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File: 87 KB, 953x953, deus_ex_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8568524 No.8568524 [Reply] [Original]

I can't get into Deus Ex no matter how much I try. The story is great, but holy fuck is the gameplay dated and janky as fuck. I can go back and replay MGS1 on PS1 with no problem, but I'm not having fun when I play Deus Ex.

>> No.8568528

don't play it then zoomer retard.

>> No.8568536

It’s not a good FPS. It is a good Action RPG though, but don’t go in expecting a good FPF

>> No.8568537

Fuck you faggot, I was born in '91. Gen Z starts in '97. I'm a millennial, not a zoomer.

>> No.8568539

don't shoot people then.
use grenades and melee

>> No.8568541

I knew it was an ARPG going into it. That doesn't change the fact that it's a dated and janky ARPG. It's a good game. It just feels very archaic and the mechanics have not aged well.

>> No.8568553

jeez, just slap a laser sight on the pistol. it makes it 100% accurate when turned on.

>> No.8568559

Just fucking get over it or drop it, not much to it.
If I could get over whatever the fuck was going on with System Shock 1 and was able to finish it and enjoy it with my MOBA soaked brain - you can get over Deus Ex jank.
Also no, gameplay is not dated, game was always known a jankfest, same as VtMB, STALKER and Morrowind, only a faggot would deny that, but only a turbofaggot would go on asking how to overcome it.
Don't be a turbofaggot, OP.

>> No.8568581

What's your IQ?
Also post hands.

>> No.8568584

Are you playing it with mods?

>> No.8568591


>> No.8568607

you probably just need to get to new york

>> No.8568612

also consider emulating the ps2 version if the the newer mocap animations help you

>> No.8568618

Just cheat then. Better to experience the story no matter what than fail to just because you leveled swimming or something.

You can also cheese pretty easily, especially later on with a special melee weapon.

>> No.8568624

You're old, faggot

>> No.8568650

How far through are you? The game's an rpg and nearly all of the mechanics are tied to the rpg system. So if the aiming is turning you off just start spending skill points on it and it'll get better and better until you Master it and you'll get 1:1 aiming. Problem is that you have to be careful which skills you want to pursue because there's only so many points in the game so you can only really maybe master 2 or 3 completely by the endgame.

But yeah it's an rpg and the way it ties in mechanically does filter some people. I'd argue you haven't really played Deus Ex until you get up to Hong Kong - it's where the game really starts to open up, gives you more and more skill points and you can start really leveling up your character, and by the end you should have all the augmentations.

>> No.8568720

my hands are pale

>> No.8568754

> The story is great, but holy fuck is the gameplay dated and janky as fuck.
This makes me cringe. Deus Ex has fantastic gameplay. The story is mostly memes.

>> No.8568756

Based knowledge-haver.

>> No.8568763

>I was born in '91
Yep you'll never get it, now go back to /v/.

>> No.8568771

Yeah. They were always shit. Thank James Rolfe for clearing that out.

>> No.8568813

My gut feeling is that when people say Deus Ex is clunky or dated 90% of the time they just mean "it has bad animations". I bet the way enemies look when they run makes people drop it. Kinda sad.

>> No.8568817

Who cares, don't play it then, millenial faggot. No one cares that you didn't like a game and you aren't special for doing so

>> No.8568826

the RPG mechanics are arguably pretty shit though, less than half of the skills are worth a damn except a few weapon skills and basic lockpick/hacking/electronics

augs are fun as hell though and make up for it

>> No.8568831

Legitimately just play System Shock 2 instead.
Still clunky in parts but much more focused design-wise, with a far better presentation overall. Only hurdle is making a build that won't get you crushed early game (be practical with your early build).
Deus Ex gets jerked off way too much on here.

>> No.8568872

Hacking is pure convenience, it's not a necessary skill.
The only skills in deus ex that I would call necessary are just electronics and lockpicking, and even then, the vast majority of locked doors and containers can be broken into with the gep gun.

My problem with System Shock 2's skills is there's a lot mor of them are that just outright dead ends. Useless tech skills, half the weapons are useless, a lot of pointless psi abilities.
Deus Ex has far better balance to its skills, weapons and augmentations. There's certainly ones better than others, but everything is essentially viable.

>> No.8568874

I'm replaying Deus Ex right now with the GMDX mod (I already beat it vanilla years ago, don't shame me). I'm really enjoying it this time around. I don't know why I was so worried about doing things "right" the first time I played it; this time I'm having more fun messing around and seeing how guards react to stuff instead of trying to be stealthy all the time and never use my resources.

>> No.8568880

best way to play Deus Ex is run and gun.

>> No.8568935


>> No.8568953

are you playing on realistic? I heard that on other difficulties the enemies are sponges and easy-hard just changes how spongy you are yourself

>> No.8568976

>wtf, you can actually use melee weapons like regular weapons? where's the takedown mini-cutscenes? this is too jank

>> No.8568987

Why are you locked in the bathroom?

>> No.8568989

How far do you go before you drop it?

