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/vr/ - Retro Games

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855757 No.855757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should I get one of these for the sake of completion for my retro game collection or is it better to pass on it?

>> No.855761

yes. they're cheap, and there are plenty of fun games worth owning and playing.

>> No.855763

Ask yourself the following: Was I alive in the 80s?

If you cannot answer an affirmative "Yes", then you are just a fucking hipster 90s shitbabby looking to exploit the retro game bubble and drive prices up for those of us who did actually remember the games being new.

>> No.855768

Hell yes get one.

>> No.855767

Go for it OP. Don't let the NES era "LOL OLDFAG XDDDDD" faggots tell you otherwise

>> No.855770

>hurr durr people who weren't alive 300 years ago can't listen to classical music.

>> No.855773

By your logic, people should only be able to enjoy any media produced after their birth.

>> No.855774

Nah, dude, nah. Outside of nostalgia (which is irrelevant since all the guys who had Ataris back then are dead now) there's no reason to play that shit.

>> No.855778

Show your work.

>> No.855780

The retro bubble didn't affect Atari games

>> No.855789

The fuck? How are guys who'd be only in their 30s dead?

>> No.855785

There was a 2nd gen bubble in like 99-02 or so, but it was just a couple of nostalgiafags and it never approached the idiocy we're seeing now.

>> No.855790

>durrrr I can't enjoy it because AVGN said I can't

>> No.855793

Under 20s don't actually know when the VCS came out.

>> No.855794

The neckbeard lifestyle, silly. They died of obesity and lack of sunlight or their mom threw them out of the basement. Very few basement dwelling pedophile neckbeards (ie. the usual 4chan demographic) live past their early 30s.

>> No.855797

1977, idiot. Any fool can use Wikipedia.

>> No.855795

Just because you were alive in the 80s doesn't mean you remember those games being new. That thing was a relic when I got mine as a hand-me-down in '89 and every game it came with was from the year I was born ('83) or earlier. I enjoyed the shit out of it anyway, Adventure especially blew my mind because I could see how it was a stylistic predecessor to Zelda. I wasn't a hipster, I just liked games and even as a kid had an appreciation for the things that came before and paved the way. Why not give this guy the benefit of the doubt instead of being a dick, but this is 4chan so I'm pissing in the wind.

>> No.855806

Learn to read faggot.

>> No.855804

I see shitbabby-kun is out stirring up trouble again!

>> No.855798

Because this guy has been going around shitting up every console thread.

>> No.855802

Get one, but do your research on which games are *actually* good. Play them via emulator to try 'em out. A huge amount of games people recommend are actually rather terrible, and there's a lot of really good gems hiding about in the library.

>> No.855803

I was technically alive in the 80s but can't remember anything of it.

>> No.855807

How much can you accomplish in a lousy 4k?

>> No.855812

How much do PS3 games accomplish with 50GB, oh wait....

No games. Only movies.

>> No.855815

They're mostly pretty cheap so even if you end up with some stinkers you'll probably get some cheap laughs out of them for just a buck or two spent. I mean don't buy indiscriminately, but I'd trust reasonably sounding recommendations so long as they aren't pricey games and honestly unless you are a hardened collector or have some serious nostalgia it isn't worth buying expensive 2600 carts.

>> No.855814

Oh, and the 2600 was actually not discontinued from production until 1991. Thus I was in fact alive when games were being made for it (sort of).

>> No.855816


>> No.855817

$20 is expensive for 2600. That's for the occasional game like Secret Quest.

>> No.855821

Actually most of the 2600 Holy Grails like Chase The Chuck Wagon aren't that good and people couldn't be collecting them for nostalgia anyway since hardly anyone had those games back in the day.

>> No.855823

You must know a lot about that place if you keep redirecting people there who have a different opinion from yours.

>> No.855824

Yeah, but realistically it wasn't very relevant after 1983.

>> No.855828

I've read archived Usenet posts from the 90s with guys reminiscing over the 2nd gen. Many of them focused on how hilariously shitty the games were. It seemed that those guys were mostly nostalgic for arcades rather than the consoles of that time.

>> No.855832

I wasn't talking holy grails, just games that aren't ultra cheap. Tapper is pretty decent but will set you back more than quite a lot of used current gen games.

>> No.855836

The best one ever was a thread about the awfulness of 2600 and Intellivision Donkey Kong. Dude said "Mario in the 2600 port looks like a turd when he walks up ladders and DK looks like the Gingerbread Man. And then on the Intellivision, Mario resembles Porky Pig."

>> No.855837

Considering you can play the (better) computer ports or the arcade game on emulation

>> No.855842

Tapper is from 83 after the crash was beginning so I can see why it's rare