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8536121 No.8536121 [Reply] [Original]

Why was this game so forgotten in comparison to Goldeneye, when it objectively did everything better?

>> No.8536137

Goldeneye has nostalgia to cover uo how shitty it is. Meanwhile Perfect Dark is just dogshit personified.

>> No.8536138

because at the end of the day, it was just another first person shooter.

>> No.8536154

Its release window. By the time Perfect Dark came around the world had already experienced 3 years of Goldeneye. Kinda showed that maybe Rare did need the license for the game to stand out. Joanna never did catch on. Perhaps the game could have used stronger characters or at least a female counter operative to spice things up. I played the fame to completion multiple times and don't remember any of it.

>> No.8536165

It was super late in the n64 lifespan. Technically impressive games late in a console's lifespan usually are some of the best on a platform but they usually don't draw as much attention.

>> No.8536170

released too late, needed ram pak - ran like shit anyway, missions were too hard for normalfags. it aged in reverse and is much better played on a modern machine.

>> No.8536172

perfect dark turned some people off at launch because you had to have the expansion pack to play 70% of it

>> No.8536179

It wasn't one thing specifically but a bunch of combined ones. It came out at the end of the N64's life cycle, months before the PS2 and after the Dreamcast. It didn't have the iconic James Bond license. It was rated M instead of rated T. It required the Expansion Pack to play or you had a gimped multiplayer only game.
Even with all of that I'd say it was a fairly successful game, it sold more than many iconic N64 games like the Turok franchise, Mario Party 2, Star Wars Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, Pokemon Stadium 2 etc.

>> No.8536185


>> No.8536194

By the time Perfect Dark was released, Nintendo already announced the GameCube, if I am not mistaken. Perfect Dark got lost in the "next gen" shuffle.

>> No.8536230

I remember I reached rank 6 on combar simulator before even starting the campaign, after bitching to my dad for the expansion pak.

>> No.8536351

most people didnt know it was bascially a sequel to goldeneye. I loved goldeneye and barely knew about it until i bought it on a whim

>> No.8536442

Maybe because people didn't want to buy an expansion pak.

>> No.8536471

No. A month was like a year back then in 'old time'. All the magazines had perfect dark and we we're all talking about it.

>> No.8536474

Got mine for Majoras, It came free with DK 64. That's when we got Pd.

>> No.8536504

Lmao I loved both games but the problem with retro games is some genres just get wholly improved upon, so there’s no good reason to go back to n64 shooters for anything other than nostalgia which makes you kind of right.

>> No.8536683

Released late. Needed an expensive expansion to run and didn't come for free with it. Still ran like shit and has so much motion blur that emulating it doesn't make it feel any better. Missions were too hard for normies to figure out. Came very late into the console's life. Then got eclipsed by the same devs after they left rare with Timesplitters and Timesplitters 2.

>> No.8536905

I've beaten Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect across the years but I truly can't say I "love" any of them like so many do. Post-SNES Rare games have a reputation for causing frustration in players but I think their shooters (Timesplitters included) bring that irritation to another level.

And It's not really that they're even that difficult - the extreme auto-aim basically does 90% of the shooting for you but in the cases where you have to manually aim to shoot a sniper or someone on a plane higher than you, the fiddly snapback aim system is just so sensitive that it's tough to rely on it for the harder difficulties. And this goes for the OEM N64 stick, the PS2 controller, 360 stick etc etc. They all feel equally as awful.

Then there's the way missions are structured, which is actually really fun in the earlier levels of all those games. But there's just so much BS in the later half of every game in regards to the objectives. They can be completely unclear, logically retarded, annoyingly fiddly or at worst, you have to babysit an AI like Natalya or Elvis. Again, perfectly do-able and consistent on the normal difficulties, but sadistic on the higher ones. I like the tension of no checkpoints, but when you have to re-do 40 minutes of play because you failed at throwing a mine on a satellite dish with the N64 controller or you accidentally shot a mission critical control panel that looks like every other one in the same level, it all feels very unfair sometimes.

Not bad games, very fun at times, great with friends, all have that great Rare charm and humour - but I have zero desire to ever play through them again. The leaked XBLA port of Goldeneye or Timesplitters 2 with an Xbox controller are probably the most enjoyable to play today. Future Perfect deserves more love though, even if it does stray more into the FPS trends of it's time.

>> No.8536983

>when it objectively did everything better?
It doesn't have James Bond though?

>> No.8537025


>> No.8537194

How's PD forgotten? It usually on most best N64 games list and consider better than Goldeneye.

>> No.8537407

That's because TS2 is the only 10/10 game of the three.