>> No.8568990

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.8568991

>So if the aiming is turning you off just start spending skill points on it and it'll get better and better until you Master it and you'll get 1:1 aiming.
Or just attach a laser sight mod to your weapon and as long as the laser is on, the gun always has 100% perfect accuracy regardless of skill

>> No.8568996

>I heard that on other difficulties the enemies are sponges
No, a bullet to the head is still instantly lethal for anything that isn't augmented or a robot

>> No.8569134

zoomers hate marathon too

just turns them off

>> No.8569249
File: 81 KB, 625x625, 1623307466380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky I made a guide for coconut head zoomers like yourself OP. This is just a set up guide with some general tips in regards to levelling, stealth, guns etc for a vanilla playthrough. I hope it helps you or someone else in this thread get into DX1. It's a fantastic game once you stick with it for a bit and get into the swing of the gameplay, one of my all time favourites. Hope it helps.


>> No.8569313

I played it with the GMDX mod and I had a great time

>> No.8569430

Every art/expression form age, you flaming faggot. Cave paintings aged, tribal percussions aged, antique greek stage plays aged, Lumière brothers movies aged, and old video games fucking aged too.

>> No.8569478

The game has terrible facial animations, it's like muppets.
The combat is pretty good, not that bad.

>> No.8569480

Just open the console and set the skills to max by giving yourself 200000 credits.

>> No.8569494

>Cave paintings aged
Cave paintings are dope
>tribal percussions aged
This is the oldest song in the world, and it's on my playlist
>antique greek stage plays aged
Aged very well. Shit like Lysistrata and Oedipus are still talked about today.
>Lumière brothers movies aged
Now I know you're talking shit if you don't find value in the contemporarily mundane.

So, when you say "aged", if you mean "time has passed between now and the creation" then yes. Everything ages. But when you add a value judgement with that statement, I tend to disagree. And that's what you're doing. Not that anon, but games don't age.

>> No.8569560

>While we neck spirits like they were dumber back then init?
Please, they didn’t even have TV’s

>> No.8569562

Made up meme categories aren’t knowledge.

>> No.8569567

Most of what people say has "aged badly" about Deus Ex is just shit that was mediocre to begin with. The shooting isn't very good for a game made in 2000, considering all the great FPS's that came before it. The body animations aren't very good for the time but the inexpressive 3D facial animations are about standard or slightly better for other games which came out around then and targeted human realism (Thief, Metal Gear Solid outside of codec calls, Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill etc). The RPG mechanics pale in comparison to the Infinity Engine games but I think that's an unfair comparison considering the enormous difference in scope and fidelity between those isometric RPG's and the fully 3D worlds of Deus Ex.

All these things weren't great at the time, but people didn't care because here was this game with collection of highly detailed, explorable and memorable levels filled with cool secrets, funny voice acting and stacks of replayability thanks to the many ways you can complete your objectives. But now that sort of thing isn't that impressive and fresh anymore. The sore spots like weird aiming, slightly boring RPG mechanics and bad animations are more glaringly obvious because the things which Deus Ex succeeded at doing have now become ubiquitous in gaming.

And all of this is to say that I fucking love the game ever since I first played it as a teenager when it came to Steam (in like 2009 or something?). It's a great game, I think people just have their history mixed up a bit when they talk about it "aging poorly"

TL;DR - the shitty parts of Deus Ex were always shitty, even for it's day. But the good parts, of which there are many, were amazing for it's day and are still very enjoyable and charming now.

>> No.8569569

>playing a game to “get into it” and not to just have fun
NGMI with this mindset. Just have fun for what it is that the game offers and if you can’t, drop it and move on.

>> No.8569572

Your age cannot save him.

>> No.8569575

Cool story bro, you don't like a popular game. Not sure why you decided to make a thread about your opinion

>> No.8569830

Then you should know the gameplay problems with Deus Ex have nothing to do with it being dated. Those parts weren't good on release either, and they're not what drew people in. But you're here defending your age on an anonymous board, so you probably have a few screws loose to begin with.

>> No.8569841
File: 452 KB, 465x425, 1591913411893 lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surely /vr/ will encourage OP to keep playing, maybe even give him tips so he doesn't miss out on a great game and he can enjoy like everyone else did.

>> No.8569876

someone got his feelings hurt

>> No.8570230

Based science denier.

>> No.8570401

just use the GMDX mod if you're a smoothbrain who cant handle a little jank in his old game

>> No.8570406

color me unsurprised

>> No.8570525

It's okay to be stupid, OP. Just have some more self-awareness about it.

>> No.8571138

Deus Ex is objectively one of the best designed interface-to-gameplay pipelines. It's the best way to tell a story, you just jump straight in and get it delivered to you via jumpcuts into dialogue, through data logs and every item is easy to manipulate. The game just vroooms you straight into action. System Shock 2 is another great example. The big factor in Deus Ex's replayability is that first mission is just as complex as the final ones and it takes several seconds of conversation with Paul Denton to start it.

>> No.8571163


>> No.8571383

The only thing that really sucks about it is the shooting. It's bad. Not a big loss to me since I like playing stealth and violating guards with a baton.

