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8531184 No.8531184 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong with Resident Evil

>> No.8531245 [DELETED] 
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>Resident Evil 5: Shoot niggers LMAO
bumping for interest

>> No.8531253

Nothing at all. RE4 is a perfectly fine game

>> No.8531297

You wanted Resident Evil 6 after Veronica?

>> No.8531302

Isn’t it explained that they just testified in court and that helped bring them down?

>> No.8531319

They told you what they were going to do. What more do you want?

>> No.8531425
File: 1.34 MB, 854x480, objection.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, makes sense. That's probably the most grounded thing that's ever happened in RE universe, no wonder they skipped it.
They could've made a visual novel spin off, though:
Phoenix Wright: Justice Reigns File #1
Phoenix Wright: Reign Falls File #2
the joke is rain, because Umbrella, and their downfall

>> No.8531442

Code Veronica's story was awful, RE4 made the right choice by trying to invalidate it. Too bad it didn't last.

>> No.8531515

But Umbrella didn't get taken down, they just went bankrupt

>> No.8531557 [DELETED] 

Don't you guys get tired of this? The last RE4 thread made me realize that I hate RE4 fans more than I hate RE4. I can't handle arguing about the same shit over and over again any longer.

>> No.8531582

I thought in the RE4 intro there was something mentioned about congressional hearings after Raccoon City was wiped out. Umbrella turns out to be responsible for the outbreak, they lose their contracts, then go under.

>> No.8531623 [DELETED] 

I don't think OP is a resi 4 fan, anon.

>> No.8531643 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but it's a thread talking about old RE and nuRE. It's going to turn into a shit fest eventually.

>> No.8531657

funny because it was wesker who testified against umbrella

>> No.8531659

then I guess I have to post that image about entering a thread full of things one doesn't like. can't find it though.

>> No.8531745

>RE5 is racist, why are they shooting Africans????
>added some Mexicans and a crackhead
>didn't cut the level where you massacre infected abbos
lmfao based fucking nips
Yeah, they basically went underwent the Nuremberg trials including the US government siphoning the most useful talent and the actual leaders not being punished

>> No.8531802
File: 379 KB, 2000x2000, becca_casual2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can take down umbrella,
but you cant take down wesker and rebecca

>> No.8531807

people that short are never that skinny
goddamnit I want more realism in my zombie games

>> No.8531858

capcom knew the story had gone completely off the rails, so they decided to ignore it to great success, at least until they remembered it in re5 and went back to retard mode

>> No.8531870

ask me how i know youre american

>> No.8531892

you're thinking of the wrong kind of skinny

>> No.8531895

It was Mikami using Resident Evil to make his weird ass Evil Dead rip off experiment

>> No.8531902

>What went wrong with Resident Evil

Unironically, poor writing.

>> No.8531907 [DELETED] 


RE5 was fun though

>> No.8531908 [DELETED] 

I get unlimited ammo for a few guns and replay the first level, killing every nigger that spawns. Thanks Capcom, feels so good

>> No.8531918

This is why self contained stories are much better, you timeline assholes always complain about shit
Name one long running series that has kept its quality while keeping the same storyline going

>> No.8531921

metal gear solid

>> No.8531926

just forget I wrote 'solid' there

>> No.8531960

>evil corporation dies a pathetic, fitting death offscreen

RE4 is perfect.

>> No.8531971

Honestly fuck Lore fags
it is literally the cause of death of good writing

>> No.8531985
File: 368 KB, 1500x1200, 17 - 4EUtCrk - Hilbert Krueger 1st (Alfred Ashford).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if you're wondering about why RE's story played out the way it did after CV, the reason is that the post-RE2 games kept getting rebooted/reworked along with the story writers ultimately leaving before RE4 was rebooted for the final time.

Code Veronica was supposed to be a "taking out Umbrella" game in the very beginning with a plot involving STARS investigating Umbrella in Europe before they decided to change it to be about Claire searching for Chris. RE4 was meant to be the "taking out Spencer" game with Tony Redgrave (Dante) in the DMC build investigating Spencer's castle and discovering the Progenitor virus; the Castle and Hookman versions of RE4 had pretty much the same premise but with Leon in Tony Redgrave's place. The Castle and Hookman versions ended up getting canceled because of technical problems.

Shortly after RE4's development was rebooted once again the writers who had written for the RE series starting with RE2 (Noboru Sugimura and Yasuhisa Kawamura) left the series, although their departure was not related RE4's troubled development. When this happened, Mikami took over story responsibilities for RE4 and came up with a premise that was mostly divorced from the plots of the previous games.

>> No.8532001

I didn't know umbrella were nazis
is everyone a nazi nowadays?

>> No.8532021
File: 174 KB, 1536x2048, 20rwb9ip81881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, is umbrella real?
I used a bottle of sauce yesterday, am I infected now?

>> No.8532046

yes mate, you'll be australian this time next week.

>> No.8532049

but, I always woz

>> No.8532053

that's right, you being infected has nothing to do with the sauce you used.