>> No.8537652

No posts below this one allowed if you didn't beat everything on perfect agent, unlock all cheats, and get all stars on shooting range

fuck the challenges though, I kneel

>> No.8537654

Yea, pretty sure PD was plenty popular, it was the sequel that killed the hype of the IP.

>> No.8537663

One of the best things about PD was the secondary weapon effects and bots, but pretty customizeable bots too. I don't recall that becoming a standard. I don't recall more than maybe a couple games that did this.

>> No.8537667

>Then there's the way missions are structured, which is actually really fun in the earlier levels of all those games. But there's just so much BS in the later half of every game in regards to the objectives. They can be completely unclear, logically retarded, annoyingly fiddly or at worst, you have to babysit an AI like Natalya or Elvis. Again, perfectly do-able and consistent on the normal difficulties, but sadistic on the higher ones. I like the tension of no checkpoints, but when you have to re-do 40 minutes of play because you failed at throwing a mine on a satellite dish with the N64 controller or you accidentally shot a mission critical control panel that looks like every other one in the same level, it all feels very unfair sometimes.

>> No.8538218
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>came out in 2004
>amazing graphics
>full body modeled in first person
>amazing animations
>dynamic and destructible lights
>PC port has soft stencil shadows
>varied shooting, exploration and stealth gameplay
>a Hollywood actor actually caring about the product and doing great voice acting
This game absolutely mogs its competition, mainly Doom 3. Yet no one remembers it.

Aside from the licensing issues that won't let this game be sold, they "remastered" it in the semi-sequel, but the original is the way to go, shame it's kinda broken on modern PCs.

>> No.8538242

One game came out in the middle of the system's lifespan and the other was released when the PS2 was coming into play.

>> No.8538250

You need to practice. Missions in PD should not be taking you 40 minutes.

>> No.8538376
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>game came out in 1998
>action packed story
>almost everything is interactable
>average expansion pack not included

>> No.8538417

They’re remastering it… So someone rates it fairly

>> No.8538424

Didn't have to kill 'em that hard anon

>> No.8538442
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>> No.8538445

the demo impressed me at the time. Didnt buy it for some reason and I kinda regret it

>> No.8538448
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>> No.8538471
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>> No.8538474
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>> No.8538479
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>> No.8538485
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>> No.8538514

this mission was so well designed, the kind of level design that made both this and GE notable

>> No.8538520

Imagine being this wrong

>> No.8538529
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the game itself is out there but its so fucking rare..
but i managed to get the manual book

>> No.8539169

My "expansion pack" was ready when I saw booba.

>> No.8539189

Allen keys and a guitarist's pinky.

>> No.8539207

No, but the GameCube is related, they wanted to delay the launch to fix jank but Nintendo didn't want it released after the GameCube announcement

>> No.8539414

Holy shit, didn't even see that part. Super fucking filtered. Some of the cheats you have to speedrun on the hardest difficulty to unlock. You can finish every mission fast. And I'm not some hardcore player or anything. PD has a really nice flow when you play it at a high level.

>> No.8539425

That's cool and all but when are you going to unlock it

>> No.8539437

Perfect Dark came out when the PS2 was just a few months away. It's also one of the few N64 games that required the expansion pak.

>> No.8539454

>but when you have to re-do 40 minutes of play
What? I don't remember any level in these games taking even half as long as that even on the hardest setting.

>> No.8539530

Outside of the 40 minutes point, some of the objectives are a bit bullshit. Especially the AI on Elvis, fuck that.

>> No.8539762

Kek not reading this wall of faggotry

>> No.8539765

It’s absurd how looked over this game is still and it’s aged like wine. It’s a top five action game of all time. No ifs or buts. It’s objectively a masterpiece and anyone who thinks otherwise is a certified brainlet.

>> No.8539778

>remaster worse
Spoonfeed me.

>> No.8539785

Nevermind, I see what you mean. Remaster has stupid amounts of post-processing and doesn't look as good, even with the improved models.

>> No.8539793

Hate it when that shit happens. Kinda the same thing with Perfect Dark on 360, the newer stuff is fine but unlike the old look upscaled more.

>> No.8539854

>much better played on a modern machine.
agree completely, same with Doom 64. Thought the post-airforce 1 missions all suck ass.

