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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8564050 No.8564050 [Reply] [Original]

why did old graphics have so much more SOVL?!

>> No.8564064

blurry textures are soulless

>> No.8564065

Cause every one just went from snes, genesis to that. Now every thing looks similiar to a 2012 xbox 360 game. Like shit hasnt advanced in a decade besides now you can run it at 4k.

>> No.8564069

Did more with less. Also in general they tend to be more vibrant, I swear almost every modern game has some sort of grey filter as a final pass over the output, it always looks terrible

>> No.8564136
File: 336 KB, 1024x680, Creative_3D-Voodoo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old games required a dedicated SOVL card to be installed in your PC

>> No.8564158

The grey filter meme was started by CoD and the Gears of War epic engine and holy shit it's been over a decade and it still hasn't died yet I hate it so fucking much.
I love how Serious Sam: BFE basically shits all over the meme after the first mission.

>> No.8564170

Lighting and post-processing was ass, so they had to do actual texture work.

>> No.8564173

Its really crazy how big cod is. When considering it basically was IMO. A game that tried and did take away medal of honors fan base. When did the og call of duty come out ? 2002, 2003 ? On the gamecube ps2 and xbox??

>> No.8564180

What game is this?

>> No.8564185

>I really miss graphics from this era, ~1998-2005, where polygon counts and textures were good enough to know what you were looking at but there weren't excessive post processing effects. There was a clearness to it. These days things like bloom, HDR, motion blur, and excessive particle effects are just so disorienting to me. It looks "cinematic" perhaps but it ironically looks more flat, and less like a 3d world
this is on point

>> No.8564186

You guys are like /a/ and 90's anime lmao.

>> No.8564195

Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force

>> No.8564204

so why dont you fuck off back to /v/, faggot

>> No.8564216

Those are obviously Borg, so take a guess

>> No.8564218

old ghraphics?

>> No.8564219

I'd take the PS3/360 brown era over the modern oversaturated purple soulless era. Even the brown era had more artistic design and soul.

>> No.8564224

This game is fucking awesome. Played it for the first time last year and had a blast, but then again I'm a shameless voyagerfag.
Wish the weapons felt a little meatier, though.

>> No.8564231

Realism =/= good. We play because we seek the imaginary.

>> No.8564240

This is soijack levels of low effort, low quality posting. This board has drastically nosedived in the last 2 years. Might as well be on /v/ at this point.

>> No.8564245
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>why did old graphics have so much more SOVL?!
In the old days you were competing for the best graphics and coolest look. Now your are competing for the lowest bottom line and highest mouth breather paco, jamal, and onions payout by making banal rubbish.

>> No.8564252

just played a little bit of this a while ago. lost interest pretty fast.
should i keep going?

>> No.8564258

Did you get past the opening borg section? Game immediately becomes more interesting after that part IMO.
If you're not really into Star Trek it might be a harder sell.

>> No.8564274

i'll give it another try.

>> No.8564278

So true, fucking hipsters

>> No.8564368

>blurry cluster of pixels
>obviously Borg
sure thing buddy

>> No.8564385

It's because they keep trying to make games look like films. Eventually the gameplay even got pushed to the side for that narrative.

>> No.8564408
File: 723 KB, 2200x1600, 1643168973491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nineties anime was amazingly well done artistically.

>> No.8564429

>53 episode F91 anime that explores the lore, background and fleshes out Iron Mask’s character and explains some of the odd plot points in the movie as well as tying into F90 and the Mars Zeon war all while keeping the godlike animation of the film FUCKING NEVER

>> No.8564446

>tell me things I can just google

>> No.8564551
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It's not fair.

>> No.8564594

OG Cod had nothing to do with Modern Warfare. It's like how Quake has nothing to do with Quake II other than name and being fps.

>> No.8564658

Hardware devs need to be in games' art credits, I swear. 99% of these developers WANTED to make something more soulless and were limited in some way into making their good looking art. Look at Chrono Trigger, that could have looked like a mix of 90s CGI and early Toriyama matching the hideous intended portraits instead of its cute sprites, if it weren't for the SNES. Game saved by hardware.

>> No.8564663

They could also make the MS upgrade be a Crossbone unit, and they start being pirates then.

>> No.8564675

90s anime was the best though lol

>> No.8564706


>> No.8564776

What's crazy is how Medal of Honor became so irrelevant. Those games were huge for a minute or two there, and then just not.

