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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 672x372, webpc-passthru.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8537613 No.8537613 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts? Also we are going to see 1.8.0 next February supposedly.

>> No.8537623

Garbage running Vulkan is still garbage

>> No.8537632

Well that depends on if it's any good. Vulkan doesn't inherently improve anything; it all depends on how well it's coded and how it makes use of the lower-level features. And considering that when huge companies re-write their rendering engines in Vulkan, they generally are met with months and sometimes years of bugs and crashes before everything gets ironed out, I'd temper your expectations of what an emulator dev can do.

>> No.8537653
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I'll wait until February to test it out. I want to play black and urban chaos again.

>> No.8537675

Can't wait for 1.8.0
I always thought DirectX and OpenGL are somewhat interchangeable, and I expected the same visual result from both backends, but there are some minor and major differences in certain games.

>> No.8537709

The most suitable plugin for Windows that I've tried is Direct3D 11. OpenGL for Windows is shit.

>> No.8538463

next february is 13 months from now. do you mean this february?

>> No.8539039

OpenGL is the most accurate hardware renderer with PCSX2

>> No.8539045

Do I still have to go to software mode during Steambot Chronicles? Such a shame Irem died before they could get us a sequel, too.

>> No.8540246

This February I guess, sorry I'm not Americano.

>> No.8540250

Slow as fuck in my case, at least on Windows 10.

>> No.8540270
File: 3.00 MB, 498x451, 27188B2C-34D0-4E42-B2DA-AEC785E7455A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vulkan doesn't inherently improve anything

>> No.8540279

Lets see if Shadow of the Colossus runs properly now

>> No.8540298

will they include the QT UI in 1.8.0?
Maybe if you're on AMD.
What's wrong with it? apart from the shit framerate that the original console also has.

>> No.8540485

now all the bugs are even prettier

>> No.8541745

Is there any way to run new versions of this on Windows 7? I have a hard time understanding why exactly I need Windows 10 to emulate a console from 1500BC.

>> No.8541752

They stopped supporting Windows 7 because of a stupid fucking audio plugin they're too lazy to fix. Someone else made the "windows 10 only" version run on Windows XP out of spite some months ago.

>> No.8541758

I'd like to see you argue against it because what they wrote seems pretty accurate. What you wrote isn't anything at all.

>> No.8541992

If vulkan doesn’t inherently improve anything then there was literally zero point to switching to it was there

>> No.8542021

what does vulkan do for pcsx2?

>> No.8542328


>> No.8542351

it's faster and has better GPU support
hopefully they actually switch it over to 64 bit too

>> No.8542495

Switching to 64 bit would be the greatest thing they could do to be honest

>> No.8543434

I don't think you understand what "inherently" means. Instead of being obtuse why can't you just give a real response. What's the inherent benefit?

>> No.8543560

I think I understand exactly what inherent means
Vulkan has a lower cpu overhead and allows direct gpu control and like I said, why would they port over to a new API if it didn’t make the program run better

>> No.8543693

Is it more graphically accurate than OpenGL and DX?

>> No.8543709

All I can say is MGS3 shows black spots randomly in the jungle if you use D3D 11, but that does not happen with OpenGL and Vulkan.

>> No.8543712
File: 416 KB, 512x448, D3D 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach this.

>> No.8543715

>why would they port over to a new API if it didn’t make the program run better
"just because". you'd be surprised how many people do this because they thought this gives them extra nerd points or something. or sometimes they just do it for fun.

>> No.8543718

Vulkan is supposedly the evolution of OpenGL, so if one is good the other one is better.

>> No.8543740

Yeah no

>> No.8543743

>I think I understand exactly what inherent means
It seems like the original poster was right and you're either trolling or just speaking out of ignorance. As is, it's going to be on par or worse than their OGL implementation. Maybe in a year or so the benefits will come to fruition but pretending like the port is going to magically change things inherently just isn't the case. They have to actually do the work that the API allows, it's not magic.

>why would they port over to a new API if it didn’t make the program run better
Because it's the modern standard and it "allows" the program to be implemented better. Expecting it to be better in February is silly given the track record of the project. Maybe there will be marginal gains but it's going to take time to be optimized and refined. You don't get it for free, the work has to be done.

>> No.8543757

every game needs a different setting
every game has either major or little bugs
every game doesn't run smooth
and more . . .

also, did you notice that the analog stick is not set up perfect? You have to change some settings with the sensiblility and the deadzone.
also, did you notice that the rumble feature is not working well (MSG - heartbeat) just try it out with Duckstation MSG1.
also, did you notice that non of the major problems in games where ever fixed
also, did you notice that the devs of pcxr2 are narcisstic and full with themself
also, did you notice that non of the plugins ever got updated
also, did you notice that all they do is pushing new feature insteed of fixing current code

pcsr2 is a trainwreck and the only reason it is accepted is because its the only emulator for ps2
for what ever magical reason there is, or what ever warfare is done behind the scene of the emulator devs, why is there no other option (since over 10 years).... and don't come up with 'Play!', still doesn't work.