>> No.8540096

>objectively did everything better
How to identify yourself as a retard/shitposter

>> No.8540107

The webms look cool but perfect dark just isn't as fun as GE in single player. or probably even in multi, since the map selection sucks and something people don't even talk about which is goldeneye was playable 4 player with 100p per person because it was simple and clean. Perfect dark often felt like actually playing in the dark, with fiddly little shit you hope to pick up that you have no chance of identifying and then a cluttered ui/reticle etc blocking the screen. If you had 4 people together and could choose, like I did every week, it was going to be GE even though nobody could articulate why. I'm starting to understand it now

>> No.8540465

That plus the frame rate was fucking sub 10 fps at the best of times. Goldeneyes MP wasn’t exactly fast but goddamn Perfect Dark made PS4 Cyberpunk look like Doom.

>> No.8540931

Perfect Dark 360 wasn't nearly as egregious, and was pretty faithful, some models aside. Let's not pretend PD64 or GE's models were great. All the colors and materials are the same if I recall, and there's no bloompocalypse.

>> No.8540947

I thought it was better than any of the Riddick movies.

>> No.8541001

Are you daft? You got this the other way around. Anyone alive at the time loved PD over Browneye.
Everyone recognized it as a direct upgrade in every single way. Hell, it even had the best maps from goldeneye.

Fucking zoomers trying to rewrite history.

>> No.8541030

It's basically a GoldenEye total conversion, complete with the same bullshit bugs and slowdowns

>> No.8541050

The multiplayer with friends and bots was so fun. And cool weapons with 2 functions.

>> No.8541058

Perfect dark 360 was the biggest bullshit letdown that ever happened in my life.
I want to torture whoever made that garbage.
The characters look like cartoon garbage that are stuck underwater or in outerspace. There is no blood. When you die you dissipate like a computer graphic.
The guns dont work. Its hard to aim.

>> No.8541241

Seemed to me like an upgrade across the board. Didn't notice the blood, though. That's fairly important as far as feedback goes. Sounds like you're being a little anal overall, though. 60 + dual stick optimization ALONE should make it easier to hit shit. Again, let's not pretend PD looked good.

>> No.8541323

When you hit people with guns or explosions they dont die.
So hard to kill people in that game

>> No.8541338

I just wish there was an option to switch between an upscaled old mode and the new stuff

>> No.8541374

I never played the single player. But im talking about the multiplayer is complete trash and not like pd64.

>> No.8541613

Apparently they downgraded the bots AI and number (only 4 instead of 8)

>> No.8541770

>Proxy grenades
>Laptop sentry
>camera wire rockets
>Killing sims and friens through walls with the Farsight

Yeah, even the inaccurate Magsec was fun to shoot.

>> No.8541819

this is easily the best PD mission

>> No.8541843

Why does it come with 5 discs ?
This triggers me.

>> No.8541893

EU edition shipped on a single dvd

>> No.8542070

What? I never had issue killing people in the remaster.

>> No.8542093

Talking about pd360

>> No.8542095

I was talking about perfect dark zero the whole time.

>> No.8542180

fake news. it went forward in some ways but really it went in a direction and one that wasn't in line with the appeal of ge to many fans. I was beyond hyped for perfect dark. Literally cuddling a little pack of cut out preview screenshots every night. Then i finally got it and it was just.. in a word of the time, gay

>> No.8542462

OH, I saw PD360 and though the 360 remaster of PD. Never heard someone call PDzero that.

>> No.8542875


>> No.8542979

Not even trying to be that guy, but seriously just emulate it with 1964+mouse injector and it’s basically a perfect PC port already without some of the drawbacks of the remake.

>> No.8542986

My gun!

>> No.8543504

You are the fake news. You are injecting your personal view on the totality of it. PD was generally known as the better GE, even if it's nowhere as popular as GE.

>> No.8543787

It's just your view vs mine mate but at least I'm not being a girl about it and pretending "everyone agrees with me"

>> No.8544101

Goldeneye sold more
Anyone who played Perfect Dark knows it was better

>> No.8544106

>You are injecting your personal view on the totality of it.
>Anon #1: This is what everyone thought back then.
>Anon #2: Well I didn't, not even back then.
>Anon #1: No.
Riveting discussion.

>> No.8544920

Fair enough fagolas. I'm not the same poster as >>8541001 but the way I read it was that he was speaking as a consensus, which PD being a complete step up from GE IS the consensus.

Sure, he said "anyone alive", but that's hyperbole. Every time someone says "everyone" they are aware of exceptions but I'll let you faggot ass niggas get off on that technicality.

>> No.8545108

Ok nerd. Perfect Dark is ass get over it loser.

>> No.8545238

can I play online with people

>> No.8545764

it's just not the consensus though. It's what about half of people think. do a fucking survey.

