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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8569918 No.8569918 [Reply] [Original]

Why would you keep physical versions of old games?
When the file size is not a problem you should sell it. It's the right time to do so btw.

>> No.8569934


>> No.8569936

because piracy is illegal chud

>> No.8569945
File: 143 KB, 821x1024, 1623571259431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quick, sell all your games before they become even more valuable!

>> No.8569948

You are delusional, anon.

>> No.8569956

It's more fun to play old games off of cartridges and discs, but any game that requires installation may as well be a digital download as far as I'm concerned.

>that nose
BBCbros...it's over

>> No.8570136
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>> No.8570142

Because I feel like it.

>> No.8570163

Hoping to find some cheap games? Too late.

>> No.8570184

Flimsy assumption. We're probably more or less at peak demand between the collective middle age crisis of all Millennials and well-documented artificial collector's boom on it. And since the collector boom has already transpired that means people are preserving (or at least not throwing out) their games at an extremely high rate because by now everyone knows they're valuable. So unless you're taking super good care of them and know your carts are going to be working long after every other cart has failed or you have the rarest and most valuable things, it's probably a good investment idea to cash out and put that money somewhere else if all you care about is money.

>> No.8570198

thinking about selling that copy of Rule of Rose and a couple of other games so I can get a new TV

>> No.8570470

The pirate owns more than you.

>> No.8570509

Ten thousand roms he’ll never play.

>> No.8570653

It doesn't change the fact that he had them for free.
If he chooses to play them his experience will be superior.

>> No.8570665

Getting something for free is like taking a shit or cumming in a sock. It’s minimum effort and means nothing.

>> No.8570705

>he thinks this is the peak

>> No.8570738

Better than a shelf of games he'll never play

>> No.8570758

I actually find myself playing way more retro games if I own them physically, games that I know I would never play if I just downloaded them. I like being able to look at my bookshelf of games and knowing I went out of my way to get each one deliberately and play. I get why people would want to play emulation, its easier and free and very customizable. I just don't get nearly as much value out of it that way, but its cool if you do.

>> No.8570792

Americuck metality is so retarded.

>> No.8570971

having the actual game and system is the point. without the ritual of putting a physical cartridge into a physical system the experience is not the same. Emulation has always been a cope, it's a cope that is sometimes necessary but it's still a cope.

>> No.8571002

Read books and stop paying for nerdy games

>> No.8571008

They said that 5 years ago

>> No.8571013
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>it's probably a good investment idea to cash out
Silly anons.

>> No.8571018

You can do both.
What have you read lately, anyway?

>> No.8571026

Read books and stop illegally downloading nerdy games

>> No.8571028
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Just finished this. It was okay.

>> No.8571265

Because im not a soulless robot who has to live in a walk in closet cube and I can have the luxury to enjoy the things i like.

>> No.8571638

i bought ff7 in 2008 for $30 and sold it in 2020 for $40. now if only i had bought 10000x that many copies back then...

>> No.8571681

>posts rental service that will go away whenever tendie feels like shutting down the server
Gee I wonder

>> No.8571691

>if you dont have toys all over your house you're a robot

>> No.8571701

Right, that's why NES and SNES games are dirt cheap now. Retard.

>> No.8571709

Because physical media is somtimes nice to have. I'm personally not hardcore collector, I just keep to my own niche of collecting which is mostly based on nostalgia. I mean, there's no reason to collect music on physical media either but I still do it because it something different from having everything digital.

>> No.8571793

As far as I know there isn't a GBA Switch Online, but yes, fuck Nintendo and their new rental model. Hell, fuck them for pulling that "it's tied to a console so you have to pay for it a 2nd time" shit they pulled on the transition from Wii to Wii U. I'm never paying for an official retro re-release again.

>> No.8571803

I like my single bookshelf full of games. If I still have them by the time I have children they'll probably be interested in looking at them if they're anything like me. I enjoyed perusing my parents' libraries of games and music when I was a kid.

>> No.8571823

>Why would you keep physical versions of old games?
Because I like old videogames, it's why I'm here, on a board for old videogames. What a dumbass question. Original hardware is the best way to play. I only emulate out of necessity if the game's out of my price range.

>> No.8571882

This is exactly my stance as well. The people on here that whine about "coomlectors" or whatever are just butthurt about not being able to afford the authentic hardware. No shame in not being able to afford the stuff, but you can't pretend you don't understand the appeal of having real ownership of the real game. Shit talking about physical copies makes you look stupid because it is an obvious cope.

>> No.8571931

digital files are not ownership lol. you may have access to software you can play, and i'll admit the free accessibility of emulation is nice, but you're either coping or just delusional if you think you really own any of it

>> No.8571943
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>> No.8572030

Wow I did not even know that I posted Nintendo Switch Online. I thought it was a .gba PC emulator with cool looking pics for each roms.

>> No.8572075

Emufags are more the commie "you will own nothing" type.

>> No.8572084

No communist actually says this, though. The people who say that either want you to rent everything forever (and pay them) or are coping about not being to afford things.

>> No.8572092

lmao this

>> No.8572139


>> No.8572554

There's still plenty of cheap 6th gen stuff out there, you just have to stop going for the over-saturated games that everyone wants and dig into lesser know stuff or stuff that people just don't give a shit about. Any Tom Clancy game is pretty much $10 and there's fun to be had there. With Disney shitting all over Star Wars, no one cares about those games any more and you can pick up Rogue Leader for $20, it was like $40 3-4 years ago.