>> No.8571474
File: 611 KB, 1987x1588, brown recluse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the tutorial, remap the keys, fool around in liberty island with different builds, stop being a helpless faggot

>> No.8571524

stick with the prod
prod with the prod

>> No.8571618

Lmao I'm a '91 and I had a blast with it back then as a kid when I had it on a magazine demo and still had a blast with it now.

>> No.8573486

How the fuck can you be a millennial and not get Deus Ex? Millennials, myself included, are the most likely to love games like Deus Ex, Thief, Diablo, Warcraft or whatever the fuck if only just because they carved out your very first impressions, taste and memories about video games as a clueless 4 year old

>> No.8573497

I love DE but there is something weird about hitboxes in the game. Headshots that shouldn't headshot, headshots that should headshot and don't, enemies in unusual animations like sitting behaving like they were hit the wrong place, etc.

Were these Unreal-isms? I never actually bothered to play Unreal ever.

>> No.8574040

Imagine being 30 years old and using this website

>> No.8574162

You should never go /vr/ (or 4chan in general) expecting people to be encouraging or considerate. It happens sometimes, but not often.

>> No.8574206

imagine thinking you won't be trapped here forever

>> No.8574274

I'm working my way through it for the first time. Holy shit is this game good. Libery Island and stepping into Hong Kong have been my favorite parts so far. Worst level for me is that short one with Jock right BEFORE Hong Kong--it feels to limited compared to the rest. You HAVE to check this locker or else you can't proceed. The music is also killer. Every track is great.

My only complaints are about some gameplay bits.

>AI seems retarded and cheap at the same time
>Contrary to belief the game does not remember your actions and adapt. I've done non-lethal the entire game and everyone, including JC himself, says I'm a killer
>Side mission to kill UNATCO spy counts a non-lethal knockout as a kill
>Tranq darts completely useless. Most effective strategy with them is to hide in a vent and get caught shooting everyone with darts and then wait until they're out. Defeats the purpose of them
>Cameras/alarms don't seem to do anything. They'll go off and then sometimes people show up, most of the time nothing unless there's a turret near the camera
>Some cameras you just have to get spotted by. Makes sense logically, but from gameplay standpoint it sucks, then you remember they do nothing and it sucks in a different way
>Some enemies, like in the VersaLife building just won't react to distractions. They'll see you on the third floor from the first, but won't look away if you shoot a wall near them

It also seems questionable that they don't take the lightsaber away from you. Like in other games that would be a choice to keep it and lose respect, but here I just get the strongest weapon ever for free.

>> No.8574293

>some cameras you just have to get spotted by
I replayed it recently and I don't remember this.

I agree about the Versalife building. DX doesn't really make sense if you think about how people would realistically react to JC running around doing this stuff. They don't try very hard to track him, catch him, or stop him once he breaks out of the prison. I just think of the level designers trying to come up with fun scenarios to play with.

>> No.8574296

I've only seen one of those in the entire game. I've been lugging around a full inventory hoping for a store to trade with, but the game only has occasional people willing to sell you shit and it's always just some ammo and like an accuracy mod. Even in Hong Kong! A marketplace and not one store.

>> No.8574301

It's a favorite of mine, but I can see why it wouldn't click with some. My main issues are pacing and AI.

>> No.8574308

In the return to VersaLife, right when you go back in, there's an electronic ramp that you need to lower, then raise so you can get under it. That leads to the area with Maggie Chow's fight. There's a camera pointed right at the ramp/hallway you come out of and it doesn't turn.

That said, I'm still discovering new intricacies about the game itself so I could be wrong, or there could be ways around cameras I don't know of yet. A remote hack would be nice. The cameras see you when peeking around corners so fast. Probably the best security cameras in a stealth game.

>> No.8574310

10/10 post

>> No.8574318

Worse levels are the subway and the Paris catacombs. Everything else is top notch.

>> No.8574341

>Shock a non-augmented terrorist loser with a supposedly high-tech, futuristic melee taser funded and developed by MJ12
>He wobbles a little bit like a retard, then goes back to normal like nothing happened and alerts everyone else
Why do I have to waste more than one charge of this shit on anyone who isn't an MIB or a cyborg? Tasers today can incapacitate anyone immediately even if they're wearing armor, but not in this "immersive simulator"?

>> No.8574420

personally, I always enjoy the catacombs.
It's a decent combat level right before the long period of non-combat or combat light second half of paris.

>> No.8574423

Paris Catacombs are kino. There isn't as single bad level in Deus Ex. A few lesser levels but nothing worse than a 7/10.

>> No.8574428

Wait I'm retarded, I translated "catacombs" into "cathedral" in my head. Yeah catacombs are a little weaker but there's still some interesting stuff like conversations of people terrified of Hela the WIB.

>> No.8574440

>you can't play like this, you must play like that
every bad game ever

>> No.8574448

plenty of people use guns in this game, but if you want to be a bitch about it, don't use guns.

>> No.8574469

speaking of paris WIB. I like the log of the WiD in the cathedral. Her observations on Gunther.
That level does a really good job of building him up as a boss.