Do you even understand what you're trying to 'prove' here? That 'more modern' games with their choices and 'better features' etc are naturally and obviously objectively improvements. If that's what you think, why are you on /vr/? Why would you ever want to play cs1.6 when there's fortnight for example. Perfect dark is like fortnight in that it took something that worked, added some more detail but also implemented a totally different style, a different intention, that is not an extension or improvement of the one of cs1.6. And it's actually a bit a of a gay style

>> No.8545775


>> No.8545792

People need to understand that goldeneye was transcendent because it was implemented by a genius programmer who quit rare after that and went and off to the jungles of burma to become enlightened.
PD was mere mortals inheriting that tech and trying to improve on it. They couldn't, really so they just added stuff. Like a boss battle

>> No.8545832

Literally what about Goldeneye is so genius in it’s programming or better than Perfect Dark?

Literally every gameplay and technical component of the game far outstrips anything in Goldeneye, Goldeneye literally has brand recognition, being early in the consoles life, and not requiring an expansion pack as the only reasons it’s more popular than Perfect Dark.

>> No.8546028

No Billy, you can't play with people.

>> No.8546075

and people claim re4 was the first to do localized damage.

>> No.8546082

Do they? MGS 2 did that as well

>> No.8546096

This, by the time Perfect Dark came out the PS2 had become the dominant console.

Also Perfect Dark was the "I have no friends" version of Golden Eye, bcuz its main feature was programmable bots so you could play multiplayer by yourself with semi-decent or hilarious AI.

>> No.8546107

didn't have the james bond brand to carry it, then ms-rare killed it, now crystal dynamics are making a new game that will most certainly suck given their horrendous track record these last 15 years

>> No.8546112

you mean mgs2

>> No.8546123

Deus Ex did it a year before MGS2.

>> No.8546139

masses pointed out mgs2 over the other games on this, but this goes even further back

>> No.8546175

Didn't Goldeneye do it in '97?

>> No.8546813

>what in its programming is better than Perfect Dark?
Holy shit man, can you really be this retarded? Perfect Dark uses the code from Goldeneye. Do you not understand this? With a few tacked on features that add mostly lag.

You wrote the word 'literally' three times in your short post to the point that you sound deranged, so I worry that you really won't understand anything but under the hood the goldeneye engine was a revolution in things like doing hit detection on drawn geometry where games at that time (and after) use invisible boxes. So in GE you will shoot a guy's hand if the pixel is his hand. Not some loose area around his whole body. There were many more things like this that were done at a complete different level to the stuff that was out

Perfect dark was like some local mechanics taking this porsche and adding a spoiler, stickers and a big heavy subwoofer that made the body drag on the ground

>> No.8546821

someone has a raging hard on for PD&GE here.

almost as bad as the New Vegas autists on /v/

>> No.8546856

How so? PD has an average frame rate of 10FPS and dips as low as 6FPS

>> No.8547571

It's a better GE. Pretty dumb to be a GEfag and hate on PD. Is it because people acknowledge it's better?

>it's just not the consensus though. It's what about half of people think. do a fucking survey.
Didn't read the rest, revisionism or zoomer. It's not even debatable that it's a step up. They built on GE and enhanced it.

>> No.8548323

right there with you, anon. pd0 was straight awful horseshit.

>> No.8548327

I wouldn't waste your breath with those retards kek

>> No.8549467

Yeah, so Perfect Dark still uses the system created by Goldeneye and enhances it, LITERALLY what I said. Never argued Goldeneye wasn’t revolutionary or good, just that “programming” ain’t a reason for Perfect Dark being less popular you fucking retard.

Also, Perfect Dark having the ability to shoot guns out of the hands of enemies is a pretty big jump in quality.

>> No.8549769

PD came out in June 2000. Ps2 came out in November 2000 and wasn't a really big deal until 2002. (Late 2001 if we're being generous). PD was still being played in earnest in 2002. Not everyone bought a 6rh gen console at launch.

>> No.8549992

Ah man, the slayer! My sister and I used to have slayer-only matches, no player movements unless to get ammo. You'd just fire the rocket and try to find the other person in the map.
Then we'd get bored and attempt to thread them between each other's legs. Good fucking times.

>> No.8549998

Get her!
For God's sake, someone hit her!

>> No.8550021

>Ps2 came out in November 2000 and wasn't a really big deal until 2002.
You disingenuous lying fuck. The PS2 launch was the biggest event in vidya history up until that point. People were scalping them for 5x the price on eBay, they were sold out everywhere, and niggers we're robbing and killing people for them. It was a massive deal, more so than the failure known as the 64.

>> No.8550280

Trying to fire the slowed down rockets through the warehouse tunnels was nuts. The Warehouse was the best imo, always camping with the bouncing grenades at the left side of the stairs. Even hard Sims never stood a chance. My favorite level alongside the complex with it's crows nest, trying to glitch onto the roof with explosives. Good times.

