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File: 333 KB, 1600x1600, Monster component Xbox cable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8556860 No.8556860 [Reply] [Original]

did any other company produce premium console cables?

Also, are modern replacement power adaptors superior in any way to original hardware aside from being smaller?

>> No.8556870

A thread died for this. Use Google, anon

>> No.8556880
File: 195 KB, 874x1080, genuine-microsoft-original-xbox-hd_1_d88fa6403abe2cb0c50b0386d8daa9fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't speak on power adapter replacements (literally all my OEM ones still run fine), but with A/V cables, 1st party will always be my first pick. That said, lots of businesses today make good substitutes. HD Retrovision, Retro Access, and Insurrection, just to name a few.

>> No.8556912
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>> No.8556929
File: 177 KB, 1200x1600, EvenJesusThinksUrAfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't roll his own using Mogami cables, hi-fi terminals and gold/silver solder
>instead buys overpriced "recycled" toxic waste branded as cables

>> No.8556951

Sounds needlessly overkill, if you're not baiting. That said, I actually do have Mogami cables hooked up to my home studio setup.

>> No.8556965
File: 163 KB, 717x720, 1319751096972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster cables were needlessly tight and require you to damn near break the inputs on your TV for them to actually fit. I actually had to get some pliers and pull on the wedges outward to loosen them up just enough for the cable to go in without needing Herculean force.

>> No.8556973

Phat monster cables turn me on

>> No.8556979
File: 60 KB, 350x510, 1484502193128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>premium cables
You can't tell a difference in a side by side comparison with normal cables.

>> No.8556980
File: 3.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220124-202547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madcatz might have made some

>> No.8556994

I don't care I need thicc cables to stroke while I wait for the game to load.

>> No.8557003

Taking anons advice and not killing a thread for something similar. Are those scart cables from retroaccess as good as they claim to be for RGB?

>> No.8557004

I picked up a monster playstation S-video cable at a used game store a few years ago without knowing about the reputation they had; I was just happy to find a cheap S-video cable. the cashier was maybe 8 to 10 years older than me and he was really excited for me when I was buying it.
it's a nice cable

>> No.8557020

I just play it safe and buy RGB cables from them exclusively. A bit expensive, but I have no plans on replacing them anytime soon, they just werk.

>> No.8557027

I literally just got some monster PS2 component cables that took me hours to get in. I got a blister on my finger from pushing them in so hard, and I eventually just took a pocket knife and broke off Half the wedges so they would go on. I never would have thought plugging in cables could be so fucking difficult.

>> No.8557046

Glad I'm not the only one. I had both the PS2 component cable and a GameCube S-video cable, and both were a complete bitch to plug in, though in the S-video cable's case, the actual S-video plug was fine since it doesn't use the same shitty wedges the RCA plugs do.

>> No.8557129

Just kicking him in the ribs a bit, but it's also fact. If you already have some hi-fi stuff around it probably be cheaper to cannibalize and you get 10x the performance instead of sourcing overpriced out of production meme "gamer/video-cables".

And I'd far from call it overkill, you get A LOT less noise, more vibrant colors, brighter and more dynamic video signal and louder clearer less noisy audio with better channel separation (SNES won't sound muffled anymore) and more bass coming through. Biggest shock-moment I've had tinkering with this was when I made a Mogami RF cable using hi-fi leftovers, it literally makes the video signal as good as composite on most consoles, no need to hack up your Famicom/PC-Engine, try it!

Only issue is that it also amplifies dot-crawl on NTSC composite and actually reveals that there's a some amount of it in PAL composite too, but dot-crawl can't be helped either way with composite/RF so the massive gains are worth it. Also in composite video it will reduce blur to the point it doesn't reduce dithering patterns nearly as well, but you still get composite chroma/luma bleed and pixel crushing/melting just not the blur to smooth it all out.

Try making real hi-fi grade composite cables yourself before irreversibly RGB raping your long out of production hardware, it should be almost as bright/vibrant and guaranteed to have better sound than anything AV-branded you can buy, just remember this:
-75ohm cables for video and 50ohm cables for audio.
-Cable length matters A LOT with analog and relatively weak retro console signals, so keep the cables no longer than what you need.
-Never Y-split video signals, it will eventually destroy something.
-If you fell for the RGB meme then you better understand "sync", NTSC and PAL video BEFORE making any cables.
-90s/00s AV Monster cables are for shallow-pool lazy consoomer faggots, you're better than that, right?

>> No.8557185

You must be at least 18 years old to post here.

>> No.8557196
File: 1.92 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220124-202312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8557221

You can, shielding makes a huge difference on analog signals.
You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.8557232

>Monster cables were needlessly tight and require you to damn near break the inputs on your TV for them to actually fit
I actually have the opposite problem with my PS2 Monster cable believe it or not. Because the cables/RCA connectors are so heavy and stiff, and because the RCA fit is so loose, they just fall out. The only work around was to get a razor blade and wedge it in between the two little prongs in the male connector just to get it to grip firmly. You gotta do that every time you put them in and take them out which is a massive pain in the ass.

>> No.8557237

Oh god anon, you fell for the hi-fi cable meme. As long as the cable is well shielded, the amount of noise introduced in the signal chain is negligible.