>> No.8564868
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Voodoo 2 SLI = peak soul.

>> No.8564906

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8564949

They had to bake the lighting and shadows on everything instead of setting up the lighting and stuff and let the engine do the work. like setting up a photoshoot irl, or filming on set vs on location

>> No.8565039
File: 119 KB, 704x480, 1623553312457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As already said, limitations and passion mostly, but another huge factor is that back then you had to be very familiar with modelling programs and texturing tools to make shit even look passable, since there wasn't as many easy shortcuts or tutorials for devs back then as there were today. Nowadays devs have become too comfortable with shortcuts and tools that can produce high-poly and high-fidelity assets, focusing on cutting down the time required to make games instead of fully pushing the limits of the technology to create things and techniques people have never seen before. One of the first lessons I got when I started 3D modelling was learning how to make a fully textured dumpster, which I thought would be impossible, but it only took us (a full class of beginners) five hours to make, without any prior experience whatsoever, all thanks to easy-to-use shortcuts and a library of preset textures.

If we could make stuff that could pass off in your average steam release after 5 hours of work, imagine what someone who had years of experience doing things the hard way could achieve. It'd be like giving photoshop to Van Gogh or a 3D printer and CAD to Da Vinci.

Also another major issue is that modern games just default to photo-realisim which might look good, but it usually leaves games without any sense of discernible style or theme. If you took screenshots of game enviroments, removed HUD elements and easily identifiable objects like weapons, characters or icons, a majority of them just look the same. Retro games, in their limitations, created unique styles naturally just by choices such as focusing more on texturing than lighting, focusing on lighting over texturing, sprite work and multilayering etc. There was also a more widespread usage of different game engines, so even using the same lighting settings and textures could produce radically different looks, as opposed to now where there are three mainstream engines people emply to design games.

>> No.8565075

>I love how Serious Sam: BFE basically shits all over the meme after the first mission.

hahah can you link that? i cant find that reference
>inb4 im too dumb

>> No.8565252

You can't say that here. The jannies will harass you for using salty language. You won't have freedom of speech here for long.

>> No.8566000

damn, that is a sexy ps1 model

>> No.8566004

Yeah it's a retro vidya board, and that board is about anime, lol

>> No.8566009

>posts on /vr/
>can't extract information from a few blurry pixels
Lol, thanks for the laugh.

>> No.8566012

that or some shade of piss

>> No.8566013

Every fucking time, SOVL just sends up literally being limitations and gimping.
What's Glide? Just gimped GL, literally.

>> No.8566015

This. Also, videogame culture still wasn't as mainstream as today, so there was still some indie or punk aspect to even a lot of huge games of that era, thanks to the smaller teams too. That rougher edges gave them its charm and soul.

This was the era when Capcom was doing Disney games, quiz games, sport arcades, etc. This is just impossible to see today because they are too huge, and gaming today suffers because of things like that.

>> No.8566017

Lower barrier to entry nowadays. Now everyone watches the same tutorials, is inspired by the same things and uses either Unreal Engine or Unity so that even if they're aiming for a different result it ends up being similar. Also less regional differentiation in how games are made with the internet and easy global culture access.

>> No.8566046

They're only blurry because the OP lamely got a screen shot running at way too high screen resolution for the game, meaning texel and pixel density is way different.

>> No.8566054

>way too high resolution
no such thing
>b-but muh tessel
he should just not use shitty filters

>> No.8566069

in general, the bigger the budget, the less creativity you'll see in something, and the more safe it will be.
also before 6th gen, Japanese devs dominated the market, and they generally made colorful and artistic games. but with 7th gen, with general shift in sales from mascot platformers to mature games, and with the rise of Western devs, games simply took a turn to a direction where having any imagination is gay, shades of grey are the only colors you can have, and realism = objectively good. it's not a meme that X360 was a CoD machine, this marked the historically first rise of the bland grey dude bro shooter that made Halo and Gears look interesting.
thankfully it rebounded slightly, but regardless, today theres still a ton of games like Last of Us, PUBG, and so on that still implement this "gritty and realistic = games for real men, color and style = kiddy and gay" mentality.

>> No.8566089

nothing says death to diversity like globohomo diversity.

>> No.8566372

devs had higher testosterone levels back then

>> No.8566440

a big point is how much better ui looked. just look at any modern game, mario odyssey, botw, super mario party, octopath traveller, fire emblem three houses pokemon swishi swosh, all of them have the same bland white/grey transparent iphone ui.