>> No.8550292

Sims running after you covered in proxy mines like a suicide bomber. Trying to shoot them before they get too close, Shoot one that looks like Carrington in the face and watch him explode taking four others with him. kek.

>> No.8550753


>Be 12
>Friends and I boot up combat simulator
>create KazeSim (charges and chases a target)
>Dress it in a trenchcoat
>Call it "Pedo"
>Create CowardSim (runs away from opponents)
>Give it little alien body with a human head
>Call it "Child"
>Turn off all weapons. Fists only.
>Start the game
>Dumbarse preteens wet ourselves laughing watching the pedo chase the child around the map

I had so much damn fun with this game back in the day.

>> No.8551880

It was a pretty big deal but in late 2000 PS1, N64 dream cast and game boy color were still going strong. Ps2 was out but as I say it was thru 2001 and into 2002 it became more dominant and ubiquitous. Its launch line up wasn't blow away amazing either

You are the disingenuous one by suggesting
1) perfect dark was impacted by launch of ps2
This is patently untrue as the ps2 wasn't out for another 6 month, and besides would be another 12-24 month before it was the juggernaut it would become.
2) other flaming spam BS about n64 failing and personal insults - not even gonna bother with this

3) only fps for ps2 at that time would be TimeSplitters 1 and I don't remember TS1 setting the world alight

>> No.8551893

I never claimed PD was affected by PS2. That was my first post in this thread. Suck my cock

>> No.8551902
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>> No.8551960

The fact that PD can be played on a fucking emulator at 60fps proves that it was expertly programmed since the beginning. You can put the blame on console limitations, not the developers, who are bloody wizards.

>> No.8552002

>bloody wizards

>> No.8552023

because you needed the ram pack to play it

>> No.8552029

PD is a 60fps game running on a 7fps console. You got that right.

>> No.8552038


>> No.8552045

Man I adore Perfect Dark but it's far from what I'd consider to be underrated.

>> No.8552071
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Nobody I know, myself included, would rather play Goldeneye over Perfect dark. Not at the time and not now.
Also Eveline Fischer's performance is probably my favorite in a video game. Rare's decisions of using regular people for various things like the voice acting, and the motion capture, really add to the game imo. It was likely unintentional, but there's something about how casual everything was that really sells me in an immersive sense.


>> No.8552104

No one ever claimed that.

>> No.8552162

I don't know what the other degenerates are talking about, this game rocked and it still holds up. As for why it isn't as well known, I'm guessing it is the mature rating.

>> No.8552167

It's sad how there are so few games like goldeneye and perfect dark. There were a few 007 games from EA and timesplitters, of course, but then the fps genre leaned towards military shooters, cinematic experiences (thanks to the success of hl) and half assed halo clones. I'm afraid the PD reboot will follow modern trends and become a linear cinematic experience with 2 weapon limit, "press A to take down enemy", and pretty much every other trope in modern games.

I get that zoomers wouldn't want to play well structured single player campaing focused on replayability, but why aren't the indies doing something in the genre instead of hundreds of generic metroidvanias and hundreds of generic souls like games?

>> No.8552174

yeah, just like GTA 3 never became popular due to its mature rating so kids couldn't play it... wait...

>> No.8552214
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>14yo me
>Play Perfect Dark until no stone is left unturned
>Gather with friends on the weekends
>We do the challenges, one by one
>One player, two players, three players, four players
>Develop sick strategies to beat the challenges
>Three player challenge 29 takes fucking hours to complete, tough as nails
>Don't matter because all we kids do is play 24/7

God bring me back

>> No.8552230

If you claim that, you weren't there when it launched.
>God tier ost and sound effects
>Smart, challenging missions
>Tons of different ways to enjoy multiplayer
>Playing alone? No problem, here's some motherfucking tough bots for ya
>Shot impacts show on enemy animations (pretty new thing at the time)
>3D like no other console could reproduce at that time

The only real competition Perfect Dark had at the time was Counter-Strike, which, bear in mind, was still pretty unaccessible to kids back then, you had to pay by the hour at a lan house to play with older, weed-smoking, bum kids

>> No.8552243

>N64-exclusive by RARE
Pick one.

>> No.8552256

>why aren't the indies doing something in the genre instead of hundreds of generic metroidvanias and hundreds of generic souls like games?

Because that requires real creativity and real effort, anon.

>> No.8552337

Half-Life isn't cinematic.