>> No.8557240

I'm a retard, didn't even realize you were replying to OP. I can appreciate the audiophilia, though.

>> No.8557290

looks like a tiny garden hose. nice

>> No.8557310

>Never Y-split video signals
I do when i screen capture

>> No.8557349
File: 21 KB, 480x320, Y-split.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to be clear, you know what a y-split cable (pic rel) is right? And it's video and not Mono/L/R audio?
If so you should probably use a device designed to split video signals, audio is OK to y-split but will degrade.

>> No.8557401
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220124-225638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean degrade? the cable will eventually break or just the quality goes down.
Yea i actually did think of that before when i split video i use the ones that have brown plastic that usually means its for video. And i use pic related for splitting if i want to record video.
Its both white so its probably for video.
I splitted the s-video connector on my tv, in case i want to record or just view something else or test something there is an extra open port. Because of the y-cable.
I have a powered splitter for vga,component, and hdmi.
I just dont have anything powered for composite and s-video.

>> No.8557410
File: 329 KB, 1536x1521, IMG_20220124_230129~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the extra s-video port for my tv using a y-cable. It barely gets used. Its for screen capture or just testing a device quickly.

>> No.8557431

They seem pretty good so far, least from what I've tried of the Dreamcast one. Works fine with my Retrotink 5X, so far it looks fine for Phantasy Star Online.

>> No.8557487

I bought some Monster GC AV cables in 2003 or so, got em on sale at Circuit City(RIP). They're still in great condition and have no issues with transmission despite length. If you could get them for a decent price they were worth it. Also, using a TINY bit of 3-in-1 oil on your RCA jacks or BNCs is never a bad idea.

>> No.8558109

>(SNES won't sound muffled anymore)

Nice b8.
7/10 you almost had me ordering blue jeans cables to mod with oem console plug ends.

>> No.8558147

what's it like being legally blind?

>> No.8558398

i bought thin cable chinese shit component for xbox, it cost 10 bucks and looks better than composite and lets me do 480p.

>> No.8558518

more or less, you can see interference in bad quality cheap chink ones

>> No.8558763 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 800x800, 1643121414232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I use this to connect a ps1?

>> No.8560286

Roll your own you slob, and the SNES (GPM-02, APU-01, 1CHIP-02) doesn't sound muffled even with the pack-in composite if you plug the RCAs straight into something actually hi-fi like a RME ADI-2 Pro. Better cables will help you hit the TVs built in amp harder and clearer and help decrease the SNR.

>> No.8560294

Are these both official? Why are there two different options?

>> No.8560318

Both official, AV Pack came out first, dedicated component cable later, albeit expensive to find nowadays.

>> No.8560340

Is there any difference? Why did they change the design?

>> No.8560447

I mean, I would assume convenience. AV Pack also requires a set of male-to-male component cables, whereas the later cable is a direct connection. Video quality should be the same, assuming you use good cables for the AV Pack.

>> No.8560553
File: 76 KB, 640x486, prplxd brd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baited again. Wtf am I reading? What kind of idiot uses a DAC just to output to TV speakers?

Listen mate, I have spent over a grand on my HiFi system and I can tell you pre-5th gen consoles hardly benefit from it, except for CD addon games and Genesis having more bass. There is not enough detail in those old consoles for the speakers and amp to reveal, and you cannot create detail out of nothing by plugging in a fatter cable.

Shit input = shit output, always, and the Shitendo chip was already obsolete on the console's release.

And yes, I do use Monster cables for my gear.

>> No.8560574

Are there any SNES games you consider to sound better than usual on your setup, even if it's just a bit?

>> No.8560660 [SPOILER] 
File: 108 KB, 926x678, 1643156349692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh BAITED heh kek 4ch kek (pic rel)
>What kind of idiot uses a DAC just to output to TV speakers?
Who said I or anyone else should do that and not the speakers that DAC would usually be connected to? I said if you plug them into your TV you'll still get a stronger, clearer signal with decreased SNR.

The point is you'll hear more of what the source actually is outputting, you know, the whole concept behind hi-fi? Why do you want to make it worse?

>listen mate, I have spent over a grand on my HiFi system
>and yes, I do use Monster cables for my gear
>can't hear shit of difference
Well you kinda proved my point about Monster cables and the chumps that overpay for that crap.

I'm actually trying to help you and others get better video and sound while saving cash and not falling for pre-made "gamer-cables", but with your poorcope and ego so invested in your bad purchases for some reason it's making you very confused and unable to improve your understanding. Yes, learning can be scary and humiliating, but it will ultimately give you insight to make better decisions. No need to be so mad, just accept facts and improve.

>> No.8560664

If there's no quality difference then I guess it was cheaper to produce the integrated cable so they abandoned the box unit.

>> No.8561647

In my experience: The cheap ebay/amazon ones are usually "good enough" as long as you get the right kind of sync etc. The worst you usually get is an audible buzz at low volumes (a dealbreaker if you game with headphones on) and more video noise showing up in big blocks of colour. Fine for normies, probably not good enough for nerds like us. I have the Wii and PS2 cables from HD Retrovision and they're wonderful if a little overpriced and the shielding is slightly excessive, but zero complaints and I have no doubt they'll last me a long time. The other nice cable I have is a scart cable from retrogamingcables.co.uk. They're also a good brand and the build of it is pretty solid.