>> No.8543770

Just get a ps2 then
Chuck in a HDD and fmcb and you’re good to go

>> No.8543796

that's because there's exclusive emualtion there which isn't in dx plugin
i forgot how it's called, it's about these ps2 layers

>> No.8543810

hire a programmer to make a good emulator then

>> No.8543816

Can I use the official adapter with a ide to sata converter?

>> No.8543879

I am, with the PAL one
Playing NTSC games with no issue on a CRT, shit's great

>> No.8543890

Well now OpenGL works well in my PC. I investigated and found that you have to previously enable PCSX2 on the Nvidia control panel. Now both D3D and OpenGL have similar performance, and so does Vulkan as far as I know.

>> No.8543907

>nooo vulkan doesn't change anything
>tfw /vr/ boomers trying to be /g/

>> No.8543910
File: 995 KB, 1026x897, pcsx2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc pcsx2 was one of the first software projects that dropped win7 support (they didn't even wait a fucking year after ms eoled it) as if i needed even more reasons to hate pcsx2 devs fuck them they SUCK
the latest nightlies (or at least the x86 builds, not sure about x64) still work on win7 if you:
>download dxvk from github and extract the 32-bit versions of d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll to the same folder where pcsx2.exe is located (or maybe you can just use the actual vulkan renderer instead, i haven't tried it yet)
>change the audio backend from xaudio2 to cubeb
this isn't exactly a permanent fix and stenzek is busy trying to merge in a new qt6 frontend (https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/pull/5221)) - qt6 is also windows 10+ only because the qt company is pure evil, so we're undoubtedly going to see a bunch of foss programs drop support for 7 and 8 out of sheer laziness in the next year or so. at least we have a version that reads chds :|

>> No.8543921

I can take things out of context too
>speaking out of ignorance

>> No.8543945

Can you link me that adapter?

>> No.8543948

Ah, I got it off a local guy in AUS off Ebay sorry

>> No.8543979

Well, you got blown the fuck out. What's your next move?

>> No.8543982

Not even close to every game.
Not even close to every game.
Buy a better set-up then, retard.
Yes, you need a PS2 controller for the analog face buttons who knew.
Have no idea bout this one.
Silent Hill Origins and Shattered Memories, Burnout, and bunch of other recently received fixes for long standing issues.
Okay, arm chair psychologist.
Plugins haven't existed in dev builds for months now.
What new features?

The 'magical reason' is that the system is extremely complex you buffoon. If it was that simple you'd already see a bunch of derivatives like with PSX emulation.

>> No.8544198

>no windows 7 support
fuck off

>> No.8544428

>lower CPU overhead is somehow not an inherent improvement
Sit the fuck down dude

>> No.8544582
File: 70 KB, 512x384, 1512848614926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still need hacks to play Fatal Frame 1
>still get black planes in Ace Combat 04

>> No.8544630

>ace combat 4 emulation on pc sucks but opl works flawlessly
>ace combat 5 needs legacy build of opl to not freeze due to a sound issue but pcsx2 emulates it without major issues
why cant i have these two work well on one fucking platform

>> No.8544770

I fail to see how anything was taken "out of context" considering I'm the one highlighting the context and stressing it. Once again you just fail to explain anything at all.
The potential for improvement is not the same thing as inherent improvement as you seem to believe.
It's really ironic to talk about context while you ignore it completely. You're talking about CPU reductions (which you posted no evidence of) in the context of a graphics API where the primary focus is the GPU.
And furthermore, again stressing the context where you are not, accuracy is a huge factor in the context of an emulator. Nobody would consider it an improvement if it rendered 100x faster but all it was rendering was a black screen.
This emulator in particular has a track record for having poor accuracy, and now they're switching to a new foundation.

Nobody is arguing that it's good for the long run, but you haven't posted anything convincing that this is going to matter in the short term, let alone inherently. You're just making baseless claims. If that's not the case, please back them up because that's literally what I'm asking for since you're acting like you know better.
I'm starting to assume you're more interested in arguing than actually discussing the topic.

>> No.8544783

>ace combat 5 needs legacy build of opl
Which one?

>> No.8544895

im using r726 for just that 1 game

>> No.8544991
File: 1.19 MB, 1641x1039, pcsx2_vulkan_x64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8544994

>i have no idea what i'm talking about
Sit the fuck down dude

>> No.8545001

Will I finally be able to play Ratchet Deadlocked at an acceptable speed? Ran like ass the last time I tried it

>> No.8545012

He's a retard who got over excited for a thread topic and wanted to be a part of it, so he posted some dumb shit he doesn't really understand. When a few different anons (you being one of them, I assume) called him on it, he got upset and embarrassed. Instead of just closing the thread, he started banging on google to figure out what "vulkan" even is, and he's doubling down on being retarded. So yes, he's more interested in arguing. Embarrassed people usually are.

>> No.8545153