>> No.8552429

>PS2 wasn’t a big deal til 2002.
Nigga it was the biggest launch of all time day 1. Even if you wanna argue “muh games” by Early to Mid 2001 it was already a beast.

>> No.8552434

Nigga you can get all N64 games to run at 60fps with Emulators. I did Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 in 60fps.

If they were wizards it wouldn’t have run at 6 fps in the first place

>> No.8552436

it's also a good game with a great modding scene unlike perfect shart.
Console shooters were never good.
Not even Powerslave.

>> No.8552437

hl2 was the beggining of the modern shooter campaign trope. Scripted events and so on.

>> No.8552446

you didn't specify which game

>> No.8552468


>> No.8552515
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I absolutely infuriates me that the amount of customization this game brought to multiplayer did not become industry standard. In fact most modern games lack multiplayer features that were at one industry standard. They just know they can keep stripping features because the next generation that grows up will be oblivious to everything that has been removed or butchered in the past 15 years.

>> No.8552537

Shooters moved on to online gameplay which centered around competive matches and not dumb kiddy shit (big head mode, paint ball, slappers)

>> No.8552826

>It's sad how there are so few games like goldeneye and perfect dark
Boomie pls, this shit is practically unplayable because it doesn't even let you aim and optimal play involves memorizing the best route through the level and doing the console equivalent of w+m1

>> No.8552901


>> No.8552909

Yeah if PD Zero was good they could have kept the franchise going

>> No.8552910
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defend this

>> No.8552915

Soulless Vaseline vs Crispy 360 SOVL

>> No.8552916

i hate these redesigns so much. The worst offenders are the cyclone, K7 avenger and AR-34, but most of them were changed for the worst. I also don't like how you can't mix and match female bodies with male heads in multiplayer and how there are less face options in general.

>> No.8552929

they had plans for a sequel to the original called perfect dark core, but it was cancelled around 2007 cause MS was focusing on other games at the time and they felt like they didn't need another shooter. From what Chris Seavor has told, the game would have some neat ideas and a great storyline involving the maians becoming the enemies now.

>> No.8553013

Just play it on Rare Replay if you want the left.

>> No.8553016

>maians becoming the enemies now.
Sounds like dogshit to me honestly.

>> No.8553059

one of the ugliest quake 2 games ever

>> No.8553073

None of the guns are improved, but what the hell is up with the K7? It genuinely looks like a graphical step down.

>> No.8553078

why? the maians were never meant to be friends of humanity, they were only interested in defeating the skedar.

Somehow the plot may be reused for the new perfect dark that's coming out, as the first level of perfect dark core was supposed to be set in egypt and the plot had something to do with a united world trade organization trying to plot against president carrignton. The trade organization is responsible for controlling all the food distribution around the globe, and in the new perfect dark datadyne seems to have something to do with controlling the world food production too. So, maybe the new perfect dark is actually perfect dark core.

>> No.8553101

also, what seems to be cassandra de vries' daughter, Mia, would become jo's ally in the game.

>> No.8553102
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There isn't anything that hasn't already been said.
You just like seeing arguments on repeat.

>> No.8553103

so the game is good?

>> No.8553105

I really second what these anons are saying. I grew up with GE and PD (and the EA 007 games/TimeSplitters) and I just thoguht that type of FPS would continue and get better. 8 bots? How about 10 in TS2? What next? 20 bots? Even more Easter eggs? Even more creative inventive weaponry and level design? And charm?

I have literally never played a FPS since Timesplitters 3. (I did like xiii but it was before TS3). They went in a direction I just can't follow. Two guns , regenerative health, default controls mapped to left-stick-strafe (just not my bag, fine if there's the option to change back, but fuck the game if you cant), no more cool inventive weaponry and AI sims stopped being a thing. Online took over but what if you can't get a lobby going? What if you want to play Mw2? Can't get a game of it. And as for solo player? GE and PD solo is endlessly replayable. Each difficulty settings is like a different level in most cases. The multiplayer was endlessly customizable. Really the options were basically endless. Getting the cheats, the target range, the Challenges .. then there were some secrets in there too - finding all the cheese, anyone? Then there's there's charm - where is the charm? The quirkiness? The humour? These grey/brownscale forgettable poor-mans-hollywood style games we get now, they blend into one, with all the same control engines and lifeless plot and zero local multiplayer. A linear solo player where difficulty just increases enemies and not objectives. Fuck modern FPS, honestly.

I was disappointed in the direction FPS went in, but oh well. Still got these classics.

