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File: 160 KB, 800x792, 67798-trap-gunner-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8566376 No.8566376 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related. Fights are 1v1 against AI or human. Each character has an arsenal of traps and direct attack options. I played this game so much and never found anything like it. Bonus sadness points on this game because I've never seen it discussed online and my friends definitely never heard of this game.

Anybody else with these sentiments about other games?

>> No.8568246

looks interesting, have a bump

>> No.8568267

Now seeing her in smash. Same with Oni.

>> No.8568270

I seriously thought this was going to be some fake alt-right hate crime game.

>> No.8568271

Wasn't this just a more elaborate bomberman?

>> No.8568286

>Trap Gunner
>arsenal of traps

>> No.8568295

This has been talked about a good many times, and honestly it looks great, but I thought it was from Sunsoft, for some reason.

>> No.8568305

>there’s approximately zero cock and maid outfits in this game

>> No.8568312

Found the tranny

>> No.8568345

Fuck off faggot, someone had to make the joke

>> No.8568360

This is all I remember about Trap Gunner


I think I had a demo of it or something.

>> No.8568384
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x960, CIMG7397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always wished someone would remake this game

>> No.8568408

>tfw no cute purple haired trap
Feels bad bros...

>> No.8568418

someone call that number

>> No.8568554

Well? What are you waiting for? Shoot them.

Or at least [they] slash them...

>> No.8568561

In your ass?

>> No.8568878

I will now play your game

>> No.8569101

no, fuck remakes

>> No.8569142


>> No.8569268
File: 1.74 MB, 1947x1841, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about this boy? Goddamn I miss Musashi. He's the blue haired anime son I never had.

Action RPG with an expansive world to explore and a town to develop? That combat that kept changing with the copy abilities? It was almost this fascinating blending of Zelda style exploration and Kirby copy mechanics that just begged for another (not shitty) game...

>> No.8569273

I like the soundtrack. The game was made by Racdym, who also made Snowboard Kids. Many of the songs have that Snowboard Kids feel to it in parts, specially this one which sounds very similar to Starlight Highway from Snowboard Kids 2.


>> No.8569280

false advertising, that gunner clearly has tits.

>> No.8569347

I use to masturbate to the ads for this game in magazines

>> No.8569385


>> No.8569386

i wish there's a patch for jp voice + english text.

>> No.8569420


>> No.8569431
File: 25 KB, 256x184, Chameleon_Twist_Cover_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat things, spit them out, spin around, pole vaulting. Interesting to play but somewhat short. Kinda reminds me of a modern day indie platformer or something.