>> No.8566485

>tfw graphics cards used to come with a bundled game to show off what it could do
better times

>> No.8566582
File: 442 KB, 1050x438, 1640329333861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what everyone thinks of anime. The market shifted away from young adults/adults to tweens/teens.

>> No.8567465


>> No.8567483
File: 200 KB, 499x892, 783ED271-C896-4C25-AD7A-553CD92BF0A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s true and a cool idea but I feel F91 is the most in need of an expansion. Crossbone has all the manga to go off on and can easily be made into a full 50 episode show by that alone. F91 has so much shit that we never get to see, or isnt explained or gone into detail on like Theo randomly dropping dead midway through the film, or Annamarie swapping sides out of nowhere (I know it’s because she was mad that Zabine was giving more attention to Cecily but it happens so abruptly it’s almost comical) or what happened to Ronel. Even if it was a shorter, 26 episode series, I’d love to see it get expanded upon and given a treatment it deserves even though that seems unlikely. I know sunrise is starting to focus on the later era Uc stuff now which is cool but who knows, it’s hardly a smash hit fan fave standout in the series overall.

Keeping on topic, is this any good? I tried playing it very briefly but I figured it would be too much of a time sink and didn’t even finish the first stage. Looks neat

>> No.8567680

I think old 2D games have aged the best. Old 3D games can be a bit hard to get into these days. When I say “old 3D” I mean like N64/PS1 era, and obviously there are exceptions

>> No.8567692

Because the developers were talented since they actually had to put in effort to make the games look good. Now everything is automated, why spend the time to tweak the lighting to perfectly match the tone and artistic direction of the game when you can just slap on awful looking raytracing and call it a feature?

>> No.8567727

Yeah ok just gibber away there. This is your brain on screenres

>> No.8567737

That's not how it works.

>> No.8567765

I remember when they finally lost all relevancy, it was around the time they released yet another WW2 game and then tried their hand at a modern game playing as operators. Both were considered rushed hackjobs, their competition was exploding, and the franchise just died.

>> No.8567947


>> No.8569267
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Sorry anon, I don't go near weebs or normalfags

>> No.8569332

EA was dumb.
COD1 was pretty big, but COD2 came out in 2005 on the 360 and PC and was huge, especially online. But around that time EA were pumping out PS2 and PSP MOHs for some reason. Then in 2007 they finally made a next gen MOH game only to realize that no one cares about WW2 anymore and it's all about modern combat now. COD4 comes out and obliterates them.
Then in 2010 they finally make a game about a war in the middle east and... everybody was already getting tired of that setting and Black Ops comes out the same year with a much cooler Cold War premise.
The last moh game just came and went, no one cared about muh epic bearded operators, especially when released alongside COD BO2 with a cold war/future campaign, zombies etc.

>> No.8569396

Fuck you, 80s anime is cooler.

>> No.8569437
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>> No.8569443

Fallout 3 is one of the ugliest games ever made.

>> No.8569445

Both are equally awful and totally soulless.

>> No.8569696
File: 215 KB, 1280x800, xatrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. pixels and 8-bit coloring is SOVL

>> No.8569703

Games don't look like games anymore, they look similar to crappy low budget cgi used in netflix movies.
Mario odysee looks far better than the majority of xbox series x and ps5 games. I think something like sonic adventure looks better than gears of war 5.

I had ms flight sim 2020 on gamepass, that was one piss ugly game in areas.
If its made with unreal engine or unity it doesn't have soul, its like if you used shooter construction kit on amiga.

I would say Devil may cry 5 and Bayonetta are modern games with soul.

>> No.8569707

not really. anime did go through changes, but not as severe as the gaming market. 2 main factors were
1) budgets for each gen rose in geometric progression. staff rose from small teams of enthusiasts to sweatshops of 500 people outsourced to 10 different low income countries. creativity got replaced by marketing guys and focus groups. it turned into equivalent of hollywood at this point
2) shift to Western devs and a demand for more mature games created a mindset that creativity and fun is gay and dull and boring games are manly and mature. (I think this is the national idea of UK as a country.)

>> No.8569734

the problem with Medal of Honor Airborne was that it was way too fucking short, multiplayer was pretty poor, no real modability, no long term support because it was fucking 2000's EA, crappy advertisements, too expensive for what you get, too. Of course there's CoD4 that murdered it in sales, but the game was fucked from the start by being a typical rushed AAA title. Damn shame.