>> No.8553124

Can't make money off normie FOMO if you just give people options to actually play the game on their own terms

>> No.8553281

they used to put effort in those games. Now they just need to make a half assed campaign full of cinematics for normies to feel like they are watching a movie and to make an online mode where the developeres don't need to program AI or care about customization and such. If a game has creative weapons and levels with multiple objectives there are more than just "move forward and shoot" then the normies will find it way too complicated and won't buy the game.

I remember when i had my xbox 360 and i was desperate for a FPS with splitscreen and bots and there were none other than PDZ (which sucked). When bots started appearing again at the start of the xbox one gen (like if it was a great feat, and not something we already had way back in the n64) the AI was laughbly poor in games like call of duty. And till this day Halo hasn't implemented bots yet. So, most shooters of the era have most of their content lost forever cause it's impossible to play multiplayer when there are no one playing online. That's actually good for the developers cause they force people to buy the next game of the moment, but it sucks for the consumer.

I love halo for what it is, i loved far cry 3, and doom 2016 is amazing, but none of these modern shooters have the charm or are as fun to play as the Rare and free radical shooters of the day.

>> No.8553312

rareniggers always act like their gay games invented bots
i was playing dook64 with dukebots before perfect shart was even a thing

>> No.8553318

>a fucking emulator
An emulator that was built based on years upon years of research into a console that had no released documentation for the longest time, running on a modern day computer.
N64 still sucks though.

>> No.8553695

I think you would enjoy Borderlands 2 anon.

>> No.8553718

>Goalposts moved.

>> No.8553749
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>> No.8553912

Palgeic? Red suspender outfit?
I know not everyone puts effort into memes but you'd think if you were going to the effort to make and share this you'd learn the basics of English. Maybe they'd do better if they read more word page stacks.

>> No.8554951

>Til this day Halo hasn’t implemented bots
There’s actually bots in Halo Infinite. Pretty decent bots as well.

>> No.8555067
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> These grey/brownscale forgettable poor-mans-hollywood style games we get now, they blend into one, with all the same control engines and lifeless plot and zero local multiplayer. A linear solo player where difficulty just increases enemies and not objectives. Fuck modern FPS, honestly.

Have you played an FPS in like… 7 years? Because the brown/gray military shooter died off like nearly a decade ago. Even the newer CoDs ain’t always like that.

You got the new Dooms, Shadow Warrior, Dusk, Ultrakill, Titanfall, Destiny (not my favorite but still) Overwatch and plenty of others that have plenty of charm and color along with deeper gameplay and local multiplayer

Also funnily enough, CoD itself had local multiplayer, not support, customization, and even quirky side modes like Zombies since like 2011, so how out of touch are you?

>> No.8555516

Do you play this, Golden Eye and Time Splitters with or without auto aim?

>> No.8555540

Can you kill him in that level?

>> No.8555548

you can kill him everywhere, the only scripted miyamoto is in the intro cutscene to that level.

his head is randomized everywhere else.

>> No.8556325

With PC auto-aim off, on the original system with it on. I don’t know how anyone can do it otherwise.

>> No.8556332


>> No.8556454

>Titanfall 2 not having immense charm and heart
Guarantee you haven’t even played it.

>> No.8556506
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>tfw no PD movie adaptation with comfy x-files mood and big booba main character
It hurts

>> No.8556554

The only time I've ever spent 40 minutes on a mission when playing for completion is the first time I've done Deep Sea in Agent because I thought you had to kill all the baby Skedar before carrying on.

>> No.8556570

Goldeneye was one of the first and probably the first well known one to do it.

>> No.8556779

On the free version? Is there splitscreen already? I heard splitscreen would come at a later date.

>> No.8556782

>Dooms, Shadow Warrior, Dusk, Ultrakill, Titanfall, Destiny (not my favorite but still) Overwatch
none of the FPS you mentioned have local multipalyer.

>> No.8556792

yes. And in the remaster version his face was replaced for Peter Molyneux's.

>> No.8556802

In a FPS game, goldeneye was the first to do it. In gaming in general, virtua cop has done it before and was actually the source of inspiration for the goldeneye team to implement it

>> No.8556807

The movie came out and this one had a sexy girl on it. I was in my teens when this hit, so I didn't want to get anything like Bloodrayne marketing and the Goldeneye movie was the most heavily fucking marketed thing there was merch all over.

>> No.8556835

For me I just didn't find it as fun. Who could forget the first level in golden eye with the truck moving along and the dam jump. In comparison PD is more generic buildings like you would see in a lot of games already. Everything is blue and purple, not as interesting to explore as golden eye but there were still some nice areas such as the villa area.

>> No.8556853

for single player, I have more FUN with goldeneye, no doubt. The levels are much more memorable and is way more focused in pushing forward shooting everything on the way. Still, Perfect dark overall is a MUCH better game and it also has some memorable levels such as the villa, area 51 and air force 1.

