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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 291x350, Blood_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8552786 No.8552786 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on pic related, /vr/? Is it the zenith of the early first person shooters? And how's Death Wish? What's your favourite enemy/weapon/level?

>> No.8552793

Hard as balls but as fun as playing with your wifes lactating tits.

>> No.8552806

It's ok.
It's ok
Axe Zombie/Mac 10/Crystal Lake

>> No.8552810

Designed to be played with quick saves. Amazingly fun game and great level design. Top tier atmosphere.

Chuck dynamite around corners and use it often, the game gives you so much.

>> No.8553058

I fucking love it. I love the artwork, movement, guns, level design, the campy halloween and horror themes, the hilarious and lovable protag

and the fucking SCREAMING


>> No.8553093

Death Wish is the only true Blood 2. Damn I love that mod.

>> No.8553108

Blood’s fun. All the build games have their strengths and quirks but Blood appeals to me the most.
First try playthroughs need to start on Lightly Broiled,

>> No.8553334

Its good, and the fan are mods are good. And you can play on UV or whatever it was and not hide from hitscanners. Was it extra crispy? I forget

>> No.8553336

game sucks.

>> No.8553346

It's okay. I think it's contrarian to rate it higher than Doom, I honestly think it gets boring pretty quick, especially after the first episode which is normal for every 90s FPS. I just don't like the Build engine, it feels to clunky and slippery to move in. It's certainly good, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to replay it mostly just cuz it felt tiresome. I played on the equivalent of Ultra Violence, forgot what it was called.

Also my favorite of course because I'm a basic bitch is MODERN ARTS AND FEAR BOOKS

>> No.8553464

No. Blood is really cool but in it's own specific way and try to make it sound like it's the top of the heap is silly. It's really good at a few things and so-so on others. I think it's the most "solid" feeling of the popular Build games, and has the most consistent aesthetic and most polished maps.

>> No.8553545

I fucking love this game. 10/10 atmosphere, weapons are creative and fun to use, and the cultists' shrieks as you blast them into ground beef never gets old. I think I saw an anon say it's the closest we'll ever get to an "Evil Dead" game and I love those movies too.

>> No.8554339

Is the fist time i played and i loved. Is scary and funny in is own way. I like the carnaval map

>> No.8554364

>most polished maps

Blood's maps are middling at best when excepting the first episode and highlights like Overlooked Hotel, which come close to matching Duke's better maps. It has no low points as bad as Shadow Warrior, but most of the maps in the later episodes are generally drab and lacking in terms of Build engine spice.

>> No.8554390

It has clout due to being lesser known than Duke but not as bs as shadow warrior but it's just alright
It has a lot of character but the gameplay isn't great

>> No.8554412

retail shotgun sound sucks alpha shotgun sound rules

>> No.8554895

really amazing character and production values especially for the time but I was left kind of underwhelmed. I found normal to be a little soft once you got over the hump of the first few levels and the ultra violence equivalent to be to punishing with hitscan, the bread n butter cultist enemies get repetitive.

>> No.8554982

I get the feeling that games are so cucked today that any of the major FPS from "back-in-the-day" go hard.

I reckon Redneck Rampage could be rediscovered as a cult clasic today.

>> No.8554986

Amazing game, legendary first episode. Game gets a lot easier when you realize cultists have very slow turning speed.

>> No.8555357

Incredibly good though very difficult. Atmosphere for days too.

>> No.8555364

More fast and edgier than doom

>> No.8555391

Always loved looking at it in magazines. Seemed right up my alley but I never ended up owning a copy of it. I hope it comes to Xbox one day so I can finally play it now.

>> No.8555453

Trying to get the fat out of Ep2 right now. E2M5 has been tricky.

>> No.8555482


>> No.8556129

A superb game.
My second choice after DoomII.

>> No.8557341


>> No.8557352
File: 21 KB, 348x333, Geroxe bibox malax.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8558286

Hands down the best build engine game. Beat it twice on Well Done. Impossible to beat if you dont run into every encounter like a mad man, jumping over monster's heads and crouching under their fire. Great atmosphere, good level progression especially for a build engine game, incredible weapons, psychopath main character.

