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8556187 No.8556187 [Reply] [Original]

Just beat this. Fun time, probably my fave 80s JRPG that I’ve played so far even if it was cryptic and full of excessive backtracking. Pretty fair difficulty as well, which is fairly surprising for the era. Could this be the Master System’s best game? About to move onto Phantasy Star 2, what am I in for I know nei dies

>> No.8556334

>Could this be the Master System’s best game?
It's its best RPG for sure.

As for 2, it feels more linear, aside from one part part where you'll wonder where to go next. Be warned that the dungeons are bigger and more labyrinth-like with some nasty enemies.
Also the bigger character roster is a nice addition.

>> No.8556404

most people consider 4 the best, but yeah its pretty good. i forget if its 2 or 3 that people are more divided on, but most people say 1 and 4 are solid as fuck.

>> No.8556552

1: peak of the series
2: great presentation, shit gameplay
3: shit presentation, shit gameplay
4: mediocre presentation, mediocre gameplay

>> No.8556758

>Could this be the Master System’s best game?
It is.
>About to move onto Phantasy Star 2, what am I in for
Less grinding, less confusion, bigger mazes
4 > 1 > 2 > 3

>> No.8556828

3 is the one everyone hates

>> No.8556846
File: 136 KB, 500x477, phantasy star 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 is a lot of fun, but be prepared for some elaborate dungeons. There's not a ton of story and only a few bosses, but the setting and what's there is cool.
>4 > 1 > 2 > 3
I agree with this ranking.

>> No.8556958

Alright anons, fired the game up and grinded for a bit before calling it a night. I splurged on the blow gun for Rolf but it does shit damage so I’m a bit pissed off at that, but Nei now has two bars and I’ve got everyone up to about Level 4 (6 for Nei). Will continue tomorrow

>> No.8557013

The two best SMS games are Phantasy Star and Wonder Boy III. Both could be argued as the best of their respective genre on 8-bit hardware.

>> No.8557448

The dungeons are difficult in PS2. It's the most difficult game because of it. You won't need to grind at all because you're guaranteed to get lost and get enough levels and meseta for weapon & armor upgrades. You'll most likely have an online map open unless you want to map the dungeons out on your own. The American release came with a hint book with detailed dungeon maps.

One dungeon example: A dungeon on the first planet has a trap entrance. You have to go off-grid and around the building to get to the real entrance. There are no hints in-game telling you about it and there are no other dungeons or situations up to that point that would clue you in as far as I know. There is also one dungeon towards the very end of the game that consists completely of pit traps. If you fall down one wrong one you have to walk all the way back up and do it all over again.

>> No.8557596
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I always enjoy cover arts that's just official artwork but way more "american".

>> No.8557608
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typically you'd want Rolf to stick with swords or dual-wielding daggers (the game makes Ceram Knives available to buy pretty early, they're way expensive but if you can get two on Rolf he'll be able to do tons of damage + attack twice per turn). Guns are best wielded by your next party member.

Unlike PS1, you have to return to your home in Paseo whenever you reach certain milestones to gain new party members. Remember to check back every time you visit a new town or after clearing the Biosystems lab dungeon.

then you probably won't like pic related

>> No.8557619

>I splurged on the blow gun for Rolf but it does shit damage
Like in the first game, guns ignore defense and do set damage. Some can damage multiple enemies in a group. Unfortunately Rolf can only equip light pistols.

>> No.8557625

you're somehow sugar coating the late game dungeon, you have to run that fucker twice

>> No.8557629
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>4: mediocre presentation
I don't understand. Do you just not like the art style? It's undeniable that a lot of effort went into the presentation even if you don't like the result.

>> No.8557654
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Twice? You speedrunner, you!

>> No.8559337

>be 10yo or so
>get a cheat / walkthrough book for Genesis
>see a PS2 walkthrough
>first time seeing a console RPG so don't really understand what the game is, get curious, start reading
>pretty interesting plot
I had no chance to avoid that spoiler

>> No.8561028

despite all i hear about PS2, I still want to play it. the music is amazing snd the setting / plot are nice. great use of Genesis's synth

>> No.8561035

I get the impression Phantasy Star IV was meant to be a Sega-CD game at some point.

>> No.8561107

Op here. You fuckers weren’t kidding when you said these dungeons were big. First one was ridiculous. Grinding a fair bit and got Rudo to join the party. About to go save that girl in the tower and then watch her get murdered by her dad

>> No.8561115
File: 18 KB, 305x228, Ps4characters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ever hate a game because of 'tism? i just dislike the art direction of PS4. they overuse neon green / blue / pink for characters, like the worst of 90s anime. then they mix this with realistic muted backgrounds like desert towns, snow, etc, which are pretty boring too. it's like they couldn't decide if they wanted realism or eyerape bright colors.

>> No.8562050

The art is great. You don't like it because you're a fag is the reason.

>> No.8562062
File: 21 KB, 319x310, 4b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah, let's just mix neon purple, neon green and neon blue. looks good to me. fuck color theory. this is the 90s, thats what kids want

>> No.8562069

3 is hated and, maybe, rightfully so. But I can’t stop loving it for what is strived to be. This game was too ambitious for the short development cycle it had and a new dev team without experience.
Still, I love setting of PS3. Music and character designs are also the best in the series, IPPO and Toyo Ozaki did a really good job.

Same here. Thanks to the book with walkthroughs I knew stories of PS2, 3 and 4 long before I actually played games.

>> No.8563525

I had always heard that most people considered this to be the best Master System game. I've never found the time to finish it.

>> No.8563704
File: 3.97 MB, 1534x2100, phantasy_star_iv_us_cover_custom2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing prepatched roms and utilities for those of you who want to get into the classic Phantasy Star series but were too lazy to do it yourselves. And if the changes and quality-of-life additions aren't your thing, the originals are right there in the zip, too.


>> No.8563846

I think that's where PS2 stands out : it's the darkest in the series. It's too trite in the way it delivers the story (something 3 also suffers from) but has the potential to be a great grim sci-fi adventure.
As for the dungeons, it gets worse.

Also, the manual is useful to know about the various techniques as their names aren't explicit as they were in PS1.

>> No.8565112

it never really bothered me, but i think that subconsciously i recognized this. the characters always stood out compared to the world. again, it doesnt bother me, but considering autism, i can totally understand why it would bother somebody with autism.

>> No.8565760

Mind specifying what hacks are in there? Speaking as someone who never played them but is aware of the....things many don't like about them.

>> No.8565774

Or Phantasy Star I having SNES remake.

>> No.8565780

>things many don't like about them.
What things?

>> No.8565920


>Music...also the best in the series

LMAO. The terrible music in 3 is why I dropped it 20+ years ago.

>> No.8566675
File: 1.86 MB, 1524x2093, phantasy_star_iii_sot_cover_custom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mind specifying what hacks are in there?
I mean, you'd know if you just download it. Everything's included to patch your own but the prepatched ones include english translations of the game gear, the psii text adventures, and game hacks of psii, psiii and psiv by vivify and fauntleroy (though feel free to ignore the psiv hacks, game was already good as-is, just threw them in for funsies and because they fix some of the more outstanding bugs). Also the PS/PSIII retranslation hacks.