3 has a higher gameplay-to-cutscene ratio and it's a prequel so it doesn't require any prior knowledge. Still a lot of cutscenes though, so you probably won't like that one either. The only game in the series without a lot of cutscenes is 5, which does require prior a lot knowledge to understand the story but I guess that doesn't matter if you didn't like the story to begin with.

>> No.8579401

If You get annoyed by cutscenes don't touch a mgs never, they have a lot of that

>> No.8579405

MGS 2 is so much better. I dropped MGS 1 early too. Not enough stealth for a stealth game, it's more like a shitty boss rush

>> No.8579457

>people complain MGS series sucks due to cutscenes
>same people never mention the original Metal Gear which had very little plot and most of the conversations could be skipped
>always make the same whiny bitch thread "I was told this game was great but I DIDN'T ENJOY IT BECAUSE MOVIES!!!!"
Not liking something that is popular, doesn't make you interesting. Yet another "I don't like popular game X!" thread is a waste of time. MGS may not be as good as it was hyped to be by the media at the time, or it's fanbase, but it's still more entertaining and worthwhile than you OP.

>> No.8579529

I always thought this dialogue was stupid

>> No.8579587

MGS1 is fucking worthless outdated garbage. I don't know what people see in it. MGS2 is where it's at. It's BILLIONS of times better than that piece of shit ugly ass PS1 shovelware. MGS2 has way better gameplay, mechanics, plot, and characters than MGS1. I don't know how fucking stupid and gay you have to be to defend MGS1 after it was COMPLETELY and UTTERLY made obsolete and unplayable by its superior sequel.

MGS2 > MGS4 > MGSV > PW > MGS3 >>>> Vomit/Shit/Piss >>>> MGS1

>> No.8579592

MGS4 is the most outdated
You're a dummy.

>> No.8579648

very worth finishing.

>> No.8579676

The best is yet to come

>> No.8579687

I literally just finished it and mg1,2 and ghost babel
If you don’t like story then yes, stop playing

>> No.8579801

The game is just as shitty the whole way through. That said, it is a pretty short game, so maybe just grin and bear it.

>> No.8580101

Mainstream retro games (SH-RE-MGS in particular) always have the shittiest threads because everyone plays them. What's the point of this thread for example? Am I supposed to believe OP just stumbled upon a game called MGS and got surprised there were long cutscenes? At least make some interesting remarks so that the thread has some purpose beyond serving the same use as googling "Is a game that's highly regarded worth playing?"

>> No.8580105

I think OP is highly regarded if you catch my drift.