>> No.8532067

I just pictured the australian wojak on the beach eating a snag and turning his head like the first zombie on RE1

>> No.8532269

Yer a DOUBLE Aussie now, mate.

>> No.8532298

>autists keep spamming RE4 hate threads? it's all the RE4 fanbase's fault!
You're not very bright.

>> No.8532315

There's tons of remnants of that plot point still in CV. They must have cut it very late in development.

>> No.8532325 [DELETED] 

5 >>> 4

>> No.8532329 [DELETED] 

Nu-/v/ is just RE4 and New Vegas threads all over again.

>> No.8532385 [DELETED] 

The first Internet chimpout before the dystopia of 2010-present

>> No.8532413

How do you "take down" Umbrella? RE4 was the perfect next logical step, the company officially folds but all the researchers and senior members flee into the shadows. The company was destroyed by now their data might go into the wrong hands, like the Plagas cultists, because of Wesker. He was the last loose end. RE5 at least tried to move the series forward with Tricell and tying up the Wesker stuff. It would have been a great breakaway and chance to start telling new stories. Too bad RE6 shit the bed and we'll just continue to get Chris, Leon, Ada, Claire and Jill for the rest of time.

>> No.8532447

>what if hitomi, but perfect

>> No.8532453

faggot moment

>> No.8532472

Nothing. What are you even talking about? I mean, it sucks that they stopped making RE games after CV, but hey, at least we didn't get to see the franchise deteriorate and devolve into a shitty shooty-shooty bang-bang series just to pander to the CoD kiddies.

>> No.8532520
File: 314 KB, 800x1200, re1 end screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, Umbrella was supposed to have gone under after RE1! The original story for RE2 (RE 1.5) was even going to have that be the case. Then when they rebooted development and got a new writer for the series (Noboru Sugimura), he decided to bring Umbrella back so they could be the recurring villainous organization for RE. Sugimura had envisioned that Umbrella would be to RE like what SPECTRE is to the James Bond franchise.

>> No.8532681

>we'll just continue to get Chris, Leon, Ada, Claire and Jill for the rest of time

They can't do that until the end of the time. They're going to be pushing their 60s soon.

>> No.8533459

>Sugimura had envisioned that Umbrella would be to RE like what SPECTRE is to the James Bond franchise.

>> No.8533506

She’ll never be as sexy as Jill.

>> No.8533507

That’s a fate worse than becoming a zombie.

>> No.8533923 [DELETED] 

Here’s your (you)

>> No.8533931

>”It’s up to us to take down Umbrella!” says Chris as he flies a jet plane out of an exploding arctic facility
>immediately sets the plane down and starts filling at court documents as well as arranging an attorney

This is more likely what happened

>> No.8533949

I don't think Umbrella was this huge international corporation in the first game either. It comes across more like a local/regional thing.

>> No.8533957

the name 'umbrella' was an odd choice in the localisation, then.

>> No.8533968

>say they are going to take them down
>they do
>some how you are upset

>> No.8534078

Code Veronica story even at its worst is still better than RE4 story.

>> No.8534085

And then he made a rip off of that rip off

>> No.8534104

This, but unironically. That's why I played Umbrella Chronicles.

>> No.8534114 [DELETED] 

I can't believe that was actual drama surrounding re5.
It was so fucking stupid.

>> No.8534129

Reboot again. Just keep rebooting.

>> No.8534146 [DELETED] 

is this a good game?
thought RE4 was just OK

>> No.8534147 [DELETED] 

why was nobody upset when he was murdering spaniards :(

>> No.8536467 [DELETED] 



>> No.8536987 [DELETED] 

I do that also.

>> No.8537040

Resident Evil never had a plot, but goddamn if RE4's isn't terrible.

>> No.8537131

It's worse than 4 in every way. Also, they rehashed a lot of animations.

>> No.8537135

RE4 doesn't even have a story.

>> No.8537142


>> No.8537152

>The president's daughter has been kidnapped
>Send one dude with a pistol

>> No.8537161

it's amazing with a friend, maybe not in the exact way the developers intended. gunplay feels good and the shit that happens story-wise is just fucking funny, collectibles are fun to look for. replayed it for a bit by myself at one point and it was just so-so, not "i see why people hated it" bad but not amazing

>> No.8537201

They kept sending in helicopters but they kept being shot down.

>> No.8537638
File: 889 KB, 276x240, 1603165092677.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully they didn't try and recreate umbrella under several different names and pointlessly connect the rest of the series to this failed plot point.

>> No.8537693

hating on re4 is a retard test
usually people who hate it have shit takes on everything
like people who think gen 4 and 5 are the peak of pokemon

>> No.8537702

It's a very easy to use filter for the popular = bad crowd as well.

>> No.8538313

>people that short are never that skinny

I've known a few Asian girls that are like 5'2 and have a body type like Rebecca.

>> No.8538327

>I didn't know umbrella were nazis

I think just the Ashcroft family has Nazi ancestors, as Alfred is clearly German. I actually really liked Alfred and Alexia. Alfred was really unhinged and one of the better human villains in the series. Like, he could have appeared in other games. I like him more than the Napoleon wanna be in RE4.