10/10 best retro fps

>> No.8558481

to those who've played well done, you're doing that with quick saves right? traditional one shotting levels on that seems nuts to me.

>> No.8559541

Yeah, I beat it on Well Done with Quick Saves. Haven't tried without yet. Would say it's one of my favourite retro games.

>> No.8559580

very good anon. less helpful but useful is they don’t have a traditional “hitstun”: when they get poked by any damage, even a single bullet or pitchfork poke, their attack is disabled for a second.
>to those who've played well done, you're doing that with quick saves right?
these days, on replays? no.
on a level i’ve not played before i go through it on LB and minimal saves per level, if its through GDX i’ll set enemy health and damage to LB while increasing enemy spawns to WD or EC.

>> No.8559724

I love it, akimbo is a strong contender for the most fun powerup in a FPS imo. Some maps are garbage, while others are highly memorable. Fucking screaming ghosts/skull staff/train level.

>> No.8560559

I dreamt of an obsidian tower piercing the sky.

>> No.8560914
File: 480 KB, 1920x1080, good map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this reference, I think

>> No.8561097

Does GDX still blow out the skybox to pure white like this? I thought that got fixed.

>> No.8561142
File: 575 KB, 1920x1080, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fixed. I initially thought it was meant to look like that, I still kind of prefer it.

>> No.8561686
File: 605 KB, 761x720, blood_door.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8561702
File: 214 KB, 900x1200, yeezys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8561704

Best Build Engine game next to Duke and Redneck Rampage.
>Tommygun Cultist
>Flare gun/Double Barrel combo

>> No.8561741

Its alright i guess but doesn't hold a candle to Daikatana, then again no other 90s fps can.

>> No.8562653

Have any anons here spent significant time playing Bloodbath?

>> No.8562692

>guns akimbo
it was awesome but buggy as hell, was a regular on our lan parties.

>> No.8562756

Ah, a Kancer Fabancer meme. Disgusting.

>> No.8562846

Fabino slander not tolerated

>> No.8562912

“zenith” lmao, you can always notice the failed lit students on here because they use dead, fancy words

“Is Blood the goodest game?” is apparently too simple for the precious intellectuals

>> No.8562935

trolling is not allowed outside /b/

>> No.8563094

It has an excellent feel to its physics once you're used to them, one of my favorite weapon selections in an FPS, and it's incredibly satisfying killing its enemies. It's one of my all-time favorites even though I haven't finished it yet.

>> No.8563393

oh gosh, the atmosphere in this mod...

>> No.8563420

It’s a masterpiece all around, and you’re missing out if you don’t use its custom soundtrack.

>> No.8564104
File: 2.91 MB, 854x480, what goes up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the gore, the flying bodies are always the most entertaining.

>> No.8564338

what map is this?

>> No.8564390
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, cultist is done.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the last from 500ml of /vr/

>> No.8564414
File: 69 KB, 668x244, 1639936367672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.8564421

Agreed. There's always something funny and satisfying about bouncing a bundle of dynamite around a corner, only for a cultist to come flying in from out of frame. It just adds a special kind of impact.

>> No.8564492

Alright, schizos, what's the best way to play it now? Nblood seems best but tell me why I'm wrong and what's better.

>> No.8564501

Raze is decent.
NBlood is the best.

>> No.8564518
File: 2.95 MB, 854x480, frenchmeat2 beach.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but tell me why I'm wrong and what's better.
Not today. NBlood also has the best custom map compatibility, it's great.
If you want more replayability when you're done with it, consider GDX for its custom difficulty settings. Just make sure you check pallete emulation in the settings.

>> No.8564740

I've used Raze before, think for Duke. The prospect of a one-stop Build player is nice, but what makes it worse than Nblood?

>> No.8564842

Nevermind, gonna (You) myself here and mention that Raze includes Nblood so I suppose there's no reason not to use it.

>> No.8564891

By "polished" I meant the cleanliness of the mapping. Blood's maps feel very carefully constructed, very few texturing mistakes or misplaced objects, stuff like that. Very professional. I'm not saying they're the best Build levels.

Quality un-aside, I disagree and think all the episodes have a mix of good and so-so maps, including Ep1.