>> No.8556872

From my personal experience Perfect Dark carried some value well after the PS2 launched. My neighbor owned a PS2 and he would still come over to play PD with me against simulants, there was nothing like it.

Personally Goldeneye has a more consistently good single player. For me PD goes to shit after the Crash Site level, what a bummer.

>> No.8556903

c'mom, pelagic is amazing. But i agree the other levels after the crash site are kinda lame, but they are the last few of the game. Too bad the bonus levels are not as fun as the ones in goldeneye. PD just use the same old levels in different ways.

>> No.8556935

pelagic deez nuts

>> No.8557065
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>> No.8557072

last time I saw it was 98 on metacritics. What happened?

>> No.8557375
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probably the tranny constantly posting PD hate threads over here.

>> No.8557621
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PD's opening level had an awesome concept, which was sneaking around the outside of a building capping office workers through the windows. However for 9/11 or maybe just technical reasons, they couldn't make it happen so they just dropped you on the roof and you had to actually slog *through* the boring office floors which wasn't fun.

See jo on the ledge here

>> No.8557636

>for 911
but the game came out on may 2000.

>> No.8557645

yeah i am just speculating about the reason. technical reasons then or even gameplay but that's hard to imagine since the result couldn't really be more boring
>inb4 some webm of fun reactions from shooting a guy in this level
yeah that's any level man. that's just the game engine

>> No.8557647

What's that from?

What's going on in that picture?!

>> No.8557670

i'm pretty sure it's from the tv commercial for the game.

why it would be better for Jo to sneak outside the building windows? What would have happened if she's caught? mission failure? or the guards would start shotting so she would have to enter through the window to fight back? cause then the level would become the exact same as we've got, right? It would be really boring to have a forced stealth mission at the start of the game, and i don't see how it would make it any better. PD is not metal gear and shouldn't be.

>> No.8557726

>PD is not metal gear
>looks at everything else in pd that's clearly directly inspired by that

>> No.8557756

>its boring
>>inb4 a webm showing that its fun
>yeah but that's any level

>> No.8557803

I'm saying the design of that level is boring so showing that you can shoot .... wait fuck off why am I replying lol.
Anyway I'm not even going to engage with people someone who just stumbled onto PD and never really played GE because of course you like what introduced you to the it and then look at the originator as 'more rudimentary' with your tainted perspective. That'd be like me maintaining my dumb kid view that Alien is the lesser movie because it doesn't have alien vs marine fights.
(PD isn't Aliens though it's Terminator 3)

>> No.8558016

I owned and played Goldeneye for years before PD came out. I prefer PD.

>> No.8558150

Yeah it's the kino tv ad look it up on YouTube

>> No.8558234

not possible. unless you played it in some kind of inattentive way like, not even beating it and playing with 1.1 control style. One guy on here once was saying stuff like this and then though he would just be fine to say he didn't beat Secret Agent. He thought that was normal

>> No.8558281


>> No.8558525

>looks at everything else in pd that's clearly directly inspired by that
sorry but i can't see it. Mind to list those things?

>> No.8559623

Yeah there is, split screen coming soon. You can get bots in the training area.

Ironically enough, CoD does. Split screen and bots.

>> No.8559807

Dude you didn't answer his question. He asked why you thought they did that and you stated 9/11 as the reason even though that was a year ahead. Unless you're being a schizo and implyingnthey hade foreknowledge of the event you need to elaborate more clearly.

>> No.8560298

It's very clear man. Speculating about why they didn't do the outside the building thing - because there's no info available -
'hmm, was the game released around that terror thing? Could have been that. '
>that was after
'Ok then not that'

>> No.8560918

Hate to be that guy but uhm, akshullay, the "Miyamoto" head doesn't actually appear among the various randomized enemy AI heads. Ever. You can shoot him in the multiplayer (combat simulator it's called in the game). I'm sure Sean Malmstrom does it every night. Lol.

Some heads were only available in multiplayer mode. The main heads that are randomly given to enemy AI in single player are mostly the faces of the development team who put themselves in . They wanted you to be able to link to Pefect Dark on the GBC and take a GB Camera photo of yourself and map yourself in but due to controversial nature of this it was dropped.
They also, by the way wanted you to reload the gun by taking the Rumble Pak in and out. This was deemed clunky and pointless but its still cool.

Just the sheer amount of ideas , creativity and wit in these Rare games is unreal really when you compare to what passes for games in some places.

>> No.8560958

god what a nerd

>> No.8561506

>not possible.
Sure it is.